i have a customer that is getting a stop error when they boot the pc. the error flashes too quickly on the screen to catch it. i know there's a registry entry somewhere that i can change that will change the reboot automatically setting. does anyone know what it is? there should also be a log file that will also show me the what the stop is, but everything i see is all binary data.
My computer started to crash a bunch, so I reloaded windows. Now it does it all the time. It reboots randomly and does not record anything in the error log. It did however just give me a stop error. The error was 0x0000007E (0xC00001D, 0x804FFDB7, 0xF789E678, 0xF789E374)
I have tried to look for a similar problem here at TSG, but I couldn't find one so I decided to post. I have a desktop computer that I got about a year ago, it's running XP Pro on Pentium 4 3.2GHz system, has 512 ram and I think a 200Gb HDD. Lately it has been restarting, usually when I try to, eg: listen to music and surf the web, which is nothing strenuous, especially for a computer which I thought was pretty good. All of a sudden though, it has just restarted itself and, and as soon as it gets to the Windows XP loading screen, it restarts again and again. I can never get past the XP loading screen. I have a lot of valuable information on the computer and so I was hoping that someone would be able to help me fix this issue without formatting if possible.
My friend is running Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 and occasionally his computer shuts itself down then restarts it's self.I have run diagnostics on every component in his system and they all passed.
Can I eliminate this problem by shutting off the automatic reboot; And, if so, where would I find that?
If needed, I have a floppy with a list of the programs running in the back ground on his computer.
Any idea why my PC running on Windows XP occassionally reboots while I am in the middle of something? It does not seem to be associated with any particular programme, and neither AVG nor Spybot pick up any viruses etc, although Spybot does pick up a change in the registery after rebooting (should I allow the change?).
Tired of being constantly nagged by reboot requests after installing XP updates I went to the wsindows update folder in Group Policy and enabled the "No automatic restart for scheduled updates" option, clicked apply and forgot about it. Untill my computer installed the automatic update for .Netframework, when, without any warning it went into reboot mode causing me to completely lose the data I was working on. The only other option in the update folder is to delay the restart but as this only allows you to stretch it to a max of 30 minutes it's not much help.
I'm trying to disable that horrible auto-restart feature, but I can only get so far because I'm computer illiterate.Can someone translate the directions into lay(wo)man's terms? I know I first need to get into the registry, but I don't know how to get there. I know I need to edit HKEY_something_something, but I'm not sure which one or what it needs to be changed to.
I have Windows XP Home. When I click onto 'Internet Explorer' a window pops up flashing "VIRUS INFECTION" requesting download of spyware removal tool. When I click onto the 'scanner & remover' bar, "SPYWARE WIZARD WEB SITE" appears, requesting me to buy the software. There is no way for me to get out of this window, only by deleting at the red cross, top right corner. How to stop this automatic pop up happening? I have Spybot - Search & Destroy - which after running shows no spyware AVG 7.5 - Free Edition - which after running shows no virus.
Well I have had a Windows Media Center PC since the start of last year. I had some problems with the hard drive having a bad sector so had it changed. Now, this has happened 3 times. The first time I just downloaded a game and started it, the computer stopped responding and well I couldn't do anything but to press the restart button.I did this and then started the computer again and it got to the WinXP loading screen then rebooted, this carried on happening no matter which config (safe mode, last knwon... etc) I picked. PS I also heard there is a patch to solve this.. but couldn't find it..
When I hover my mouse on an inactive window it automatically switches to that window and I don't always want to switch to the inactive window This happens in explorer or internet explorer and all other programs also. It will switch to whatever I hover the mouse over.
upon start of my windows xp pro a runtime routine starts with the command looking somehow like this:shutdown -t-g 00 -f.Before I can even react the computer shuts down. Any idea how i can get this strange command out?Now i read also an exe file "soundman.exe" which looks strange to me..... but not much more i can see - all happens too quick,Already tried system reset, repair of xp via disk, update to sp2..... the command remains in place. Need to get it out somehow diffenrtly.
All of a sudden my HP notebook started to give the following message while starting, I am getting the following error message: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation or backup utilities. Check your hard drive configuration, and check for any updated drivers. Run CHKDSK /F to to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00190203, 0x8239B008, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000)."
When I restart my computer, Windows tries to load, but I get the screen where I choose whether to start in Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Last Known Good Configuration, or Start Windows Normally. I have tried to start all ways, and each time return to the 1st error message (above). I can not get to a prompt to run a CHKDSK, and am lost in what to try next.
