Missing Oleaut32.dll File/Isass.exe - Unable To Locate Component?

Jan 10, 2008

I am getting a message when i first try to get into Windows it says " This application has failed to start because OLEAUT32.dll was not found. Re-Installing the application may fix this problem" In the blue bit at the top of the box it also says Isass.exe - Unable to Locate Component.If i keep pressing the x on this box it lets me log into windows my background picture appears but nothing else.

I get the same message but this time it says userinit.exe - Unable to locate component i press the X and it says the same but explorer.exe in the corner. It then just shows my background picture and nothing else. If i CTL ALT DEL it says the same box but taskmanager.exe in the corner but then the task manager comes on i cnat really do nothing else.

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Explorer.exe Missing - Unable To Locate Component

Oct 26, 2006

I am running a dell computer. 3.2 processor with 1 gig ram. windows xp media center. Yesterday I installed internet explorer 7 that my internet provider sent me. Well I didn't like it and uninstalled it through the control panel. Now when I turn my computer on and go to my desktop, all I see is my desktop pic and an error Explorer.exe- unable to locate coomponent. This application has failed to start because iertutil.dll was not found. Through my task manager I can manage to get a few things to work. How can I restore my computer?

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Unable To Locate Component .dll Error

Oct 5, 2009

I'm having some problems with my XP pro Dell computer. Recently my brother downloaded some songs off of Limewire ( I know it's really bad). I have AVG free installed and it detected multiple viruses as mshypiw.dll I prompted to remove them, and it warned my system may become unstable or crash, I still clicked to remove them and after a re-boot my computer opened up to an error.winlogon.exe - Unable To Locate Component.This application failed to start because mshypiw.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.After I click OK it gives me the same error over and over again for different .exe files. Ex: lsass.exe, Services.exe.It Then opens the logon to windows screen and I can login as normal. Then it gives me many more of the same errors, which if I enter through all of them, I can eventually get to the desktop. Then, if I try to run any program I get more of this same error, depending on which program I try to open, some will open and some will not.

I have googled for this error for hours on end and can't find an answer. I did find this KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319114. Which seams to relate to my problem but the file framedyn.dll is not in my dllcache folder and I cannot get to my System setteing because of this error.

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Booting - Icu.exe - Unable To Locate Component

Nov 25, 2009

Have a Windows XP Home Edition. Whenever I boot, get following: "Icu.exe - Unable to Locate Component...This application has failed to start because WNIAPI.dll was not foumd. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Have no idea what the problem is, nor how to resolve it, nor -if insignificant, how to get rid of the message. Would dearly appreciate any help and explanations; I'm a true novice.

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Unable To Locate Component - Won Not Recognize Printer

Sep 12, 2008

computer keeps giving me this error message and also nphmon06.exe unable to locate component. It won't recognize my hp PSC 2350 all in one printer all of a sudden and I can't get my printer to work because of this. Can someone please tell me how I can remedy this situation? I already tried deleting the download for the printer twice and downloaded it again but I still keep getting this error message. I am at my wits end and need to use my printer.

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System Restore - Unable To Locate Component

Sep 5, 2005

i did a system restore on my husbands pc now i am getting the message:Explorer.Exe -Unable To Locate Component This application has failed to start because BROWSEREUI.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem

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Browseui.dll Not Found - Unable To Locate Component

Jun 20, 2006

my son started his XP home edition system 2nite but other than his wallpaper nothing else appeared except the error message "explorer.exe.....unable to locate component....this application has failed to start because browseui.dll was not found" or words to that effect. As the task bar is missing and no icons it appears he has no access to run anything....hence why he has asked me to log onto web and contact yourselves

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CC App.exe / Unable To Locate Component / Application Failed To Start / MAPI32.dll Was Not Found

Jul 4, 2006

The other day my PC started shutting down and restarting for no apparent reason. I have added no new programs or hardware. Then a couple of hours later it started behaving normally even though I did nothing.Now each time I turn it on, it starts normally except that I get the following message: "CC App.exe -- Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because MAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." What or where is this component and how do I re-install it?

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Volume Icon Missing On Task Bar: Unable To Locate?

Feb 24, 2010

my volume icon is missing on taskbar on windows xp how do i locate it

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Locate Missing Dll File / Error Loading C:windowsozuveseb.dll

Aug 12, 2010

I am running Windows Professional Service Pack 3. After starting or rebooting the PC, just before Windows completely finishes loading, I get a message stating "Error loading c:windowsozuveseb.dll"I can click past the message and work fine in Windows, but I'd like to resolve the problem.I'm assuming that "Error loading" means the file is missing. At least I cannot find it doing a search that includes hidden and system folder. I checked another XP machine, and ozuveseb.dll does not reside on that PC, either.how to determine what this file is, and where to find a replacement?

