Before any of this happened, I installed Norton Ghost, and switched my DVD drive with a CD burner. I had to restart the computer for some reason, when I logged into XP, all the desktop icons showed and everything, then the computer just froze So i pressed the "reset" switch on my computer. Then my computer started to run the "Chkdsk" on my hard drive. It found alot of errors and dealt with them successfully. Now every time I restart, my computer hangs at the following file (the splash screen doesn't even show!)C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DriversPCI.sys
When attempting to browse folders using Explorer opened from Start Menu Or left click on start button, Explorer will allow click on "-" to close paths, but hangs with hour glass if any attempt is made to expand any path or open any file. Explorer remains in this state until closed, at which time Windows asks if I wish to report the problem to Microsoft.If I use the"My Computer" icon on the desktop to browse, all actions including access to networked resources work perfectly.explain the difference between the two file browsing utilities and offer an explanation of the above.
Unfortunately my PC got a virus which corrupted (amongst others) my wininet.dll file. My virus software quarantined all the infected files, but wininet.dll is needed to run explorer.exe. I have tried to recover a previous copy of wininet.dll but it is corrupt and now every time I try to turn on my PC (even in safe mode with command prompt, it crashes when it tries to load up this file). I have lost my boot disk and have no way of deleting the wininet.dll file (which would at least let windows run). how to I can delete the corrupt file?
cmd prompt closing instantly when i go to run under the start menu. Anything that involves the command prompt closes instantly also. I'm not sure if i've changed anything lately
Just reformated my computer, installed all critical windows updates, scanned for virus'/spyware, and updated all hardware drivers. When i try to set jpegs as wallpapers it takes an eternity to load them and causes the display properties window to hang, but bmp's load up instantly.. Jpegs work and load perfectly fine in other programs such as paint, photoshop though.All of this is after i have just reformated for like the 3rd time in 2 days to see if it was a installation problem, but i guess not. It would seem its a hardware issue but i can play games like oblivion at normal fps, aswell as other games.
Whenever I right click a file, my PC hangs. I think some system file has been corrupted. Is there any fox for this apart from re-installing XP? I'm running XP Pro SP2 with all the updates.
When i right click on any file the windows hangs, but if i click the right mouse on the desktop its okay as long as you don't right click over a file, What is the solution for this?
I am trying to install driver for blackberry storm. I installed the driver but Wizard installer wouldn't find it, even when I identified specific location. I did workaround on device manager by pointing to the device (USB controller) then browsing to the driver's location and when it recognized it I hit the "next" button for the install, the file transfer hangs.
I get up this morning and turn it on, it seems to boot okay, but after the Windows XP logo and the little blue loading bar it hangs at a black screen until after about five straight minutes I get fed up and power down. I tried booting in safe mode and that worked fine a minute ago, but now I am trying safe mode again and it hangs at a file called Mup.sys and will not proceed with the boot.
I bought a new Dell 1720 laptop with XP on it. When I restart or shut down, the computer hangs on the desktop wallpaper for about 5-7 minutes. Sometimes I just have to manually shut it down by holding in the start button.
I have a computer that I recently installed a new mother board into. Everything was going fine after the installation for like a week until I decided to reformat. While reformatting I made it through the initial part of the setup where it reboots the computer. To start the second half of the installation but upon rebooting The computer hangs on the Windows XP page. Now every time I try to restart the computer it hangs in the same spot. I have done some reading around the internet and I think that the problem lies in my Bios but everything seems fine. I have tried to update the bios but the computer doesn't have a floppy drive so I was unable to. I have tried the windows recovery console where I did a fixboot and and a fixmbr
I have a problem when shutting down the computer. About 4 out of 5 times when I select shutdown, the computer hangs on the blue screen and I must force it to shut down by holding the startup button. Then on the next startup, about half the time, the system goes through a check.I am using XP2. I was told by Circuit City that this could be caused by spyware. I brought it to them for a fix, among other problem I have Spy Sweeper installed but even after a scan, the problem persists. Then recommended a clean install of XP2 but I am trying to avoid that route. One thing I do notice is that I have a constant correction on the startup scan with many files in a Temp folder of Spy Sweeper that are invalid. The system corrects itself, but then it happens again. Just to note, this shutdown problem was occurring before Spy Sweeper was installed.
