Page Becomes Inactive - Scanned Computer

Dec 11, 2007

I have no idea what the heck is going on. I have owned this dinosaur for 4 years and this is the first time she has let me down. The last couple of weeks when I am an in any window, ie Word, or even right now while I am typing this note, the page becomes inactive and I have to click on the page with my mouse to begin typing or make the page active again. I am running windows xp with service pack two. I really have no idea what is going on. I have scanned my computer weekly with Norton 360 and the last couple of weeks this is just getting more than annoying. I am about to throw it out the window and start all over.

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Slow Computer Start Up - Page Get Page Cannot Found

Jul 12, 2005

My computer is slow at start up and when I try to go to a page I get page can not be found please try again.

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Active Windows Inactive On Their Own

Feb 15, 2005

My active windows random and frequently become inactive. I'll be in the middle of typing or browsing and all of a sudden, it will be as if I chose some other window and this one is not the main active window. while I'm trying to play a game, when it knocks me back out to my desktop and I have to maxmize the window again.

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Unused Icons Will Not Hide Inactive

Jul 24, 2005

I have a computer that there has been no changes to except for the most
receint windows security updates. Now all of a sudden my notification area
icons will not hide when inactive.I have checked all settings. I have even turned off hiding and rebooted thenturned hiding back on still not luck. I also made sure that the settings areset to hide when inactave

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Lose Connection To Internet After Several Hours Of Inactive

Aug 9, 2005

I have a new Compaq Presario M2105US with XP sp2.My network includes 2 iBooks with airport cards, the Compaq Presario and a Desktop Mac with enthernet connection to my Linksys WRT54G v.3 wireless router. I've got TimeWarner broadband.I can easily connect to the Internet through the Linksys router with all computers. However the Compaq will eventually lose the connection to the Internet (though not to the router) after several hours of inactivity. But only after several hours (perhaps 4 hours or more, but not less than 3 hours). If I use the computer in the evening for example and take several breaks, everytime I come back to the computer and wake it from sleep, it will quickly re-establish the Internet connection. However if the computer is sleeping for hours, like overnight, and I wake it up, it appears to re-establish contact with the router because the network conneciton reports a connection with very good signal strength. But I can't access the Internet. Only by logging off and on again or by restarting can I regain internet connectivity.

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How To Stop Automatic Switching Of Inactive To Active Windows?

Sep 16, 2006

When I hover my mouse on an inactive window it automatically switches to that window and I don't always want to switch to the inactive window
This happens in explorer or internet explorer and all other programs also. It will switch to whatever I hover the mouse over.

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How To Make Inactive Area In Windows Movie Maker Active?

Mar 31, 2010

Wiht Windows Movie Maker. I cannot get on with it because when you click "Clip" most everything there are gray and inactive.

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Security Center: Scanned For Viruses?

Jul 31, 2005

I scanned my computer this with spybot.Got results and Don`t know what to do. Should I delete or not??"Ad aware" didn`t find

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Scanned Spyware - Can't Change Wallpaper

Jul 23, 2005

I've already scanned with the microsoft spyware program and ad-aware and to no avail. I cant even change my wallpaper

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Downloaded File / Scanned It But Unable To Delete?

Feb 23, 2008

I downloaded a file (mpg) and scanned it for viruses and it was clean. I deleted the file but now I have an icon sitting on my desktop that won't delete. When I try it says: Cannot delete file, cannot read from source file or disk.I tried rebooting in safe mood and it still wouldn't delete, and of course 'system restore' didn't work.

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Cannot Open Or Save Any Files - Scanned For Viruses

Mar 20, 2008

My husband's computer which gets scanned for viruses every day, all of sudden cannot open or save any file. The first error message states that the file is in use by another user (this is an unnetworked laptop). When we click on Notify, it says the file cannot be found or server unavailable. This happens for every Word, Excel, file that we have tried. I have tried to check for microsoft updates but even the temp directory cannot be written (says that it is read-only) to so I cannot install anything.

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Scanned And Got Trojan Horse: Unable To Remove From PC?

Jul 3, 2005

scanned and got trojan horse.... its says c/windows/system32/mqmapjk.exe. it wont let me quarantine or delete. How do i get rid of this

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Entering Password - Scanned System With Avast

Jan 9, 2006

I am using windowsXP on my laptop.After switching on my laptop, windowsXP prompt me to enter my password, and after entering the password and pressing enter,everything seems to freeze, and it takes a very long time for the desktop to appear.I scanned the system with Avast, and theres no virus found.

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Extremely Slow Start Up - Ran Ad-Aware And Scanned For Virus

Jan 23, 2006

Starting about two Sundays ago (1/15), I've noticed that my laptop is painfully slow to start up (whereas it had not been before). I hadn't installed anything new (but I have installed things since). Everything goes fine, Windows starts, I get the welcome screen, that dissapears and my desktop show up but it takes at least 3 to 4 minutes before my icons and start bar show up. I just restarted now to test and it took 6 minutes. I ran Ad-Aware and scanned for virus' last Wednesday. Still crawling, but otherwise, once it starts, performance has not declined.

