Getting Error Message For Invalid BOOT.ini While Installing OS?
Jul 9, 2005
i have a 250GB Hard Drive and I used Western Digital's Data Lifeguard Tools 11 Tools to allow Windows to recognize all 250GB and break the 24-bit barrier. When I install Windows XP Pro, it goes through the format and the file setup fine (as far as I know) and then when it goes to boot, it goes right back into the Setup doesn't go on to install Windows. When the disk is taken out it just continually restarts and claims that there is an invalid BOOT.INI.
new error message on start up "Invalid BOOT.INI boot from windowsC://" fixable? . also cleaned my LARGE prefetch folder and it has remained empty for a month ...?Been online 10 years never had a virus worm or trojan was hijacked once or twice and had a porn dialer ( it wasn't me honest!) bury itself in my system
When i try to install xp sp2, I keep getting "the data is invalid. xp sp2 could not be installed" error message. I have re-installed windows and tried installing sp2 from CD, and tried the downlooad from the microsoft website, both with the same result.
I HAVE A VALID COPY OF WINDOWS XP PRO. WHEN I GO TO WINDOWS UPDATES IT VALIDATES THEN I RECEIVE A MESSAGE THAT YOU HAVE AN INVALID PRODUCT ID. I READ IN A NEWS GROUP THAT IT WAS A BUG. I RECEIVED THIS QUOTE FROM A NEWGROUP POSTING. The result of a bug in WinXP SP2's code that creates the PID for display. WGA extracts the correct PID. The one displayed in System Properties General tab will have the OEM-00 issue because of the bug.
I think I got virus, even though norton work 2004 cant dectected but everytime startup its say that (invalid boot disk...please insert...) and I have to put in my winxp in cd drive to boot up. I been format the disk and reinstall win but it don't help. I think some how my NTLDR got corrupted? but not just that one drive, I change to another smaller (4.0G) drive that got nothing but Winxp Pro and it's say the same. Winxp Pro 3.0g mhz 340g Hd.
I am trying to help a friend with their laptop. It is a fairly new Dell laptop (about 2 years old) running Windows XP. They don't know if one of there kids downloaded something with a virus or what caused the issue. I have never dealt with this sort of issue before. When trying to boot the computer, one receives the following error after the Windows XP splash screen: "The application or DLL C:WINDOWSsystem32DNsapI.dll is not a valid Windows Image. Please check this against your installation diskette."
An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.
I'm trying to install a game from a CD and there is an error message which sais," Setup is unable to locate a file it needs to continue. Please make sure the CD-ROM is in the drive and press retry to continue." I click on retry and the error message keeps on appearing.How do I solve this problem?
I've tried several times to install Windows XP now on a new Maxtor drive bought just the other day. When I have the disc in, it loads to the blue install screen without asking me to press a key to boot from cd, I choose to install, partition the drive and format. It copies the files and then restarts, but when it loads again it still doesn't ask for me to press a key (which you aren't supposed to press the second time), and it loads back to the first menu, where I can start all over again.
Re-installing a game, Enigma: Rising Tide I receive this error message. This happened one time before. I don't recall how I was able to overcome, but presently I had to re-install the game and now I have this error message again. I understand that there have been other instances with others installing games where this message appears.
I have had trouble with the .net framework. Because of possible corruption i deleted all .net framework files.Since then i have tried to install the .net framework files. i continue to receive a message that reads ERROR 1402 could not open key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDlls. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key.or contact your support personnel
Try to install new software Turbo Tax and the software for my new Epson Scanner. I get this application error message: This application cannot run. That is all it says. I've had this computer for three years and have installed software many times with no problems. There is plenty of room on the hard drive. I have tried installing in safe mode. I have tried to restore back. I have done a defrag.
I just had Win 98 on my computer, but reformatted because I wished to start anew with Windows XP. The format went well, but I'm having trouble installing XP now. When I start up the computer with the setup disk in the disc drive, it tells me it's an invalid system disk.My problem is I just can't seem to get the setup to run... I dunno am I doing something wrong or is there something I'm not doing that I should be doing? I figured with the cd in the drive it would automatically start the setup
Running Windows XP SP2 I've downloaded KB9369629 but when I try to install it stops with the message "The handle is invalid."I'm guessing the file is corrupted and I need to download again. However, when I go to the Windows Update Site, I don't get the option to download, just to install the file I already have.
