Printer Was Not Printing -16 Bit Windows Subsystem Error Message
Feb 1, 2009
printer was not printing every other page as it used to do so I called Epson. The Tech had me uninstall my Epson printer with add remove and also from device manager. Then he had me download the latest printer drivers from Epson and them the subject title error message came up. The balance of the error message is: C:WindowsSystem32Autoexec.NT
System file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications. Chose Close or Ignore
Trying to install CD rom program, I get the 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem error message. C:WINNTSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.I found a suggested fix for this, someone sent me to the c:windows..epair file, but my computer can't find that at all. I'm on Windows XP.
I get the following message when I open windows xp and some programs don't work. C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
im attempting to install an application setup.exe file and recieve the following message: 16 bit windows subsytem c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.
when i send a print job from a Windows XP computer, i do not see the printer icon that used to appear on the bottom right hand conner of the screen (where the time is displayed). What setting could have gone wrong?
I downloaded a printer driver from the HP site for windows XP. When I double click on the executable I get this erro 16 bit Windows SubsysteC:WindowsSystem32autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.Since this is the driver HP designates for Aan XP system, I'm assuming something is wrong with my system. I think I may have gotten this in other situations - but it may only have been when I tried to install the same driver earlier.
I have a printer installed but when i try to print it keeps saying if i want to install the printer. And when i click yes it says: Operation could not be completed And when i try to delete my printer it says: Printer cannot be removed. The Print Spooler service is not running. And then i click RUN i type in services.msc and enter. Down the services list i go to Print Spooler and double click it. It says "Service status: Stopped". Well then i click start and after bout 10 seconds it goes back to stopped again
Does anyone know what the problem could be with my printers not printing out envelopes? They will print out a letter but not envelopes though they act like they are printing but nothing prints when they come out in the tray? And, yes I have ink! LOL! Just curious as to what could be the problem.
My printer (Dell A940 All in One) is possessed. It is printing huge blue bars over all colour images and text. Here's a picture.Is there something broken with the printer or does the cartridge need to be replaced?
I have a dell 2400 series PC running XP home edition. My Dell A920 printer stopped working. When I uninstalled and tried to reinstall it, I couldn't get it to reinstall properly. I used the original CD and I also downloaded a driver from Neither worked. I tried to install a new Samsung ML-2010 printer. I used the included CD. It finished the install and when I tried to print the test page, it wouldn't print. It appears in the print queue as "printing" but never prints. When I reboot, I see a message on the system tray saying new hardware detected, there was trouble on the install and new device may not work correctly. I tried to do a repair from the enclosed Samsung CD but it didn't fix the problem. When it tried to print the test page, it said "not responding" in the blue bar across the top of the page
I keep getting this error message when I boot. The entire message says, "windows explorer has encountered an error and needs to close." When I close the box, i lose my desktop, and can't run a bunch of programs, including the "run" option. I am able to run my browsers and get on the web. I did do a system restore, and it worked at first, but then on the next reboot, i got the error message again. Did another system restore, same thing.
I am trying to load a family tree programme on my laptap(xp) Successfully loaded on my desktop (xp).When I try to run the cd i get.16 bit windows subsystem.C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt..The system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows.choose close to terminate the application
Every time they log on to the computer, there are 2 pop up messages that come up. They both say "Can't run 16-bit Windows program -- Insufficient memory to run this application. Quit one or more Windows applications and then try again."
I am trying to delete a game that kids put on my comp. but it gives me 16 bit windows subsystem . the message says c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt The system file is not sutable fpr running MSDOS and microsoft window applications and options of close or ignore.
In IE7 (Windows XP-sp2 Dell 3000 Intel Celeron D-330)Kept getting Windows Error message when surfing, saying Windows has caused an error and has to close then given choice of sending report.Also had problems with hyperlinks in IE, only showing blank page, or sometimes nothing at all happens when I click on a link. So I did a uninstall/reinstall of IE6-sp2. Then downloaded IE7 from Microsoft, downloaded C-Cleaner, and AVG anti-virus. No viruses or malicious targets have been detected. Attempted to download AdAware but Windows said it was not a valid WIN32 application. Now, I get continual "Runtime Error" messages, asking "do I want to debug?" Have run a few registry keys per Bob Cerelli's notes, and "regsvr32 msjava.dll" failed. Also "regsvr32 mshtml.dll" loaded, but entry point could not be found. I have tried to set the ActiveX compatibility in the registry, but ActiveX is not listed in the registry keys.The only quick fix I found for IE does not support IE7.