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Send Multi Page Fax From Word / Power Point - First Page Slide Appears FAX

Dec 19, 2008

When I try to send a multi-page fax from WORD or Power-Point, only the first page or slide appears in the FAX. This is a recently developed problem. I've successfully sent multi-page FAXes in the past.

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Error This Page Cannot Be Displayed - Send Greeting Card Or Access Web Page

Sep 5, 2006

I continuously get 'ERROR this page cannot be displayed' when I try to send a greeting card or access another web page. What is going on? I tried to fix and enabled all that I thought was necessary on settings.

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Have Windows XP. Dell Desktop - Page Fault In Non Page Area

Jul 6, 2009

I keep getting blue screen with page fault in non page area at start up. How do I fix this? I have Windows XP. Dell desktop.

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Simple But Annoying. Web Page Shortcuts Just Open A Blank IE Page

Apr 1, 2005

I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.

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Remove Blank Page When Boot Up Computer

May 4, 2008

When boot up the computer it opens up to a black page with white writing starting out with. The System is DELL Inspiron 6000 XP Laptop. It goes on for a few more paragraphs. You have options to start XP SAFE MODE, LAST KNOWN CONFIGERATION AND MORE. When ever you try to go into safe mode or any other option it just goes right back to the black page with white writing. The only thing different is, updated JAVA and that is when the problem started. He also mention a blue screen but I havent seen it yet. I know there is a conflict but I am unable to more forward at all to fix it.

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Page Fault None Page Area...Blue Screen

Jul 3, 2005

I was listening to some Good Charlotte, and in my D: and all the sudden I get a blue screen sayin page fault none page area... I also got this problem when I tried to reinstall Media Player 9. It sounds like some system file is triggering tihs

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Page Fault In Non Page Area - Tried A System Restore

Nov 3, 2009

in a fit of "I'm going to clean all the old junk off my computer"... I accidently started to remove something connected to ATI. Then the computer froze. Now when I try to reboot I get the blue screen with the Page Fault in Non Page Area message. I have tried a System Restore

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Live Suite Missing In Computer - Microsoft Web Page

Jan 24, 2008

Windows live suite seems to be missing in my pc. Every time I attempt to install windows live messenger, I get an error message reading: "Catastrophic failiure. Windows live suite wasn't found (or something very similar to that)". I've checked around microsoft web page for some type of Live Suite installer, but no luck.

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Computer Slow Loading - Take Long Time To Load A Page

Dec 8, 2007

My computer is very very slow, I don'i think is the dsl but the os because it take long time to load a page for example when Ill click on firefox it take 20 to 30 second to load the page than when the page is loaded and i switche web page it load very quickly, same think when i'm tryng to upload the outlook express more than 40 second to upload the program, and when performing multitask everything it slow doan even more, even opening tha my computer file it take 5/10 second.

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BSOD:Page Fault In A Non Page Area

Mar 18, 2010

I got this error when I installed Advance System Care and when i scanned my USB with noob killer. Then the P.C restarted and it started to displays the page fault in non page area. The problem is when i boot in window xp cd it display this BOD error and when i boot Safe mode and Start windows normally it only reboot the P.C. So there is no way i can access the control tab window xp

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Reduce Zoomed Page When There Is No Page Icon

Nov 18, 2007

how can i reduce the zoomed page when there is no page icon that shows possible zoom sizes?

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Home Page Not Filling Page On Sides

Oct 13, 2008

The picture i`ve included shows an orange edge on the sides. Is this normal or can it be changed?

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Page Can Not Be Displayed - Open New Page From Link

Aug 24, 2005

i am having trouble when i try to open a new page from a link. it is not happening all the time but enough to make it annoying. it may be my security settings but i am not sure, that is why i am asking for help. it also won't let me open sponsored links from google etc.

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Open Home Page - Page Cannot Be Displayed

Sep 11, 2005

when I connect to the internet (dial up), my home page doesn't come up, instead I get a "page cannot be displayed. If I right click on my ISP provider and click "open home page" then it will come up. I've tried various "solutions" yet still have problem. Even when the home page is up, the other is lurking behind it.

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While Loading Home Page - Blank Page

Oct 31, 2006

I am using a computer with Win98se on it, but have been given one with XP Home loaded on it,which is a new "learning curve" for me. I like Excite as my home page,but am having trouble loading it on the XP machine. I have checked these forums and Googled it, but can't seem to find an answer to my particular problem. When I attempt to load Excite,all I get is a blank page with a left and right arrow and pause button in the middle left of the page. The address is correct on the address line.

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Remove Page Number From Just One Page

Jun 26, 2010

I have a 300 page document. I need some of the pages NOT to display the page number.For example: In Chapter I the page number does not appear in page 1 but page 2 will be have page number 2. I want to do the same thing at the beginning of every chapter.

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Getting "Page Cannot Be Displayed" Page On Second Browser?

Mar 24, 2006

I'm having an issue I just can not understand. When I have two IE browsers open, I sometimes get the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error on the second brower. When I try to go to the same page as the working browser I get the samel thing. It's like the second browser is not connectted to the internet.After shutting down both browsers several times and even rebooting sometimes, it will eventually work fine.

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