Computer A Mess - Viruses - Restart Computer

Aug 30, 2005

I have windows me I have cable hook up my computer is so slow I don't even know where to start. I have norton anti viru when I turn my computer on it takes forever to start up.I always have to get repair for my Internet connection to work right. When I open outlook express and get my e-mail everything is ok then but when I close I get and error message from msn if this keeps happening restart your computer I don't ever want to restart takes forever to come up. I do have my connection with insight to come on when I start my computer should I stop that and connect after I turn on my computer. And also I keep getting norton stopping tnall4c something like that why does this keep coming on my computer.

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SP 2 Sys. Res - Mess Up Your Computer

Jan 3, 2005

Hey this is just a warning to all u ppl wit XP SP 2. i dont know if this was posted already, but DON'T!!! do a system restore if ur comp has sp2 installed on it - it messes up ur comp and then teh help line doesnt always work

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Flashlight Mess In My Computer

Jul 14, 2008

recently I had to reinstall xp home. i have 1 gig ram and 80 gig hd. Whenever i want to open either windows explorer or just clik on My computer, the site appears with a very slow flashlight searching. It takes about a minute or so. I find this annoying. In the past whenever i tried to open MC or explorer, the drives would open up immediately.does anyone know why I keep getting this flashlight stigma and how to get to open MC or WE normally again?

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My Computer Is A Mess - 4150 With 256ram

Oct 1, 2009

why my computer takes up to five minutes to start, slow to upload(dsl connection) and sometimes it even shuts off by itself it is very sluggish Inspiron 4150 with 256ram Do I have a virus or is the computer overburdened? I do not know enough to even know where to start

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My Computer Has 13 Viruses

Apr 21, 2006

AVG Free wouldn't delete them (Idk why) and I don't know how to fix the problem. It's making things take a long time to open. It took about 10 minutes for windows to start. Help would be greatly appreciated. Everything's working normally now but I don't know what the viruses are going to do.

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Computer Flooded With Viruses

Feb 10, 2008

I am not sure if it is worded correctly, but I have a big problem. My pc is flooded with viruses. It is getting to the point where I need to take action right away.I have been searching online and have actually found some great ideas. But I have a greater problem. I can not download any .exe files. I believe its my temp folder that is messing up. I keep getting messages telling me various things can not work because emp is corrupt. When I try to download stuff from the net I get messages telling me that the file could not be saved because of an unknown error. I believe its a virus causing it, but I'm not sure. I would really love if someone could help me. I am a novice so I don't know what information I should post about my system to receive help.

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My Computer Is Infrected With Viruses

Apr 6, 2010

on my computer, it keeps saying that a security breach is detected on my computer and my internet is now saying that i do not have permission to open this file! the only thing that will open is Internet after about 5 minutes..

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Computer Viruses For Valentine's Day To Break Out?

Feb 13, 2006

Quote : TIANJIN, Feb. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- Experts warn computer users to guard against computer viruses as Valentine's Day draws near. A virus, known as "Vbs_Valentin.A" to break out next Tuesday, will spread chiefly through e-mails or on-line chat systems, according to China National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center on Sunday. Other viruses like "Worm-blebla.B" and "VBS-ILoveyou" will also assault computers if users open e-mails or attachments disguised with Valentine blessings.

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Computer Is Infested With Spyware And Viruses

Aug 21, 2005

My computer has been going great since a few weeks ago. My computer is infested with spyware and viruses. I don't know how it got there but I get a pop up about once every click even when i'm not viewing webpages.
I have Ad-Aware, Spybot, and a program I purchased called XoftSpy. XoftSpy finds alot of the things on my computer but once they are deleted, they come back. Aurora is one of them.

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Getting Viruses / Computer Keeps On Crashing All The Time?

Feb 20, 2008

Getting viruses / computer keeps on crashing all the time? checked the HJT log

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Monitor Problem On My Computer Because Of Viruses?

Aug 10, 2007

I just had to reinstall windows xp on my computer because of viruses. Everything went ok. This morning I tried to change the display resolution apparently too high. Or maybe the driver wasn't updated or something. Anyway, the computer starts booting up but then brings up the message 'Attention Out the Range H:72.00kHz V:72.00 Hz'. I booted into safe mode and deleted the account where I tried to change the resolution but it still won't get past the bootup screen before giving the frozen up attention message.

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Computer Is Slow - RAM - Viruses Spyware

Oct 10, 2006

In theory, my computer should be running like its brand new.I have no viruses, spyware etc.I have a junk file cleaner as well as registry cleaner.The only things that are running in the system tray are neccessary.I cannot put in anymore RAM.
So how come my computer still does not act as if it were new?

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Computer Infected By Viruses Because Of Win32res.exe?

Jan 7, 2006

A friend of mine called me moments ago to tell me that she got a message from Windows Security Center on her desktop that the computer has been infected with spyware and to take necessary actions by downloading the latest Windows updates. She told me she saw win32res.exe was the cause of this.

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Computer Infected Whole Family Of Viruses

Apr 6, 2010

I am servicing computers everyday for both business and home users and the vast amount of computers are infected with this whole family of viruses by names like Personal Security, Window Anti-virus, Antivirus7, Security Guard etc.I see these ransom-ware infections getting past everything from the free Anti-virus programs to the most expensive anti-virus programs, especially with home computers that are use for Entertainment Purposes and always because the users were browsing the Internet and are tricked into clicking on a fake warning of infection or security risk. Once they are tricked into that initial click, life goes downhill rapidly as the infection installs itself and then takes deeper root as the user clicks on subsequent fake screens. If they don't register the fake program, it will proceed to convince them to register by progressively turning off more and more Windows features.My question to the knowledgeable users of this forum is:Does anyone know of an antivirus/spyware program or combination of programs that can catch these infections as they initially try to install from that first ill-fated click while browsing the Internet?I have tried all the Big names to varying degrees of disappointing success.Would registered versions of MalWarebytes or Super AntiSpyware be effective?

