Installing IIS: Message "Can Not Copy Connect.asp."?

Jul 15, 2005

I was installing IIS and I received the message "Can not copy connect.asp." I looked for the file but I could not find it anywhere.An do so I installed IIS without that particular file. Do I really need this to create web application? Also, what does the message mean?

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Unable To Connect Message

Dec 27, 2006

I have been having alot of trouble lately. Every time I try to click on a site I get an unable to connect message, if I go back and try again it usually goes through the third or fourth time clicking the link. This is happening with every site. I am running windows ME. I have tried disabling Norton, running ccleaner, all spyware utilities and nothing helps.

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Error Message 1068 On Trying To Connect

Jul 27, 2009

I can't connect to the Internet, have powered down the modem, etc. I cannot start the DHCP or TCP/IP service's.I get the error: could not start DHCP Client Service, Error 1068
Could not start TCP/IP net Bios, Error 1068
Tried the WINSOCK, NETSH commands, no luck.

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Installing Drivers Ethernet Controllers - Cannot Connect To Internet

Oct 11, 2010

Reformatted sons computer and re installed Windows xp. Cannot connect to internet because there are no ethernet controllers, or video, and audio. This I expected and thought all I had to do was download drivers for the MS-7050. I have been at it 6 hrs now and cannot find them! I know I found before but cannot quite remember what I found. Am I looking for the wrong thing to get the controllers etc working? Its a HP dx5150, AMD 64 Athlon. Motherboard is MS-7050 Ver 1.3

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Installing Fresh Copy Of XP: PC Only Boot From CD Rom?

Sep 7, 2005

I'm having this problem with windows xp pro fresh install onto sata HD. Pressed F6 and installed sata drivers for the mobo etc. Now i hasten to add that i have tried this 3 times now, set up runs smoothly windows installs however when i have finished windows will only boot up with the CD in the CDROM. Been into Bios and changed boot sequence but still if no CD it just gets to boot from cd in the boot up screen and> stops, put the disk in and windows boots straight up and away we go.

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Copy Issue While Installing Wondows

Jul 27, 2005

I receive a copy error every time i try to install windows XP pro. Ive tried formatting and changing the partition. The error states: The file <filename> was not copied correctly.The file setup placed on your hard drive is not a valid Windows system image. If you are installing from a CD, there may be a problem with the Windows CD. It is not the CD because i have tried to install 3 different types of Windows.Windows XP Pro x64-Windows XP Pro update-Windows XP Proi just need to know what "The file setup placed on your hard drive is not a valid Windows system image" means.Computer hardware includes:-ASUS A8V-E Deluxe motherboard-AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Processor-Sapphire ATI Radeon x800 pro Video Card-Corsair Dual Channel 1gb DDR 400 PC 3200 Memory-Seagate Barracuda 7200.8 ST3250823AS 250GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache Serial ATA150 Hard Drive.

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IIS Installed On Xp: Received Message Unable To Connect?

Jul 11, 2005

I have installed IIS v5.0/Windows XP. When I try to connect(using an administrator user) to the server(localhost) running IIS, I receive the mesage 'unable to connect'..

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Installing New Copy Of Xp To Destroy Unwanted Programs?

Aug 22, 2006

I hate all the unwanted software that comes with this computer, and I don't even use any of the media stuff. Tell me, is it possible to just use dban and then install XP Home from a boot disc that I have? Could anything go wrong?

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Re-installing A Genuine Copy Without Losing Data

May 29, 2006

I got my PC from someone with Windows XP already installed, now there is a pop up which says that my copy of Windows is not genuine. I am a student and have gotten a Windows XP Professional with SP2 (Single User) ISO Image which allows me install a copy on my PC. I would like to reinstall with this new product without losing all my data and software

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Installing New Copy Of Pro: Last Minute Invalid ID Code?

Jul 20, 2008

I am trying to install windows xp pro OEM, everything is fine, it accepts my product key, the installion goes well, it gets to the final installation process and it again asks for the 'product ID code', I type it in for the second time at it then says the product id number in invalid. How come it lets me through the first request for my Product ID number and lets me through the whole set up and then refuses my ID number at the last minute? im definately using the correct number.

