Laptop Lag When Installing Windows Update

Feb 3, 2013

my laptop has 8gb of ram and intel i7 quad 2630m. i had mozilla firefox + google chrome opened with 3-6 tabs while playing Internet video but when i was installing this 1 windows update my laptop lagged until it the update was nearly completed.i don't think i should be lagging but my question is when installing windows update is it normal to lag and does it use the cpu or hard drive?

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Windows 7 Keeps Installing The Same Update?

Aug 14, 2012

Windows keeps installing the same update:x64-based systems (KB2647753)

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Windows 7 Update Does Not Installing?

Mar 14, 2012

When I try to download the updates they don't even start downloading. Windows gives me two error codes: 80070017 and 800B0100.I have already tried a microsoft update standalone package but that only seems to have installed one item.

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Windows 7 Update Keeps Installing The Same Updates Over And Over?

May 27, 2012

Windows Update seems to be stuck in and endless cycle of applying the same 5 important updates over and over again. Probably been happening for about 3 months now, and despite going through the install process and following all the instructions to the letter, every time I start up, the same updates are available for download again. Here is a screenshot of Windows Update showing the updates in question

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Safe To Use IE 9 When Windows Update Are Installing?

Jan 15, 2013

I was wondering is it safe or risk free to browse online with IE9 while I started installing windows update manually rather than through auto updates.

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Windows 7 Installing Service Update 1 Over And Over?

Dec 28, 2011

I have windows 7 x64, I go to updates and it tells there is an important update I installed it and it was succesful I rebooted the computer and it just shows it again, I go to update history it says it was successful but it still says there is an important update I downloaded a fix it thing I don't know the name it was a microsoft fix it thing but it still says it needs to update it?

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Downloading And Installing With Windows Update?

May 25, 2012

Can I use then internet while downloading and installing with windows update?

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Windows 7 Installing Service Update 1 Over And Over?

Jan 25, 2013


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Windows 7 Fail To Start After Installing Update?

Sep 24, 2012

FYI: On last shut down of system on 9-24-2012(win7 ultimate) windows update installed KB2538243. When starting system back up several hours later, window's would not start. Started in safe mode, used system restore, all ok for now! Checked recent updates and found that the above update "failed to install" and was the only update listed.

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Computer Freezes After Installing Windows Update

Jan 26, 2012

Just recently, i read up that doing a hard shutdown is bad. Now, after installing an update, my other computer is frozen, except the mouse. I've tried CTRL+ALT+Delete, that wont do anything. I can't click anything

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Windows 7 Update Patches To Avoid Installing?

Nov 24, 2012

Is there a link showing all the win7 update patches and which ones in the list are to be avoided?

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Windows 7 Machine Stuck On Installing Update 11 Of 17

May 14, 2012

My machine has been stuck on installing this update all night. I think my hard drive may be full, what should I do? Been meaning to format that thing and reinstall windows to it since its just a 40 gig SSD.

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Windows Update Keeps Installing Same 2 Updates On Shutdown

May 18, 2010

Every time I shut down, Windows Update installs the same 2 updates. It never gives an error message saying that the install failed. It just insists on doing it again. This is the update from last week, I guess. I'm afraid I'm at work and away from the affected computer. It's not critical, it's just annoying, bc shutdown now takes too long.

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Windows Update Not Installing - Error Code (800FO203)

Dec 26, 2012

This has to do with a windows update that wouldn't install and keeps giving me an error code(800FO203). The update is for Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller. No matter what I do it wouldn't install. (Disabled firewall, antivirus, contacted Realtek).

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Windows 7 Update Service Pack 1 KB976932 Not Installing

Mar 28, 2011

Is there any way I can check what is see what is preventing Service Pack 1 KB 976932 from installing on my laptop? My laptop is running fine, all other updates installed normally. Don't know whether its a related issue or not but when I connect my Samsung Galaxy S to my laptop via USB, I get MTP driver install failure.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot After Installing MS Security Essentials Update

Feb 6, 2011

I have seen this problem on other forums. None had a satisfactory answer (besides the usual reinstall).Windows now fails to boot, after Win update automatically installed the update and insisting I restart. The update was Definition Update for Microsoft Security Essentials - KB2310138 (Definition 1.97.1113.0). Startup repair finds no problems. The BIOS recognizes the system drive and reports no errors.

I had done (before the update installed itself): repaired the "windows can't find the DVD drive" problem using the Microsoft "Fixit" for that problem it was successful). Also the external storage drive on a USB 3.0 controlled was dropped by the system at some point (hence my anxiety; all my backups, including a rather stale system drive image, are on that drive). I can access the Win 7 system drive with another OS on the machine (XP SP3).


