Boot External Hard Drive Shown Invalid System Disk Error
Dec 29, 2006
An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.
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Dec 13, 2004
I think I got virus, even though norton work 2004 cant dectected but everytime startup its say that (invalid boot disk...please insert...) and I have to put in my winxp in cd drive to boot up. I been format the disk and reinstall win but it don't help. I think some how my NTLDR got corrupted? but not just that one drive, I change to another smaller (4.0G) drive that got nothing but Winxp Pro and it's say the same. Winxp Pro 3.0g mhz 340g Hd.
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Jan 8, 2009
I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.
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Aug 19, 2008
My son gets the message "invalid system disk, replace the disk, then press play" , when booting up, he started getting it after inputting a picture from a "smart card" using his built in card reader. There is NO disk in the reader. If you hit any key the computer continues to boot "normal" It isn't a big problem, but a sign of something not being right.
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Feb 13, 2009
I get this cyclic redundancy check error when I try to copy files from a DVD-RW onto my hard drive. I burnt said DVD about two years ago using Cyberlink DVD Solution Power2Go. I get this error with mulitiple DVDs, but not all of them (I've got five and I get this error with only three). Also, I get the error with some files, but not others (on the same DVD). I really can't lose these files! My guess is they were burnt wrong, but I'm really not sure. Is there any way I can recover these files?
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Jun 16, 2005
I recently tried to reinstall windows xp, but the installation was interrupted and left me with a partially installed windows on my hard drive. Now, whenever I try to install again, it gives me the error: NTLDR is missing. I made a msdos boot disc to reformat my drive such that I can try installing windows again. However, I have two hard drive (one for windows and programs and one for storage) and I don't know which one is which letter. How can I find this information, so that I don't accidentally wipe my storage drive?
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Mar 10, 2007
I have a Dell Dimension L866r with 512 mb. of ram . I have my bios set to boot from CDrom first, then my harddrive. When I boot my computer up with the XP Home disk in it all I get is Invalid System disk.
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Jun 28, 2005
I have 2 internal IDE HDD's and an external IcyBox USB2 self powered enclosure with a Maxtor 160GB 7200RPM HDD in it. The external HDD is divided into 4x40GB partitions.
Running CHECKDSK on the internal drives is no problem but when I try it on a partition on the external one it goes through Phase1, Phase 2, sometimes reaches Phase 3 then hangs and if left PC switches off. Second time it hung looked at Performance tab in Task Manager and CPU was at 100% and I could hear CPU fan revving up, obviously CPU was overheating and shutting down.Looking in Event Viewer there are a large number of disk errors. Properties says: "The device,DeviceHarddisk2D, has a bad block".Clicking on the MS link tells me:the disk itself failing or the electronics on the IcyBox
enclosure, the data on the disk is accessible and readable? Are there any known problems with this type of external HDD? The problem only came to light when I tried to merge partitions on external HDD using Partition Magic and it couldn't be done because of errors.
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Oct 21, 2008
I have a Computer which operates on XP Service Pack 2 and has a Maxtor 1TB external Hard Drive hooked up. We do a lot of Video Editing (programs such as DV Storm, Vegas etc.) and up until yesterday the external came up as Local Disk E, but it became unplugged whilst the Editing programs were running.It now it comes up as Local Disk (I) but the problem is the Edit programs doesn't recognise any of the files (avi., mpg etc.) that are on the drive (comes up as 'invalid path'), and nor does it show them in their previous format.
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Aug 15, 2007
I recently purchased a refurbished Dell OptiPlexGX270. It came with no OS and I am trying to install XP Home. It's using BIOS version A06. I have changed the boot order to CD, HD, and Nic.I boot up the computer and then insert the XP Home installation disk. I get the following:Intel Boot Agent GE v.1.2.21 Copyright 1997-2004, Intel Corp CLIENT MAC ADDR 0D 56 8B 36 76 GUID 444 54 C4C 5900 7053 804D B5C04F483431 PXE-E53: No boot filename received, PXE-M0E: Exiting Intel Boot Agent Invalid System Disk, replace the disk, and then press any key.
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Jan 16, 2006
The other day on boot up I received an "lsass.exe error, invalid parameter" screen. Clicking "OK" just continued the boot up and error message in a loop. This has been a common problem for folks. Although I could not determine (due to the state of the system) if in was a virus or a corrupt file, I was finally able to coerce, after many varied attempts, an overlay install of XP Pro. However, all that was on my hard drive dissapeared (programs, settings, files).
