I am trying to install a Lexmark Z515 printer on my computer and I keep getting a message about USB Printer Support- can't remember the wording but anyway it won'tlet me continue do I need to do anything like enabling the USB ports? Or is there
My printer won't work and when I try to diagnose the situation I get message that says, "Windows cannot open Help and Supprt because a system service is not running. To fix this problem, start the service named 'Help and Support'". How do I do this?
I have a Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2, if that matters) graphics specialty workstation on my Windows 2000 domain. I have the same problem that several other people have posted here, where I want anyone who logs into that computer to be able to use its locally-connected HP PhotoSmart 7900 color inkjet printer. But when XP is connected to a Windows domain, nobody who doesn't have administrator rights to the computer can install the printer; besides that, I really don't want to have to get involved every time somebody who's never used that computer before suddenly wants to print on it.
I am installing a new workstation at work that is networked with all others. Its purpose is to be a training station that can be logged into by anyone using their own logins.Each user has their own default printer (eg home office) is it possible for this workstation to override the default and select the attached local printer as the default whilst logged onto this pc?
To use this setting, type the fully qualified path and name of the file that stores the wallpaper image. You can type a local path, such as C:Windowswebwallpaperhome.jpg or a UNC path, such as \ServerShareCorp.jpg. If the specified file is not available when the user logs on, no wallpaper is displayed. Users cannot specify alternative wallpaper. You can also use this setting to specify that the wallpaper image be centered, tiled, or stretched. Users cannot change this specification.
Got a problem here with a classroom full of Windows XP Pro PCs, where if I put new shortcuts into All UsersDesktop, when a user logs on they can only see the shortcut as an unknown file type which does not run. Any existing shortcuts in All UsersDesktop work ok, just not any new ones!The PC's are on a Windows 2003 Server network (with AD) and have local user profiles.
What is the best way to share execution priviledges between limited users, power users, and administrators?Say an application has already been installed by a higher priviledged user type, and a limited user cannot execute it - e.g. an ISP login software, or Spy Sweeper. Note: ISP login software lacks profile, so I suppose I could just create that, however, Spy Sweeper is a head scratcher.Should the application be uninstalled and reinstall under All Users? How do you install an application to allow All Users to use it?I have already tried to use the "Run As" right-click Properties w/Shift key approach and that does not work.Is there an approach with regard to local security policy that would do what I want to do? How is that done? Or, is Access Control List the way to go?
Under Windows 2000, when I reformat the computer, I add administrator user as a network user in the install process. Then, I go in and add local users to the computer. Later on when I want to add network users, it won't let me, the computer just hangs.
In the printer and faxes window there are printer icons listed in addition to my default HP Printer. Whiy are they listed there and what do they do since you can't use them...or can you and if so, how? Two that are listed on my computer are:
I bought a new HP printer today. I had a hotfix installed at some point that shutdown and woke up my printer at shutdown and startup. The new printer isn't affected by this hotfix. Does anyone know where I can get this patch?
Two custom PCs with XP Pro at same SP level. PC1 sees printer through switch. PC2 can not see printer. PC2 connects and sees printer when I cable the USB DIRECTLY to the printer instead of going thru a switch. Therefore, I know PC2 can print. Have tried 2 different switches. An A/B data switch and Belkin's 4x1 USB Peripheral Switch F1U401. PC1 works with both switches but PC2 does not.
We've had to change our address space and therefore the printer address has changed. I've changed the address on all but one computer. On this particular computer when I try to edit the TCP/IP port I get the message:
"An error occurred during port configuration. Access is denied."
If I try to create a new port I can select that I want it to be a Standard TCP/IP Port and then it tells me:
"Specified port cannot be added. Access is denied."
I have connected 3 new PC's on a P2P network, and connected a HP 4610 Color Laser Printer via a JetDirect 175 print server. On one PC, I can only print from the Administrator account. The other 2 computers work fine. On the one that is having issues, when printing a test page I receive a "Failed to Print" error mesage, and looking in the printer jobs menu, it shows that there was an error printing. The Administrator account can print fine from this machine.
The user accounts are "restricted user" accounts on all 3 computers. All 3 computers are exactly the same type, and all have the latest updates.
