Computer Keeps On Restarting Soon After Boot Process?

Sep 30, 2007

I just turned on my destop today and after i click my login and windows begins to start up the computer restarts. I let it restart and do the same thing and just about at time during the windows initial loading process the computer restarts..... i open up my computer clean it out and then restarted it.As windows comes up i get all these this msg saying windows has recovered from something serious and i should send in an error report which i try and do.. as i do it the application that sends the error report doesnt respond and fails then my computer freezes.

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Computer Taking Long Time For Restarting Process?

Aug 21, 2005

Allright I have just recentley reinstalled XP. This reinstall was precipitated by the fact that I tried to reboot yesterday, and got the strange grey sector bar across the bottom of a blank monitor, which at the time I though was a very bad sign.... hence the reinstall of XP.I should note that I had been planning on reinstalling soon, as I had run a lot of intensive software thru this install, testing various spyware, regmechs, so it wasnt much of a choice/surprise reinstalling XPHome...

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Computer Facing Random Freezes Occur During Boot Process?

Apr 16, 2008

XP Pro SP2 with current critical updates.Computer began freezing 1 week ago. Freezing might occur during boot process; might occur 30 to 60 minutes after booting. Problem began after someone other than regular user did something with iTunes.Occurs in safe mode. Occurs when connected and when not browsing internet. Occurs during boot; prior to Windows XP logon screen. I have been unable to run Panda and HouseCall because it has frozen during each attempt.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Taking Long Time In Boot Process?

Aug 1, 2009

I have a main WIN XP Home Edition based computer with an Intel 3118 chip, 2GB RAM,190GB Hard drive with 126GB free, additional drive via USB with 470 GB and 399GB free and networked with a laptop and Dell computer all able to read each other. On the main computer I have 60+ icons on the desktop and have Zone Alarm Security Suite and Forcefield running updated.I have cleaned all computers with Crap Cleaner and Esaycleaner have defragged and deleted all unwanted files but still it takes some 9-10 minutes to boot from hot or cold and the close down of programs also takes between 1-2 minutes.

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Chk Dsk Keeping Restarting & Computer Keeps Restarting?

May 19, 2008

After I used Fix-it Utlilies the program erased essential system folders. So now when I do check disk it reboots, flashes a blue screen real fast (so fast I can't even read it) then restarts the computer, restarts check disk, restarts the computer, and on & on. It won't stop doing this till I interrupt check disk at the start by hitting any key but then I end up with a black screen with instructions which include safe mode, safe mode with networking, start windows normally & last known configuration

I can't boot from an installation CD to do a "repair" since Windows was preinstalled in the drive so I have NO CD. Does system recovery work?, who knows, I'm a noob and have no idea how to use it. The only thing I've tried to fix it was 2 things : 1) use system restore which failed; 2) use run> sfc /scannow but this file checker is also broken and will barely start before it errors and stops. I don't know what else to do besides reformat

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Computer Running Slow: Getting Slow Boot Process?

Jan 23, 2009

Why is it taking my computer 3 minutes to boot to the desktop? As you can see from my signature below, I don't have exactly a slow poke machine. All drives are defragged weekly, the BIOS is set to boot off of the hard disk, and I only have the one OS installed.This thing use to boot to the desktop in 20 seconds.

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Slow Boot Process: Boot Up Taking Nearly 24 Hours?

Feb 23, 2008

pc was very stable until I introduced new replacement tv card After a system freeze caused by a new pinnacle tv tuner I had to do a hard reset ( press power button for 4 secs ) When the system rebooted it stuck on the post screen, it auto detects my hardware and then stops.After about half an hour it moves on to the next bios screen (which would normally only show up for a second or two during boot up) and then stayed on that screen for 16 - 24 hours.I gave up, left it running & went to sleep (still displaying the same screen in the morning) & then work the next day. I came home from work to find the windows welcome screen on my monitor!!?? But on rebooting it takes nearly 24 hours to start up

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PC Will Not Boot Up Keeps Restarting

Jul 15, 2009

My wife fired up her PC this morning and it would not complete the boot process. Shows Windows XP page, then COMPAQ page, then black screen, then back to Windows XP page. Just keeps going in circles. I have switched it off and tried again but usually with same results. A couple of times I have gotten page saying there was a problem and asking if I wanted to start in safe mode. I've tried this. Seems to rapidly scroll through a bunch of lines of info, then quickly go back to the reboot cycle. I can go into setup or recovery from the COMPAQ page. I want to avoid having to reload all my wife's applications though. I don't have the original XP disk. I have current antivirus/spyware (AVG paid version, installed about a week ago). We've made no other recent hardware/software changes, although my daughter was on the net last night!

