Computer Is Slow - RAM - Viruses Spyware

Oct 10, 2006

In theory, my computer should be running like its brand new.I have no viruses, spyware etc.I have a junk file cleaner as well as registry cleaner.The only things that are running in the system tray are neccessary.I cannot put in anymore RAM.
So how come my computer still does not act as if it were new?

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Very Slow Boot Up - Spyware/malware/viruses

Jul 25, 2008

I get the Windows XP splash screen, then sometimes it takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes to boot up.
I checked the startup folder and the services/.exes running during bootup. Nothing out of the ordinary, but maybe i do not know what im looking for.I know that it is NOT spyware/malware/viruses....just recently it has become slow and i have no installed any software or anything

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Spyware Anti Virus Showed Up No Viruses - System Still Slow

Aug 1, 2008

I tried to start it up and it takes forever to load. It takes a couple of minutes to open any of the icons on the desktop too (Mozilla, Word). I tried to clean up as best I could. I ran some spyware programs and antivirus and nothing too much showed up -- no viruses. It takes so long to run these programs that I go off and do other stuff and come back hours later and the scans are still running! Is there anything that you can recommend to get the laptop running as it should?

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Computer Is Infested With Spyware And Viruses

Aug 21, 2005

My computer has been going great since a few weeks ago. My computer is infested with spyware and viruses. I don't know how it got there but I get a pop up about once every click even when i'm not viewing webpages.
I have Ad-Aware, Spybot, and a program I purchased called XoftSpy. XoftSpy finds alot of the things on my computer but once they are deleted, they come back. Aurora is one of them.

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Computer Effected By Viruses, Spyware & Trojans?

Sep 12, 2007

I am not sure where/when/how but I guess that is not important anyways. but I don't know where to start. What logs, information etc do you all wonderfully helpful people need to proceed. know some passwords were stolen... I have that under control but there are numerous little beasties creating havoc on my PC. How would you all like me to submit logs & which ones do you want?

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Computer Running Slow: Cleaned Viruses But Still Same?

Feb 19, 2006

I'm running a Hewlett Packard a600y with 2.6 Celeron Processor and a gig of ram. I've run Spybot and Adaware, both found spyware and deleted it, but I'm still having problems with running slow, and even cheap little dinky games are locking it up. If you post a link to hijack this I'll run it and post a log, but I can't figure out what's wrong.

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Computer Infected With Viruses: Boot Up Extremely Slow?

Jan 3, 2005

Boot up was extemely slow and would not allow internet (dsl) connection. I have fixed that by using the wireless card instead as I believe a driver is gone. I now no why she didn't want it anymore. When I ran spybot it came up with 37 items for removal. I have also run AD-Aware which continues to find some trojan viruses. I also have Avast running. I have reached the the extent of my tech abilityand although it seems to run better I still believe it is infected.

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Slow Moving Computer, But Show NO Viruses Or Adware

Sep 26, 2006

My computer is loading EVERYTHING very slowly, yet i clean every part i can: 'Disk Cleanup;' temp files; under Document & settings - Local Settings - then Internet temp files; i even defragment once a week. Yet even bringing up 'My Computer,' causes the 'search light' to try to find files (about 30 seconds later, it does).I've checked for viruses and adware and have none under AOL's system.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Checking For Viruses Wont Work?

Nov 19, 2006

I am working on my sisters computer it is so slow I could go to the library and back faster than it takes for it to boot up.I have gone thru regstry cleaning defragging, every spyware scan out there and no help.

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Spyware / Adware And Viruses XP

Aug 25, 2005

I've been having tons of trouble trying to remove spyware and adware from my computer, I've tried multiple different programs but have been unable to clean them all out.