Although, when I went to reinstall some items (Adobe Acrobat, for example) it stated that it was still resident on drive. Further, when I went to do a defrag, it stated that it was not needed (probably because of the small amount of recent installation) but the graph showed 20 gigs of space taken up (my original 18+ gigs and the new install). So, the original installed volume is still on the drive yet I can not see it or access it.
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Jan 9, 2009
I left my computer on for about 3 hours, when I returned the screen was black with the a message First time this happened INVALID System Disk Replace Disk and then press any key There is or was no 3 1/2 floppy disk in the computer. Every time I hit any key nothing would happen. When I would reboot I would get to the same screen with the same message and nothing would happen. Then I would reboot again and when that screen would come our I would insert a 3 1/2 Floppy into the computer and the computer would start up. So now the only time I can get the computer to start up I must insert a 3 1/2 floppy.
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Aug 2, 2008
Well I have an hard drive into a external enclousure but the windows XP of a new CPU do not finish detect it when I connect it. But the same external hard drive work fine in my laptop. I formated my CPU 2 times, but i got the same error of Windows. My CPU has a new motherboard Foxconn M7VMX-K.
The USB ports work fine with my pendrive.
In my computer i can see a new hard drive with a letter (K, whithout data.
The Windows XP Administrator Disk doesn't show nothing about the external hard drive.
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Jul 4, 2008
I just installed windows service pack 3 and now I'm having trouble with my external hard drive. when I go to My Computer, and click on it, it says it can't be accessed because of an I/O error. It's a Western Digital MyBook.
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Apr 25, 2008
Plugged my external LaCie HDD in to my PC, as I always do and I had an SVCHOST.exe worm, apparently.. Which was healed by my AVG. Dunno how the hell I had a virus on my ext HDD in the first place. Now, when i try and access by ext HDD by double clicking its icon in "My Computer", I get the "Open With..." dialogue box. I can only browse my files by right-clicking and selecting "Explore".. Everything seems normal on the disk.
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Sep 21, 2008
I have an external hard drive that I have assigned it a permanent hard drive letter reference through Disk Management. I have set the System Restore tab in My Computer Properties tab to not moniter this external hard drive K. Problem is that every now and then when I plug in every now and then for backing up my files via Briefcase - this will activate the System Restore function on that hard drive. This usually happens when I have the hard drive plugged in when I either turn off or turn on my computer. I stopped having the hard drive plugged in to hopefully stop the stop the System Restore on that hard drive (and then re-checked the System Restore tab)
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Mar 1, 2008
I connected a 10GB HDD with Windows 2000 on it to a Windows XP machine using a USB 2.0 external drive enclosure. Apparently, I connected the HDD enclosure to a USB 1.1 port and XP advised me I could get better performance by connecting it to a USB 2.0 port.After some time, XP reported an error indicating it couldn't save E:$Mft (E: is the drive letter assigned to the external enclosure) due to a lazy write problem.I disconnected the external drive enclosure from the system and put it back in the laptop and when I boot the machine, it displays the "starting windows" screen, the progress bar goes to the end, and the machine reboots itself.
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Feb 23, 2009
I turned the PC off to reboot when I though I was going into safe mode and went into regular mode instead. Now, it thinks one of my external drives is the C drive. On boot, I am getting a message that it cannot recognize find the system 32 windows config file (I'm paraphrasing).
I used the repair utility to get to the C prompt (which is pointed at the external drive) and checked the drive letters. I don't think the PC bios knows the hard drive is there.
I tried going into setup and reverting to factory installed configuration and that didn't change anything. I could not get it to recognize the hard drive.
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Jul 23, 2009
My problem is a result of a long series of attempts to fix a corrupt Windows registry file. A few days ago I booted my laptop and received a blue screen error: c0000218, relating to a corrupt Windows registry file. Windows could not load. After a lot of searching online I found a way to manually replace this and four other related files from the c:WindowsRepair folder using the command prompt.
This process seemed to work and Windows began to load. I then received a lsass.exe error saying something about invalid passwords. My laptop began an infinite cycle of restarting itself. I looked up the lsass.exe error and people seemed to think it was unrecoverable. As my hard drive was reasonably small (100g) and had been showing some signs of problems I decided to just buy a new one. I went out and purchased a new 320g 2.5" hard drive along with a 2.5" USB drive enclosure and another 1g stick of RAM......