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Error Applying Update Operation After Installing Windows 7 Service Pack 1

Feb 23, 2011

I installed Service Pack 1 for Windows 7. After it rebooted, on the Windows 7 loading screen it shows "Applying update operation XXXX of XXXX". After a certain number it says "Error applying operation XXXX of XXXX", and then the system proceeds to hang on that screen, meaning that I am unable to access Windows. I try mashing F8 for my life when resetting the computer, but I never get a list of boot options, so I cannot get into Safe Mode or even try the computer's Last Known Good Configuration. The edition of this version of Windows 7 is 64 bit Ultimate. The laptop I am using is also 64 bit Ultimate.

Another thing I want to point out is that both of these computers have been taking an incredibly long time (near 12 hours at this point) trying to download and install Service Pack 1. There is no spyware or anything running in the background. I am fearing that I might get the same error on this machine but I have taken the liberty of creating a System Restore point in the event it happens. I have two other Windows 7 machines in the house (32 bit Professional and 64 bit Home Premium), and both of them installed Service Pack 1 without any kind of problem, and both of those computers installed them rather quickly.

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Installing Update Screen Won't Go Away?

Mar 21, 2012

My laptop is installing updates before it let's me log on. But the screen where it says "Please do not power off or unplug you machine. Installing update 7 of 9" WILL NOT go away.

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Installing Update 41 Of 63 - Does Not Go Further KB2655992

Oct 3, 2012

KB2655992. Windows has been stuck on that for a few hours now.


Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
8150fx cpu
Crosshair V formula z motherboard
SSD-Agility 3
16gb 1866 mhz memory (4x4)
HD6990 GPU
1300w PSU.

None: Clean installation. All motherboard features have not been installed yet. Only the basic drivers for the Motherboard.

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Installing / Uninstalling After BIOS Update

Nov 1, 2011

I currently have an ASUS K53E that I've put a 60GB SSD into. I recently had to send out the laptop for service with ASUS, but I swapped the SSD for the original drive at that time (to save the chance they may re-format the drive).In any case, their repair apparently included a BIOS update... When I got the computer back, I naturally swapped the SSD back into the computer. Since then I've had numerous issues, the most prominent being that WLE stopped working (Every time I load Messenger it inexplicably stops working), and when I attempt to un-install it it will have a problem and abort the removal.With skype, I installed it fine, but it will launch, have a problem, then close! This is extremely frustrating..So really, my first thought is that there is a BIOS-update related issue, because the BIOS was flashed with the other drive in the laptop, and the installation on the SSD was installed/configured before the BIOS flash.Am I looking at a clean install of windows? Or could I get away with just a repair? I'd really prefer not to reinstall if I don't have to (Getting the OEM install on the SSD was hard enough in the first place).

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Virtually Every Update Fails Installing

Nov 3, 2012

I reinstalled Windows 7 on my computer a week ago when I bought an SSD, and then 8 came out, and I got it for super cheap so I decided to try it out. Well, I'm back to 7. ANYWAY, my issue is that virtually all of my updates are failing. I saw this problem before I "upgraded" to 8, and now I'm seeing it again. My computer stays on the "updating" screen for a while, and then says the updates fails, and reverts to the last known function version of Windows. So my computer is useable, but I would like to have my updates so I don't have to wait 5 minutes for Windows to scratch its butt and get on with life.My error code is 800705B4.I wanted to show a picture of exactly what I'm seeing in my update history, but don't really want to take the time to sign up for a picture hosting website. If you absolutely need it, I will. Basically, I have an update history with a long list of:"Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems

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Error Code 80073712 When Installing Update KB2773072

Jan 9, 2013

I got notification 1/9 that 14 updates are available for Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit. All installed but 1. Update KB2773072 generates error code 80073712. I have re-tired multiple times each after a system reboot. The update is RECOMMENDED not critical. I can probably go without it. It appears it is related to gaming applications. I don't game. getting the update installed?

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Windows 7 Not Booting After Installing Windows 7 Update?

Oct 31, 2012

Yesterday i installed the windows update from Windows and slept. On the next day morinig i was not able to boot the system.

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New Laptop And Windows 7 Won't Update

Apr 1, 2011

I recently bought a new Dell Inspiron M5010, and it came with Windows 7 home Premium. I am the first owner of this computer.However, I keep getting this flag that says that it can't update my computer, then... If I go into the control pannel, it says that my firewall is on. However, the flag says that it isn't. I click on it, and hit the turn on button... Nothing happens... And Internet explorer 8 says that it stopped working prooperly.... If I restart my computer the flags go away for a while, but if it is on for a couple of hours, the flags come back up... I have the Mc Afee antivirus... I have Norton as well, but was waiting until my free trial that came with the computer to end to install it... I understand basic computer concepts..

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Laptop Turned Off During Windows 7 Update?

