Error Stop: C0000221 Oleaut32.dll May Be Corrupted

Nov 16, 2007

Alright here is my problem when ever I try to but my computer which is running XP Pro Service Pack 2. The OS loads and right after the windows icon goes away I get a stop error. The error is stop: c0000221 {Bad Image Checksum} oleaut32.dll may be corrupted. And after the error I have to restart and I get the error again. I have tried booting in safe mode and I still get the error. Start up has yet to make it to the desktop. Is there an easy fix for this? And if not, would trying to repair the OS using the XP CD work and if i were to do that would i lose all my files?

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Missing Oleaut32.dll File/Isass.exe - Unable To Locate Component?

Jan 10, 2008

I am getting a message when i first try to get into Windows it says " This application has failed to start because OLEAUT32.dll was not found. Re-Installing the application may fix this problem" In the blue bit at the top of the box it also says Isass.exe - Unable to Locate Component.If i keep pressing the x on this box it lets me log into windows my background picture appears but nothing else.

I get the same message but this time it says userinit.exe - Unable to locate component i press the X and it says the same but explorer.exe in the corner. It then just shows my background picture and nothing else. If i CTL ALT DEL it says the same box but taskmanager.exe in the corner but then the task manager comes on i cnat really do nothing else.

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Error Message : Stop 0xC2 Or Stop 0x000000C2

Sep 16, 2005

Error message : stop 0xC2 or stop 0x000000C2 ,Error message says pool header has been corrupted.

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Blue Screen Error/Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER?

Jan 8, 2007

Man, my computer for the last two weeks have been crashing like an emo. I mean, when I play GTA: San Adreas, in 20 minutes, I get a BSOD with a stop error. When I put hardware acceleration to full, in a half an hour, I get a BSOD with a similar error. Believe me, I got three kinds of errors, and some were from different time. I believe the problem either came from the either the PSU, new 512 mb of ram, old 512, CPU, system board, or the graphic card. I'll try to post the error as best as I can. So, is there a solution to this?
Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078) This is one of them, but there another one with KMODE that I can't seem to remember. Also, sometimes, after it tries to recover from a serious error, the computer shuts down during the bootup before I can choose which XP version I can choose.
Also, I hate to say this, but I'm not using a legit windows copy sp1, but I have updated to sp2.

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STOP: C000021a (Fatal System Error) Error Occurs

Mar 13, 2006

I have been getting the dreaded blue screen of death with STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error)" Error Occurs when i log into my windows 2000 service pack 3 and my linksys wireless usb network adapter connects me to the internet. My computer will remain on and run fine if i do not connect to the internet. This also will happen if i connect to the internet using my backup 56k modem

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Kernel Stack In Page Error And STOP Error C0000218

Jan 22, 2009

laptop was infected with the Antivirus 2009 after surfing the web and I removed it using malwarebytes program. Then shortly after the laptop would show a blue screen, displaying "KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR" and then reboot. After the reboot, my laptop seemed to run fine, I downloaded AVG antivirus software to check if there was a boot sector virus (?) and after running the laptop for about 30 minutes, it showed the blue screen again and reboots. This kept on occuring.

Then I tried to reformat the laptop. The first time I tried to format it as FAT32, it got to about 60% before rebooting. The second time I managed to get past the formatting (FAT32 [quick])and I got onto the part of installing windows. About 20 minutes into the installation. A stop error appeared "STOP C0000218 Unknown Hard Error". Could the hard disk be corrupt

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System Files Missing / Corrupted Error

Jul 20, 2008

recently me my brother and sisters computers all got the same virus it seems and where all on one wireless net work and it started with my sisters laptop sayin the harddrives not instaled wheni start it up and nothing els and my brothers desktop kept feezzeing like my desk top did then mine stoped turning on all togther and would get to the desk top and crash and take 3-4 trys to get started then i did a destructive system recovery on my brothers comp and it is fine perfect like the day we got it then i did it to mine and it started up and worked but kept frezzing on the desk top and then now when i start it up and try to restore from last know workin configuration it says windows/system32/config/system is missing or corrupted hit r to start repair from original cd rom disks and i dont have those is there a way i could find this file and put it on a cd form one comp and fix my comp with it? or do i have to go buy a new windows and hardrive? and when i try to boot it any ways it says system not fully installed error

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Error Missing / Corrupted File - SYSTEMMd

Feb 22, 2006

I have two partitions on the same drive and both had Win XP installed. I decided to reformat the second partition, and for no particular reason decided to install Win 2000 there. Now on boot up I get the normal boot.ini menu but if I choose XP I get an error that says Win 2000 has a missing or corrupted file: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMd……..SYSTEMd not a misprint! I hit reset and choose Win2000 at the boot menu and Win 2000 comes up OK . I tried to repair 2000 and I re-installed it but still get the same error. I tried modifying the boot.ini file but it didn't.