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Slow Computer Spyware

Apr 20, 2006

My computer has been acting pretty slowly as of late, probably due to spyware from limewire or other downloads. Does anyone have any very specific and efficient methods of using limewire without the spyware, or just of removing spyware or speeding up their system in general? (Programs, deletion, etc)

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Ton Of Popups - Spyware And Viruses - HP Laserjet 1100

Oct 19, 2005

My friend has a major problem. She told me she was getting a ton of popups, so I went over there and cleaned out all the spyware and viruses, and all was well. Well, now shes saying that she is STILL getting popups, tons of them. I know I took them out because I surfed the internet myself, and I didnt get a single popup... Shes also saying that her printer (hp laserjet 1100) is printing printer garb (garbled text)..... Guys, its the third time I fixed this computer, And I'm just not sure what to do anymore....Computer A with windows 2000 has the HP Laserjet 1100 connected to it by Parallell port.

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Spyware Viruses Malware Changes Home Page

Oct 23, 2006

Every time i load my IE up it changes my home page from yahoo to: I have been hit with a dose of something bad on my pc. I know McAfee keeps telling me i need to uninstall some Generic PUP.c but i dont know how to do that! ive used ad-aware,mcafee vs,windows defender,cwshredder,and spysweeper, and nothing is helping.

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Very Slow Computer - Tried All The Classic Spyware

Oct 4, 2007

i was wondering if anybody had some ideas on how to speed up this computer of mine i've tried all the classic spyware and virus scans, registry scans i even upgraded the RAM from 512mb up to 2gb, which provided no improvement whatsoever the cpu just seems to have trouble handling even the simplest tasks, theres no evident process or program hogging up the cpu time

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Infected With Spyware - Computer So Slow

Jan 13, 2005

I hava a PC with Windows XP Proffesional 1.6GHz P4 with 384 Mb RAM. I have 2 harddrivers 1) 40Gb Total 10Gb Free 2) 120 Gb total 92Gb Free. It has worked very very well for a couple of years but in the latest month it has become so slow. I have been infected with spyware and as everyone else that used IE been hijacked but I have removed all those programs and adds regarding "Hijack"

What happens everytime I, for example, end a program is that all the icons on my desktop disapear and one after one is coming back first with a "system icon" then it get its natural look. Another example is that it takes so long time to start the webbrowser (FireFox). I really don't know what can be wrong,

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Spyware Programs Computer Is Slow

Apr 25, 2007

I've used multiple spyware programs to get of it and I just can't get it off.I'm visited many sites which got me to this one. I was viewing a thread here with no luck.I think this is the thread here: from what I know I should include my HJT log for anyone that can help. I currenty have superantispyware and spyware doctor both showing no viruses on computer however I have a blinking icon on the bottom right corner of the screen and a very very slow computer.

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Ra Virus Scan - Unloaded Viruses - Tons Of Spyware

Apr 26, 2005

when I boot up I get 3 error messages this took place after I ran a virus scan and unloaded 40 viruses and tons of spyware 1- G.exe 2- T.I80.exe 3- XOP.exe. I have a gateway laptop windows xp windows pro. intel p 4.

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Keep Clean Operating System For Viruses/Malware/Spyware

Jun 12, 2006

I currently run PC-Cillin anti virus, and have Ad-Aware SE, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and SpywareBlaster to help keep my PC clean. I would like some suggestions on other programs that you might recommend, or if these would suffice to keep my PC clear of viruses, malware, and spyware.I would also like to know if anyone has any information about Registry Mechanic. Specifically if it is worth while in any way, as it was recommended to my by a friend.

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Vista Transformer Pack - Themes Come Packed With Spyware Or Viruses?

Jun 25, 2007

where can I find windows Xp themes that won't harm my computer. By the Way is the "Windows Vista Transformer Pack" harmful or can I install it and it won't affect my computer in any way. Do these themes come packed with spyware or viruses?

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Computer Running Extremely Slow: Having All Antivirus & Spyware Installed?

Jan 4, 2008

After searching some searching, I am unable to find threads that will assist me with this. But i would really appreciate some direction on how to "unclog" my laptop. Windows XP Pro, 1gb Ram, 80 Gb hardrive (maybe the size is the prob?), Adaware CCleaner, AVG Free. AVG Spyware, Zonealarm.

