Printer - Windows Cannot Open Help And Support Because System Service Not Running
Jul 20, 2009
My printer won't work and when I try to diagnose the situation I get message that says, "Windows cannot open Help and Supprt because a system service is not running. To fix this problem, start the service named 'Help and Support'". How do I do this?
Got a system I'm looking at for someone I know. They have a file extension issue that I'm not familiar with. Here's what it is and what they think they did to get it that way.Currently all but a couple their shortcuts on the desktop have a .lnk extension attached to them. If you try to double click the shortcut to open the program windows tells you that it can't open the file and askes you what program to use. Here's what they were doing when they noticed this problem.They went into Windows Explorer and accessed the "tools" menu. From there they went to "folder options" and selected the "file types" tab. They clicked to create a new file extension, entered "lnk" for the extension and clicked "ok" Then they selected the new extension from the list and clicked the "advanced" option. In the resulting window they unchecked the "confirm open after download" option and clicked "ok". After going through this sequence they noticed that all of their shortcuts had been modified with this extension. Also now if you create a new shortcut it is automatically given this file extension. They tried going back to the folder options and removing the extension but that hasn't helped the problem any. Changing the name of the shortcut back to the original format doesn't help either.The system is currently running Windows XP with service pack 1.
I am trying to install a Lexmark Z515 printer on my computer and I keep getting a message about USB Printer Support- can't remember the wording but anyway it won'tlet me continue do I need to do anything like enabling the USB ports? Or is there
i am having a couple of problems my help and support will not work say system service not running , i have some copy disks that you have to go to my computer and open the cd drive but all i get when i try to open it there is a key next to it saying safe mode and it will not open.
A colleage has experienced a trojan named 'Killreg'. The trojan has been cleaned but there now is a problem with Windows Help and Support (caused by the Trojan or not, I don't know). The Help and Support program runs but the Help and Support service is not running and not present in the Services list. Does anyone know how to initiate this service please.
whenever i type in msinfo32.exe into the run box i get windows xp help and support... how do i go about viewing msinfo32 instead of the help and support
I'm a tech at a college and am working on this computer that the printer spooler service won't stay started.You start up the machine and go to printers and faxes. There are none listed (of course cause the spooler isn't running) You click on add printer and it tells you that the service isn't running. So you go to run services.msc, printer spooler says it's stopped so you start it. It will then run until you try to print something or go to printers and faxes in the control panel. Basically as soon as you open the window the printer spooler service stops.Does anyone know a fix for this. Last time it happened one of my co-workers found a tool to fix it but we haven't been able to find it since and all the researching I have done leads me nowhere
I'm working on my Father In Laws' computer, and for some reason, we can't open his Help and Support Center. I have searched everywhere to find the right path to get to it, and no luck. It worked recently, but it's gone now. I have gone through the Services.msc looking for anything that may be disabled that would effect it, but nothing so far.
Suddenly my documents folder opens when I log on to my machine. I checked all Startup folders for a shortcut to My Documents but found none. I followed the instructions on kb899865 but everything was as it should have been. I then checked for the trojan �spyware.dlder with MalwareBytes Anti Malware and found nothing. Spyware Blaster also found nothing. About the same time I found I was unable to open help and support, when I tried to correct that I continue to get the message that can not be found. It is not on C or the Windows install disk or SP2 disk. I am really stuck. While it is possible to close the folder after booting it is a pain and I would like to get things operating as they should be. I am running XP Pro. w/sp2.
I am running widows XP with SP2 installed and have never had problems with the 2 printers I have installed. A Lexmark X2250 & HP photosmart 7760 untill we had to take the computer in to have Norton antivirus 2005 update installed. When we got it back I found that both my printers did not work & neather of them showed up in the control panal. When I tried to print I got a message reading "Windows can not connect printer. The printer spooler is not running". I contacted the company that put Norton in & they said they touch the printers. Can anyone help me on how to correct this problem or direct me to where I can get info. on the printer spooler so I can reinstall my printers? I am very new at working on the computer be would like to learn.
First i am using xp, nobody can help me, i called the pritner manufactor, microsoft, and my computer manufactorer. for some reason the spooler service is not running. i try to start and says the depenecy services cannot be started, and i clicked on properties and these one are listed: LexBce server, and remote procedure call. the printer is all in one, and shows up on device manager, and lets me scan, i just cant print, i used to have a lexmark, and im wondering did uninstall correctly and if that s why its giving me problems...also on top of that when i click on start and try to go to help and support it tells me it cannot find the file, same thing when i click on run and type msconfig, cannot find that either. i did a system restore, and it did nothing, i p aid emachines 20 dollars for their "support".....
system running extremely slow and unable to open programs quickly it seems to me there are usually a lot more to these reports than what I am seeing here.I ran the check, then saved the file then opened it in notepad and copied the results here.
i've tried every button, tab, link, place, used Search, check my installation disc but can not get Help & Support Center to open up! it's as if it has just disappeared from the system even though it's listed all over. In the Dell Solution Center it looks like this: Help and Support Find answers to your questions, troubleshooting information, and help performing tasks in the Help and Support Center. but won't open! it won't open from the Help tab at top of page!
I am running a windows XP system. The other day I was uninstalling a piece of software that I had downloaded and wasn't paying attention as I clicked through the prompts and inadvertantly uninstalled it and the sounds for my computer. Is there a way to reverse my blunder and return this computer to its beeping and whirring glory. The computer is my landlords and he is being very restrained in his reaction to my inattentiveness.