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Missing Or Corrupted Ntoskrnl.exe: Getting Fatal Error?

Nov 16, 2008

I got the following message upon booting my pc.STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}Te Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000022 (0x000000000 0x00000000).The System has been shut down.The day before I did a windows update.I can not boot into windows.. Not even Safe Mode or dos prompt.

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Getting Error : Config System 32 Missing Or Corrupted?

Jan 4, 2007

My Problem is,I got an error come up "windowssystem32configsystem" missing or corrupt.How do I repair the registry without a windows xp disc and is it easy if it can be done

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Missing Or Corrupted Hal.dll Unable To Remove Error?

Dec 30, 2008

while using the Windows XP Setup disk to partition the new drive, I accidentally used the "Create Partition and Install Windows XP" option, instead of just creating the partition. Unsurprisingly, Windows freaked out at having two copies installed on the computer, and it took me quite a while to salvage the thing so it would boot. I ended up using the second Windows install (on D: on the new disk), and left the old, unworking Windows install (on C:) dead on the original Western Digital drive.

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Jan 19, 2009

I got the error screen

The file serial.sys is corrupted.
Press any key to continue

... and at the bottom it says

Setup failed. press any key to restart your computer.

Any ideas ?

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Finding Corrupted Files In OE / Removing Error Messages?

Nov 11, 2009

Hey all I wanted information on how to find a corrupted file in OE ... I'm unable to delete any messages and all my sent files are gone. I would like to reinstall OE but I don;t want to add in the corrupted file AGAIN

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Getting Error System32 Config System Missing Or Corrupted ?

Nov 27, 2009

I was exiting a game and windows started getting really slow and i could not click on anything so i held my power button on my computer and shut it off. When I started it again it said "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem" then it says I can put my original CD in and go to the recovery console. When I did this I got to the first step in a tutorial online where I type "copy c:windowsystem.... etc"

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System32 Config System Is Corrupted / Unable To Fix The Error?

Dec 16, 2007

When booting a computer comes up with a message saying that the following file is either missing or corrupt...C:WINDOWSsystem32configSystem It then sits there! Doin' nothing btw, the same happens in both normal and safe modes, last known good conficuration does not help, plus it also freezes when trying to log on to the recovery console.

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Error On Boot Up Config File Corrupted / Missing

May 29, 2008

I get an error on boot up telling me that the config file is corrupted or missing. IT also states to please insert CD to try and repair this problem. Press "r" before the first screen. If I do that will it try and reinstall XP? Will I lose all my data?

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Getting Error For Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupted / System Wont Boot?

Apr 5, 2005

I'm running Windows 2000 Professional, and encounter the problem: "The file hal.dll is missing, please replace it or reinstall it". That shows up when i try to boot it up.When restarted, it looks like its about to load windows 2000, then it stops and says"The file Hal.dll is missing or corrupted,please reinstall to replace it" . I wanted to go to safe mode, but it wont load because of that corrupted file.

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System Wont Get To Startup: Corrupted File Error Message?

Apr 21, 2007

I turned on my computer and windows didn't start up. It didn't even go into post or anything. What came up was that there was a corrupted file. winntsystem32 configsystem. I know this means that that file is missing but I cannot fix it because I don't have my Windows XP CD nor do I have a Startup Disk so I could recover the register. What I have done was, got a BART CD and booted from it and windows loaded but I don't know how to fix or find the corrupted file.

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Maxtor External HardDrive - Drivers Missing Or Corrupted - Error 39

Oct 5, 2010

About 6 months ago I installed a 500-Gig Maxtor External HD I use as a "back-up" source.When I first installed it, it worked fine. Then I had a system crash and had to re-install WindowsXP Pro. Now this external drive is not recognized. A drive icon is also not displayed in My Computer. In System Hwde Devices, there is a yellow exclamation mark next to the (Maxtor 500-Gig) USB Mas Storage Device. I have made several attempts to uninstall this drive and re-install it but the same identical message appears each time: Mass Storage Device Not Recognized. I'm also getting a Code 39 error code informing me that the drivers for this device are either missing or corrupted. Some time ago I was told that I would have to uninstall and re-install Windows XP Pro if I wanted to correct this issue. Is this true?

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Video Device Is Corrupted: Error Occurred In Script Page?

Apr 12, 2007

I have had few troubles with my laptop + 2PCs in belkin network. The last problem to resolve on my PC: Window has recovered from a serious error, send message etc.Problem caused by Device Driver Active desctop Recovery Click :Restor My Desktop Click An error has occured in the script page

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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Xp Installing Stop Error

Feb 5, 2006

Installing windows on a pc built for my friend and it comes up with a stop code.
stop d1. driver_irql_not_less_or_equal then it states

address fc40d3b4 base at fc3fb000

which i think refers to a stop a1 as well.

ive tried using 2 different type of memory on the m-board and still get the same error.
there are no other hardware besides a cdrom and hdisk, mosue and keyboard. i did have an old logitech mouse but swapped that as i read that can cause problems too.

i dont know how to go about fixing this as their is a hotfix for acpi problems but thatr equires u to actually have windows on teh pc in teh first place i.e safe mode.

i can get into bios and it performs POST no problems. the only other thing is it boots fromcdrom but it says no emulation.