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System Extreamly Slow Since A Spyware Infection

Nov 18, 2007

My Dell Latitude Laptop 400Mhz 128MB ram 100GB HD has been really slow ever sence a spyware infection (witch has been cleaned). Windows 2000 takes 2 minutes just to get pass Preparing Network Connections on startup and once windows is started it can take a long time to start up programs.

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No Virus Or Spyware - Still Operating System Getting Slow

Nov 4, 2008

what do you do if you run say: kaspersky internet security pro 2009 and it doesnt find spyware or a virus...but the machine is still running slow.its got 1GB ram,dual core is this right?1 run a defrag 2 run a windows repair

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My Computer Has 13 Viruses

Apr 21, 2006

AVG Free wouldn't delete them (Idk why) and I don't know how to fix the problem. It's making things take a long time to open. It took about 10 minutes for windows to start. Help would be greatly appreciated. Everything's working normally now but I don't know what the viruses are going to do.

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Computer A Mess - Viruses - Restart Computer

Aug 30, 2005

I have windows me I have cable hook up my computer is so slow I don't even know where to start. I have norton anti viru when I turn my computer on it takes forever to start up.I always have to get repair for my Internet connection to work right. When I open outlook express and get my e-mail everything is ok then but when I close I get and error message from msn if this keeps happening restart your computer I don't ever want to restart takes forever to come up. I do have my connection with insight to come on when I start my computer should I stop that and connect after I turn on my computer. And also I keep getting norton stopping tnall4c something like that why does this keep coming on my computer.

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System Running Very Slow: Installed Spyware Removers?

Jan 30, 2007

System running very slow. Have run spyware removers, etc. Windows XP, running AVG Antivirus and ZoneLabs Firewall.

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Found No Spyware Or Infection But System Running Slow?

Nov 12, 2008

computer is running Very Very slowly. I have reformated and done a spyware and virus scan.MIcrosoft Windows XP Home and a Broadband connection

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Computer Flooded With Viruses

Feb 10, 2008

I am not sure if it is worded correctly, but I have a big problem. My pc is flooded with viruses. It is getting to the point where I need to take action right away.I have been searching online and have actually found some great ideas. But I have a greater problem. I can not download any .exe files. I believe its my temp folder that is messing up. I keep getting messages telling me various things can not work because emp is corrupt. When I try to download stuff from the net I get messages telling me that the file could not be saved because of an unknown error. I believe its a virus causing it, but I'm not sure. I would really love if someone could help me. I am a novice so I don't know what information I should post about my system to receive help.

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My Computer Is Infrected With Viruses

Apr 6, 2010

on my computer, it keeps saying that a security breach is detected on my computer and my internet is now saying that i do not have permission to open this file! the only thing that will open is Internet after about 5 minutes..

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Computer Viruses For Valentine's Day To Break Out?

Feb 13, 2006

Quote : TIANJIN, Feb. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- Experts warn computer users to guard against computer viruses as Valentine's Day draws near. A virus, known as "Vbs_Valentin.A" to break out next Tuesday, will spread chiefly through e-mails or on-line chat systems, according to China National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center on Sunday. Other viruses like "Worm-blebla.B" and "VBS-ILoveyou" will also assault computers if users open e-mails or attachments disguised with Valentine blessings.

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Getting Viruses / Computer Keeps On Crashing All The Time?

Feb 20, 2008

Getting viruses / computer keeps on crashing all the time? checked the HJT log

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Monitor Problem On My Computer Because Of Viruses?

Aug 10, 2007

I just had to reinstall windows xp on my computer because of viruses. Everything went ok. This morning I tried to change the display resolution apparently too high. Or maybe the driver wasn't updated or something. Anyway, the computer starts booting up but then brings up the message 'Attention Out the Range H:72.00kHz V:72.00 Hz'. I booted into safe mode and deleted the account where I tried to change the resolution but it still won't get past the bootup screen before giving the frozen up attention message.

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