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Formatting Sp1 And Installing Fresh Copy Of Sp3 / Lost Cd Key?

Sep 17, 2008

m trying to format my old bros pc but when i just boot off the disk is just resumes the current installation of windows. We do not want the version as its old and we want to install sp3 which we bought yesterday. Also becuae we lost the cd key for the sp1 one and we cant find it anywhere and continue to get to windows then restart like a normal edition.

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Installing Fresh Copy Of Operating System?

Sep 17, 2007

I'm currently using Acer Travelmate 650. I need to reinstall the windows as i'm passing my notebook to my friend. how i reinstall my windows as i don't have a cd-rom for install.

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Setup Cannot Copy File - Installing Components

May 15, 2010

Computer: Winxp Pro SP2 4x256MB (1GB)(2 Hard Drive, 2 CD Drives)After virus recovery (from Rogue Antivirus) - The issues is we are missing games and some accessory (entertainment) programs.So - thought I'd reinstall them...
Trying to add (games) via Add/remove programs - Add "windows components"
Select accessories Prompts me to put in Win XP Pro cd Getting Copy Error " Setup cannot copy file XXX,XXX It prompts me to use files found in I386 directory. - I see the files it wants but unable to copy.

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Unable To Get Sound After Installing Fresh Copy Of OS?

Nov 5, 2009

i have an hp 532w, It came with windows xp home edition on it. recently I used a Dell version of Windows XP Pro and installed it over my hp home edition. I lost my sound and when I look at my device manager i see a little yellow flag by my multi media controller. If I try to Upgrade the driver I get the blue screen of death. I tried to reistall my origanial operating system, from my 8 recovery disks it won't let me. I trie booting from it and it won't let me. It sez I'm missing (windowsroot) system32hal.dll.

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Can't Copy To CD - No Disk In Drive Message

Mar 14, 2008

I am trying to copy some files to a CD Disk, so that I can open them on a different computer. I have put a disk in the drive, highlighted the file, clicked on "send to", and I get the message: "Please insert a disk into Drive E (or F, whichever I happen to try it with)".The drives won't recognize that there is a blank CD. If I put in an audio CD or a DVD, it recognizes it, and plays it fine. It's just the blank ones that are giving me a problem. I have tried several different brands of CD . . . same result . . . "Please insert a disk into drive"

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Blue Screen Appears When Installing New Copy Of Winxp?

Apr 2, 2005

As soon as it starts to run windows setup a blue screen appears and says:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.The problem seems to be caused by the following file setupdd.sys Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area This is the first time you have seen this stop error screen, restart you computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps. Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press f8 to select advance startup options, and then select safe modeTechnical Information: *** STOP: 0x00000050 (0xe1607088, 0x00000000, 0xfc44bf3e, ox00000001)

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Copy Files Issue When Installing Operating System

Aug 9, 2005

Attempt to install XP Pro on a new hard drive, towards the finish I get errors cannot copy various files, although I'm trying 2 different new XP Pro CD's, and reformatted the drive after unsuccessful attempts. The CD drive has never been malfunctioned before.

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Getting Errors On Installing Pirated Copy Of Operating System?

Feb 8, 2006

Why do people spend $200-$600 on a single piece of hardware (such as a graphics card, processor, or monitor), spend upward of 1 to 4 thousand for the entire hardware collection, and then pirate a copy of Windows XP Home that only costs like $100 for an OEM version if you don't even feel like shopping around for a good deal on it?I don't get it!What good is all of that hardware without any software to run it?And why to people whine about how bad Windows is, but then pirate it instead of running Linux? I mean if M$ software is so awful, then why use their software?

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Installing Fresh Copy Of OS: Buying OS Disk From EBay?

Dec 24, 2009

I have a six year old dell. old installation of Windows XP is damaged beyond repair so I will have to reinstall it.I have the dell serial number, service tag number, and most of the other relevant information. I even have the original Windows XP license key number printed on a label on the side of my computer.the one thing that I do not have is the Windows XP installation disk.What is the best way to resolve this?I have seen XP disks for sale on ebay craigslist. Can I purchase one of those and install it on my old computer? If I do that should I get a new license key from them or do I use my old one.

