Computer Wont Restart: Hangs On During Process?

Apr 5, 2006

PC has rebooted perfectly until yesterday. When I go thru the restart computer process. it will stall at the startup p.o.s.t screen. I can shut it down with the shutdown computer process and it powers off. I wait a few seconds, then power back on and it will boot into Windows perfectly.It just will not go thru the restart process. Power off and power on, it will bootup normally.

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Restart Computer - Recovery Process Failed

Jul 6, 2005

been trying to put xp pro over home edition but disk may be keeps coming up fatal error and restarts but i dont want to do a recovery and need to know if there is a way to get pc started without it going into xp pro setup.i have files on pc that i dont want to lose.

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Generic Host Process Needs To Close - Have To Restart

Mar 3, 2008

about every third time I start my computer I get an error message generic host process for win 32 has encountered a problem and needs to close and it gives me a choice to debug, send error report or close, if I choose debug sometimes everything will be ok and sometimes it won't if I choose don't send or close nothing will work and I have to restart my computer by killing the power strip, some times I even have to do this after clicking on debug. can anyone help me out on this problem

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Hangs During Log Off Shut Down Or Restart

Sep 16, 2006

I recently re-installed windows XP Pro after a clean format. I backed up all drivers from my system32 folder and used them to make sure that all drivers would still be there after the reinstall. I still have all the same programs installed (McAfee AV, ZoneAlarm Personal, Spybot, and Ad-Aware) but now when I log off I simply get the windows xp logo on the blue background screen. (The Saving Your settings, Logging, off, Windows is shutting down dialoge does not occur) I have made no hardware changes. I must also note that this does not happen all of the time, but it also isn't happening with any discernable pattern, so it's hard to narrow down what may be the cause

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SP2 Hangs During Shutdown And Restart

Jan 4, 2007

When I try to turn off or restart Windows XP, it hangs at the "Windows is shutting down" screen. I have rebooted in safe mode and was able to restart in safe mode. I have tried system restore and run the check disk utility without success. I checked the Event Viewer and saw 2 recurring warnings from EvntAgnt. The first is event 1003 and the second is event 1015. I have also run the free TweakNow and Eusing registry cleaners.

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Try To Shut Down Or Restart My PC It Hangs

Aug 19, 2006

When I try to shut down or Restart my PC it hangs when it gets to the Windows is Shutting Down page & just stays there,wont go any further, the only things Ive done has been to install the latest Windows Updates which included Windows SP 2 (I have Windows updates turned on so they automatically update) & install I Tunes,

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Hangs On Restart When Internet Connection Is On?

Jan 6, 2009

when ever i turn on/ restart/ start my laptop after hibernate , the PC just hangs if and only if the internet connection is on. So i have to power down my laptop, switch off internet, restart for normal working.I am able to login into my account, i see the desktop, and then the system freezes.There are no icons in the system tray except time. when i move my cursor over the system tray or taskbar, i get a busy hourglass symbol

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Restart Fails / Hangs On Shut Down

Apr 17, 2006

Recently my PC stopped restarting properly.If I choose restart it takes longer than usual, then windows shuts down, leaving the hard drive light on, then nothing. It just hangs there. I end up forcing shut down.It simply never tries to startup again. If I choose "shut down" everything goes OK, PC shuts off normally.I've heard that a friend had the same problem with an older PC (Mines 6yrs old) and he said he replaced the battery and the problem stopped.

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Hangs On Restart / Shutdown Crashes On Startup

Apr 17, 2007

Working on a laptop for one of my friends, and came across few problems I couldn't fix.When attempting to properly shutdown or restart, xp (SP2) hangs on "Saving your settings"I searched this problem and found many similar problems, but no fixes.Most sites/forums reffered the problems to SP1.When turning on the computer, after login, it hangs, then crashes (taskbar dissapears as well as desktop icons)My quickfix i've been using while removing the viruses/spyware from the machine is kill explorer.exe and restart it, this crashes many services (and viruses) that were running on the starts fine in safemode, but still doesn't restart/shutdown and I don't know how to fix it in safemode anyways.The computer is fully updated XP SP2.

