Live Suite Missing In Computer - Microsoft Web Page
Jan 24, 2008
Windows live suite seems to be missing in my pc. Every time I attempt to install windows live messenger, I get an error message reading: "Catastrophic failiure. Windows live suite wasn't found (or something very similar to that)". I've checked around microsoft web page for some type of Live Suite installer, but no luck.
How get rid of Microsoft Live Messenger? We have Windows XP & it seems to have been part of automatic Microsoft Uodate last night. I want to uninstall Microsoft Live Messenger.
I installed Microsoft Live Family Safety program but it never worked correctly, often blocking us from the internet all together no matter what my setting are. I have to disable the entire program before I can open the internet at all. I have tried several times to unistall the program from the control panel add/remove programs and get message that says I cannot uninstall. I am logged on as the admin and it is Windows XP. I was wondering if I could try booting up in safe mode and uninstalling
I've been fighting with Microsoft update web site for about a week and a half now. All of the sudden when I go there to get updates, all I get is the option to click on Express or Custom. Then when it gets to the page where ya see the green balls moving across the page while its scanning my system to see if I need any updates, it just stays there and if I stay at that page too long, my PC locks up.
I'm running XP Pro with 500MHz and 256 in ram. I've tried to contact Microsoft tech guys that I can barley understand and they have no idea what's going on. It doesn't make any difference if its a fresh install of XP Pro with nothing else installed except for my wireless card so I can connect to the net, or the current system I'm running now.
I really hope someone can help me with this one. I don't know what's going on. I never had any problems installing MSN Live before and now, it's a real pain. I just got my PC back from the tech guy. He formated my computer and reinstalled Windows XP including the Updates, I'm trying to install Windows Live Messenger (MSN) and it's not working. It's giving me errors like, to check that I have enough hard disk space (I have 176 GB free space), If my computer has a firewall , and that I make sure that my computer meets the system requirements I do meet the requirements
The subject says it all. When I have the Fax Cover Page Editor open and go to File / Open to look in the Cover Page folder for sample cover pages, there is no Cover Page folder (only My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Desktop, My Computer). How do I get to the sample cover pages in order to edit one of them to use as a template?
when i open my pictures from the start menu, the left hand side of the screen used to have a lot of options such as slide show ,move folder. now the icons cover the whole screen. i have also lost filmstrip from the view menu.
I just noticed, when trying to do my daughters homework, that I no longer have the Office Folder or Short Cut. It must have disappeared as a result of my work done on this machine after it was impacted by Malware VX2. That is the only thing I can think of. I cant locate the Office discs so I cant reload. If I find a WORD document, I can open it and use WORD. HOW CAN I RESTORE THE TOOL BAR in Windows XP without the Office disc?
I just bought a used laptop from a friend. It came with XPProfessional on there. I need to put on word, etc...My question- I have a desktop that I bought running XP Home- thedesktop (I bought that one new) came with XP preinstalled and with a cdthat has word on it, the cd says Works Suite 2002.Will I be able to run this Works Suite 2002 on the used laptop that is running XP professional
I have windows XP media edition on a Gateway 510XL 3.2 mhz machine. My AVG was expiring so I decided to try another program. I got McAfee security suite and installed it on my system. I had problems on the install (conflict with ad-aware plus) and tried to reinstall. Before reinstall I picked up a bug that automatically resets my home page to every time I reboot.
So what are you guys running to protect your PC? Right now I'm running... - Zone Alarm Security Suite as my primary protection. (Firewall, AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, IM Protection, Email Protection, Program Control, Identity Protection, and Parental Control)For backup software (the more, the merrier) I'm using... - AVG Free (AntiVirus) - Spybot: Search and Destroy (AntiSpyware) - Symantec Client Firewall* (Firewall) - Symantec Client Antivirus* (AntiVirus)
I bought McAfee internet Security Suite 2006 8.0, and trying to download, message comes up, internet explorer script error, an error occured in the script on this page.
I recently installed Microsoft Office 2007 and it was working fine for a week, now i get this message when i try to use Microsoft Word saying "This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked" And when I try to uninstall the whole program it says that 'setup can not continue because a file is missing or corrupt'
I have been using "System Suite 4.0", but see SS 6.0 has been released. Rather than jump to upgrade SSuite, I wonder about the comparative value of "Register Mechanic", "Error Killer" and "PC On Point". Is there a site that routinely reviews and perhaps rates system utilities
When ever i try to istall Internet Security Suite V7.0 i get this script error.LINE:51,CHAR: 1,ERROR:Object expired,Code: 0, URL:mcp://D:Misengmisins.dll: :default.htm. I tried install Windows Script 5.6 again but get this error. Error registering the OCX. C:Windowssystem32 vbscript.dll. Windows Script 5.6 is now installed, do you know whats wrong, contacted McAfee there support is useless.
I have no idea what the heck is going on. I have owned this dinosaur for 4 years and this is the first time she has let me down. The last couple of weeks when I am an in any window, ie Word, or even right now while I am typing this note, the page becomes inactive and I have to click on the page with my mouse to begin typing or make the page active again. I am running windows xp with service pack two. I really have no idea what is going on. I have scanned my computer weekly with Norton 360 and the last couple of weeks this is just getting more than annoying. I am about to throw it out the window and start all over.
When I try to send a multi-page fax from WORD or Power-Point, only the first page or slide appears in the FAX. This is a recently developed problem. I've successfully sent multi-page FAXes in the past.
I continuously get 'ERROR this page cannot be displayed' when I try to send a greeting card or access another web page. What is going on? I tried to fix and enabled all that I thought was necessary on settings.
I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.
When boot up the computer it opens up to a black page with white writing starting out with. The System is DELL Inspiron 6000 XP Laptop. It goes on for a few more paragraphs. You have options to start XP SAFE MODE, LAST KNOWN CONFIGERATION AND MORE. When ever you try to go into safe mode or any other option it just goes right back to the black page with white writing. The only thing different is, updated JAVA and that is when the problem started. He also mention a blue screen but I havent seen it yet. I know there is a conflict but I am unable to more forward at all to fix it.
I was listening to some Good Charlotte, and in my D: and all the sudden I get a blue screen sayin page fault none page area... I also got this problem when I tried to reinstall Media Player 9. It sounds like some system file is triggering tihs
in a fit of "I'm going to clean all the old junk off my computer"... I accidently started to remove something connected to ATI. Then the computer froze. Now when I try to reboot I get the blue screen with the Page Fault in Non Page Area message. I have tried a System Restore
I have had windows update problems. I am now at the point where the following show in the add or remove programs. ( No other .net framework versions show) Installed is .net.Framework 3.5 SP1 Installed is Update for Microsoft >Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (KB963707) Installed is Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP What other .net framework versions need to be installed? In what order should the versions be installed? What Web site do i download the versions from? O/S is Windows xp home sp2.