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Cut/Copy Folder Shows Error Message With Red X

Oct 16, 2007

Sometimes when I cut/copy folders from one location to another the process will stop and give an error message cannot move file with a red x. Clicking on ok cancells the whole cut/copy operation, which can leave you wondering what has or has not been moved and requires trawling through source and target location. Gets a bit annoying when it happens fairly often.

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Removing Installed Operating System And Installing Fresh Copy?

Dec 27, 2008

I recently had my XPS M1710(Windows XP Pro) swapped out for a M1730(VHP) and would like some assistance in getting rid of Vista and installing XP Pro onto the new system.

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Installing Fresh Copy Of Operating System Without CD Modular Drive?

Aug 27, 2005

I need to install Windows XP on a laptop (Dell Latitude CPx H500GT) but I don't have the CD modular drive for it.How do I install XP with no built-in CD-ROM drive? The only other options I have is a ethernet PC card, one USB port and I do have a USB enclosure (for use with 3.5 hard drives or 5.25 cd/dvd drives)

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Copy Of Error Message - Can Insert Image Onto Posting

May 15, 2006

I am trying to make a copy of an error message I get so that I can insert this image onto my posting. Using Windows XP home how can I do this ?

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Large File Copies Corrupt / Copy Without Generating Any Error Message

Sep 13, 2005

I have a problem with copying large files (50MB+): Both command line command "copy /B" and copies in Explorer of large files always risult in a slighly different (corrupt) copy without generating any error message. The number of different bytes is proportional to the lenght of the original. The size of the copy is correct. Position and value of the different bytes vary between each copy.

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Installing A CD (error Message)

Dec 25, 2004

I'm trying to install a game from a CD and there is an error message which sais," Setup is unable to locate a file it needs to continue. Please make sure the CD-ROM is in the drive and press retry to continue." I click on retry and the error message keeps on appearing.How do I solve this problem?

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Press Any Key To Boot From CD / Message When Installing Pro

Apr 6, 2007

I've tried several times to install Windows XP now on a new Maxtor drive bought just the other day. When I have the disc in, it loads to the blue install screen without asking me to press a key to boot from cd, I choose to install, partition the drive and format. It copies the files and then restarts, but when it loads again it still doesn't ask for me to press a key (which you aren't supposed to press the second time), and it loads back to the first menu, where I can start all over again.

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32-bit Set Up Launcher Error Message After Re-installing A Game

Oct 25, 2006

Re-installing a game, Enigma: Rising Tide I receive this error message. This happened one time before. I don't recall how I was able to overcome, but presently I had to re-install the game and now I have this error message again. I understand that there have been other instances with others installing games where this message appears.

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Getting Error Message For Invalid BOOT.ini While Installing OS?

Jul 9, 2005

i have a 250GB Hard Drive and I used Western Digital's Data Lifeguard Tools 11 Tools to allow Windows to recognize all 250GB and break the 24-bit barrier. When I install Windows XP Pro, it goes through the format and the file setup fine (as far as I know) and then when it goes to boot, it goes right back into the Setup doesn't go on to install Windows. When the disk is taken out it just continually restarts and claims that there is an invalid BOOT.INI.

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Installing .net Framework: Receives Error Message 1402?

Jul 9, 2010

I have had trouble with the .net framework. Because of possible corruption i deleted all .net framework files.Since then i have tried to install the .net framework files. i continue to receive a message that reads ERROR 1402 could not open key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDlls. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key.or contact your support personnel

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Installing Genuine Advantage Comes Up With Invalid Product Key Message?

Aug 11, 2005


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Installing Genuine Advantage Comes Up With Invalid Product Key Message?

Aug 11, 2005

I HAVE A VALID COPY OF WINDOWS XP PRO. WHEN I GO TO WINDOWS UPDATES IT VALIDATES THEN I RECEIVE A MESSAGE THAT YOU HAVE AN INVALID PRODUCT ID. I READ IN A NEWS GROUP THAT IT WAS A BUG. I RECEIVED THIS QUOTE FROM A NEWGROUP POSTING. The result of a bug in WinXP SP2's code that creates the PID for display. WGA extracts the correct PID. The one displayed in System Properties General tab will have the OEM-00 issue because of the bug.

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