I am trying to install windows xp pro OEM, everything is fine, it accepts my product key, the installion goes well, it gets to the final installation process and it again asks for the 'product ID code', I type it in for the second time at it then says the product id number in invalid. How come it lets me through the first request for my Product ID number and lets me through the whole set up and then refuses my ID number at the last minute? im definately using the correct number.
i keep getting the above error message when i boot up my computer and it refuses to go an further, i have tried solutions provided on this forum and none will work as my recovery disc has a recovery utility on it which wants to format my HD and then reinstall windows. but i want to keep my files and i have no way of getting the files the HD at the moment.
I keep getting an error message everytime I boot up my computer. It says that the system has recovered from a serious error. Even if I shut down my pc normally, a scandisc is performed every time i boot. The error message says the ff: "The system has recovered from a serious error"
My computer was running fine last night, but today when I tried turning it on, it came up with "Error Loading OS" on the boot up screen. It has never done this before, and it will only work now when I have the Windows XP disk in the CD Drive. I even tried unplugging everything and plugging it back in, but it still won't work.
the error that pops up after loading is related to svchost.exe - Application Error ( The instruction at 0x500bcb9a referenced memory at 0x00000000 the memory cannot be "read") I'm pretty sure it's not a virus. I did a full system scan with Kaspersky 6.0, Ad-aware pro and spybot.
No real drama today. On Boot up I get a warning message.... Windows - No Disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Paremeters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c If I just hit cancel or continue button, all seems to be working OK. Tried a restore to last known good restore point... made no difference. Should I just do a restore using Windows Disc or is there possibly something more sinister going on here?
My OS is XP Pro with a 160gb western digital hard drive.I was attempting to use Partition Magic to install another OS and something went wrong and now the computer wont boot up.I have tried everything I can think of but I am unable to fix it.I am getting an error message "invalid system disk, remove the disk and click on enter". I would like to format this drive and start over. I have gone into the bios and set the CD-ROM drive to boot first but no matter what drive I make first, I get the same error message mentioned above. Any ideas on how I might be able to format this drive?
hi, i just bought a new pc.. it had vista on it so formatted fully. i booted xp from cd and installed. after the blue screen installation my pc rebooted as normal. when it loaded up a message says: problem with operating system
When doing an XP windows re-install. I am getting the error "Error loading operating system" I was formating the drive with XP and it stopped. Now when rebooting to go to CD for install I get the Error.
I am running Win XP SP2 on an HP Pavilion a350e desktop. When I boot up I am getting an annoying message... "Windows - No Disk" "Exception Processing Message c0000013 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c" I can click Ignore and my PC seems to work fine. How can I get rid of this once and for all??
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 2:24:22 PM, on 5/20/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16441)
As in the title, im faced with a permanent 7B BSOD stop error message on my pavillion laptop. My current knowledge indicates that is a boot loader error, and as you may naturally expect, i am desperate to fix it! I have tried using the advanced startup options to use the last configurations which worked and safe mode, but i get the same BSOD stop error. I placed my hard disk in another laptop and it boots fine, i have even been able to log in and use it as normal. However, when i put a hard disk running a perfectly fine copy of windows xp home to my pavillion laptop, i get the same 7B stop error.
My pavillion refuses to boot from CDs as well. It seems to me the problem isnt with my hard disk and the OS version on it, but with the remaining components on my laptop...but what could be the criminal? Would anyone be able to shed some light on my problem? Of course, I will provide more details as requested.
I am getting the message "C:WINDOWSAppPatchdrvmain.sdb is corrupt or missing. Insert the original Windows XP cd and type r for recovery console." Safemode operations or copying the drvmain.sdb file from the original cd doesn't work. Is there any other way to disable this file or is there any other solution?
when I boot up I get to the log on screen and press enter and get the following message.Windows product activation - A problem is preventing windorws from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code - 0x800703e7.This is not the first time its happend to me its the third. The last two times I have had to do a full reinstall.This time its allowing me to get into safe mode it didn't before.Ive tried a system restore in safe mode but it brings up an error report which it then wants to send. I click dont send and then nothing happens.My computer is a Sony Vaio PCG -FX805 with Win XP SP2.