Can't Add Network Users After Add Local Users

Mar 1, 2005

Under Windows 2000, when I reformat the computer, I add administrator user as a network user in the install process. Then, I go in and add local users to the computer. Later on when I want to add network users, it won't let me, the computer just hangs.

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Local Printer Over Ride For Network Users

Nov 16, 2008

I am installing a new workstation at work that is networked with all others. Its purpose is to be a training station that can be logged into by anyone using their own logins.Each user has their own default printer (eg home office) is it possible for this workstation to override the default and select the attached local printer as the default whilst logged onto this pc?

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Network Users Cannot Run Shortcut Items Placed Into All Users Desktop Folder

Apr 28, 2008

Got a problem here with a classroom full of Windows XP Pro PCs, where if I put new shortcuts into All UsersDesktop, when a user logs on they can only see the shortcut as an unknown file type which does not run. Any existing shortcuts in All UsersDesktop work ok, just not any new ones!The PC's are on a Windows 2003 Server network (with AD) and have local user profiles.

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Need To Install LOCAL Printer For All Users

Jul 29, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2, if that matters) graphics specialty workstation on my Windows 2000 domain. I have the same problem that several other people have posted here, where I want anyone who logs into that computer to be able to use its locally-connected HP PhotoSmart 7900 color inkjet printer. But when XP is connected to a Windows domain, nobody who doesn't have administrator rights to the computer can install the printer; besides that, I really don't want to have to get involved every time somebody who's never used that computer before suddenly wants to print on it.

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Allow Domain Users To Add Local Printers

May 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me how i can allow my Win2K domain users to add local printers to their XP Pro workstations? I've tried eveything I know in local machine accounts and domain GPO security and nothing works. I cant believe that there's not a way to do it, but Im about ready to give up. If the local users can add network printers, why should it be so difficult to add local printers?

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Specify The Wallpaper On Users' Desktops And Prevents Users From Changing The Image

Aug 12, 2002

To use this setting, type the fully qualified path and name of the file that stores the wallpaper image. You can type a local path, such as C:Windowswebwallpaperhome.jpg or a UNC path, such as \ServerShareCorp.jpg. If the specified file is not available when the user logs on, no wallpaper is displayed. Users cannot specify alternative wallpaper. You can also use this setting to specify that the wallpaper image be centered, tiled, or stretched. Users cannot change this specification.

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Using A Computer To Joint A Domain And Keep Local Users

Mar 20, 2009

is it possible to use my computer running xp pro to joint a 2003 domain and also use it locally when Im not in the network? can I keep my local users when I joint a domain?

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Sharing Applications Between Users, Power Users And Admin

Sep 10, 2005

What is the best way to share execution priviledges between limited users, power users, and administrators?Say an application has already been installed by a higher priviledged user type, and a limited user cannot execute it - e.g. an ISP login software, or Spy Sweeper. Note: ISP login software lacks profile, so I suppose I could just create that, however, Spy Sweeper is a head scratcher.Should the application be uninstalled and reinstall under All Users? How do you install an application to allow All Users to use it?I have already tried to use the "Run As" right-click Properties w/Shift key approach and that does not work.Is there an approach with regard to local security policy that would do what I want to do? How is that done? Or, is Access Control List the way to go?

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Local Admin Account Privileges - Debugger Users

Aug 6, 2009

I have a network laptop with local admin privileges. When I gave the laptop to our IT department to configure the unit as a corporate network laptop, I had set up a local admin account on the unit. However, when the system was returned to me the local admin account on the laptop had been changed to Debugger Users group. Anyway, in addition to my local Admin account, corporate IT also has a local admin account that they use to administer corporate network computers. I removed my local admin account from the Debugger Users group hoping to move it into the local admin users group. However, this is not panning out. Although, my local admin account will log on locally onto the laptop, it currently has no local group membership on the laptop. I think I now have two options: Call IT Dept. to remotely log onto my laptop and move the account I created as a local admin account which currently has no local group membership or use linux utility to remove the password set on their local group account, in other to have administrator privileges on my laptop so that I can move my local admin account (currently with no local group membership) to local administrators group on my laptop and ask them to reset that password after or call IT Dept to do it.

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Default User Profile For New Users On The Local Machine

Nov 26, 2002

Follow the steps outlined below. Go to start/run type in regedit and click ok. Click on the HKEY_USERS branch (to highlight it). Select File on the menu/Load Hive. Navigate to x:Documents and SettingsDefault User folder (where x houses the Documents and Settings folder). The Default User folder is hidden by default. Open the ntuser.dat file. For the Key name: type in the word tweakxp (actually you can type in anything) and click ok. A new subkey named tweakxp will appear under the HKEY_USERS branch. Navigate to HKEY_USERS weakxp[remaining path to the restrictions/tweaks you want to set] Add in the applicable values and value data. Go back to the subkey tweakxp and click on it to highlight it.

