Administration Disk Doesn't Recognize My External Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2008

Well I have an hard drive into a external enclousure but the windows XP of a new CPU do not finish detect it when I connect it. But the same external hard drive work fine in my laptop. I formated my CPU 2 times, but i got the same error of Windows. My CPU has a new motherboard Foxconn M7VMX-K.

The USB ports work fine with my pendrive.

In my computer i can see a new hard drive with a letter (K, whithout data.

The Windows XP Administrator Disk doesn't show nothing about the external hard drive.

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PC Doesn't Recognize Camera As External Drive

Sep 29, 2007

I'm struggling to connect my Sony Handycam DCR-SR42 to my Compaq Laptop, Windows XP.It works on other computers without a problem that's why I think it must be some setting in XP. I plug it in when prompted by installation software and the camera goes to :'preparing' Then immediately the windows found new hardware creen pops up. On the other computers that screen didn't come up and the camera would go straight into connecting' mode.I tried switching the 'found new hardware' off by disabling the plug and play in'services' with no luck.When I connect the camera while I'm starting up the laptop, it goes straight into 'connecting' mode but unfortunately that stops as soon as windows is started.I would like windows to detect my camera as a drive and not 'other devices

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Windows Doesn't Recognize Antec External Drive

Jan 20, 2009

Previously, my laptop did recognize the drive but for some reason it is now not finding it. I have plugged the drive into another computer and it is recognized. The laptop will recognize other devices which I plug into it. I have checked for viruses and have also tried restoring to an earlier time but no luck recognizing it

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System Won't Recognize External Hard Drive

Mar 18, 2006

I'm connecting a 30GB Travelstar Hard Drive via an external USB 2.0 case to my Thinkpad T40 with Windows XP (pro). Windows immediately recognized it. However, the hard drive does not show up under Windows Explorer. I can go into Device Manager, click on Disk Drives, and it does show the new drive there (along with my main hard drive, which is a 80 GB hard drive).

I cannot figure out how to make it show up in Windows Explorer with an Drive Letter assigned to it and thus, how to actually use it.

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Hard Drive

Aug 19, 2009

I am running XP Pro on my computer. On another drive I have windows 7. My computer stopped booting to my XP drive all of a sudden, but it would let me boot to my Windows 7 drive. That lasted for about 3 days. Now I can't boot to either drive. When I start the computer it says there is no HDD. I tried to use the XP disk to repair, that didn't work., so I thought I'd do an XP install. But my hard drive doesn't show up all the time. Or it will show the HDD but upon trying to pick a partition to set up XP in, it then tell me there is no HDD. I get the blue screen of death, and have to manually force a shut down. Other times it tell me that the HDD is RAW, and it needs to be formatted. How can I get the HDD to format? Is there a way to do it through DOS. Sometimes I can't even get to the DOS prompt. The bootup section is corrupt. I need to repair it, but can't if the system doesn't see my HDD.

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Wont Recognize External Hard Drive - Power Up Fine

Jul 26, 2005

I have a new samsun 120 GB hard drive that I have placed into two seperate external enclosures connected to my dell pentium 4 win XP computer via USB. My computer will not recognize the hard drive. It
powers up fine? Any ideas of what to do next?

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Computer Can't Recognize External Hard Drive - Hardware Sound

Nov 1, 2007

my external hard drive all of a sudden stopped showing up in "my computer"
and a can't find it anywhere else. it make the hardware sound when I plug it in but nothing shows up. when I plug it in another port it comes up with a message saying "USb device not recognized. one of the usb device attached to this computer has malfunction and windows cannot recognize it

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Wont Recognize External Hard Drive (E) After Removal And Power Back On

Jul 20, 2005

I added a 120 gig Western Digital USB external drive and used Acronis to create a backup of my hard drive. I then used Windows XP to remove it as a USB device so I could power it off. Now, when I power it back on it is not recognized by XP and does not appear on My Computer or on Disk Management (where I originally formatted it for NTFS). All I get is a sound like a single "KERPLONK" when I power it on.

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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Check Disk On External Hard Drive Fails

Jun 28, 2005

I have 2 internal IDE HDD's and an external IcyBox USB2 self powered enclosure with a Maxtor 160GB 7200RPM HDD in it. The external HDD is divided into 4x40GB partitions.
Running CHECKDSK on the internal drives is no problem but when I try it on a partition on the external one it goes through Phase1, Phase 2, sometimes reaches Phase 3 then hangs and if left PC switches off. Second time it hung looked at Performance tab in Task Manager and CPU was at 100% and I could hear CPU fan revving up, obviously CPU was overheating and shutting down.Looking in Event Viewer there are a large number of disk errors. Properties says: "The device,DeviceHarddisk2D, has a bad block".Clicking on the MS link tells me:the disk itself failing or the electronics on the IcyBox
enclosure, the data on the disk is accessible and readable? Are there any known problems with this type of external HDD? The problem only came to light when I tried to merge partitions on external HDD using Partition Magic and it couldn't be done because of errors.

