Hangs On Restart When Internet Connection Is On?

Jan 6, 2009

when ever i turn on/ restart/ start my laptop after hibernate , the PC just hangs if and only if the internet connection is on. So i have to power down my laptop, switch off internet, restart for normal working.I am able to login into my account, i see the desktop, and then the system freezes.There are no icons in the system tray except time. when i move my cursor over the system tray or taskbar, i get a busy hourglass symbol

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Hangs During Log Off Shut Down Or Restart

Sep 16, 2006

I recently re-installed windows XP Pro after a clean format. I backed up all drivers from my system32 folder and used them to make sure that all drivers would still be there after the reinstall. I still have all the same programs installed (McAfee AV, ZoneAlarm Personal, Spybot, and Ad-Aware) but now when I log off I simply get the windows xp logo on the blue background screen. (The Saving Your settings, Logging, off, Windows is shutting down dialoge does not occur) I have made no hardware changes. I must also note that this does not happen all of the time, but it also isn't happening with any discernable pattern, so it's hard to narrow down what may be the cause

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SP2 Hangs During Shutdown And Restart

Jan 4, 2007

When I try to turn off or restart Windows XP, it hangs at the "Windows is shutting down" screen. I have rebooted in safe mode and was able to restart in safe mode. I have tried system restore and run the check disk utility without success. I checked the Event Viewer and saw 2 recurring warnings from EvntAgnt. The first is event 1003 and the second is event 1015. I have also run the free TweakNow and Eusing registry cleaners.

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Try To Shut Down Or Restart My PC It Hangs

Aug 19, 2006

When I try to shut down or Restart my PC it hangs when it gets to the Windows is Shutting Down page & just stays there,wont go any further, the only things Ive done has been to install the latest Windows Updates which included Windows SP 2 (I have Windows updates turned on so they automatically update) & install I Tunes,

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Restart Fails / Hangs On Shut Down

Apr 17, 2006

Recently my PC stopped restarting properly.If I choose restart it takes longer than usual, then windows shuts down, leaving the hard drive light on, then nothing. It just hangs there. I end up forcing shut down.It simply never tries to startup again. If I choose "shut down" everything goes OK, PC shuts off normally.I've heard that a friend had the same problem with an older PC (Mines 6yrs old) and he said he replaced the battery and the problem stopped.

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Hangs On Restart / Shutdown Crashes On Startup

Apr 17, 2007

Working on a laptop for one of my friends, and came across few problems I couldn't fix.When attempting to properly shutdown or restart, xp (SP2) hangs on "Saving your settings"I searched this problem and found many similar problems, but no fixes.Most sites/forums reffered the problems to SP1.When turning on the computer, after login, it hangs, then crashes (taskbar dissapears as well as desktop icons)My quickfix i've been using while removing the viruses/spyware from the machine is kill explorer.exe and restart it, this crashes many services (and viruses) that were running on the machine.it starts fine in safemode, but still doesn't restart/shutdown and I don't know how to fix it in safemode anyways.The computer is fully updated XP SP2.

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Computer Wont Restart: Hangs On During Process?

Apr 5, 2006

PC has rebooted perfectly until yesterday. When I go thru the restart computer process. it will stall at the startup p.o.s.t screen. I can shut it down with the shutdown computer process and it powers off. I wait a few seconds, then power back on and it will boot into Windows perfectly.It just will not go thru the restart process. Power off and power on, it will bootup normally.

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Cable Connection Wont Work: Internet Connection Breaks After 15 Minutes?

May 25, 2006

my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems

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Random Restart During Connection

Oct 31, 2006

I've a problem with my laptop - i have an internet connection configured on it, it operates on Windows 2000 Pro, and the computer randomly restarts a few minutes after i am connected to the internet. Its a DSL connection and the modem is configured and all, but every time, several minutes after i am connected, the laptop just restarts. No blue screen, no nothin', just restarts.Any friendly advice? Obviously would be very appreciated - i cant fix this problem myself for over a month now.

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Internet Connection Wizard - Dialup Connection

Jun 24, 2005

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went
to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.

