How To Stop Automatic Switching Of Inactive To Active Windows?

Sep 16, 2006

When I hover my mouse on an inactive window it automatically switches to that window and I don't always want to switch to the inactive window
This happens in explorer or internet explorer and all other programs also. It will switch to whatever I hover the mouse over.

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Active Windows Inactive On Their Own

Feb 15, 2005

My active windows random and frequently become inactive. I'll be in the middle of typing or browsing and all of a sudden, it will be as if I chose some other window and this one is not the main active window. while I'm trying to play a game, when it knocks me back out to my desktop and I have to maxmize the window again.

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How To Make Inactive Area In Windows Movie Maker Active?

Mar 31, 2010

Wiht Windows Movie Maker. I cannot get on with it because when you click "Clip" most everything there are gray and inactive.

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Problem Switching Between Active Windows

Feb 25, 2005

Which window I want to be active. By that I mean if I have two windows open I can't switch between them by clicking on the appropriate window. Instead I have to use alt-tab to do it. If I only have one window open and wish to de-select it as the active window I have to use the windows key to open the start menu clicking on start does nothing, I can only interact with the active window.

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Pop Up Stop All Active Programs Every 2 Minutes

Jul 7, 2005

A friend has a new HP desktop with Win XP Home. He told me that something pops up - usually every two minutes - and nothing happens.I saw the following: stop all active programs, click the desktop, wait a while, and sure enough, the cursor gets a small hourglass and then returns to normal. If you are in any other program when this happens, you lose focus and have to regain it manually.I'm at a loss as to how to detect what, exactly, is going on.Do any of you have any suggestions as to how to monitor this to determine the culprit?

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Automatic Reboot After Stop Error

Aug 22, 2005

i have a customer that is getting a stop error when they boot the pc. the error flashes too quickly on the screen to catch it. i know there's a registry entry somewhere that i can change that will change the reboot automatically setting. does anyone know what it is? there should also be a log file that will also show me the what the stop is, but everything i see is all binary data.

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INTERNET EXPLORER - How To Stop Automatic Flash Pop Up

Mar 6, 2007

I have Windows XP Home. When I click onto 'Internet Explorer' a window pops up flashing "VIRUS INFECTION" requesting download of spyware removal tool. When I click onto the 'scanner & remover' bar, "SPYWARE WIZARD WEB SITE" appears, requesting me to buy the software. There is no way for me to get out of this window, only by deleting at the red cross, top right corner. How to stop this automatic pop up happening? I have Spybot - Search & Destroy - which after running shows no spyware AVG 7.5 - Free Edition - which after running shows no virus.

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Stop An Automatic Runtime Routine For Shutdown Of Computer

Jan 2, 2005

upon start of my windows xp pro a runtime routine starts with the command looking somehow like this:shutdown -t-g 00 -f.Before I can even react the computer shuts down. Any idea how i can get this strange command out?Now i read also an exe file "soundman.exe" which looks strange to me..... but not much more i can see - all happens too quick,Already tried system reset, repair of xp via disk, update to sp2..... the command remains in place. Need to get it out somehow diffenrtly.

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Is It Possible To Have To Active Windows Running?

Oct 31, 2007

I am using a 22" wide screen monitor. I am have 2 windows open side by side. IE on the left and MS Word on the right. Is it possible to make both of these active or "on top" or "front" at the same time? As it stands now I when I am using IE and I want to go over to Word, I have to click on word first to make it active and then click again. I realize it's only 1 extra click,If there is a way to this whether it be a setting or a plugin or 3rd party software.

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Active Windows (beyond ForegroundLockTimeout)

Aug 26, 2009

I'm on the internet (in IE7, Windows XP), I click a link or right-click and open link in new window. Then I click back to the first window and continue reading. When the second page has opened not even fully loaded, it becomes the active window, jumps to the front,

Similarly, when I start an application and then click back to my open webpage, when the app has loaded it becomes active. Again, this isn't the case with all software.
If I start the Crystal Reports software, it doesn't steal focus. However, if I start an existing Crystal file, it does.
If I start any of the MS Office programs, they don't steal focus. If I open an Excel file that contains macros (and displays the Disable / Enable macros options when started), then it does.

