Cannot Download Mcafee Internet Security Suite 2006 8.0
Nov 1, 2006
I bought McAfee internet Security Suite 2006 8.0, and trying to download, message comes up, internet explorer script error, an error occured in the script on this page.
When ever i try to istall Internet Security Suite V7.0 i get this script error.LINE:51,CHAR: 1,ERROR:Object expired,Code: 0, URL:mcp://D:Misengmisins.dll: :default.htm. I tried install Windows Script 5.6 again but get this error. Error registering the OCX. C:Windowssystem32 vbscript.dll. Windows Script 5.6 is now installed, do you know whats wrong, contacted McAfee there support is useless.
I have windows XP media edition on a Gateway 510XL 3.2 mhz machine. My AVG was expiring so I decided to try another program. I got McAfee security suite and installed it on my system. I had problems on the install (conflict with ad-aware plus) and tried to reinstall. Before reinstall I picked up a bug that automatically resets my home page to every time I reboot.
I have McAfee internet suite, and I have it set so that I have to enter a password to open internet-based Applications. Problem is, I forgot my password.
So what are you guys running to protect your PC? Right now I'm running... - Zone Alarm Security Suite as my primary protection. (Firewall, AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, IM Protection, Email Protection, Program Control, Identity Protection, and Parental Control)For backup software (the more, the merrier) I'm using... - AVG Free (AntiVirus) - Spybot: Search and Destroy (AntiSpyware) - Symantec Client Firewall* (Firewall) - Symantec Client Antivirus* (AntiVirus)
After the most recent updates to McAfee Security Centre, I have been unable to locate the part of this security package where cookies where listed ie. there was a list of sites from which cookies were allowed or blocked.It was available through the Advanced menu of the Internet Section but it is not there anymore.Prior to this update, I was prompted whenever I went into a new website if I wanted to allow or block cookies.If I wanted to change this at a later date, I could go into the cookie blocking section of McAfee and change it to either block or allow and there were two separate lists of the allow cookies sites, or the block cookies sites.I understand I can adjust cookie blocking via Internet Explorer but this McAfee function let me choose as I entered individual sites.I have been in contact with 3 McAfee technicians who dont seem to know what I am asking and my Security Centre has been scanned via the McAfee tool and there are no faults in it.
I have just installed the Beta version of Kaspersky 2006. I'm experiencing problems with Internet explorer which cannot open full pages and shows error in script (I think that's what it is). It opens the top of the page but not the content or it just indicates that it cannot find the server or the page.
Problems started to occure on March 18,2007. I load up my pc like normal. My McAfee had a strange error come up, it said "McAfee Security Center:Your computer is not fully protected". So I clicked it. I try to configure it so that I could get my suite working. Well nothing happened. I pressed auto fix, and it wouldnt work. So the security suite said that i should do a re-install. I completely removed it through add/remove programs. And tried to do a re install using my disc. It then said that the spam protection would load. Now everytime i try to load my security center, nothing shows. It just sits there.. Well now tonight at 10:59 on March 19 everything went down the hell hole. Now I figured that I was not the only person with this error so I actually found a post I tried to do what was on the list. Well what a thing happened. I now can't load any exe, or use and lnk file. It asks me to either choose from list, or search the net. I am in a sticky situation. I can't load regedit, I can't use system restore. I tried to use my dell operating system disc. to reinstall or go to a system restore point by loading up the disc. Well nothing is working, the only thing I can access properly are my flash games, and the internet, by using any address bar. screenshots posted below.
I have a Dell inspiron 2650, it is screwed up and I dont know what to do about it. I am running windows and office xp. Whenever I try to open IE, it will open about 50 times. I cannot access my internet at all. I can log onto messanger and anything else but IE. I have run "sfc /scannow", ad-aware, I am unable to update my mcafee because this laptop was given to me and I dont have access to update it and I cant access the internet, I obviously cannot do an online virus scan, I have just completed a disk cleanup. I don't know where to go from here,
I know I am not the only one to have this issue, but have not seen a real fix.When our lab users try to save or open Hotmail attachments (Doc, PDF, XLS) recieve the error "Internet Explorer cannot download 94ea from Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailiable or cannot be found.
After sourcing the net for a solution to the problem of my computer not being able to download from the Microsoft Website the security updates and updates for Windows Defender I found the following.
SYMPTOMS When you try to connect to the Microsoft Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site, you receive one of the following error messages: � The necessary services are disabled or unavailable
Whenever I try to download something (example - the latest version of Acrobat Reader). I get a warning that says my Security Settings won't allow it. To my knowledge, nothing has been changed, and this has only been happening since I downloaded all of the latest Windows updates. I have no idea if this is related or how to fix this problem. Can someone give me a clue on what to do?