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Computer Cannot Finish The Startup Process

May 17, 2008

My computer will not finish the start up process. Once it gets to the "Windows is starting up" screen, it stops. Normally after it finishes this, it goes to "Applying your personal settings", but it does not get that far.My system's information:Gateway 420GR.Purchased on January 16, 2005.Background on my issue:This issue started yesterday. I left my computer running through the night, and while I was at work. I have it scheduled to shut down every week day at noon, so that it has had a few hours to rest before I get home.I first discovered the issue when I started up my computer earlier today.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Soon After Boot Process?

Sep 30, 2007

I just turned on my destop today and after i click my login and windows begins to start up the computer restarts. I let it restart and do the same thing and just about at time during the windows initial loading process the computer restarts..... i open up my computer clean it out and then restarted it.As windows comes up i get all these this msg saying windows has recovered from something serious and i should send in an error report which i try and do.. as i do it the application that sends the error report doesnt respond and fails then my computer freezes.

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Computer A Mess - Viruses - Restart Computer

Aug 30, 2005

I have windows me I have cable hook up my computer is so slow I don't even know where to start. I have norton anti viru when I turn my computer on it takes forever to start up.I always have to get repair for my Internet connection to work right. When I open outlook express and get my e-mail everything is ok then but when I close I get and error message from msn if this keeps happening restart your computer I don't ever want to restart takes forever to come up. I do have my connection with insight to come on when I start my computer should I stop that and connect after I turn on my computer. And also I keep getting norton stopping tnall4c something like that why does this keep coming on my computer.

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Process Manager - Process Leads To Virus?

Sep 28, 2006

when I push ctrl+alt+del i cant get into the process manager!! the process button is not lit and cannot push it!anyone knows what can i do?

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System Process At 99%: Computer Extremely Slow?

Jul 6, 2010

In the Task Manager it goes between about 85 to 99%. And no, I'm not looking at the System Idle Process as so many newbies do. A few days ago I had the motherboard replaced as it was bad. It was done at a service place in Tijuana. They had to reformat the hard disk and reinstall my versions of XP and my upgrade to XP Pro. Then I have been updating via the internet to the Windows updates including Service Pac 3.

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Computer Stopped Booting - Freeze In The Process

Sep 23, 2007

This computer stopped booting. It would freeze in the process. Since there was nothing on the hard drive worth saving, I used the recovery boot cd. It went though the process, rebooted, and returned to the setup process. In the middle of the setup, while installing devices, the computer froze again. I have tried repeating the process to no avail. I have tried turning off some of the not so necessary things in the BIOS and trying it.

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BSOD - Computer Won't Start - Process Terminated

Mar 15, 2006

I got a Blue screen of death error code - 0x0000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x82D9FDA0, 0x82D9FF14, 0x805Fa7A8) which states that a process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. I can't reboot after the BSOD as the laptop will just freeze at the windows diskc check area. How do i find out what process was terminated?Furthermore i tried using my laptops recovery disc but the system won't let me run the program.

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Unable To Shut Down Computer By Normal Process?

Mar 10, 2006

My pc, a HP Pavillion running WINXP doesn't shut down properly and I have to do manually holding the turning on botton for couple seconds. What do you think should be and what can I do to solve that

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Unable To Shut Down Computer By Normal Process?

Oct 12, 2004

When trying to shut down Windows 2000, My computer will not shut down. It acts like it is going to, but then it doesn't. I don't know what the problem is. I try going through the proper shut down sequence but to no avail will it work

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System Idle Process / Computer Running Slow?

Jul 10, 2005

well i've been having problems with the computer running slow, and ive noticed that the system idle process in task manager always says 99 under the cpu tab, is this normal?

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Computer Runs Very Slow Process Shows Spooler.exe

Jul 15, 2008

computer is running at 100% CPU so, you guessed it, very slow. In the processes it shows the spooler.exe using the power alternating with the System(at bottom of list) - but mostly the spooler.exe. The problem really started when he changed an ink cartridge.Does any of this make sense?

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Computer Taking Long Time For Restarting Process?

Aug 21, 2005

Allright I have just recentley reinstalled XP. This reinstall was precipitated by the fact that I tried to reboot yesterday, and got the strange grey sector bar across the bottom of a blank monitor, which at the time I though was a very bad sign.... hence the reinstall of XP.I should note that I had been planning on reinstalling soon, as I had run a lot of intensive software thru this install, testing various spyware, regmechs, so it wasnt much of a choice/surprise reinstalling XPHome...

