Computer Hangs When Other Person Opens On Networking

Dec 9, 2008

My computer is in a hostel network.when someone opens my computer through my IP, than simultaneously computer also hangs and numlock light is alwayz turned on and i even could not move my mouse.Damn i have to restart and only it works now,So Is this the problem of my hardware or of network cable or of XP OS.

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Computer Registered To The Wrong Person - Change It?

Sep 3, 2004

how do i change the registration details for my computer. The guy i bought my PC from put the wrong name and i want to change it.

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Unknown Person Who Takes Control Of Computer

Nov 20, 2007

I am running Windows XP on a Gateway GM5084 Media Center, and for over eight months, I've been having to deal with what I believe are hackers. I have reinstalled my system, both destructive and Partial, a number of times and still haven't got rid of them. Yesterday (11/19/07), after my last reload, my username and Administrator access rights were suddenly changed from the Owner/Administrator to just someone who has limited access. I don't know what my user name is because there isn't a Welcome screen.I haven't been able to find them under "Users" in the Control Panal. Unfortunately, the Control Panal itself disappeared as of last night.

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Blocking Tech Person To Use Remote Assistance With Computer?

Aug 2, 2005

A while back I needed remote assistance from a tech person He fixed my problem but what I need to know is can he still get on my PC(WXP Home) whenever it suits him.How can I tell if he vists ?He setup my web page remotely as well and I saw he updated a part yesterday I am very concerned regarding my other private stuff , emails, etc

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Computer Only Works In Safe Mode With Networking

Dec 6, 2007

I recently got a few notifications of viruses on my computer. Along with it came a lot of adware pop-ups. I downloaded Kaspersky AV 7.0 from their site and am using it as a trial version. I had an older version of McAfee, but hadn't renewed and do not have up-to-date virus definitions. As the title reads, my computer will only work when I boot windows in safe mode with networking. When I try to boot it up regularly, it goes very slow at the log-in screen and then once I log in, there's only a black screen with the mouse pointer. I left it at that window for a few hours hoping it would eventually load. Not the case. Same thing happens when I boot in safe mode with the exception that ctrl+alt+del works and will bring up the Windows Task Manager and then I can run/terminate programs from there. But no start toolbar or icons or anything else. I have done several full scans and they come up with viruses every time.

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Home Networking - Computer Connects Directly To The Internet

Apr 10, 2008

I used to use the XP home netwroking to provide internet connection to my xbox 360 i used the "home or small office network" wizard and chosed the first option which says "This computer connects directly to the internet..." so it takes the internet connection from the wireless network , and provide it the xbox through the LAN connection and it was working without any problem for a long time but lately i couldn't connect to the internet in the xbox and i found that the error was in the IP address the laptop is not giving the xbox an IP address at all

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Cannot Delete Folder - Being Used By Another Person

Jun 23, 2005

I created several folders on my desktop for pictures sent to me in Outlook Express. After I transferred these pictures to their correct folders I wrote them to a CD. I deleted all the folders from my desktop except one. I keep getting this error message that I cannot delete this particular folder because it is being used by another person or program and to close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I've closed all programs and no one is using this file and still I can't delete it. I have Windows XP Home Edition.

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How Does A Person Determine If A PC Is Set Up For Dual Monitors?

Oct 13, 2009

How can I determine if I have a video card installed in my pc that supports dual monitors?And if so, will using a VGA splitter cable allow me to use either of them for differnt task?

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Cannot Delete File - Used By Another Person / Program

Jan 28, 2006

I downloaded an .exe file but cancelled the download before it finished. Now, it's sitting on my desktop and I can't delete it. For the past few days, it kept saying that the file is being used by another person or program. Even though the list of applications in the Task Manager was empty, I still couldn't delete it. I wasn't familiar enough with the processes to know which process to end, but I've a hunch it's explorer.exe. Now when I try to delete the same file, it says that it is not a valid Win32 application. FYI, I've tried using Killbox to delete it but it didn't work. Is there a way to delete this file?

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Unable To Delete Icon: In Use By Another Person Or Program

Dec 17, 2005

i got an icon on my desktop that wont be deleted. Ive tried deleting in safe mode, ive removed the program and the whole program file that it was related to, and im basically out of ideas says sumthing like "in use by another person or program" etc.havnt had this problem before so dno how to fix it.