My system is slow, Malwarebytes came back with error 714 (0,9), so uninstalled using add/remove programs - but even that continually showed error code thru process. Have now reinstalled Malwarebytes and running scan - nothing detected on scan yet. Tried to print on Dell 924 Photo printer (which has worked fine for 5 years) and came back printing error. Tried to add/remove MS SQL 2005 program, wouldn't allow me to uninstall. this program had error messages at startup, wasn't even sure what it was or how it got on the system, so decided to uninstal after inquiring on techguy software forum. but it wouldn't let me uninstal it. I think the program was probably related to high school technology class with the boys.
I'm trying to uninstall CDRWIN to get another version and when I click on the uninstall option, this message pops up : C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXE.NT The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows application.Choose 'close' to terminate the application. When I close that message it goes away and nothing else happens.I can't do the uninstall.
I just loaded a game on my pc and when i went to play it i got this error message C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose "close" to terminate the application. It has come up before and i can't figure it out
My mom started getting this message on her machine last week suddenly. I am not quite sure what to do about it, but I was going to try and reinstall adobe acrobat reader. Here's the message The instruction at Ox5ad71531reference memory at 0x00000001. The memory cannot be read. I am not sure which one is the culprit, but any help is appreciated. System restore did not work out either.
I tried to do COMPLETE Windows XP (Home) reinstall and at first it went ok (I think), but while restarting it gave me this error message:<windowsroot>system 32hal.dll
Every time I try to open a web link from my screen I get an error message that says "Windows cannot find, http// ... make sure you typed name correctly ...". Option is to click on OK, but right after message appears it will open the page and I can open all the other net links normally, but not internal pages until message is gone. I've re-installed Firefox. Only thing I haven't done is re-install windows.
i bought a mobo and cpu combo at frys. built my pc up. tried to install windows. but i got an error message saying "if this is your first time getting this error,, please restart the installlation.if the porblem persists, please uninstall any new drivers or remove any new hardware." so i tried a bunch of stuff. and finally i got a new mobo and cpu. windows installed fine; then i tried installing world of warcraft. it froze in the same exact place everytime on the 3rd disk. after the 3rd time of restarting my pc because of this lock up, my task bar was gone. i tried restarting my pc many times, but no task bar. i tried installing windows again and i got the original error message i got on the last time i tried to reinstall windows. (by the way, before my task bar was gone and everything, i cliked on my computer and looked at my ram. it said 256mb of ram. i have 512mb stick!).....
Can someone tell me why, when I open a notepad file, whether from notepad or from Start Documents or what have you, I always get an error message: "Windows cannot find [file locationfilename.txt]. Make sure you type the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search." However, the file does open in notepad behind this error message and I am able to view it, edit it, etc.
I would like this error message not to appear every time (it is really just an annoyance to cancel it every time but after a couple of years I am tired of it) so I tried to find this answer in the archives but to no avail. However, I saw that it was recommended by more than one tech guy (or gal) to save a "hijack this" file in notepad, so I followed the instructions and did that just after my latest error message... The "hijack this" copy of the notepad file follows, and if you see anything else that I should make note of please let me know....
I installed a program from then net (recommended by a friend who uses it with no problems) and when I rebooted,the HD made a strange noise on shut down.When it did reboot,a window came up stating "16 Bit Windows Subsystem"..."C:windowssystemautoexect.nt...The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Windows applications.Chooses Close to terminate the application." Any ideas as to what happened?And how I can fix it?
error messages on my pc are becoming more frequent for some reason . The first one is when i try to install something sometimes a error box comes geaded "16 bt MS-DOS Subsystem" and it say C:unzippedfips20fips.exe, C:PROGRA~1SymantecS32EVNT1.DLL. An installable Virtual Device Driver failed Dll initialization. Choose "close" to terminate the application.
I am running windows xp home, sp3 on a Geteway desktop with a pentium 4. A while ago, after doing and un-doing a system restore, I am now getting and error message everytime I boot up. In front of a larget DOS window there is a smaller gray error window that is tiiled '16 bit MS-DOS subsystem'.
I'm in the middle of a basic networking lab and one of my VM's crashed. As our host, we use Windows XP. For virtualization we use VMware Workstation. I had a problem installing the Internet Printing Client for my lab. I got an error saying that there wasn't enough hard drive space. I then shut down my VM and added another hard drive. Upon startup I was greeted with: STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} i did this:Removing the virtual HDD I added before the problems started. Restarting the VM. Restarting the host machine. Trying the VM on another machine. Booting to .iso and using the repair console with the command chkdsk C: /r.
I decide to print something on Microsoft Word, and a message popped up, saying "no printers could be found". I checked "Printers and Faxes" under the control panel, and I noticed that my printer had not appeared. My printer is an HP Photosmart C4580. If anyone has any idea how to fix this, please let me know. Another thing, I noticed on other threads that people had the same problem as me, however they said that they had a message pop up regarding the printer spooler.