This is similar to the problem B1177 posted about, but I'm having no luck solving it myself. Basically, I have an IDE CDROM into the mobo, and a SATA HDD hooked to a Koutech Initio-chipset SATA controller card. In the card's setup at boot, it says the drive is "passthrough". I confess I'm not sure what that means. I'm new to SATA. I slipstreamed the Inic1620 drivers into a new CD with nLite, which stopped the "Setup cannot find any hard drives..." error, and allowed Setup to continue. After loading files, however, on restart I get the ever popular STOP 7B BSOD. Windows DOES begin to start, and the splash screen shows for a second or so, then it's into the ol' freezerino. Email to Koutech support has gone unanswered.
The machine is a Gigabyte 6IEML/P3900/500MB with an Intel 82815/801B chipset. I also tried restoring an image from another machine with an Intel chipset--though not the same one--and it stops at mup.sys, but that may have nothing to do with the SATA card. Interestingly, although Windows Setup couldn't find the drive, a Hiren's CD, with no SATA drivers loaded, could. Actually, a bit more than interesting isn't it?
When I start PC, it automatically takes me to the startup options part to reboot in safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, safemode w/ prompt, last known good config, & normal startup. Getting Stop c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file) SystemRootSystem32Config
xp pro sp2 automatic updates enabled. My computer restarts automatically after shut down. This happens sometimes immediately, sometimes after a delay of up to 10 minutes. I tried using third party shut down programs, but that did not help. However if I let the computer go into hibernate, it shuts down and does not restart. I do not have Roxio installed, and in the settings for startup and recovery the automatic restart is disabled.
I went to bed 2 nights ago with a statistical program running on my computer. I woke up the next day to find a black screen with a small window with an error message. It said: "lsass.exe - System Error" "Object Name not found." When I click OK, the computer tries to restart.it shuts down, but then when trying to reboot it comes back to the black screen with the error message.
Man, my computer for the last two weeks have been crashing like an emo. I mean, when I play GTA: San Adreas, in 20 minutes, I get a BSOD with a stop error. When I put hardware acceleration to full, in a half an hour, I get a BSOD with a similar error. Believe me, I got three kinds of errors, and some were from different time. I believe the problem either came from the either the PSU, new 512 mb of ram, old 512, CPU, system board, or the graphic card. I'll try to post the error as best as I can. So, is there a solution to this? Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078) This is one of them, but there another one with KMODE that I can't seem to remember. Also, sometimes, after it tries to recover from a serious error, the computer shuts down during the bootup before I can choose which XP version I can choose. Also, I hate to say this, but I'm not using a legit windows copy sp1, but I have updated to sp2.
I have been getting the dreaded blue screen of death with STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error)" Error Occurs when i log into my windows 2000 service pack 3 and my linksys wireless usb network adapter connects me to the internet. My computer will remain on and run fine if i do not connect to the internet. This also will happen if i connect to the internet using my backup 56k modem
laptop was infected with the Antivirus 2009 after surfing the web and I removed it using malwarebytes program. Then shortly after the laptop would show a blue screen, displaying "KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR" and then reboot. After the reboot, my laptop seemed to run fine, I downloaded AVG antivirus software to check if there was a boot sector virus (?) and after running the laptop for about 30 minutes, it showed the blue screen again and reboots. This kept on occuring.
Then I tried to reformat the laptop. The first time I tried to format it as FAT32, it got to about 60% before rebooting. The second time I managed to get past the formatting (FAT32 [quick])and I got onto the part of installing windows. About 20 minutes into the installation. A stop error appeared "STOP C0000218 Unknown Hard Error". Could the hard disk be corrupt
I got this blue screen error message which came up when I was usingmy PC.The details are: *** STOP: 0X00000001 (0X005C007F, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0XF2E312AC)*** LF30XQ.SYS - address F2E312AC base at F2E2C000, DateStamp 403C6159 beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete.It also said to turn off BIOS Memory Caching or shadowing. There is only Video BIOS Caching enabled on BIOS. No other shadowing or caching is stated anywhere.
Each time I re-boot my Windows XP sp2, I get an error message on a blue screen: "AU program not found Skipping AUTOCHK". In the control panel, the Security Center shows Automatic Updates is ON. Doing a support search on the Microsoft website, a Repair Reinstall of XP will cause problem's in- it- self.
This is kind of a long one, so please bear with me. In the last week I've been getting a lot of pop ups (almost every time i clicked a link or visited a new site) which i never used to get before. Many of them were things saying my computer was at risk and i should download such and such software, but i didn't know if they were legit so i didn't do it.Then one morning a couple days ago i woke up with the computer running the windows loading page. It took me to the password screen, i entered my password and windows started. But then once all the programs had loaded, it flashed a blue screen error, too quick to read, and then went black. Then it started loading windows again and took me back the password screen. I logged on and the same thing kept happening over and over.I started it in Safe Mode and did a full scan with my virus protection software (Symantec). It found six threats and i deleted them all. Restarted the computer but the same thing happened. I tried the disk defragmenter in Safe Mode but that didn't work either.
