I just had Win 98 on my computer, but reformatted because I wished to start anew with Windows XP. The format went well, but I'm having trouble installing XP now. When I start up the computer with the setup disk in the disc drive, it tells me it's an invalid system disk.My problem is I just can't seem to get the setup to run... I dunno am I doing something wrong or is there something I'm not doing that I should be doing? I figured with the cd in the drive it would automatically start the setup
My son gets the message "invalid system disk, replace the disk, then press play" , when booting up, he started getting it after inputting a picture from a "smart card" using his built in card reader. There is NO disk in the reader. If you hit any key the computer continues to boot "normal" It isn't a big problem, but a sign of something not being right.
I recently formatted my drive and am trying to reinstall my WIndows XP Pro.When I put in the CD and the PC starts up I receive a message: "Invalid System Disk. Replace the disk and then press any key"I have already changed my BIOS so that it boots from the CD first. Not sure what the problem is? prior to that error message, it states that I should "press any key to boot from CD"...when I try to push a key nothing happens. I know my keyboard works since I used it to enter the BIOS.
A family member of mine has formatted the Hard Drive on their PC and when I they try to load windows XP it comes up with "Invalid System Disk, Replace Disk and Press Any Key"Do I need a boot disk and If I do What sort and where do I get it from.
I am getting this error message when I start windows XP Home, It says Replace the disk and press any key On doing so it starts normally.othing is in the CD drives and floppy is disabled in Bios.Booting is from the second hard disk - partition 2.
My XP desktop was in the middle of running CHKDSK when there was a power outage. Since then the computer will not start-up. It begins the usual POST, recognizing the drives then it comes to a screen saying Invalid System Disk, Replace the disk and then press any key.There are no disks in any of the CD/DVD drives. I have tried the recovery disk and even a full version XP disk, but nothing seems to be "seen". I get the same screen every time.
I have a Dell Dimension L866r with 512 mb. of ram . I have my bios set to boot from CDrom first, then my harddrive. When I boot my computer up with the XP Home disk in it all I get is Invalid System disk.
I have a problem with a Windows XP installation. The problem arose when I attached a SATA SSD with Windows 7 on it, intending to check whether the SSD had failed. The computer booted up into XP but I couldn't see the SSD in My Computer. When I restarted the computer, I received GRUB (the Linux bootloader) error 22. It is possible that Linux was active on the Windows XP HDD at some point, but it is long gone and I didn't expect to find GRUB controlling the boot. I switched off and removed the SSD drive so that the computer would, so I thought, be in the state in which it was when I approached it. I switched it on and got to GRUB error 21. I inserted my Windows XP CD-ROM and restarted, selecting the repair option. I ran CHKDSK, FIXBOOT and FIXMBR and restarted but now I get error INVALID SYSTEM DISK. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER.
Until recently, my computer's single 120GB hard drive has been partitioned like so: C: - ~5GB, active partition with boot.ini etc, used as a recovery partition D: - ~110GB, extended partition with Windows Last night I finally took the plunge and, using Paragon Partition Manager, got rid of the C: partition seeing as I never used its contents, and extended the D: patition to take up the free space created. I then made the D: partition PRIMARY and ACTIVE.To boot into XP, I then used a boot disk from here.windows started fine, and everything was dandy. I copied the BOOT.ini, NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM files across to D:, removed the boot disk and rebooted.'Invalid System Disk'. I'm still unable to boot without a boot CD.
I left my computer on for about 3 hours, when I returned the screen was black with the a message First time this happened INVALID System Disk Replace Disk and then press any key There is or was no 3 1/2 floppy disk in the computer. Every time I hit any key nothing would happen. When I would reboot I would get to the same screen with the same message and nothing would happen. Then I would reboot again and when that screen would come our I would insert a 3 1/2 Floppy into the computer and the computer would start up. So now the only time I can get the computer to start up I must insert a 3 1/2 floppy.
I recently purchased a refurbished Dell OptiPlexGX270. It came with no OS and I am trying to install XP Home. It's using BIOS version A06. I have changed the boot order to CD, HD, and Nic.I boot up the computer and then insert the XP Home installation disk. I get the following:Intel Boot Agent GE v.1.2.21 Copyright 1997-2004, Intel Corp CLIENT MAC ADDR 0D 56 8B 36 76 GUID 444 54 C4C 5900 7053 804D B5C04F483431 PXE-E53: No boot filename received, PXE-M0E: Exiting Intel Boot Agent Invalid System Disk, replace the disk, and then press any key.
Im trying to help my dad get his computer working again. We bought the MCD's for the packard bell computer he owns and first we were struck with a glue part error 5. However we seemed to fix this through a format and re creating the hidden sector. We then ran the CD's and it went seemingly fine through the installation process, then finally we took out MCD 1 as we were told, the PC restarted and we were faced with another issue:'Invalid system Disk. Replace the disk.'Were now stuck on this. I have tried reinstalling again, also I've tried to create another bootdisk just incase but due to me having Vista I couldn't help him much there as it didn't install. I had already formatted and reinstalled the hidden partition and now im stuck as im only 16 and not very farmiliar with the boot process. So I would appreciate any help if you would be able to.
A friend of mine gave me a few computers- because his office was upgrading all of their systems- I reformatted many of them and installed windows me (they are too slow to support xp), but I am having a problem with one. Originally it had windows 2000 pro as the os( I didn't have the password to log-into the computer) So I ran fdisk, formatted the hard drive, then tried to install the new os but I keep getting the error message upon booting that "invalid system disk, remove then press any key to continue".