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Unable To Locate Downloaded File

Mar 23, 2007

I recently downloaded something but the file didn't save to the usual place. Instead, the file has been saved to a place on my PC which I am finding impossible to locate (the downloading was successfully completed after a short while by-the-way) According to the program I used to download the file it has been saved to...C:Documents and SettingsuserLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5 (I'm not sure why the file was saved here!) When I go to C:Documents and Settings I am unable to find the 'User' folder and so cannot goto (or see) the other folders where this file has been saved. The only folder I can see in Documents and Settings is 'All Users'.

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What Is This File Isass.ex Hurt The System?

Dec 25, 2006

isass.exe what is this and will it hurt my system and if so what should I do

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Cannot Uninstall Mcafee Gives Error Of Component Missing

May 7, 2007

Trying to uninstall mcafee from my system,it keeps on saying there is one component missing.

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Unable To Start PC .. SYSTEM File Missing.../Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt:

Feb 4, 2005

So my sister gets hold of a computer in the house and ruins it, and here is the dilemma I am facing: I turn on the computer and right away i come to this message....
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the Original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.
So I enter the cd rom and press 'r' for repair, I choose C:windows, however before it can begin to repair it asks me for an 'Administration Password' which I have no idea of after many attempts.
I do not want to have to format the pc since I have some very important files on it. Any help is appreciated.

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Unable To Locate Language DLL

Jul 4, 2009

After I boot the system and go to the desktop, I get the following message: "Unable to locate language DLL - languagesEnglish.dll"

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Unable To Locate CD-ROM Drive

Jun 10, 2006

I wasn't sure where to post this, but I tried to run one of my games today, and I got a pop-up saying that:
Frozen Throne was unable to locate your CD-ROM drive.Please make sure your Frozen Throne disc is in your CD-ROM drive, then click on 'Retry'.I have never gotten this error before, so I right clicked on My Computer > Properties > Hardware > Device Manager. Then under DVD/CD ROM drives is has: Next to these names there is an icon which has an exclamation point. I right clicked on ASUS CD-S480/A5 , then properties and the device status says: Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41).I am not sure what this exactly means, but I cannot load any of my games.

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Unable To Locate USB Option On XP

Jun 9, 2007

I have bought a web cam and it uses usb but when I load on the program I get this message Setup is unable to locate working USB port on this system. Require working USB port to continue installation. I have gone to the control panel, Hardware and then to Device manager. When I look in there for the Universal Serial Bus controllers there is nothing there even though I have 2 USB ports on the computer and where going approx 2 yrs ago when I had my old web cam. If you are able to help can you please let me know what I need to do to locate what I need to get it going.

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Having Background Pics: Unable To Locate These ?

Jun 23, 2005

I have a ton of background pictures that I really like, but I cannot seem to locate them. I searched my computer for the file names, but nothing comes up.

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Unable To Locate Gdiplus.dll Error

Aug 29, 2005

When attempting to open a JPEG in Windows picture and Fax viewer I get an error that the program is unable to locate gdiplus.dll, recommends reinstalling the application. After searching the PC I can see that it is installed 4 times in various locations.I also get this error when attempting to launch windows media player.
Recently I have been performing a clean up of my PC (With guidance of TSG Security Forum) due to spyware infections. Part of this included running Ewido security suite. I noticed that there is a file at location c:ewidogdiplus.dll.

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Unable To Locate Shell Process

Jul 11, 2005

I really don't know how to start this so I will give you some of the symptoms
1. When I run Panda online scan it hangs on file 319 and will not go any further
2. When I run Spybot at the end I get "Error during check! Xuron55 (Datei C:Windowswin.ini kann nicht geoffnet werden. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
3. When I search for a file in Regedit it searches forever
4. In one of my log files (C:WindowsSystem32WBEMLogs) it says "Shell name Explorer.exe in registry not found in process list Unable to locate Shell process. Impersonation failed.
5. In my event viewer I am getting alot of "The Shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restartedI am running XP Home Edition and this has been going on for a couple of weeks. I run Panda Online Scan, Adaware, and Spybot weekly and because I have had a couple of viruses in the past I run Stinger pretty often also.