Finally i changed the System Config Utility in Safe Mode to diagnostic which allowed me to open windows outside of Safe Mode, but not use any programs. So i went back to the system config and turned off all the programs that i could recognize as unnecessary (AIM, Kodak, winAmp, etc) and restarted. This time windows started fine and stayed up for awhile. Just to be on the safe side i disabled the automatic restart so that if it happened again i could write down the blue screen error. After about a half hour of working fine it went to the blue screen error again.
Trying to help my daughter with her computer. Every once in a while (sometime twice in a day, sometime not for several days in a row) she hears her computer rebooting. Even when she has nothing open and not even using it - just a desktop open. Created a system restore point before started all this. The computer reboots and gives the following error message: "The System has recovered from a serious error", then she can click Send to Microsoft, or don't send. She clicks don't send and everything words just fine, her applications run fine, email and Internet work fine. This doesn't happen very often, but something is not right. Not much to gone on but that's all that happens.The computer is nice and fast, boots up fast, everything runs nice and fast. Internet and email work fine.This started a few months ago and she can't remember doing anything that would cause it to start. She has not installed any software or hardware in over a year or so. I did a complete backup right away so her files are backed up and safe.
Thought it sounded like a heat issue so I opened the case and she had it very, very clean. Fan and heatsink very clean and fan working fine as well as the other fan in the case. I checked the hard drive cables (SATA 250 gig HD) and they were nice and tight. Reseated the memory modules just in case one crept lose. check CD/DVD drive cable and it was tight. Cleaned out her temporary Internet (cache) files.Next, I clicked on My Computer then highlighted the C: drive and right clicked the C: drive and selected Properties. Then selected Tools and was going to select Defrag button but it was greyed out and said "No defragment tool is installed. I then opened the Control Panel and click the Add/Remove programs icon and once that opened I selected the Open Windows Components and it opened fine, but I couldn't find anywhere in there to install the Windows Defragment program. Am I looking in the right place for this?
Installing windows on a pc built for my friend and it comes up with a stop code. stop d1. driver_irql_not_less_or_equal then it states
acpi.sys address fc40d3b4 base at fc3fb000
which i think refers to a stop a1 as well.
ive tried using 2 different type of memory on the m-board and still get the same error. there are no other hardware besides a cdrom and hdisk, mosue and keyboard. i did have an old logitech mouse but swapped that as i read that can cause problems too.
i dont know how to go about fixing this as their is a hotfix for acpi problems but thatr equires u to actually have windows on teh pc in teh first place i.e safe mode.
i can get into bios and it performs POST no problems. the only other thing is it boots fromcdrom but it says no emulation.
I have a Toshiba Qosmio F15-AV201 Win XP MCE SP 2 laptop purchased in 2005. I have a one year old Toshiba Qosmio specific HD, that's the only change in the system I've made. I have satellite internet and use a Linksys router for the Qosmio. I live in a VERY rural area, so I left the connection unsecured.I got a stop error "attempt was made to write to read-only memory" and the culprit per the blue screen was w29n51.sys. The exact error code is 0x000000BE.Another weird "symptom" was vertical blue lines on the windows start up screen. These weird blue lines were NOT there in safe mode.My son recently downloaded a bunch of crap on the desktop, MP3s and possibly video clips. He got some nasty spyware/malware I managed to get off the desktop via the recovery console.
I attached my xp drive as a slave to my 2000 pro drive and booted. It checked my xp drive and then started to truncate everything. I now cannot reboot my xp drive. I tried using xp cd to repair but it says I can't due to error on partition, drive full etc. I have tried my friends partition software but it finds no errors. When I use his xp drive to see my xp drive, it says it is unreadable. Is there something out there to repair my truncated files? Is this fixable or is formating my only option. I am desperate to retain my xp drive data. Using parition magic 8, it shows my xp drive as a type 07 and my 2000 as a FAT drive.
My friend goes to college and is home for the holidays and asked me if I could find out what is wrong with his laptop.First you turn it on and there is a constant clciking noise but that I don't think is the main problem. when you turn it on it doesnt boot it goes right to a black screen with whitle letters and says this Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key Could I person put in an xp pro system disk and boot with that? He isn't home right now and I don't know if it is xp home or pro but I have a pro disk, it has not got a floppy drive so can't use floppies to boot with, So can I set the BIOS to boot from the cd-rom and try the xp pro disk? and if so what do I do after it boots? or can I click on I think it is F10 when starting and see if I can get to system recovery? and if so what do I do after I get there?
toshiba laptop keeps rebooting i have a toshiba satellite a100/a105 series laptop. it was working fine until i hit a link from a Internet video. i try to log on but it keeps rebooting indicating the following message:"we apologize for the inconvenience, but windows did not start successfully. a recent hardware or software change might have caused this.if your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose last known good configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.if a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the power or reset button was pressed , or if you aren't sure what cuased the problem, choose start windows normally.