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PC Keeps Restarting Before It Hits Boot

Dec 24, 2008

It just keeps restarting before it even lets me see a boot screen? Keeps restarting every 6 secs or so. Sometimes 2secs. Monitor keeps blinking its standby light. I never see anything on the screen. nadda. Just one reboot ago I installed PortIO32 driver manually. Could that have something to do with it? Installed PortIO32 driver to Flash my 360 drive. Flash was successful, but after I shut down ,unplugged SATA to XBOX drive and re-inserted SATA to its original pc dvd drive this happened.

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Acer Laptop Won't Boot Keeps Restarting

Oct 2, 2009

I have an Acer Laptop that will no longer bootup when I turn it on it keeps restarting and It didn't come with a CD. I tried booting it in Safe Mode but it does the same thing.
What can I do?

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System Restarting During Boot: Shut Down To Prevent Damage?

Dec 23, 2005

system is restarting automatically during the boot process. An error message is flashed briefly before it restarts: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. "If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.If this screen appears again, follow these steps:"Run a system diagnostic utility suppied by your hardware manufacturer. In particular run a memory check, and check for faulty or mismatched memory. .

Try changing video adapters"Disable or remove any newly installed hardware and drivers. Disable or remove any newly installed software. If you need to use safe mode to remove components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced startup options, and then select safe mode."Technical information: STOP: 0x0000007F (0x00000008, 0x80042000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)"

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Unmountable Boot Volume - Restarting In Safe Mode

Aug 18, 2007

So my desktop was switched on today to the blue screen saying "Unmountable_Boot_Volume". I tried restarting, I got the same thing. Restarting in safe mode and restarting in safe mode command prompt both brought me to the same thing. I DON'T have the Windows XP CD.

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Wont Load:restarting Results In Boot Menu Then Freezes?

May 6, 2006

I turned my computer off last night and when i went to turn it on this morning, windows wouldn't load. It went to the screen that says you can start it in safe mode or normal mode or any of the other ones. But when i choose any mode the little white bar at the bottom of the screen loads, but then it freezes. Or if i choose safe mode it floods my screen with a bunch of command lines then freezes. I need a little help here guys because i am baffled. I know this has happened to me before but i do not remember how to fix it.

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Computer Restarting On Its Own

Oct 20, 2006

I just bought this computer about 4 months ago and over the last few days it has been randomly restarting on its own. I ran adaware and scanned for viruses with norton and they found nothing. Yesterday it restarted a couple of times, one time I had firefox and paint shop pro open, the other time, I had outlook express open. I'm not sure what could be causing this, the only thing I've installed within the last two days was the latest expansion pack for sims 2.

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Computer Keeps Restarting

Apr 12, 2009

My computer keeps restarting over and over again. It starts and boots up and goes through the process of restarting over and over again.

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Computer Keeps Restarting

Oct 16, 2006

i aint doing it ! the computer keeps restarting on its own it all happened yesterday first time it just restarted i dont remaber doing anything suspicious.i checked my inside of computer and everything is intact, i checked for spywares and still no hope done a chkdisk etc.

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Computer Keeps Restarting / Now Can't Log On

Mar 3, 2008

A couple of weeks ago my computer started to act very strangely and after sending numerous windows errors it began to restart on its own for about 5 mins then restart again.It continued in this loop and actually the loop became smaller to the point where I couldn't even get onto the log on screen and it just kept saying press 'ctrl, alt, delete'.When I did it just restarted to the same point (small loop).I asked a few IT bods and they said that it couldn't read from the hard drive and managed to get a XP boot disk and it then started to run but not to my log on page. The page had a 'run' button instead of start.I copied over all of the files from the disk to the hard drive and ran it from there.Then hey presto I was back on to my log on page and home page.Then exactly the same thing happened.The error pop ups began and it began to shut down and restart.

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Computer Keeps Restarting,

Nov 20, 2007

My computer keeps restarting. I tried everything I could find on google with no prevail Within minutes of turning on my computer it restarts. I followed one suggestion un checked an option "restart computer when computer crashes" and now it just freezes within minutes of startup. It doesn't, however, freeze in safe mode if that makes a difference.I've tried pretty much every virus/spyware program in the book so I don't think thats the problem.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting - Virus?

Apr 2, 2005

Yea, for some reason my computer keeps restarting randmoly and it seems to be a virus...but i have used every "Free" anti-virus program possible.

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Computer Crashed / Now Keeps Restarting

Mar 6, 2007

Last night my girlfriends daughter tried to install a game on her PC (one of these tycoon games) it froze half way through installing and then switched itself off. When trying to restart it, it asks whether to restart in Normal or Safe mode etc and then it gets as far as the Microsoft Windows XP screen and then restarts itself again.It gets to the same stage everytime and restarts. It won’t allow me to start in safe or normal mode.

