Computer Hangs After Minutes; Setupapi.log Analysis

Jun 11, 2010

I have tried to repair my XP but during the process it hangs at 35 minutes. After searching around for ages I do understand it is some sort of hardware problem. I accessed my BIOS and disabled hardware such as audio, usb legacy mode etc. I have been through the log and cannot work out what is wrong as the last bit the install was doing says it was completed successfully. I know one option is to copy the data from the HD and do a clean install however there are some files that were saved within the programmes itself and there is a crucial set of bookmarks I require which I did not export from the browser.

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SP3 Setup Hangs/freezes At 34/35 Minutes

Aug 18, 2010

i am trying to install windows xp service pack 3. but the windows on that kept freezing at the same point, every time it loaded to a state where i couldnt even move the mouse, was working perfectly fine before. i inserted the windows xp sp3 disk, and formatted the hard drive to ntfs (quick) and then the files started to copy, once that was done, it restarted and the actual installation part started. it went from 39 minutes down to 35 minutes and froze on the installing devices part. i thought it was a common error so i restarted the setup. this time it went to 34 minutes and froze. most of the times it would get stuck on 34/35 minutes and either froze or restarted the laptop for no reason. Only once, it went down to 23 minutes and froze. only 2 out of 30 tries went past the install devices section.

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Computer Take About 10 Minutes To Load 5 Minutes To Get To The User Screen

Aug 18, 2006

my computer take about 10 minutes to load. It takes about 5 minutes to get to the user screen, and another 5 from there. This computer uaully would boot in around 1 min.

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Boot / Reboot Hangs - Filling Up Status Bar Several Minutes

Jul 20, 2005

I have been suffering through a weird phenomenon lately. Whenever I go to IE the first time of any boot or reboot, it "hangs" after filling up the status bar for several minutes, then releases and all is well. (NOTE: I don't think this is IE-specific. It has happened booting apps, but I notice it most with IE as I use it extensively.) When things seem to lock up, EVERYTHING is locked up. I can't even bring up Task Manager, none of the icons in the Task Bar are active, etc. Sometimes I can Tab through other apps that are open, sometimes not, but when I can, the app is "frozen" until whatever is going on finishes. During this time, I can watch the process light (I have a Dell D600 laptop) going nuts. Before and after this event, I have run the system through the latest updates of utilities such as Ad-Aware Plus, Ad-Watch, PestPatrol, Symantec Antivirus, Ace Utilities, RegSeeker, etc., and none of them sends up a flag that anything is wrong.

My machine is always up-to-date via Windows Update feature, so I don't know what is causing this. I had the bright idea to reinstall XP SP2, but can't. Every time I try, it quits, giving me nothing more than a smal window with a red X in it and the notification that the install has been cancelled. I ordered the free XPSP2 CD just to see if that would make any difference, but I get the same error. I suspect I could attempt a slipstream install, but I don't want to go through all that if anyone out there recognizes this problem and knows what the solution is outside of doing a slipstream reinstall of SP2. Finally, I have several times done System Restores going back as far as I can, but while they have been successful (although I usually have to do the restore in Safe Mode as they will often fail otherwise), it has made no difference related to this problem.

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Analysis / Computer Seems To Run Abnormally Slowly

Aug 3, 2007

Ignore the siggie info; the problem is on a separate computer, a Compax laptop. There is 256MB physical memory and 2GB virtual memory. The C: disk has heaps of room on it.
It has Avast AV, Spybot, Adaware and Spyware Blaster and uses the XP firewall. All are up to date and all come up clean when checked. I do a monthly defrag and have Easy Cleaner and empty unnecessary files and surplus registry entries monthly. Despite all this it seems to run abnormally slowly, particularly when bringing up onboard stuff like OE, IE and other programs. Downloading internet sites seem pretty reasonable.

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Computer Takes Several Minutes To Do ANYTHING

Jun 25, 2010

Im running Windows XP. I've encountered an extremely frustrating problem. My computer takes several minutes, sometimes a half hour, to do ANYTHING except open My Computer and the Explorer. Now I've looked at several posts on this site and I've tried things like CCleaner and Ad-Aware (which pretty much freezes my computer now whenever I turn it on) and neither of these have solved the problem.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Itself Every 5 Minutes

Mar 17, 2007

i'm using Windows XP right now.All i know is that out of the blue when i got back to my computer and the screen was black and had the message in white text in the left hand corner that read something like this "Invalid Disk System.Replace disk and press any key".i tried just pressing any keys but the message just keeps on appearing beneath the previous one.i recently bought an external drive, and my computer was working fine for a few days until now.When my external drive is not plugged to my USB that message doesn't appear. Now every time i use the computer, it would work normally but after every 5 minutes or so it would just restart itself without any warnings.