Feb 3, 2013

I have a Dell laptop Vostro 3350. It has been working fine for 2 yearsIn the middle of a windows update, the laptop was turned off.When started again, it had errors on update and stopped. Rebooted a few times but it always failed at the same point.Tried rebooting and using the system restore and repair options.It did get past the initial error point, but failed again further on.Now it doesn't boot at all, I get the error of needing to plug in a bootable device.

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Windows 7 Update Causing HP Laptop To Be Unresponsive?

Dec 3, 2012

My HP Pavilion DM4 laptop is currently un responsive, stuck in the midst of a Windows update (screen showing "Please do not power off or unplug your machine, Installing update 2 of 2") for more than 16 hours. I've tried to hard reboot it by pressing the power button but it doesn't work (the same screen with the Update message just keeps displaying). I'm ready to take the battery out but wanted to check here first to find out what you think I should do.

Here is some add'l background. This laptop was experiencing issues w/the keyboard and mouse not working after a Windows update was applied a couple of months ago (didn't realize it at the time). I tried several things to try to fix it before I realized I could do a system restore and just go back to a time before the update was applied (sometime in Aug or Sept). I then shut off the automatic Windows updates and ran each update separately (there were about 16 critical and 6 recommended updates), rebooted and checking for issues in between each update. I should have written down exactly which update this was (I believe it was from Oct 9 and related to security issues w/Microsoft Windows).

what I can do to get my laptop to respond again??

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After Update, Laptop Reverted From Windows 7 To Vista?

Jul 22, 2012

I recently purchased an Acer Aspire for the business & I was very specific at time of purchase that it must NOT run Vista as the accounting software I run is not compatible with Vista.

All went well for about a month & then the accounting software started to play up. I contacted their tech support people & they talked me through a few fixes however during these fixes we discovered latent COMPATIBILITY FOLDERS on the computer that simply should not be on a machine unless it is running Vista. I contacted the store I bought it from & they admitted that it had originally come with Vista but had been upgraded to run Windows 7 Home Premium prior to purchase. He told me to come in & they would remove the components that had not been removed properly during upgrade.

I was unable to go in that day but told them to expect me within a day or two at the most however before I could get back (the following night in fact) the computer ran some scheduled updates from Microsoft & when I went to use it the next day it was all sorts of wrong! It didn't even look the same (desktop) & files were missing or moved. When I went to online help I kept getting diverted to Vista help rather than Windows 7 help. I contacted the computer store again & they said that the update may have found these compatibility folders & freaked out & reverted the machine back to Vista.??

Anyway, I have lost loads of files that I had not yet backed up as I was planning to do this immediately prior to taking the laptop back to the shop so I had everything backed up & my accounting software won't work. The shop said they can restore Windows 7 but probably can't restore any lost data as they are only retail...

2. Is my data lost forever or can it be restored by a computer repair technician?

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Laptop Accidentally Shut Down During Windows Update?

Mar 9, 2011

I tried to shut down my laptop, the "Installing update, do not shut down or power off your computer" screen appears but my battery died during the update. And now when I startup the "Launch start up repair" appears and when i click it, I get stuck on a blue flower wallpaper screen thing and nothing appears. All i can see is the wallpaper and the mouse cursor.

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Accidentally Shutdown Laptop During Windows 7 Update

Feb 16, 2012

New laptop, it was shut down or closed during the update and now is frozen on the 7 of 8 screen and just hangs there. I cannot reboot and it did not come with a recovery disk. I can't get it to come off this screen at all. I tried shutting it off but an orange light flashes and when I turn it back on it's still on that screen. Since I have no recovery cd or repair CD what do I need to do? If I have to restore I really could care less as I don't have too much on it because it's new. Maybe some photos but whatever.

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Shut Laptop Down During A Windows System Update?

Jul 18, 2012

i have a dell latitude d430 and I accidentally shut it down whilst it was configuring updates.Now, when turning on all i get is the 'configuring updates stage 3 of 3 0% complete' and then it appears to restart and do it all over again.

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Windows Update Killed HP Laptop Touchpad, Keyboard

Jun 9, 2011

I don't know for sure the the Win7 update killed the track-pad, but about a week or so ago after I let it run I've lost the track-pad function completely and the keyboard is erratic. If I accidentally hit the Caps Lock key the keyboard stops responding. I discovered if I open the keyboard control panel and just change a parameter, like how fast the cursor blinks and APPLY then I get the keyboard back without rebooting. I downloaded the track-pad driver, says it's the same as installed but the system no longer recognizes it's there in the control panel. This is an HP G60 series laptop running Win 7 Home.

I'm downloading TSG to add that info, but searching I see many people have had similar problems like this with no solution on various brands of laptops and Windows.

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