I thought the cd-rom was bad so I replaced it, I changed the boot sequence, used a floppy to boot, even got the hard drive manufacturer's utility program to prep the drive for the os but even that doesn't work. Am I missing something? Does the fact that I didn't have the password to enter the computer have anything to do with this? I used this same method for installing me on all the other systems and they are fine, but this one is an issue.
An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.
Running Windows XP SP2 I've downloaded KB9369629 but when I try to install it stops with the message "The handle is invalid."I'm guessing the file is corrupted and I need to download again. However, when I go to the Windows Update Site, I don't get the option to download, just to install the file I already have.
I am trying to install windows xp pro OEM, everything is fine, it accepts my product key, the installion goes well, it gets to the final installation process and it again asks for the 'product ID code', I type it in for the second time at it then says the product id number in invalid. How come it lets me through the first request for my Product ID number and lets me through the whole set up and then refuses my ID number at the last minute? im definately using the correct number.
i have a 250GB Hard Drive and I used Western Digital's Data Lifeguard Tools 11 Tools to allow Windows to recognize all 250GB and break the 24-bit barrier. When I install Windows XP Pro, it goes through the format and the file setup fine (as far as I know) and then when it goes to boot, it goes right back into the Setup Config...it doesn't go on to install Windows. When the disk is taken out it just continually restarts and claims that there is an invalid BOOT.INI.
I HAVE A VALID COPY OF WINDOWS XP PRO. WHEN I GO TO WINDOWS UPDATES IT VALIDATES THEN I RECEIVE A MESSAGE THAT YOU HAVE AN INVALID PRODUCT ID. I READ IN A NEWS GROUP THAT IT WAS A BUG. I RECEIVED THIS QUOTE FROM A NEWGROUP POSTING. The result of a bug in WinXP SP2's code that creates the PID for display. WGA extracts the correct PID. The one displayed in System Properties General tab will have the OEM-00 issue because of the bug.
I have xp sp2 installed on a 17 GB partition. c: properties says I have used 9.8GB and7Gb free. I have 9 folders and a few tiny files on C: and very few programs installed.If I add the sizes of 9 folders (Windows-3.09 GB Program files-1GB) I only get about 5GB.What or where might the other 4 GB be?
I think I got virus, even though norton work 2004 cant dectected but everytime startup its say that (invalid boot disk...please insert...) and I have to put in my winxp in cd drive to boot up. I been format the disk and reinstall win but it don't help. I think some how my NTLDR got corrupted? but not just that one drive, I change to another smaller (4.0G) drive that got nothing but Winxp Pro and it's say the same. Winxp Pro 3.0g mhz 340g Hd.
I have a real XP Home cd key thats really old, and I finally managed to find a real XP home (SP2) disk. i never got one with my old computer. now i just reformatted my harddrive and am trying to install it. however, the computer wont let me pass the part where i enter the key. it keeps on saying that the key is invalid
A friend of mine called me to his house to take a look at his gateway. All I know is that it runs Windows XP.He states that AVG antivirus prompted him to restart his computer once the virus definitions update completed. Once he restarted, a blank screen appeared and said, "Invalid Boot Disk, please insert in drive a:"Problem is, there is no disks in any drive.
When i try to install xp sp2, I keep getting "the data is invalid. xp sp2 could not be installed" error message. I have re-installed windows and tried installing sp2 from CD, and tried the downlooad from the microsoft website, both with the same result.
Code '413' when i tried to log on here . started yesterdad evening .turned comp off and on that seemed to get rid of it .but came on the comp this morning and all was fine .then after a short time the messages started appearing again . trying to log in to hotmail i got the invalid header . in another hot i got in tryed to delete and got invalid header i think . tryed to send a message on a forum got invalid verb . last night on the comp shopper forum i could send if i put my message in the title box and 2 words in the message box but if i tried to put more words in the message box got invalid verb . tryed turning on and off today but no luck there . have an advent 9317 with duo 2 core . fire wall is zone alarm pro . antivirus is nod32 and webroot sweeprr as spyware . went on firefox and the same thing happened.
I am having to reinstall XP - the setup starts and then reformats the hard drive. After it has done that it won't start the program installation it just keeps looping and reformatting the hdd
Recently I had a BSOD problem 0x000007b after running ComboFix and so I ran a repair XP SP2/3 and the Blue Screen is gone but now during the Repair steps screen (The light blue screen with Step 1, Step2 and the Ads on the right for the various programs) I get lsass.exe Invalid Parameters Passed and a prompt "Ok" which reboots my computer.
I'm running xp home edition on my dell system. When I tried to boot up, the screen went black and I got the system error message. From there you can only click ok, the system reboots and goes thfough the same process. It also does it in safe mode. I've tried to use "the last known working configuration" from the f8 screen, same thing.I was going to try a repair install, but for some reason I have a xp pro disk, not home edition. Can I do a repair using this disk (it's a dell disk)? Or am i going to have to wipe everything out and install xp pro to get the system to work.
I recently had to reinstall windows XP twice. I no longer have permission to access to my folder under documents & settings. Is there anyway that I can over ride the permissions? I also have two operating system choices when I boot the computer. I know there is a command to use in the run option to remove the invalid operatings system choice.
You said that its a trojan. Doyouknow what I can do to get rid of it? if it is lsass do know whatthat is? im Wrote: > Are you sure it is isass and not lsass.exe? Isass.exe is a trojan. Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an> error message appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does> that mean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again but then the error message appears again. It just keeps going in> circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?
I was wondering if it was possible to install XP home edition on a harddrive with files already on it without much worry of destroying the files. I've always reformatted before, but I need to save my music.