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Unable To Delete File / It Is Being Used By Another Person Or Program

Mar 1, 2007

I'm running Windows XP and I have been having trouble deleting a file on my C drive. I get the message "Cannot delete It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." This is the file path C:SEVEN_4X3LB_SIDE_B.ISO I have never had so much trouble with a file before. I searched many places on the web for a solution, have found many which have helped other people but not in my case.

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64bit Drivers -Tech Support Person

Aug 27, 2005

I would like to know if anyone knows of where I can find drivers for a HP
2550n laser printer. After looking at the HP website, and talking to a "Tech
Support Person", before I purchased this printer it said that it was XP
Professional x64 compatilble, now that I have it home it seems it isn't. I
would like to know if there is a way to possibly run x64 in a 32 bit mode so
that i can use the software that was sent with this printer.

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My Computer Opens / Loads During Startup

Nov 11, 2008

When ever I turn-on or reboot my computer, XP opens normally and then the "My Computer" window opens on top of my desktop.

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My Computer Sometimes Opens All Desktop Icons

Jul 26, 2008

This is new and just started a few weeks ago. Once in a while I'll doubleclick the "My Computer" icon and all 5 of my desktop icons will open their windows. I also noticed my type-ahead launcher won't respond to its hotkey when this happens. It doesn't feel like that's the problem though. The bad behavior won't stop until I reboot. The first time this happened I tried a logoff to see if that would be enough to fix it but, my machine wouldn't recognize my password. The password is recognized on restart.Restart has been my only fix so far. Does this sound like anything to anyone?

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My Computer Opens Slowly Got Flashlight

Jun 19, 2008

have just installed sp2 and things are running slowly. one of the main problems is that when i try to open "my computer" i get the flashlight and it takes a few minute to open. i have looked thru ms knowledge articles relating to sp2 but nothing fits the bill.

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Computer Opens In Safe Mode

Nov 7, 2008

I had LIME WIRE on my computer and it ran great for a while NOW my computer opens in safemode..I am doing a spybot right now but can you look and see if anything is wrong with my HJT.

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Unable To Delete Desktop Icon: Used By Another Person Or Program?

Mar 28, 2006

I can't seem to delete this icon on my desktop, whenever I try to delete it an error message comes up which says:'Cannot delete LuxorARSetup-dm: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again'I've rebooted numerous times. I've had this problem once before and I solved it, but I can't remember what I did!

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My Computer Opens 'search' Window On Click

Jun 6, 2005

why i start My Computer (also happens when My Computer is highlighted in Windows Explorer) and when I clicked on C drive it opened the Search window. So from then on when I want to explore the contents of A (Floppy drive), C (hard drive), D (CD drive) or E (DVD burner) drives I've go to right-click and select Open or Explore from the context menu.

FYI, the order of commands in the context menu are:

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My Computer Folder Automatically Opens At Startup

Sep 17, 2005

Recently my computer folder automatically opens at startup. I've tried going to msconfig and regedit to fix the problem per the instructions I've seen on the web but it doesn't work.

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Selecting Drive In My Computer Opens Find Window

Jul 5, 2005

An article previously published und Q226476 explains how to change the default where the drive opens and it applies to Windows 98 SE. It says to click START and then FOLDER OPTIONS, then on the FILE TYPES tab, click DRIVE and click EDIT.You can do everything except the last click. There is no EDIT.I would like to have the drive open to explorer rather than open the FIND window.

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Unable To Connect To Opens Prematurely When The Computer Starts Up?

Sep 26, 2008

Connect To opens before the computer finishes starting up and ceases to let the computer complete with the startup process, causing the computer to get no further than showing nothing but the wall paper, while being connected to the internet.

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Double Click On Hard Drive From My Computer Opens Search

Aug 12, 2005

I just restored and updated all Windows software from Microsoft Update and everytime I double click the Hard Drive I get the Search window. If I turn the Search off I'm not in any specific folder. I used to only receive that when I needed it. Now I have
to Right Click the Drive Letter and Select Open or Explore. How can I fix this issue?

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Boot Or Restart Computer / Startup Folder Automatically Opens On Desktop

Dec 18, 2007

This started happening a few months ago, & I have just been living with it, but now I'm very tired of it. When ever I boot, or restart my computer, the startup folder automatically opens on the desktop. Can someone tell me how to stop this from happening? Also recently, whenever I open a Microsoft program, Word, Excell Office Project tries to load. I have to cluck Cancel several times to stop it.