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Unable To Access Local Users & Groups From Administrative Tools?

Oct 27, 2008

I am trying to open the Local Users & Groups on my Computer Mangement option. There is a red cross on it, and when I double click it I get the error message 'Unable to access the Computer. Unspecified error.'My computer runs Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3 and I am the Administrator of this computer.

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Can Users Get Remote Assistance From Pro Users

Nov 9, 2009

Can xp he users get remote assistance from xp pro users?

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Cannot Switching Users

Feb 11, 2005

I have two people (two user accounts ) using one computer. However when one wants to switch between users by going Start | Log Off there isn't any other user name to switch to and I end up shutting down the computer.

how do I configuar the computer so I can switch between users with out shutting down?

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Cannot Log Off And Then Log On To Switch Users

Feb 20, 2005

For some reason, if I log on to my account (an administrator account), then log off, none of the other users (my husband's admin. account or the kids' limited user accts) can be signed on. XP sits on the welcome screen for an unusually long time, then goes to just the user's wallpaper screen (no icons, no taskbar, nothing). Can't pull up task manager or warm boot, have to shut down & restart. I can log on any of the other accounts, and log off, and switch to mine, but not vice versa. Even if I don't do ANYTHING after signing on. So, the problems seems to be with my account settings somehow.

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Disabled All My Users On PC

May 2, 2008

i accidentally disabled all my users on my when i try to log on i get stuck on the page that says click on user name to log on but i got no user there any way to log on .my os is windows xp.

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Cannot Delete Users On Windows XP

Feb 17, 2008

I run Windows XP. When I initially got my computer, it was shared by several different people, and I set it up with several different users. Now I am the only one who uses this computer, and I'd like to delete the other users. When I try to delete the other users by going through the control panel and following the instructions, everything is fine until I get to the actual "delete this user". When I click on it, it pauses, and nothing happens. When I hit cntrl-alt-del, I get a message that mhsta.exe is not responding. I have googled this, but I am at a loss as how to how to fix this. I have restarted the computer several times (for other reasons), but I am still not able to delete the other users.

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Limited Account Users

Dec 13, 2005

Limited account users from running certain programs in xp ?

I have 2 desktops and 2 laptops at home.

I use one of the desktops,kids other

I have installed a game on my pc, and I know if the kids realise it is there, I will not be able to get on my PC. I dont want to stop them using the pc, as they often need it for homework etc. But if they find out they can play this game on there.

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Users Lost On Welcome Screen

Dec 23, 2004

Now at the XP Welcome Screen, none of the users show up; I had 4 before I reinstalled XP. If I cnt-alt-del, I get a login screen with one of the users already in the user box. I never set a password for that user, but the login asks for one. A blank just gets an incorrect password response.

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Reinstall Has Added Users

Jun 1, 2010

I had problems with my anti virus that the help desk said required a Windows repair. I did this but now all my setting etc have disappeared.
What I can see is that when I look at 'Documents and settings' there are extra users directories.
These are:

All Users
All Users.Windows
Defaults Users
Default Users.Windows
I now have 3 Network Services NT
I also have two directories of me.

I can delete them using explorer.

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Both Users Be Assigned As Administrators?

Jul 1, 2005

There will be two users on the laptop.Can both users be assigned as administrators?My desktop is organized and I use Outlook 2003 .His is disorganized and he uses Yahoo mail.I would like the ability of each person to choose their own desktop to work with.

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Administrators Changes To Debugger Users

Jun 30, 2005

After setting up a system running Windows XP Pro with the user set to be a member of the Administrators group, that spontaneously changes so the user is a member of the "Debugger Users" group. I wonder if anyone else has come across this, and if he knows why it occurs. It isn't generally a problem, but it does cause some problems at times with some of the software we use which requires the user be an Administrator. I think it gets changed when running windows updates, but I'm not sure.

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Number Of Concurrents Users Will 32 Bit Will Allow?