When I try to download perfectly safe stuff, I get a message saying that my security settings will not allow me download the file.I have followed advice about changing the settings etc, however when I follow any of the steps, it either won't let me perform the actions OR, the settings just bounce back to what they were before.I no longer have an Active-X bar along the top to help with downloading.I read that if these don't work:Try these two methods for changing the security..Try these two methods for changing the security settings. Method #1 1. To lower the security setting in Internet Explorer: 2. In the browser's Tools menu, select Internet Options. 3. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab. 4. In the "Select a Web content zone" control, click the Internet icon. 5. In the "Security level for this zone" area, reset security to Medium. 6. Click OK. Method #2 1. Select Tools Menu from Tool Bar 2. Select Internet Options 3. Select Security tab 4. Select Custom Level button 5. Scroll down to Downloads 6. Under File Downloads - If the File Downloads is not disabled you will not be able to download files. To enable file downloads check the enable option. My only other option is mucking around with registry keys, which being a puter dunce and haven't a clue about anything like that, I'm not going to attempt.Is there ANYTHING else I can try (nice easy steps) that it going to allow me download stuff that I want from the internet.
A recent MS security download- KB888302 - will not install. I have tried several times without success. Other recent downloads from MS installed just fine. Is there a solution to this vexing problem?
Often, when attempting to download a particular file, I will get the Security Alert message: "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded." For example, this message appears when attempting to download IE 8 and regardless of the security settings, firewall on or off, etc.
I need to download Macrommedia flash. However something is stopping the download. The security bar does not even appear to ask confirmation in fact nothing happens it just will not download. I have tried disabling spywareblaster and spybot in case there is a conflict there. I have disable the pop up blocker can anyone advise. I am running XP with SP2 and windows firewall. I have attached an image of the download section which has a red x in a box which I assume is disabling an image or something.
Most, but, no all links return we to the windows XP start (desk top) when clicked. This just started after the automatic security download by Microsoft.I am very weak on software fixes. Is there something I can do to correct this problem.
All of a sudden I can not download any programs, music files etc. I just get the above message in my Mozilla Firefox download screen. The same thing happened when I tried Internet Explorer.
I am running Windows XP and using Firefox 3.0.1. The problem is that Download blocked by Security Zone Policy, I have gone into the Internet section of control panel and reduced the zone protection to the minimum. I have turned the firewall in McAfee off. These actions did not have any effect. I am not aware of any other program on my computer that would cause this to happen. I use Sypware Doctor, but I disabled that also. My computer is set to load Windows updates automatically and that would be the only software updated I might have loaded.
I think that I have a virus which is stopping me from 1) Installing Norton Internet Security 2005 properly, and 2) Stopping me from accessing all anti-virus related sites, for example -,,, and when i tried to download AVG 6.0 from another site which was unrelated to antivirus, I found that I could access the site but the download failed.
An error has prevented the Microsoft Security Essentials Installation Wizard from continuing.Please restart your computer and try again.I have tried all the malicious software, antimalware, Windows Defender, Windows Protecion Center, you name it.
What do I have to do to get rid of windows error code 0X80200010 ? My automatic updates worked fine. Windows update tries to give me 10 updates now, and thy download okay but do not install successfully. I'm using AVAST! antivirus which seems to work very well. I'm also using Mozilla Threatfire and PCTOOLS firewall. In a few more days, I will be 3 months behind on my security updates.
with a problem after uninstalling norton antivirus 2006?I uninstalled the program though the add/remove function but everytime I open Word it opens an installation window of Norton 2006. You have to click it several times to close and it eventually does but it is very annoying.I tried deleting it through hijack this but I can't delete keeps on coming back.
I am running a Dell PIII 800 mhz, with 80 G hard drive and XP SP 2. I recently downloaded a program from for my wife's PDA called "Body Pro Desktop 2005". Soon after installing this program, the following problems occurred:
1. Norton Antivirus 2006 crashed.
2. Body Pro would not run.
3. Cannot reinstall Norton Antivirus.
4. Cannot download updates for my Spybot S&D (bad checksum error).
I run systemworks o n two computers. Both have XP media center edition.It works fine on the desktop but my laptop it defrags very little. I ususally get the desktop down below 2 percent fragmentation in one try, while my laptop rarely get below 4 percent fragmentation. about a fourth of the time it actually ends up more fragmented after running speed disk.
I'm looking for an application that will give me the power of windows xp "group policy" but will allow me to give different permissions to different users, or to different groups on a local machine.I'm running an internet cafe, and have serious problems restricting users permissions.The internet cafe software I use (cybercafe pro) doesn't run on a restricted user account (I'll be glad if you can recomend me another software).I want the users to be unable to download or install any program, and if they manage to get out of the internet cafe software, not to be able to see the "start" button, or the desktop.
from where I can find an explanation of what all the different settings in Internet Options > Security > Custom Level mean? I've already looked in Windows Help and on the Microsoft website but I haven't had much luck.
All I want to do is switch off some of messages like 'Do you want to run this software?' when I click on a program I've just downloaded, but I don't know which options do what.