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Computers Loss Connection Come Back Oonly After Restart

Sep 22, 2005

I have 2 computer and a printer hooked up to a firewall then to the DSL modem. about once or twice a day either 1 or both computers loss connection and the only way to get them to come back up is to restart the computers. Other ways it happens are one will be down without Internet and the other will be working fine. Both computers are HP's running win XP. I am at a remote location that the store connects to. i can ping to the firewall and see it within a min of them calling me and telling me it is down. i dont ever see any errors or lost packets or anything on the firewall.

The things i have done.
1) I have replaced both computer 2 different times.
2) rewired the store with cables from walmart.
3) replaced the modem (replaced by dsl provider - they show the circuit is fine)
4) replaced the firewall
5) gone through hijack this logs even on a computer i set up for them the day before.
6) got a battery backup for the computer in the backroom.

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Cant Connection To Internet - Tried Direct Connection

Apr 13, 2005

I got a Toshiba with windows XP.. Its an older laptop and runs slow.. which is fine for what i need it for.. It is connected through a Dlink Cable modem. Recently moved and had a DSL connection of 3 years no problems. Had to switch to cable broadband. The lights all light up solid no problem. Network cable connected to no problem. Problem : NO internet

Unplug netowkr cable from cable modem (get the network cabled unplugged in windows, so it is seing the modem or atleast talking to it)Tried using the windows xp network srtup wizard. I did that hub one (connected thourhg a hub) and i tried the direct connection (goes from modem to computer).

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Loss Of Internet Connection: Programs Requiring Internet Access Unable To Connect?

Nov 19, 2006

After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.

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Slow Internet Connection: Internet Bad After 2 Hours?

Sep 7, 2005

I have a number of XP computers (all SP2) connected to the Net via a wireless modem/router. Everything was fine until a few days ago when my connection speed dramatically slowed after being online for a few hours. This happens to all of the PCs in my home - so it's nothing internal to my PC. I tried to transfer a large file across the wireless network and it transferred fine (5Mb in 10 seconds). I can also connect to the router's web management software without problem. So it's not the wireless connection. Which leaves either my modem/router or my broadband connection. The router's "DSL" light is always on which infers that my broadband connection is OK. So that leaves my modem/router.

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Internet Explorer Hangs Before Closing

Jan 6, 2010

Sometimes but not always IE has been closing slowly, delayed. May have to wait up to 15 seconds before it closes sometimes less for tabs in the same window other times theey cloes immediately.

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Application Hangs In Internet Explorer 6

Jul 13, 2005

I am really getting tired of getting these application hangs in Explorer 6. Is Microsoft ever going to fix this? I got a message once to download a fix which I did, but it didn't stop the hangs. Is there any thing I can do? And while I'm here! What do I do when I try to shut down my PC and get that little box that has to end a running program when I have closed all my windows? I have a Dell 4700, with windows XP home edition and explorer 6 service pack 2. I am also using Cox cable high speed broadband.

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Hangs Often On The Internet Or Check And Email

Aug 4, 2005

Kept freezing especially when I go on the Internet or check my email in thunderbird.
I have tried to contact Compaq support but all my attempts proved futile.

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Internet Explorer Hangs Some Time

Nov 11, 2009

I am running windows xp pro and my internet explorer get hangs intermittenly. The following is the even log for IE hangs Hanging application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6000.16876, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.

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Internet Explorer Hangs On Certain Websites

Jun 17, 2005

The past week, when I visit particular Websites, they seem to 'hang', like they load to a certain point and then that's it, whilst most other websites are fine. I have run 3 different virus/adware programmes which haven't helped. I've also tried disabling/enabling the add-ons and I've looked at the system registry which still hasn't helped! The sites I'm having trouble with are www.bigpondmusic.com.au and www.ninemsnmusic.com.au and there is another music purchase website as well. I have installed all updates, and am running IE 6.0. Help! I am on the verge of Formatting my C drive just so that something will work!

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Internet Explorer Tries To Install On Restart?

Apr 19, 2005

I recently had a computer crash, I had to reinstall most everything. I upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP Professional. Now I have an annoying problem. Everytime I start Windows XP, it attempts to reinstall Internet Explorer 6, which I already have and is working fine. How can I make this stop trying to install this everytime I boot up?