Its all started when the malware paytime.exe attacked my pc. It turned off my firewall(SP2 Firewall), real-time virus scanner(Trend microoffice client,not using its firewall, provided by my service provider). With the help of hijackthis, spybot and ewido and also the interent , able to delete paytime.exe and its related files.To this I entered in safe mode. Now I am able to control my firewall. Thats the only success BUT when I click nvmixer.exe in my taskbar, it shows visual C++ runtime error and my virus scanner is saying that officescan client has not started. So in control panel I entered in administrative tools and tried manually to start real time scan process but I failed again. It shows cannot start this process in safe mode.
First off help and support message, when clicked on would not open because it could not find helpctr.exe file in binaries. I have fixed that and started svc service but now when I click on help and support the hour glass flickers but nothing opens. It is not a registry problem because app paths are correct and svc service is started...Why isnt the center coming up on screen?
I have windows xp and i want to play a game but everytime i try to install it it says that it does not support windows NT and I have tried everything your site has said and nothing works! What can I do?
I have a 3 computer network. (A)Host running xp Pro. with printer using Netgear wireless router for internet connection. (B)a desktop running xp home with a printer, and a (C)laptop running Vista with no printer. all of the computers recognize each other when use "view workgroup computers. However, When I try and accesss files or printer of (A) from either (B) or (C), I get a message that path does not exist. I am printing from (C) using printer hooked up to (B). Cananyone tel me how to get a configured so that (B) and (C) can talk to it?
Can anyone tell me how to configure windows media player 10 to work from behind the windows firewall which was installed when i updated to windows service pack2? I am using windows xp and explorer6.0 with verizon dsl 3.0 internet connection.
I have a USB Lexmark X73 Printer/Scanner/Copier. I use WinXP. It has been working just fine, but today when I tried to print something from Word, it said that there were no printers configured. Sure enough, every application just showed that there were no printers.I am sure that the connection is fine, because when I connect and turn on the printer, the Lexmark tray icon changes, but I am not able to print nor edit printing properties.Under Control Panel/Printers, there was nothing. Under the start menu Control Panel/Printers, there was only an Add Printer icon, but when I click on it, an error message pops up saying "Operation could not be completed." I tried to reinstall the driver, but towards the end, a message pops up saying that the printer can not function with out the Spool service running, and that I need to start the Spool service. Checking the task manager, sure enough, there wasn't a Spool task. I tried to run spool.exe and winspool.exe, but nothing happened.
i have a very irritating problem that i have had for about two months running xp 64 bit with , 8500, gigabyte MB, 4 gig of ram for some reason i cannot get the spool service to run, every time i start it it shuts right back is set to automatic and there are no print drivers on this machine in fact i just did a complete reload of the op i was thinking that would cure the did not, i cannot get it to start up, i have searched the web high and low and i have tried everything.i just bought a new hp cp 1215 lazer printer, and it works fine on my other computers.i have two laptops that i print thru a network thru a usb hub and i use this new printer and it works great.but i could not get it to work on this desk i said i did a dump and reformat of the hard drive and loaded xp 64 back on it and tried to load the printer and it could not due to print spooler not running.
I got this dell laptop running xp pro and when I try to log on I get.Unable to log you on because the netlogon service is not running on this machine.This was in safe am I SOL? What I do? I think I may have deleted something out of the registry.I did back it up first and I was going to restore it.but I can't log on.
When I try and open a printer I get the error message "operation could not be completed, print spooler service is not running."I've looked round the forums and tried some things. I can get the spooler service to start by starting it under admin tools, and also by typing 'net start spooler' in the command prompt. It starts up, and for a few seconds it runs and I can access my printer, but within half a minute is stops running again, and I'm back to where I was. So I am unable to print at all.
I run WinXP Pro SP2, and when I initiate the following sequence: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information the Help and Support Center Window comes up. This also happens with Start -> Run -> msinfo32
printer was not printing every other page as it used to do so I called Epson. The Tech had me uninstall my Epson printer with add remove and also from device manager. Then he had me download the latest printer drivers from Epson and them the subject title error message came up. The balance of the error message is: C:WindowsSystem32Autoexec.NT System file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications. Chose Close or Ignore
I loaded windows xp 64 bit but when i tried to install the drivers it tell me setup does not support my operating system.It tell me it only support windows xp an a few others.
In my Event Viewer under "system" I am getting these constant errors logged at about 12 per second with the big red X saying "Service Control Manager, ID 7001." It is happening whenever I am connected to the internet by e-mail or my browser, which is IE7.What in the world is going on?? No noticeable symptoms, except when it first started I was at and my browser (IE) started acting slow and weird. That was fixed when I re-started but the red error thingys are still logging 12 per second under "system" when on e-mail or the internet.
I have a DSL connection, windows says the firewall is on but it is not. I keep getting this error message whenever I try to install it. "Windows Firewall settings can't be displayed because the associated service isn't running, do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connect Sharing (ICS) Service?". I click on yes. Then I get "Windows cannot start the ICS service. I recently installed a 30 McAfee free trial and it worked fine.
When I try to go to the system information page it goes to the Help and Support page instead. I've tried the Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools way and also tried Start/Run/msinfo32.exe and again through the HelpandSupport page and the same thing happens. Have searched the net and found other people who have the same problem and tried some suggestions but nothing has worked so far. I know I can do a re-install but don't want that route if there's no other way.