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Mar 18, 2006
I'm connecting a 30GB Travelstar Hard Drive via an external USB 2.0 case to my Thinkpad T40 with Windows XP (pro). Windows immediately recognized it. However, the hard drive does not show up under Windows Explorer. I can go into Device Manager, click on Disk Drives, and it does show the new drive there (along with my main hard drive, which is a 80 GB hard drive).
I cannot figure out how to make it show up in Windows Explorer with an Drive Letter assigned to it and thus, how to actually use it.
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May 11, 2007
My USB External Hard Drive suddenly decided to stop working monday before last, it is weird, like it will turn on and all, but it doesnt get recognized and while its on none of my programs will load like Ventrilo and games(ventrillo will half load but not all the way) and the computer wont shutdown while its on. but the moment i turn it off they all start running smoothly agian and the computer will shutdown immediatly (if i am at the shutdown screen). Any idea why/how this happened and how to fix it?
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Dec 23, 2005
I want to back up my entire system to an external harddrive and then reinstall windows on the internal one.My question is can I use a program to put programs back on to the internal drive from the external harddrive. I heard ghost copies everything even registry is this true?
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Aug 8, 2005
Running Windows XP home, well-protected from viruses and spyware with all the usual recommended programs. I have a 160G external firewire hard drive, NTFS system. Cannot access data all of a sudden, I am getting an error message, "file system corrupt and unreadable." In disk management, the drive is listed as healthy, 160G, but no NTFS listed. What could have caused this, and is there a way to retrieve the data? Are there any low-cost or freeware programs to do this, or is it inevitable to spend a "fortune?"
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Apr 28, 2006
I am on the road and trying to do a system restore. I use an external hard drive in my office but I do not have the external hard drive with me now. I can not get the restore to complete and I can not get the undo to fully complete. Is this not working fully because I am not hooked up to my external hard drive? When I initiated the restore it asked something about the external hard drive.
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Jan 7, 2007
quality of AcomData External HD? Also, is this a well established company? Any info as to how this brand compares to a Seagate External HD?
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Aug 10, 2009
Well like alot of people I made the mistake of selecting safeboot in the boot.ini file in the msconfig file after my comp got a virus and would not boot into safemode. The hard drive is in two partitions: the C drive used to contain windows, and the D drive which has the data i am trying to save. I don't have a Windows XP disc because it was already on the comp when i bought it. I have attempted to restore the windows files with Bart PE bootup image disc but it wiped out Windows XP completely from the C drive in the process, but the Data drive is still showing up with all its files intact.
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Mar 5, 2010
I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.
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Dec 20, 2008
A little over a year ago I purchased a used IBM Thinkpad laptop from ebay for my wife. It came with Windows 2000 Professional installed and everything worked fine. No CDs or floppies came with the computer. A couple of months later, it was stolen by one of her business associates. It eventually was recovered, but the thief had installed Windows XP along with the OS that was already installed. In trying to remove XP and return the machine to its original state, I somehow managed to eventually not be able to use either OS. As it stands now I have no OS and cannot even access my hard drive.When I boot from a floppy then try to change to C: drive, I get the error message: Invalid media type reading drive c: Abort, Retry, Fail?
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Mar 22, 2006
I recently formatted my drive and am trying to reinstall my WIndows XP Pro.When I put in the CD and the PC starts up I receive a message: "Invalid System Disk. Replace the disk and then press any key"I have already changed my BIOS so that it boots from the CD first. Not sure what the problem is? prior to that error message, it states that I should "press any key to boot from CD"...when I try to push a key nothing happens. I know my keyboard works since I used it to enter the BIOS.
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Apr 4, 2008
I trying to help a friend with their computer; Dell Dimension 4700, XP Pro, and getting the error message: A DISK READ ERROR OCCURRED. PRESS CTRL & ALT & DEL Does this mean the hard drive is bad?
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Dec 17, 2006
OK, so I made sure my BIOS was booting from CDROM and first priority, and then HDD. I put the Windows XP Pro CD in and the little windows pop-up screen came up and I exited that and shut down my computer.I turn my computer back on and I cannot get ANYTHING on my monitor.I have two slots on the back of my eVGA 6800 PCI-E card.
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