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Mouse Hangs After Closing Internet Explorer

Jul 26, 2005

I have two computers connected through a home network. One of the computers is very new and the other, two years old.Both run XP-SP2. I use one mouse for both computers - connected through a 2 port KVM switch. On the older machine, the mouse hangs after I close Internet Explorer. After a delay of a minute or so, it does come back most often. This does not ahppen on the new machine. Mouse does not seem to hang after I close other programs..(tested a few, but cant swear by it). This gets very annoying when I am in a rush.

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Internet Explorer Loads Automatically Upon Restart?

Nov 22, 2008

My computer runs great. Now on restart I get internet explorer loading each time automatically. Don't know why. Explorer shows a website that wants me to buy software to help fix computer problems--imagine that.

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Clean Install,no Internet, Remove Usb Causes Restart?

Nov 22, 2007

Have run into a problem. I can't connect to the internet on my desktop computer. Everything was fine untill 3 days ago. Now when I click the 'safely remove hardware' button in the system tray and click on the USB ADSL WAN Adaptor, the computer immediately shuts down and restarts.Also when I went to uninstall the modem software it also shut down.

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Dell Desktop Hangs Open Internet Explorer

Sep 11, 2009

I have a Dell desktop with XP operating system ram:- 2gb. It hangs up when you have offce database open, miscrosoft outlook and Internet Explorer open. Its strange how it happens only on my particular desktop and it doesnt happen when I access my profile on a different Personal Computer office. As soon as it freezes. Then it would nt work even if I log out and log in into my pc.

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Disabling Certificate Errors And Restart Internet Explorer?

May 31, 2008

I've got windows xp internet explorer 7 and it keeps coming up with something called "certificate errors" and won't let me access the site. It usually hasn't been a massive problem except I've just bought an ipod, and the certificate errors won't let me download itunes! So I really need to disable the certificate errors. Following instructions, I've got as far as disabling it, but it says that I need to restart internet explorer for it to take into effect. How do I restart internet explorer? Or is there another easier way to disable the certificate errors?

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Very Slow Internet Connection - 56K

Sep 6, 2003

One of the most frustrating things to have with a computer is a slow internet connection and 56K is about as slow as it gets these days. I feel the pain that 56K users have and hope that by following this thread they can experience a faster more reliable internet connection. There are a few things that one must understand prior to tweaking their 56K connections. The first is that it is actually a 53.3K connection since that is the speed that the FCC limits you to, on top of that most dialup users actually connect in the 40,000 – 50,000K range, which is excellent by dialup standards.

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Internet Connection On & Off - Not Work

May 29, 2007

I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet connection at home. I have recently reinstalled Windows XP home due to corruption of files but previous to that my internet connection did not work. However, since the install i have been unable to establish a continuous connection. It starts and stops for no reason at all. I have been online and it loses connection saying there is no dial tone. A connection can be lost/found for no particular reason.

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Toggle Internet Connection On / Off?

Mar 6, 2005

Is there a way for me to create a two key combination that will toggle my internet connection on/off? I am right clicking a shortcut to my connection and choosing "disable". I'd like a less cumbersome method.

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Error - No Connection To The Internet Is Currently Available

May 28, 2007

I have no problem connecting to the internet however I constantly get this message while surfing the net. No Connection to the internet is currently available. To view internet content that has been saved on your computer, click work offline. click try again to connect or WORK OFFLINE try agian. My internet connection is fine.

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Connection To Internet Slow

Oct 27, 2008

I have a dell 4600 dimension operating on windows XP, and my ISP is optimum cable. It's been coming on slowly, but my connection to the internet, via internet explorer is extremely slow. I also experience long waits opeing new windows, or attachments from a site, as well as rply and fwd on E-mail. Once connected moving from site to site is normal speed, but as stated other openings take up to 2-3 minutes to connect. My ISP says my connection is fine, but I do get a connectivity icon on occasion, causing me to click repair, and it goes away.

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Internet Connection Sharing Between 2 Pcs

Jun 18, 2005

I seem to have a problem sharing the Internet between 2 pcs. The Internet connection lasts for a while & then, later on, it doesn't work. Is there any reason why this might be? The 2 pcs have Windows XP & they are both configured using the Network Connection Wizard. They should both work fine but they don't.

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