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Computer Takes Up To An 11 Minutes To Boot Up ?

Oct 31, 2005

Hello all, at the point of exasperation here and am requesting any assistance or insight which can be provided. I Am up to 11 minutes to boot my JetBook laptop with Win XP pro I also have trouble with and reappearing in the registry and starup, as I understand it these are malicious things too. I have used registry mechanic, trend micro, spyaware, adaware and no adware to try and track these things down, apparently to no avail. There is a message I receive when booting up looking for a registry item which is at least four (4) boxes which makes no sense, how to do a registry search to delete the value?

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Computer Boots Only For One Minutes Then Restarts?

Apr 5, 2008

When I reboot my computer it takes sometime to reboot now and sometime I get this blue screen A problem has been detected and windows have been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first times youve seen this stop error screen appears again follow these steps. Check to be sure you have adequate disk space if a driver is denitrified in the stop message disable the driver or check with the manufacture for driver update try changing video adapters. Check with your hardware vender for any bios updates.

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Computer Takes Five Minutes To Boot

Dec 12, 2004

I have a new IBM x40.It came with 256 RAM. Booting up was SO slow (4 to 5 minutes) that I added another 256 of RAM. The operating speed improved but NOT the speed in booting up. It still takes about 5 minutes.

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Computer Takes Five Minutes To Shut Down

May 2, 2006

I run Windows XP had to recently restore my laptop.Things are getting back to "normal" except that now when I click on the "start" button and then "turn off computer"I have to wait about 4-5 minutes while the hour glass icon spins before I get the "log off, shutdown, restart" menu. Once this appears and I select "shutdown" everything goes okay and shuts down pretty fast.What might be causing this long delay?

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Computer Takes 5 Minutes To Shut Down

Jun 24, 2007

Whenever I start up XP, or shut it down, it takes literally about 5 mins to do either. Any ideas what might be causing this?

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Computer Takes 5 Minutes To Restart

Feb 16, 2005

When I do a restart it takes 5 minutes.I have cleaned the reg. all temp files and defraged the hard drive.

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Computer Takes Few Minutes To Shut Down

Aug 18, 2005

Reduce the number of processes loading?and how can i improve The shut down time because I'm taking few minutes to shut down I'm using XP Pro.

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Computer Keeps On Crashing After 2 Minutes Of Startup?

Jun 18, 2006

My computer crashes after few minutes after i turn on. The blue death screen shows message Stop: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005, 0x85FEA53A, 0xB9229A68, 0x00000000)
What could be the meaning of this code and what could fix the problem?

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Turning Off Computer: Takes 4 Minutes To Turn Off?

Dec 3, 2005

windows xpwhen I turn off my computer it usually takes 4 minutes to turn off, no matter if I just turn the computer on and do nothing. I turned it on for a hour and did nothing and it took 3 minutes to shut off

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Turn Off Computer Takes Too Much Time - Up To Five Minutes.

Jun 2, 2006

This is a Pentium 4 with XP home.

I tried to reduce the start up programs but that had no effect when I turn it off.

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Laptop Computer Freeze 10 Minutes After Booting Up?

Aug 25, 2010

MY six year old Dell Inspiron 8500 Lap Top freezes about ten minuets after it boots up.

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Computer Just Keeps Reseting For 15 Minutes To Half Hour?

Jan 7, 2005

I need this computer working coz its for work and i dont wanna have to pay for maintenance for it if I can fix it computer just keeps reseting sometimes it takes upto half an hour sometimes it can take 5 minutes. If i leave it on a program or a web page it will do it aswell if when im not using it.
it cant be a hardware problem because theres been nothing put in it for a few months.

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Computer Boot Up Takes Too Long: 10-20 Minutes?

Jul 21, 2008

I have windows XP and it takes a while to boot up before going to the windows xp screen. While I'm waiting for it i see white bars that look like this:(they connect when it loads)Before this problem i had my power supply replaced. It worked normally when i got the computer back but i had some blue screens saying 'memory dump'Then the slow bar problem appeared. There was a problem with the system32/config file being missing or corrupt. It said to use the recovery console to repair but I didn't know how, so I just reformatted.