After a system crash all printers are gone and when trying to add a printer I get the message: "Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service is not running" After starting the service manually and trying to add a printer I get the message:"Operation could not be completed" and the service is stopped again.I looked at some of the previous answers and related topics (like article nine, and Q324757
I'm a tech at a college and am working on this computer that the printer spooler service won't stay started.You start up the machine and go to printers and faxes. There are none listed (of course cause the spooler isn't running) You click on add printer and it tells you that the service isn't running. So you go to run services.msc, printer spooler says it's stopped so you start it. It will then run until you try to print something or go to printers and faxes in the control panel. Basically as soon as you open the window the printer spooler service stops.Does anyone know a fix for this. Last time it happened one of my co-workers found a tool to fix it but we haven't been able to find it since and all the researching I have done leads me nowhere
What does end for support for a Windows mean?As far as I understand it means that updates (even critical) won't be available after that date.But how about a Service Pack. E.g. Windows XP SP2 deadline is set for 11 July 2010. Will Windows XP owners who have Windows XP SP2 version on a disc be able to successfully activate their copies of Windows after that date.
I recently installed Windows XP Media Edition, and everything works fine, except the "Help and Support" application off the Start Menu. When I open that, it comes up in Chinese. Everything else is English. Anybody know how to fix this?
I wanted to make this my special post, as its my 1000, and encourage all members to use their System Restore more, I keep a system restore icon on my desktop and make a restore point everyday, I know the computer is suppose to do it, but it makes me feel better, evertime I make drastic changes or questionable downloads I make a restore point, I simply type call it rp it only takes less than 10 seconds, if everyone did this we really could cut down on ourTech Support. Have a good day. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/u...w_03may19.mspx
So I decided to play Mabinogi again , a RPG game, installed my driver, downloaded Direct X 9.0 , but when I checked DXDIAG, the current version of direct x was still 8.1. I have a the Radeon X300/X550 series for my VGA. Is my VGA perhaps too old to support Direct X 9.0? Or can you show me how to overwrite 8.1 with 9.0.
I have been having an issue with Windows XP's Help & Support ever since I installed Service Pack 2; under the "Did you know?" section it's supposed to connect to the Internet and download new links, right? Well, it doesn't do that anymore.I did some Googling but failed to find anything helpful so far.I've been using the built-in personal firewall ever since installing SP2, which I'm guessing *may* have something to do with it.
When i go: Start> All programs > Accessories > System tools > Systeminformation i get this message ( freely translated from norwegian )
"Windows can't open Help and Support because a systemapplication can't run. If you want to solve this problem, start the application called Help and Support"
Where is the Help and Support application, and what do i do?
when i go to Start,Run,type msconfig, i get the error message:Windows cannot find msconfig.Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again.To search for a file click the Start button and then click Search; same thing happens ,I do have msconfig in the computer and the path is: C:/WINDOWS/pchealth/helpctr/binaries. Same path for the Help & Support. I `m aware that there is not reference(or key)for the above subjects(msconfig-Help & Support) in the registry and i`m not confident enough to alter it, so
I'm working on my Father In Laws' computer, and for some reason, we can't open his Help and Support Center. I have searched everywhere to find the right path to get to it, and no luck. It worked recently, but it's gone now. I have gone through the Services.msc looking for anything that may be disabled that would effect it, but nothing so far.
I've noticed when I access the Help and Support Center - Start/ Help and Support in Windows XP, next to "Did you know?" it says it was last updated on Monday, December 20, 2004. I'm just curious as to what the date is on other XP users system.
I am unable to open the Help and Support Center in XP (Home) I recently installed and ran a registry cleaner. I am unable to restore to an earlier setting either from system restore or the registry cleaner's back-up I have looked in microsofts KB, articles 888018 & 555329 to no avail. The value data of the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsHELPCTR.EXE is C:WINDOWSPCHealthHelpCtrBinariesHelpCtr.exe which appears to be correct I believe the program tries to run but task manager never shows it. I get no error messages at all
I have 10 Dell GX60's running windows XP Pro all connected to a network. Whenever i try to run the 'Help and Support' feature on any of the machines it always stops responding. I have found a page on the microsoft knowledge base and i was wondering if anybody new where i could get the hotfix from? or if there is a different way to fix it or a work around?