Aug 23, 2006

1- how many concurrents users will win xp pro 32 bit will allow ? (what i am trying to know is if i install an application on (a machine running win xp pro 32 bit )that is server application where 20 users can use it , i would like to know if all those users will be able to run that application installed from that Machine i an trying to use this machine acting as a server but running win xp pro, since win 2003 server with 25 user licenses is to expensive for us right now ? of course i will have hardware computer capable of doing this with a dual core processor and enough memory and a fast hardrive

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SP3 Installed / Can't Switch Users

Aug 12, 2008

I installed XP SP3 last night, and all was seeming pretty ok, surprisingly.But I've discovered that I can no longer switch between users. When I try to switch, the system freezes as it is loading the desktop for the second user and all I can do is reboot to get out of it. infuriating! There's no problem at all if I log out of my user account, and my wife then logs into hers. but they just won't run at the same time as they used to. I've tried checking to see if Terminal Services and RPC are running in the services list, and both are, so it's not that.

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Bad News For Home Users...

Apr 25, 2006

Windows XP Home is another story. As a consumer product, it suffers from two policy deficiencies. First, consumer products do not qualify for Extended Support, but instead move directly into the online support phase after Mainstream Support ends. Second, whereas business products are guaranteed Mainstream Support for two years beyond the release of the next subsequent version of a product (in this case, Windows Vista), consumer products do not get this built-in transitional period. The end result is that Windows XP Home will leave Mainstream Support and enter online support on January 1, 2007�in less than a year. When that day comes, XP Home users may feel left out in the cold, because they will no longer qualify for security updates, and will not be able to purchase support from Microsoft. Finding this situation somewhat alarming, I contacted Microsoft's representation to clarify the matter. A Microsoft spokesman relayed the following to me. Originally Posted by Microsoft spokesman "For consumer products, security updates will be available through the end of the mainstream phase. For Windows XP Home Edition, there will be no security updates after 12/31/06." Regarding paid support for problems unrelated to security patches, I was told that "Users who want to continue to receive support after the Microsoft assisted and paid support offerings have ended may visit the Retired Product Support Options Web site." I urge Microsoft to reconsider this stance. There should be considerably more overlap in support for their consumer OS. While five years of support for XP Home may have seemed reasonable when it was expected that there would be little more than three years between major OS updates, the time it has taken to bake Windows Vista has thrown this out entirely. If Vista launches in October, it would give users a mere two months to move to the OS, or risk being unsupported. Yikes makes me glad that I only use for my family and me XP Pro (and actually I don't really like Microsoft due to the fact that they have a monopoly and are quite greedy so the vast majority of my computing tasks are done on a mac running MacOS X 10.4.6) which should receive a much longer period of support due to it being used for businesses (however it still has great gaming support)

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No Users At Login Screen

Aug 8, 2005

i know this has been addressed before but i cannot find any threads with the solution. ive even fixed this couple times before but i forgot how.basically when u boot in normal or safe mode no users come up that can be clicked on. how do u fix this? if i remember last time i had to go into recovery console and replace login file or something

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Common Documents For All Users

Jul 8, 2005

I have noticed that Music folder in Common Documents for all users in
Windows XP is no longer named Music (common) and instead just My Music, also
music icon disappeared and inside the folder no Music Tasks pane. Just like
it became usual folder. I cannot rename this folder back to Music (common)
and customize it as Music folder because ths system displays error message:
"... this is a system folder. You cannot change it ...

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PC Slows Down When Switching Users

Apr 25, 2005

When I Switch users to logg on another account but still keep the previous one logged on, the other account I logg in after I switch users, the computer works really slow. Only after I switch users. It didn't do that before. Why is it slow?

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Unable To Switch Users

Jan 21, 2008

In the past, I could switch users on the computer simply by clicking Start->log off->switch user and the user I was switching from could keep all of their windows and applications while I used my user setting. Something has happened, and now I actually have to close everything on one user's side and log the user off to be able to get to my user account. Is there a way to get it back to being able to share the computer?

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Nothing Happens On Selecting Switch Users

Feb 24, 2005

needing help on switching users. when i go to start, then log off, and then select switch users nothing happens. it works if i log off but then all of my programs that were running shut down. i cant get it to go to the login screen that comes up when you select switch users.

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No Sound While Switching Users

Aug 6, 2005

Both my wife and I are admins. On my side all things run ok. When my wife switches to her side everything comes to the screen correctly but there is no sound. No sound bits, wav., game sounds. I have checked all the places that I know and it looks like everything is ok.I do not know how to fix this problem, but I'm sure someong out there might be able to help me. I sure hope so. I will be waiting for your solution

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USB Printer Support - USB Users

Jul 24, 2005

I am trying to install a Lexmark Z515 printer on my computer and I keep getting a message about USB Printer Support- can't remember the wording but anyway it won'tlet me continue do I need to do anything like enabling the USB ports? Or is there

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