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Did Recovery CDs And Get Same Stop Error

Sep 19, 2007

I have a Toshiba Qosmio F15-AV201 Win XP MCE SP 2 laptop purchased in 2005. I have a one year old Toshiba Qosmio specific HD, that's the only change in the system I've made. I have satellite internet and use a Linksys router for the Qosmio. I live in a VERY rural area, so I left the connection unsecured.I got a stop error "attempt was made to write to read-only memory" and the culprit per the blue screen was w29n51.sys. The exact error code is 0x000000BE.Another weird "symptom" was vertical blue lines on the windows start up screen. These weird blue lines were NOT there in safe mode.My son recently downloaded a bunch of crap on the desktop, MP3s and possibly video clips. He got some nasty spyware/malware I managed to get off the desktop via the recovery console.

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Error Stop 0x0000007e - How To Resolve

Feb 21, 2010

I have the stop error message as above, but can't find out how to resolve as i don't have a cd-rom drive on my mini dell

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How To Fix BSOD And Stop 0x0000007E Error?

Apr 8, 2010

How do you fix BSOD and Stop 0x0000007E error?

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BSoD Stop Error 0x00000024

Jan 3, 2009

computer has a BSoD, Stop error 0x00000024. Many of the guides on the Internet told me to run " chkdsk drive: /f " in Cmd. The problem is that I CANT go past the BSoD to access Cmd, even in safe mode. It is a Windows XP Home Edition.

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BSOD Stop Error 0x00000024 - SP3

Jan 9, 2009

The computer I am working on is a Compaq Presario SR1020NX running Windows XP Home Edition. It connects to the internet via a Linksys WMP54G adapter. It tried to install Windows XP SP3 and it failed. While the update was trying to work correcting the changes it made it froze so my b/f powered it off. It rebooted just fine and he was on the internet for a little bit and then it stopped working. We recycled the modem and the router, I reset everything. Tried to uninstall and reinstall the adapter and nothing worked. I contacted Linksys and we tried to use WZC to connect to no avail. After troubleshooting a little more we determined that it had to do with the updates that were just installed on the pc. The tech suggested removing all the updates that were just installed and try again. I tried...but that is where everything went heywire. I uninstalled the first update and rebooted.....then got a blue screen flash up that said autochk program not found - skipping autocheck and then went to an endless boot cycle. I couldn't boot in safe mode, tried last known good config and nothing worked.

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Reboot And Stop Error 0x0000007E

Jul 5, 2005

My computer started to crash a bunch, so I reloaded windows. Now it does it all the time. It reboots randomly and does not record anything in the error log. It did however just give me a stop error. The error was 0x0000007E (0xC00001D, 0x804FFDB7, 0xF789E678, 0xF789E374)

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Automatic Reboot After Stop Error

Aug 22, 2005

i have a customer that is getting a stop error when they boot the pc. the error flashes too quickly on the screen to catch it. i know there's a registry entry somewhere that i can change that will change the reboot automatically setting. does anyone know what it is? there should also be a log file that will also show me the what the stop is, but everything i see is all binary data.

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Stop Screen Error Remove

May 15, 2008

I have been given a desktop with win XP Pro. it will boot to the log in screen and i do not know or have the password for the previous user. I have a legal copy of XP Pro and try to boot using the cd in the cd drive. it will run setup and load all the drivers and when it would normally start windows, i get the stop screen error. I have tried several boot disks with the same results. I tried Morphix (Linux) and a ERD with same results.

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Stop Error (0xF4) When Installing

Oct 3, 2007

Over the last two weeks, I've reinstalled Windows five times. I'm literally at my wits end. Here's my problem...

Whenever I try to install almost anything, I get Stop error 0xF4, which is the termination of a system-critical process or thread. Sometimes it happens for no reason, but for the most part, it's usually just when I'm installing something. Unfortunately, I don't have all the parameters of the stop error, but according to the Overclockers Forum, my first parameter (0x03) denotes that it is a process that is being terminated.

There are sometimes when the sfc /scannow command can temporarily fix the problem (that is, to run it before installing an app, then install the application once it is finished) but that's not always the case.

It should also be noted that there are some instances when I get a 0x7A error, but this is seldom. I merely included it in the event that it may prove to be helpful.

I'm running Windows XP Home, with an ASUS A8N-VM-UAYGZ motherboard. I'm sure you guys need more specs than that, and if so, please tell me. Also, I intended to include the Stop error message in it's entirety, but I neglected to write it down (odd, since I've seen it 40+ times). So I will write a follow-up with the Stop error and ...

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