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Unable To Locate A Runas Process

Apr 20, 2010

I have inherited an image (for one of our products) that I can't get the "Runas" process to work.XP, SP3, latest / greatest patches;I have confirmed that I have the Secondary Logon service running; This is what my "run as" is trying to do: We sell kiosk-like systems for hospitals. We ship our systems to boot to a logon screen so our field employees can configure the system and network settings. Once they log out and log back in with the "Customer" account, I want to fire off a startup script that writes sets the registry to auto-logon with that customer account & password.So I wrote three scripts - one that launches my little "Runas" script, the "Runas" script it self, and a final one to clean up the initial "launch" script from the "startup" folder.The script will launch and call my "Runas" Script - and I *know* that the reg import bit works fine if I do it manually, but it hangs up with a "unable to locate runas process".

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Weborks.exe - Unable To Locate Components

May 6, 2007

WebWorks.exe -Unable to Locate Components Everytime I start my computer this error box comes up Inside the message is 'wwwcore.dll reinstall I don't have clue what needs to be reinstalled.. ?? how do I find out or make the error message go away

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Unable To Locate Administrator Account

Aug 17, 2006

im have a windows xp computer and i had a username called administrator and then i made a new account for my friend to use wich deleted my administator account but the thing is all my this form that account are still there but when i go to my documents and click administrator it says access denied so there must still be that account there i just dont see it at the welcome screen to log on to that account so could anyone help me please

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Apr 8, 2008

After loading an updated version of QuickBooks today, I attempted to restart my computer and received this error message: Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEMS32CONFIGSYSTEM. Attempted "typical recovery methods", then inserted Reinstallation CD for Windows XP Professional (SP2) that came with DELL computer (pre-installed). Followed steps to "Welcome to Setup" blue screen. Pressed r to repair. Followed steps to chkdsk /r command. Process began. After process reached 38%, there was no more activity---for almost 1.5 hours. Seemed frozen. Turned off computer. Tried, unsucessfully, to follow Microsoft instructions found online. At the Recovery Console command prompt, created 'md tmp', then attempted to "copy c:", etc. Each time I entered a "copy c:" line, I was given the message: "Cannot copy...". Not sure if this is happening because I have a DELL disk, rather than original Windows XP disk?If so, any way around this?

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Unable To Locate Hard Drive While Installing Repairing OS

Aug 13, 2005

I need to do an XP repair install on my Dell Dimension 8400 to fix several programs that no longer work (Update being the biggest problem). I had used this Forum a couple of months ago and doing the repair install was the recommended solution. I have a copy of the michaelstevenstech.com directions so I know what to do. Unfortunately, when I try to launch the "to setup Windows XP, press enter" step, the program comes back with an error message saying the hard drive is not found.

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Cannot Locate The File, Edit, View, Tools Bar On Mozilla

Mar 10, 2010

I cannot locate the File, Edit, View, Tools bar on Mozilla

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Error Stop: C0000221 Oleaut32.dll May Be Corrupted

Nov 16, 2007

Alright here is my problem when ever I try to but my computer which is running XP Pro Service Pack 2. The OS loads and right after the windows icon goes away I get a stop error. The error is stop: c0000221 {Bad Image Checksum} oleaut32.dll may be corrupted. And after the error I have to restart and I get the error again. I have tried booting in safe mode and I still get the error. Start up has yet to make it to the desktop. Is there an easy fix for this? And if not, would trying to repair the OS using the XP CD work and if i were to do that would i lose all my files?

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Wont Start Missing Or Corrupt File-Not Telling Which File Is Missing?

Dec 2, 2004

I have fixed this problem in the past in repair mode and i want to do the same with this, but, there is no filename at the end of the statement see below Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing windowssystem32configsystem Can this be fixed in repair mode without having to be reformated or reimaged.

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With Svchost.exe And A Isass.exe

Aug 2, 2007

I'm not a complete n00b and i got rid of isass.exe which was causing my system to shut down in 60 seconds. However I haven't been able to stop another problem I have which is the Generic Host Process for Win32 Services problem that usually comes with blaster. I doubt that it's blaster though. also could anyone suggest a good security combo I could use. Anti Virus Firewall and Anti Spyware I've become quite used to NOD32 and I don't like using the other memory hogs... I need suggestions for anti spyware and firewall that would go with NOD32.. or just any good solution that would prevent this from happening again and that wouldnt consume all my memory up.

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Unable To Find Missing File "ks.sys" For Audio Device Installation?

Sep 18, 2009

i am finding a missing file named ks.sys.i have been trying to install audio devices for my computer and it will not allow me to install them because i'm missing files. at first i was missing ksuser.dll file but i was able to download that and install it, and now its asking for the ky.sys file.

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Booting - Invalid Parameter Was Passed To Service Or Function - Isass.exe

Aug 10, 2005

Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an errormessage appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "Aninvalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does thatmean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again butthen the error message appears again. It just keeps going in circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?

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