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New Windows Open Behind Active

Jul 21, 2009

Every time i try to open any thing (image, zip file, video) basically any file that sends makes windows sends the (%1) argument to the associated program (meaning when zip files makes windows calls for winrar, or videos makes it call for VLC) I get thoes programs windows behind the original window and it gets pretty bad when that happens with a "force always on top" window, I just can't reach for the window behind.

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How Enable Active-x For The Windows Validation?

Aug 20, 2005

Can you please tell me how to enable active-x for the windows validation?

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Migrate C-Drive (Active/Windows) To A New HDD

Dec 10, 2006

A SATA-II 250GB hard disk that I want to use to replace my C-Drive (10GB) and D-Drive (20GB),
But My C-Drive (Windows), when I boot how will I partition the new drive, make one ACTIVE and somehow LOAD the ghosted C-drive backup (can I put it on multiple DVDs and make them bootable or something?)
What would be the best way to "backup" these drives? Ghosting? Can this work with such LARGE drives as it would take multiple DVDs?
How to leave the other 3 PATA drives where they are or do I have to change them PATA slots (from Secondary to Primary or just leave them on Secondary and have Primary empty)

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Update The Windows Automatic Updates - Using Other Pc?

Dec 3, 2008

how can i update my automatic updates in my system using computer rentals... (and my usb flash drive)

i am only using dial up modem 54kbps.. automatic windows update is too.. hard for my conection.. especially i have reformated my pc and so much i need it badly

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Cannot Enable Automatic Windows Update

Aug 11, 2009

This lady doesnt do much with her pc. Let her granddaughter download crap from bearshare and you know the malware virus issues galore. I ran a couple of programs to get rid of those issues. She had NO antivirus so I was going to download the trial version to Trend Micro for her. This is when I discovered she had never updated her pc. Trend says it will only work on SP2 and above. Tried to, and updates were disabled. Followed the microsoft KB articles related to turning on the auto updates, the BITS services, to no avail. Tried to register and reregister the DLL's, that failed also. Tried to go to the update site, tried to downloading the malicious removal tool, it will not let me run it. I ran housecall, a bunch of vulnerabilities show up possible related to just the SP1 issue.

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Active Desktop Items Open New Windows

Aug 4, 2005

To crete active desktop items that will operate as if they were an IE window, so that when you click a button or link it goes to the page in the desktop item without opening a new window but for the items I create the links always open a new IE window.

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Arrange Tile Windows, During An Active Session

Sep 3, 2009

Windows that the program opens for that particular worksession are in another order than it used to be. As a consequence of that, the tiles on the bottom of the screen are now in a different order than what I am used to. I want to change that so that the tiles on the bottom of the screen are in the same order as before.

Program does not appear to allow any changes in the order in which it opens the windows, so the only option would then be to change the order of the tiles after opening a worksession.

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Windows Update With Automatic Updates Disabled

Aug 15, 2005

on my main machine i am able to download updates from withautomatic updates - disabledbackground intellegent transfer service - manual& event log - automatic - startedwith the same settings on my newly installed machine with the same cd-key and website i'm redirected to [...] fault.aspx and i'm notified that i need the automatic updates, BITS, and event log services started both machines are using the same version of windows installer (v3.1),
internet connection, xp-sp2, and neither has gone through the genuine windows activation

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Windows Automatic Update Started - Can Only Start In Safe Mode

May 10, 2006

Windows automatic update started last night and restarted my computer. I let it restart but it came up with a screen saying that I cannot start my computer in its regular mode. It gave me the option of starting with Last Known Good Configuration, which brought me to the same place, or starting up in Safe Mode

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Unused Icons Will Not Hide Inactive

Jul 24, 2005

I have a computer that there has been no changes to except for the most
receint windows security updates. Now all of a sudden my notification area
icons will not hide when inactive.I have checked all settings. I have even turned off hiding and rebooted thenturned hiding back on still not luck. I also made sure that the settings areset to hide when inactave

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Page Becomes Inactive - Scanned Computer

Dec 11, 2007

I have no idea what the heck is going on. I have owned this dinosaur for 4 years and this is the first time she has let me down. The last couple of weeks when I am an in any window, ie Word, or even right now while I am typing this note, the page becomes inactive and I have to click on the page with my mouse to begin typing or make the page active again. I am running windows xp with service pack two. I really have no idea what is going on. I have scanned my computer weekly with Norton 360 and the last couple of weeks this is just getting more than annoying. I am about to throw it out the window and start all over.