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A Problem Damage My Computer And Viruses

Aug 27, 2007

I downloaded a game and mirosoft came on and said this program could damage your computer and allow viruses and other security threats. Thinking I had my security to tight, this has happened before and I went ahead and downloaded and played the game. My problem.I can't get into the following: My Doc. My recent Doc., My music, my computer, instead I get this Windows Ex. has encounters a problem and needs to close. I have sent error reports at no avail.Also it has tied up my Trend Micro and all I get when I go to T.M. Is the game name and open file security warning on the game because of unknown publisher. I looked up that game it is Puzzle Detcetive set up application # 209KB from # 64.92-235.35. If that means any thing a blue screen?

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Computer Infected With Viruses: Finding And Deleting These?

Nov 12, 2006

I think my computer has some viruses. i dont know how to delete or remove these from my computer

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Computer Effected By Viruses, Spyware & Trojans?

Sep 12, 2007

I am not sure where/when/how but I guess that is not important anyways. but I don't know where to start. What logs, information etc do you all wonderfully helpful people need to proceed. know some passwords were stolen... I have that under control but there are numerous little beasties creating havoc on my PC. How would you all like me to submit logs & which ones do you want?

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Computer Infected By Viruses With Jumpy Cursor?

Mar 19, 2007

Infected: Indications: jumpy cursor, desktop format changes unilaterally, black screen, etc; Ad-aware, spybot, avg find nothing.

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Computer Running Slow: Cleaned Viruses But Still Same?

Feb 19, 2006

I'm running a Hewlett Packard a600y with 2.6 Celeron Processor and a gig of ram. I've run Spybot and Adaware, both found spyware and deleted it, but I'm still having problems with running slow, and even cheap little dinky games are locking it up. If you post a link to hijack this I'll run it and post a log, but I can't figure out what's wrong.

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Website That Scans Computer For Viruses/worms/trojans ?

Apr 1, 2005

I mainly want to know if their is a site that can scan my computer to see if there are any trojans or worms. Any kind of stuff that a hacker could put onmy computer or anything that may have passed through my firewall.

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Computer Infected With Viruses: Boot Up Extremely Slow?

Jan 3, 2005

Boot up was extemely slow and would not allow internet (dsl) connection. I have fixed that by using the wireless card instead as I believe a driver is gone. I now no why she didn't want it anymore. When I ran spybot it came up with 37 items for removal. I have also run AD-Aware which continues to find some trojan viruses. I also have Avast running. I have reached the the extent of my tech abilityand although it seems to run better I still believe it is infected.

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Clean Install / Missing NTLDR Viruses On Computer

Jan 16, 2008

"missing NTLDR" viruses an my PC with XP Home. I am trying to do a clean install of XP Pro. I boot to the CD and it starts checking the configurations. I then get a screen asking for me to insert the CD in Drive "A". It won't read the CD no matter what I do. The PC only has the DVD/CD-rom and the hard drive.

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Slow Moving Computer, But Show NO Viruses Or Adware

Sep 26, 2006

My computer is loading EVERYTHING very slowly, yet i clean every part i can: 'Disk Cleanup;' temp files; under Document & settings - Local Settings - then Internet temp files; i even defragment once a week. Yet even bringing up 'My Computer,' causes the 'search light' to try to find files (about 30 seconds later, it does).I've checked for viruses and adware and have none under AOL's system.

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Computer Infected By Many Malware And Viruses: Unable To Solve?

Jan 6, 2006

I have a malware or spyware problem I can't solve. I tried spybot,adware, and ewido with little help.

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Computer Attacked By Viruses And Having Stuck In Startup Loop?

Jan 14, 2005

I think my PC is infected with a virus. It is stuck in a continuous startup loop.I get an error message stating:SAS Window: winlogon.exe - Application Error I'm given an option to enter to terminate the program or cancel to debug. Either option restarts the system again. It won't work in safe mode or any thing else.

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Computer Infected By Many Malware And Viruses: Antivirus Wont Work?

Jan 6, 2006

I have a malware or spyware problem I can't solve. I tried spybot,adware but nothing worked

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Computer Freezes / Attacked By Viruses / Missing Desktop Icons?

Sep 22, 2008

my computer got infected with a malware or two. I honestly forgot what they're called but one of them was called rogue. something. A few of my desktop icons got deleted and sometimes I wouldnt c the start button or the computer wouldnt detect the main harddrive and various other errors. It also gave me fake anti virus ads I installed many different programs to remove it but none were successful, except Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.Now, my computer has been so unstable that I dont even feel like it's a new computer.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Checking For Viruses Wont Work?

Nov 19, 2006

I am working on my sisters computer it is so slow I could go to the library and back faster than it takes for it to boot up.I have gone thru regstry cleaning defragging, every spyware scan out there and no help.

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Computer Restart Itself?

May 4, 2006

I had SP1 in my laptop. So, I updated to SP2 and now XP loading screen shows up and 10 seconds later it goes blank. The machine then proceeds to reboot itself. Also, safe mode does not work.

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Computer Restart Constantly

Dec 30, 2006

My computer is restarting constantly. I tried sunning my virus software and it doesnt even work now. i tried and online scanner but it restarted when it started scanning. Now you guys are my last hope T-T.

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Random Computer Restart

May 20, 2005

My computer restarts at random times: Sometimes when I'm playing a game, sometimes when I'm surfing the web, and sometimes right when it has been previously restarted. I haven't a clue what the problem could be.

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