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Computer Restart Itself?

May 4, 2006

I had SP1 in my laptop. So, I updated to SP2 and now XP loading screen shows up and 10 seconds later it goes blank. The machine then proceeds to reboot itself. Also, safe mode does not work.

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Computer Hangs On Reboot

Feb 5, 2008

I bought a new Dell 1720 laptop with XP on it. When I restart or shut down, the computer hangs on the desktop wallpaper for about 5-7 minutes. Sometimes I just have to manually shut it down by holding in the start button.

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Computer Hangs On Screen

Aug 21, 2005

I have a computer that I recently installed a new mother board into. Everything was going fine after the installation for like a week until I decided to reformat. While reformatting I made it through the initial part of the setup where it reboots the computer. To start the second half of the installation but upon rebooting The computer hangs on the Windows XP page. Now every time I try to restart the computer it hangs in the same spot. I have done some reading around the internet and I think that the problem lies in my Bios but everything seems fine. I have tried to update the bios but the computer doesn't have a floppy drive so I was unable to. I have tried the windows recovery console where I did a fixboot and and a fixmbr

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Computer Hangs On When Shutting Down

Dec 5, 2006

I have a problem when shutting down the computer. About 4 out of 5 times when I select shutdown, the computer hangs on the blue screen and I must force it to shut down by holding the startup button. Then on the next startup, about half the time, the system goes through a check.I am using XP2. I was told by Circuit City that this could be caused by spyware. I brought it to them for a fix, among other problem I have Spy Sweeper installed but even after a scan, the problem persists. Then recommended a clean install of XP2 but I am trying to avoid that route. One thing I do notice is that I have a constant correction on the startup scan with many files in a Temp folder of Spy Sweeper that are invalid. The system corrects itself, but then it happens again. Just to note, this shutdown problem was occurring before Spy Sweeper was installed.

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Computer Hangs On Reinstall

Aug 1, 2007

I have a laptop that cannot find boot media device since it went into hibernate. I ran recovery console from Win 2000 disk and ran chkdsk but still no joy. Now I can't get into recovery console as it hangs up when it trys to log onto the WIN NT folder. If I boot as normal it just stays at the initial Windows logo screen.I can't get into dos as it wont log me into WIN NT when I select option 1 from recovery console. Also I cannot reinstall windows either as it hangs up when it says "searching for a previously installed versions of window".I heard that there is a program called Bart_PE and have downloaded it but it doesn't seem to recognize it as a bootable cd.

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Computer Running Slow: Task Manager Having Process Ending With .t?

Jan 15, 2007

My computer started running slow. I noticed in Task Manager that there were processes that ended in ' .t ' Running a search on my computer showed that there are over 100,000 .t files now on my computer. I've run Spy Sweeper, which blocks some of these from starting up, but won't get rid of them. Same with Spyware bot. What are these files? and how do I get rid of them?

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Computer Facing Random Freezes Occur During Boot Process?

Apr 16, 2008

XP Pro SP2 with current critical updates.Computer began freezing 1 week ago. Freezing might occur during boot process; might occur 30 to 60 minutes after booting. Problem began after someone other than regular user did something with iTunes.Occurs in safe mode. Occurs when connected and when not browsing internet. Occurs during boot; prior to Windows XP logon screen. I have been unable to run Panda and HouseCall because it has frozen during each attempt.

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Computer Restart Constantly

Dec 30, 2006

My computer is restarting constantly. I tried sunning my virus software and it doesnt even work now. i tried and online scanner but it restarted when it started scanning. Now you guys are my last hope T-T.

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Random Computer Restart

May 20, 2005

My computer restarts at random times: Sometimes when I'm playing a game, sometimes when I'm surfing the web, and sometimes right when it has been previously restarted. I haven't a clue what the problem could be.

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Computer Won't Shutdown Or Restart

Sep 18, 2007

my computer it won't shut down or restart i have verizon and it comes wit a internet security suite and it has a anitvirus on it. i wouldn't update so i uninstalled it and installed it again but when its done it says u need to restart the computer so the programs can work rite but the cmputer won't restart it jus stays there and when i hit shutdown it jus stays there too. its like my computer won't shutdown or restart when i want it to.

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