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Lose Connection To Internet After Several Hours Of Inactive

Aug 9, 2005

I have a new Compaq Presario M2105US with XP sp2.My network includes 2 iBooks with airport cards, the Compaq Presario and a Desktop Mac with enthernet connection to my Linksys WRT54G v.3 wireless router. I've got TimeWarner broadband.I can easily connect to the Internet through the Linksys router with all computers. However the Compaq will eventually lose the connection to the Internet (though not to the router) after several hours of inactivity. But only after several hours (perhaps 4 hours or more, but not less than 3 hours). If I use the computer in the evening for example and take several breaks, everytime I come back to the computer and wake it from sleep, it will quickly re-establish the Internet connection. However if the computer is sleeping for hours, like overnight, and I wake it up, it appears to re-establish contact with the router because the network conneciton reports a connection with very good signal strength. But I can't access the Internet. Only by logging off and on again or by restarting can I regain internet connectivity.

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Automatic Restart After Shutdown - Automatic Updates Enabled

Apr 27, 2007

xp pro sp2 automatic updates enabled. My computer restarts automatically after shut down. This happens sometimes immediately, sometimes after a delay of up to 10 minutes. I tried using third party shut down programs, but that did not help. However if I let the computer go into hibernate, it shuts down and does not restart. I do not have Roxio installed, and in the settings for startup and recovery the automatic restart is disabled.

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Stop Error And Can Not Open Programs In Windows

May 19, 2008

I am working on my mother in laws computer so I am not sure what happened when the errors first started happening. She has a Dell and is running XP home edition. When I got the computer and booted it up, I got the following errors:

driver_irql_not_less_or_equal and iastor.sys address F861A25F base at F860B000 date stamp 42b2df42. At this point I could not boot up at all, not even in safe mode.

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How Do I Stop Windows Installing Driver Automatically?

Nov 19, 2008

here is the problem: when I plug in an USB device, windows will install the driver for the device automaticlly if:
1. the driver comes with the system.

2. the device driver has been installed.

I wanna stop windows installing driver automatically but ask me the location of the driver when I plug in a device every time. How do I do that?

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Active Desktop IE Cannot Locate Active Desktop Html File

Jun 27, 2005

I am trying to open my active desktop, but I get a message that says IE cannot locate my active desktop html file. I need to find out how to fix this problem.

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Windows System Sound For A "critical Stop" ?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm running Windows XP SP3 and recently I've been getting an occasional windows system sound for a "critical stop" when nothing I know of is running. No icons disappear from the system tray either. Is there a way to find what program is causing that sound? Thanks

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Automatic Restart On Boot Unless Choose "Disable Automatic Restart"?

Aug 13, 2009

I have searched around a bit to see if others have ran into this problem, but I have had no luck so far. When I start my computer, it pops up with the standard menu it uses when an OS error has caused a restart. I can't get it too load windows using safe mode, last known good configuration, or normal mode. I never even see the windows loading screen, it restarts immediately.

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Switching From IE7 To IE6

Nov 3, 2006

Do you like IE7 ? I downloaded it thinking it would be better .If I decide to go back to IE6 how would I do that step by step.Do you think I should keep it ?The print type looks a lot better.

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Error Message : Stop 0xC2 Or Stop 0x000000C2

Sep 16, 2005

Error message : stop 0xC2 or stop 0x000000C2 ,Error message says pool header has been corrupted.

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Screen Keeps Switching On And Off

Aug 8, 2008

I switched on this morning and after a few minutes the screen went black. I restarted and the screen remained black. I kept swtiching on & off then is started. I did a system restore and now it seems to work OK but the colores have changed, I get a yellow background and my word page is yellow. I have tried altering settings in display to no avail. I am typing this on a yellow page and still get a yellow page in word.

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