I have a laptop that cannot find boot media device since it went into hibernate. I ran recovery console from Win 2000 disk and ran chkdsk but still no joy. Now I can't get into recovery console as it hangs up when it trys to log onto the WIN NT folder. If I boot as normal it just stays at the initial Windows logo screen.I can't get into dos as it wont log me into WIN NT when I select option 1 from recovery console. Also I cannot reinstall windows either as it hangs up when it says "searching for a previously installed versions of window".I heard that there is a program called Bart_PE and have downloaded it but it doesn't seem to recognize it as a bootable cd.
I cant get Windows to load.. when I try safe mode it goes through a list of files then hangs on... multi(0)disk(0)rdisk (0)partition(1)WINDOWS system32 DRIVERSagp440.sysI have tried to do a repair install following instructions from Microsoft but when I press 'R' on the page that lists the partitions, nothing happens. It doesn't give the option to press R either. Am I doing this correctly?I have also tried to disable agp440.sys using instructions from Microsoft
My PC froze durring hybernation the other day, and I haven't been able to boot it since. It will post, but freezes before it gets to the desktop. When I try to boot in safe mode, the scroll of drivers hangs at mup.sys.Disconnecting all USB devices, and disableing USB through BIOSSwapping out video cards, 80-pin conducter cable and memory Taking out my primary hard drive and repairing the windows install on my second drive to try to boot with it.Switching to the backup BIOS on my motherboard Booting to the recovery console and disableing mup.sys
Computer frequently "freezes" or "hangs". Every time I click on a link from e. mails, but also when on web sites (mostly craft). I do fragment and clean discs regularly.
Today, I found out that my computer hangs at the login screen. I boot up the computer as normal, and the login box is shown. I click into the password field (Note: I do not have the normal welcome screen, I have the Win2000 one.) and am ready to type my password. When I begin typing my password, nothing pops up. I attempt to move the mouse, but it is frozen where it last was. Sometimes it doesn't even move (The mouse) when I first boot it up. So seeing this as any problem, I go in Safe Mode. It's a sure bet that the mouse will move. Though it moves flawlessly, the password box is where the annoyance stays. I attempt to type my password, but then my computer hangs, AGAIN.I'm typing this from my brother's computer, and have yet to find the answer. I hear that this is some sort of password corruption and can be prevented by not having passwords on the account. I want to change this, but I can't login in the first place.
This I'm sure is not a virus. I scan for viruses every week (With Kaspersky), leave Ad-Aware, Giant Antispyware, and Zone Alarm on. I've used Google to search for answers, and yes I've found them being solved. They include the same problems, but they can get into Safe Mode, which in my case, I can't. I've tried Safe Mode 7 times and it doesn't work. (I can get in safe mode but the keyboard/mouse still hang)I didn't have time to backup files, and I have pictures that I haven't backed up onto CDs. People that have solved this problem have done it without reformatting, and I need a solution without reformatting.
Really don't know where to post this, so forgive any inappropriate posting.I'm running Windows XP Home, SP2 all updates current.My problem is that my computer has just been freezing up and the screen going black for no reason I can figure. I've checked "sleep" and "hibernate" settings, and they all seem to be off. I've instructed the computer to NEVER go to sleep.At first, I had the problem which I thought may have been linked to my newly-purchased & registered version of AVG AntiVirus, but then I took everything out of System Start-up EXCEPT for that, changed the time for daily update and it seemed to fix things. Then the other day, I installed Kodak's Easy Share software for my new digital camera, and the problem started again. Suspecting the software,
I uninstalled that just this morning, and restarted the computer after the uninstall. After that, my mouse would no long choose just a single selection of anything no matter how much I clicked, it would choose multiple selections. So, I rebooted.Seems fine now BUT I am leary, and of course, I have to reinstall the camera software in order to be able to transfer the pictures.