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Local Disk E - Maxtor 1TB External Hard Drive

Oct 21, 2008

I have a Computer which operates on XP Service Pack 2 and has a Maxtor 1TB external Hard Drive hooked up. We do a lot of Video Editing (programs such as DV Storm, Vegas etc.) and up until yesterday the external came up as Local Disk E, but it became unplugged whilst the Editing programs were running.It now it comes up as Local Disk (I) but the problem is the Edit programs doesn't recognise any of the files (avi., mpg etc.) that are on the drive (comes up as 'invalid path'), and nor does it show them in their previous format.

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Hard Drive Doesn't Appear In Disk Management

May 21, 2009

Here's my problem, for no apparent reason my hard drives are not listed under the disk management utility(cd drives appear). They appear on "my computer" correctly, they show up in "Device Manager"(and I have no yellow question marks).In addition in "disk defragmenter" they appear but I'm unable to even run the analyse command(using other software I'm able to defragment them).I've tried EaseusParttion Manager, but the drives don't appear as well.I'm not able to use USB drives as well(I assume it is related), they appear in the right side of the task bar and they appear in "device manager" but not in "my computer" nor "Disk Management

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Boot External Hard Drive Shown Invalid System Disk Error

Dec 29, 2006

An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Extra Hard Drives

May 9, 2005

I recently was forced to do a re-install of XP to clean up a few bugs.The system has 3 hard drives, but since the reinstall, only the C: drive appears. The other two are nowhere to be found.I've tried mapping to them, but they just don't show up there as a mapping option.Anyone have any advice? When I added the extra hard drives I didn't have an available slot and did have to create a partition. I no longer have the software I had originally used though. Do I need it to make the 2 other drives visable?

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Original Doesn't Recognize SATA HDs - Creating A Slipstream Disk

Nov 29, 2009

Since XP Pro original doesn't recognize SATA HDs, is it workable to create a install CD using Original XP Pro CD and add in SP1a and slip-stream them together on a new machine having SATA HD?Will this allow XP to recognize the HD and use it well?Similarly, same idea regarding XP HD size limit of 127 Gigs pre SP1a?
Current HDs are so large.How to create such disk ((Tutorial link)?

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BIOS Update Procedure - Doesn't Recognize Hard Drives

Dec 5, 2006

I have an old T1090 eMachine that doesn't recognize the new larger hard drives. I purchased a 200 GB PATA (IDE) drive and it shows up as a 75 GB drive using GParted and under Windows Disk Management. I expected that it would only be recognized as 137 GB, but I can't explain why it only sees 75 GB. I suspect that the BIOS needs to be updated, but I've never done this before so I was looking for a procedure and ideas for trying to find the latest BIOS online.

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Hard Disk Configuration Master - System Doesn't Show Second Hard Disk

Feb 28, 2008

If I want to attach second hard disk with the same configuration of master hard disk, then system doesn't show second hard disk altogether or new hard disk begin to malfunction. Such as suddenly begin to give sounds like TICK, TICK TICK. Suddenly vanishes from the 'MY COMPUTER' drives. Suddenly denies to copy paste functions. BIOS shows both SATA drives. But Win XP doesn't load or simply hangs while starting up [booting up]. It happens when I attach second SATA drive with system. If only one SATA is attached, then WIN XP boots normally.

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Doesn't Recognize Drive After It Partitions It

Nov 24, 2007

I don't really understand it.I initially used G-parted to partition my 250gb drive into a 100, 75, and 55.Then I tried installing Windows XP SP3 and it says it doesn't recognize them, so I deleted those partitions and made new ones (the same size though) and it asked me to reboot. After I rebooted it prompted me again with Press Enter to install Windows, so I do and it says some crap about how it doesn't recognize any hard drive plugged in.BIOS recognizes the drive and its size.

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New DVD-RW Drive, Now Bios Doesn't Recognize CD Or DVD

Dec 5, 2006

I just replaced my old DVD ROM with a new DVD-RW drive. The system writes to the new drive fine (I have burned a couple of Video DVDs) but when I boot the system the Bios says it doesn't see the D: (CD) or E: (DVD) drive. Once I am into Windows XP I can also play CDs from the CR-RW drive but I can't use it to copy new software onto the system.

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Computer Doesn't Recognize CD Drive?

Aug 9, 2007

My brother went to My Computer one day and saw that there was no disc drive there, it was working in the past, but now it doesn't show up, I don't think he did anything unusual. But it shows up under Safely Remove Hardware Wizard with "Samsung CD Drive" or something like that.

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Computer Wont Recognize External Seagate Drive?

Jul 10, 2005

I have an external USB 300GB Seagate drive that used to work fine.Then, periodically XP would not recognize when I turned it on. A re-boot would fix the problem. Now, XP won’t recongnize the drive at all. I get an "unknown device" error. I have a USB 2.0 card I plug the drive into, and all other devices in that card work fine. The device driver manager says all is well, except of course with the "unknown device" it notes, which is the external drive.