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Computer Keeps Restarting / Possible Virus

May 3, 2006

I think my computer may have some kind of virus. None of my antivirus and spyware programs are picking it up. My computer just keeps on restarting. It seems that it restarts when too many programs are running and when I am away from the computer for more then half an hour. I never noticed it automatically restarting until about two days ago. Everytime I leave the computer and come back, it has been restarted. How do I fix this?

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Restarting The Computer Or Keeps It Turned On?

Oct 8, 2006

I heard a computer show today where the host was saying you should restart XP after three days or so because it slows down, gets buggy, ect. Yet I had heard it said you could leave in on for weeks or months.... which is correct?

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Computer Keeps Restarting Right After The First Screen

May 8, 2006

My brother attempted to install Windows Media Center on his computer, the computer then restarted and now keeps restarting right after the first screen,the "PRESS DEL TO ENTER SETUP" one with the energy saver icon.
I tried to enter safe mode, all I got was the same restarting, even in safe mode. It seems Windows cannot load up

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Computer Restarting During Gameplay

Dec 20, 2006

i havn't been able to install any games because my directx 9.0c was acting up but ive been on the windows website and fixed it. However, when i play games i have a problem which has been continuing for a very long time. When i load up a game it works alright, loads up then my computer restarts. for example, i have downloaded the eragon demo just for the sake of it and i load it up, it loads the demo and jsut as the controlled gameplay starts my computer restarts everytime. It is the same problem on every game that ive had for along time and i don't know what is wrong or why.

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Computer Restarting All Of A Sudden

Jan 14, 2006

Hey, Recently my computer would just restart all of a sudden. I would be doing something and then all of a sudden the computer screen goes black and I hear the computer restarting

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Randomly By Itself?

Sep 9, 2009

Last night at 3am I heard an error prompt and then shutdown music. Then my computer started back up immediately after. This has happened several times now, only at night (maybe once a week or two), possibly but not certainly at the same time. Firfox is able to recover but Office is not! And I've already lost hours of work from not saving frequently enough

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Itself Every 5 Minutes

Mar 17, 2007

i'm using Windows XP right now.All i know is that out of the blue when i got back to my computer and the screen was black and had the message in white text in the left hand corner that read something like this "Invalid Disk System.Replace disk and press any key".i tried just pressing any keys but the message just keeps on appearing beneath the previous one.i recently bought an external drive, and my computer was working fine for a few days until now.When my external drive is not plugged to my USB that message doesn't appear. Now every time i use the computer, it would work normally but after every 5 minutes or so it would just restart itself without any warnings.

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Computer Is Freezing Up And Restarting By Itself?

Jul 25, 2007

I have a HP Pavilion 554E. Windows XP. It has been running really slow for awhile. And for the past week and a half it has been freezing up and restarting itself. I'll be surprised if i get this finished before it does it again. Also I have tried 4 different browzers and each one is working for a bit then just closing on me. It is driving me crazy. I can't get it to stay on long enough to burn any of my stuff to a disk.

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Computer Keeps Restarting Itself - Freezing Up

May 16, 2006

It just started happening this morning. It keeps restarting itself and I dont know why It has freezed up a couple times and restarted 6-7 times. What happens is once I turn it on and all the programs load I will try to do something and then it just boots up again. Anyone know what is going on? I tried a system restore to 3 days back before it restarted on me but I am still having problems. I was also able to run quick scan with Windows Defender and nothing showed up.

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Restarting Computer Is Required

Jun 15, 2010

I have windows XP and everytime I start it a window pops up and says(Restarting your computer is required) in the window it says (The computer must be restarted before updating can continue. Would you like to restart now? Yes or No) if I click yes it reboots and the same window pops up asking the same question, what do you think is wrong?

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Computer Continually Restarting

Dec 18, 2007

I did a registry edit, (I think I didn't reboot the computer before turning it off and packing it for the flight, but I'm not sure) and without ever restarting the computer, I went on a plane flight. Now I'm at my destination (on another computer atm) and when I boot my computer, the lights literally turn on for only ~3 seconds, then it reboots, it will just continually loop this once I turn on the power supply and press the power button (turning off the power supply is the only way I've found to stop it). I don't think it even sends a signal to the monitor to turn on. I have been googling it and trying to find out what it is, it seems like it might be the registry that's the issue? If this registry edit did cause my computer to go haywire (even though I kind of have a hard time seeing that considering the reboot is so fast.. but I'm sure you guys know more than me) then what would I do to fix it? Get a boot CD right for my OS? Does that entail buying a new Win XP CD? Or can I use to fix it? If I can get to Windows I can revert the registry change, no problem, if that is what's causing it.

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