Recently have got a new comp with pretty good specs (xp media centre edition), and plenty of ram and memory. However I have noticied that now and again i will get a crash or a hang. Typically when i exit MSN messenger it will crash and stop responding. I have also noticed that sometimes my sound doesnt work. Then when i restart it will be fine again! I know this shouldnt be happeneing on a new comp but not sure how to solve this problem or even if this is in the right topic.
whenever i connect my printer or my flash drive into the usb ports my computer freezes up and i have to power off manually and remove the device for the computer to start up correctly. any suggestions to help solve this problem?
When the computer has been idle for more than about 15 minutes, both IE and Firefox hang, and then say "Page cannot be displayed". Rebooting solves it but what could be the problem?
My Inspiron 6000 would freeze after being put in standby mode overnight and I would have to force shutdown. Soemone on this forum advised me to check the Power Options in Control Panel. How should I set it up so the system won't hang after overnight standby? My current settings: With AC adapter plugged in: Turn off monitor: Never Turn off hard disk: Never System standby: Never System hibernates: Never
My computer is in a hostel network.when someone opens my computer through my IP, than simultaneously computer also hangs and numlock light is alwayz turned on and i even could not move my mouse.Damn i have to restart and only it works now,So Is this the problem of my hardware or of network cable or of XP OS.
I have tried to repair my XP but during the process it hangs at 35 minutes. After searching around for ages I do understand it is some sort of hardware problem. I accessed my BIOS and disabled hardware such as audio, usb legacy mode etc. I have been through the log and cannot work out what is wrong as the last bit the install was doing says it was completed successfully. I know one option is to copy the data from the HD and do a clean install however there are some files that were saved within the programmes itself and there is a crucial set of bookmarks I require which I did not export from the browser.
PC has rebooted perfectly until yesterday. When I go thru the restart computer process. it will stall at the startup p.o.s.t screen. I can shut it down with the shutdown computer process and it powers off. I wait a few seconds, then power back on and it will boot into Windows perfectly.It just will not go thru the restart process. Power off and power on, it will bootup normally.
I have XP with SP2, my computer freezes up after about 15 minutes being idle and I can only get it going again by resetting it.I have run diagnostic programs but there doesn't appear to be any errors.
Problems have been.#1.would only start in safe mode.#2.if try to start normal hangs up on logo screen.#3.tried to do chkdsk and restarted...after restart wouldnt even go in safe mode(hung up at system32/drivers/agp4440.sys)(also some other files were missing at other times).#4.Could not not access cd rom to burn files(tried to backup drivers and could only send to floppy,which worked ).#5. I erased 1 harddrive with system suite6 professional(only one because windows told me the 2nd one was not formatted)and now i am trying to install windows xp and at first had a hang up at setup on an ntfs file,retried and got "corrupted file sym_hi.sys message".found out online it could be do to bios settings or actual physical sdram memory problems,so i fiddled with bios setttings and got windows to install and restart now it has taken about an hour and a half to finish and question is...does anyone know what all this means??is it an old piece of crap?,do the bios settings need changed?
Following a recent change of monitor my computer now hangs at the windows logo screen. It also hangs during startup in safe mode and when trying to boot fromthe windows CD.
All of a sudden, since yesterday, my comp hangs ramdomly. It freezes completely except for the mouse pointer I have noticed that sqmdata and sqmnoopt files appear on my root dir. These are apparently related to the MSN messenger, only I don't use that thingAnyone knows what they are? And if they may be connected to my computer hanging so frequently now?
For some reason for a couple of weeks now my computer hangs all of a sudden no matter what I'm doing. Sometimes I am watching a movie, sometimes playing a game, and sometimes, I just leave it open coz a download is running, I come back and check 10 minutes later, the computer has hanged. I have noticed that when this happens, the hard-disk light comes permanently on.
Ran AVG and found few viruses, removed those, no avail. Ran malware/spyware remover, found few, removed those, no avail. Formatted C drive, reinstalled windows, PC ran well for 10 days, problem came back. Initially had 512 MB RAM, changed it to 1GB, formatted PC again, PC ran well for 10 days, problem back again. Can't run checkdisks and all because the comp hangs every single time.