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AcomData External Hard Drive Vs Seagate External HD

Jan 7, 2007

quality of AcomData External HD? Also, is this a well established company? Any info as to how this brand compares to a Seagate External HD?

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Pro Doesn't Recognize Dvd Drive, Sees It As Cd Drive

Sep 12, 2005

I'm trying to copy some files from my PC, but it doesn't recognize that I've got a dvd burner, it sees it only as a cd burner, it will play dvds, but wont let me erase or burn.My pc has started getting some bugs recently, and I need to hurry to backup my files, before it takes the big crash.

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Cant Copy Files From Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive Using Linux

Mar 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.

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WD Passport Doesn't Display - Things Stored On The External Drive

Apr 29, 2008

My WD Passport doesn't display anything I have stored on it. It still says that there are things stored on the external drive, but when I click on the icon, nothing shows up.I have another WD that is working just fine.Also, the icon for the drive changed from the blue "WD" back to the default.

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Installed New Hard Disk: System Wont Recognize ?

Oct 7, 2009

my hard drive was going bad so i bought a new one. With my old hard drive still connected to my computer, i installed my new hard drive, and formatted windows xp on it. Everything was running well, until i removed my old hard drive from my computer and whenever i boot up my computer with my new hard drive, i get an error saying "No device found, please insert a boot disk and press any key". the only way i could boot into windows xp of my new hard drive is by a boot disk i created from another computer. Is there any way that i can boot into XP without always having to use a boot disk?

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Does Not Recognize Second Hard Drive

Jun 25, 2005

I have a primary drive (maxtor) whice xp is running on and a second hard drive (maxtor also) which i have been using for some time for storing files. i had windows xp home and everything worked fine for a long while. recently since i upgraded to xp pro, the hard drive icon for the secondary drive disappears from my computer. i even tried saving stuff to the drive from ms word or something and it is not recognized. usually a restart will solve the problem, but after i let the computer run, (till like the next day) it will happen again. i dont know yet what event causes it to dissapear. i sometimes use standby, but i dont think that is consistent with the problem

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External Hard Disk Is Corrupted And Unreadable?

Dec 21, 2009

My 500GB External HDD is not accessible anymore. It was working yesterday when i used it with windows 7. It automatically ran the disk check on that system and it worked. When i plugged into the USB of my XP laptop and double clicked the drive in My Computer the following error message appeared: D: is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted or unreadable. The drive letter shows on My Computer and Disk Management.

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External Hard Disk Not Open In System

Apr 25, 2008

Plugged my external LaCie HDD in to my PC, as I always do and I had an SVCHOST.exe worm, apparently.. Which was healed by my AVG. Dunno how the hell I had a virus on my ext HDD in the first place. Now, when i try and access by ext HDD by double clicking its icon in "My Computer", I get the "Open With..." dialogue box. I can only browse my files by right-clicking and selecting "Explore".. Everything seems normal on the disk.

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Won't Recognize SATA Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2007

I have an HP Media PC M400Y. It is a P4 3.0 Ghz with 1GB ram. It originally came with MCE2002. Last week I upgraded to MCE2005 to use the media extender feature with my new X-box 360.
Here is the problem and some background.

About a year ago, I had installed a second SATA hard drive, Seagate Baracuda 300GB, model ST3300831AS. This drive was plug and play into the motherboard and never had any issues. Before reformating the main C: drive, I moved all my valuable data on the SATA drive.

I then turned the PC off, removed the power and signal cables from the SATA drive. (I'm a novice, and didn't want to take any chances of erasing the SATA drive, while reformating the main C drive)

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Hard Drive With Win98 - Recognize

Aug 6, 2005

I was told I could take a hard drive from a windows 98 computer and the person is buying a new Windows xp so I can hook up the win 98 hard drive as a slave to the new computer with win xp so I can drop and drag or cut and past files that they want off the 98 hard drive put on their new computer. Now If their new computer with the win xp on it, if there is an ide cable going to the hard drive and nothing else then I can hook up the win 98 hard drive to the same ide cable as a slave and no problem.

However if the windows xp computer has the hard drive on the ide cable and also the cd-rom then is it ok just to hook up another ide cable to their mother board and hook the hard drive from the windows 98 computer on the end of that ide cable as the master? and by turning the computer off, and then hooking up the hard drive and then turning the computer back on it should reconize the windows 98 hard drive in my computer right away right?

If I would have to put the windows 98 hard drive in the new computer on a seperate ide cable is it ok to have it as master? cause the hard drive that is already in it would be master to but it would be on a different ide cable. I am hoping the new computer just has the hard drive on an ide cable by itself so I can just hook the other one up as a slave and get the files and be done with it. How ever if someone could give me a couple or three scenario's with ide cables and hooking this up I would be very much appreciatetive.

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