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Computer Hangs On Reboot

Feb 5, 2008

I bought a new Dell 1720 laptop with XP on it. When I restart or shut down, the computer hangs on the desktop wallpaper for about 5-7 minutes. Sometimes I just have to manually shut it down by holding in the start button.

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Computer Hangs On Screen

Aug 21, 2005

I have a computer that I recently installed a new mother board into. Everything was going fine after the installation for like a week until I decided to reformat. While reformatting I made it through the initial part of the setup where it reboots the computer. To start the second half of the installation but upon rebooting The computer hangs on the Windows XP page. Now every time I try to restart the computer it hangs in the same spot. I have done some reading around the internet and I think that the problem lies in my Bios but everything seems fine. I have tried to update the bios but the computer doesn't have a floppy drive so I was unable to. I have tried the windows recovery console where I did a fixboot and and a fixmbr

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Computer Hangs On When Shutting Down

Dec 5, 2006

I have a problem when shutting down the computer. About 4 out of 5 times when I select shutdown, the computer hangs on the blue screen and I must force it to shut down by holding the startup button. Then on the next startup, about half the time, the system goes through a check.I am using XP2. I was told by Circuit City that this could be caused by spyware. I brought it to them for a fix, among other problem I have Spy Sweeper installed but even after a scan, the problem persists. Then recommended a clean install of XP2 but I am trying to avoid that route. One thing I do notice is that I have a constant correction on the startup scan with many files in a Temp folder of Spy Sweeper that are invalid. The system corrects itself, but then it happens again. Just to note, this shutdown problem was occurring before Spy Sweeper was installed.

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Computer Hangs On Reinstall

Aug 1, 2007

I have a laptop that cannot find boot media device since it went into hibernate. I ran recovery console from Win 2000 disk and ran chkdsk but still no joy. Now I can't get into recovery console as it hangs up when it trys to log onto the WIN NT folder. If I boot as normal it just stays at the initial Windows logo screen.I can't get into dos as it wont log me into WIN NT when I select option 1 from recovery console. Also I cannot reinstall windows either as it hangs up when it says "searching for a previously installed versions of window".I heard that there is a program called Bart_PE and have downloaded it but it doesn't seem to recognize it as a bootable cd.

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Computer Freezes And Hangs On Agp440.sys?

Sep 29, 2007

I cant get Windows to load.. when I try safe mode it goes through a list of files then hangs on... multi(0)disk(0)rdisk (0)partition(1)WINDOWS system32 DRIVERSagp440.sysI have tried to do a repair install following instructions from Microsoft but when I press 'R' on the page that lists the partitions, nothing happens. It doesn't give the option to press R either. Am I doing this correctly?I have also tried to disable agp440.sys using instructions from Microsoft

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Computer Wont Boot, Hangs At Mup.sys?

Mar 12, 2005

My PC froze durring hybernation the other day, and I haven't been able to boot it since. It will post, but freezes before it gets to the desktop. When I try to boot in safe mode, the scroll of drivers hangs at mup.sys.Disconnecting all USB devices, and disableing USB through BIOSSwapping out video cards, 80-pin conducter cable and memory Taking out my primary hard drive and repairing the windows install on my second drive to try to boot with it.Switching to the backup BIOS on my motherboard Booting to the recovery console and disableing mup.sys

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Computer Instantly Hangs On Pci.sys File?

Jun 16, 2009

Before any of this happened, I installed Norton Ghost, and switched my DVD drive with a CD burner. I had to restart the computer for some reason, when I logged into XP, all the desktop icons showed and everything, then the computer just froze So i pressed the "reset" switch on my computer. Then my computer started to run the "Chkdsk" on my hard drive. It found alot of errors and dealt with them successfully. Now every time I restart, my computer hangs at the following file (the splash screen doesn't even show!)C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DriversPCI.sys

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File Explorer Hangs My Computer Does Not?

Feb 11, 2009

When attempting to browse folders using Explorer opened from Start Menu Or left click on start button, Explorer will allow click on "-" to close paths, but hangs with hour glass if any attempt is made to expand any path or open any file. Explorer remains in this state until closed, at which time Windows asks if I wish to report the problem to Microsoft.If I use the"My Computer" icon on the desktop to browse, all actions including access to networked resources work perfectly.explain the difference between the two file browsing utilities and offer an explanation of the above.

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