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Computer Takes 3 Minutes To Start Up And Shut Down

Feb 15, 2008

My computer works really well, the only problem is, when I start or shutdown my computer, it's very very slow. It's appears to be frozen for a minute or so and then start or shutdown.It does start or shutdown properly but it's slow. It can take up to 2 - 3 minutes to either start or shutdown.I noticed that when I start my computer, I see the Windows Update yellow shield appear near the clock and then goes away. I'm not sure if it's related but thought I would let you know.

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Compaq Pressario - Computer Shut Down After 15 Minutes

Mar 23, 2006

A friend of mine has a compaq pressario with winxp service pack 1 and it has started acting very strange.on the shutdown menu the only buttons that appear are to log off user or change user there is no turn off or restart buttons.We restored the system to the last good state and that fixed the problem but aftre about 15 minutes or so the same thing happened all over again. When it does this her programs als will not respond. You can open a couple of them by right clicking and selecting open but even like that most of them show the hourglass for a few seconds and then nothing.I had her boot into safe mode and do a scan with her norton software and although there were a couple cases of adware that we knew about ahead of time there wre no real infections.

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One Computer Looses Internet Connection Every Few Minutes

Sep 30, 2009

I have 3 Windows computers. One of those Windows XP computers looses internet every few minutes. Itdisconnects and then reconnects in seconds. Any ideas?

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Computer Taking 5 Minutes To Shutdown And Restart?

Apr 27, 2005

my computer has begun taking FOREVER when I shutdown/restart it. I shut it down about 30 minutes ago to open it up and clean the dust out and I timed it. I was waiting at the blue "Windows is shutting down" screen for 5 minutes and 15 seconds!I don't know what is wrong, I haven't changed anything recently that should have cause this, not to my knowledge anyways.The only things that I can think of that I did recently was upgrade my video card to a ATI Radeon 9600XT and set my page file to be cleared on shutdown.

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Computer Shutting Down After Startup / Getting Popups After 5 Minutes?

Nov 6, 2006

when i come on to my computer i sign on to it like normal i get about 4-5 pop ups about 5 minutes after my computer shuts down and restarts i can go in under guest when i turn computer on and it stays on .but get pop will stay on no matter if im under guest or the regular way if usb cable us unpluged

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Reinstalling WINS Computer Freezes At 13 Minutes

Jun 26, 2010

My computer freezes during the step windows installing. I had the CD and the serial number and I'm doing a repair install. Not sure what I need to do now.

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Computer Is Taking 5 Minutes To Completely Boot Into Startup?

Aug 1, 2007

Starting a couple of weeks ago my computer has been taking just under 5 minutes to fully boot into windows and programs can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute to load.

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Computer Taking 10 Minutes Boot Time After Shut Down?

Sep 29, 2008

My XP takes approx 10 min to boot from a complete shut down.Want to stay away from Reg Cleaners, don't trust them.

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HJT Analysis / Determining Want To Keep And Wat Not To Keep

Jul 31, 2006

I've just made a HJT analysis of my system. so who can help me in this to detetmining wat to keep and wat not to keep.

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Computer Takes 3+ Minutes To Reboot / Slow Internet Speed?

Nov 25, 2004

XP Home reboots in the 3+ minute range. Once it gets to the 'Starting Windows XP' screen, it loads fine. Some damnthing is hanging.MY comp is running slow. Expeciially on the net. Task manager is reporting no excess network use. IE 6 acts like it's on a 56k modem. I use Mozilla FireFox, which runs fine, but my wife is a IE 6 fanatic. Shareaza and WinMX load slowly and take a minute or more to change tabs. BitTornado (latest versions all) loads and runs fine, but seems to hang after an hour or so. It stops updating speeds, seeds, peers, etc. It also closes slowly. Once I get online, the comp slams on the brakes. Mozilla is the only app that seems unaffected. Sygate is also logging a lot of portscans. 7 in the in the last hour or so. All from the same IP address.

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Norton Doctor Analysis

Apr 17, 2006

When I run Norton Win Doctor within Norton Systemworks I get the following message: "C:Program FilesCommon FilesInstallShieldProfessionalRun Time701Intel 32Dot Net Installer.exe can not access a necessary file, mscoree.dll. what the message means and how do I find/install the missing file? I am running XP Pro.

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