Installed New Hard Disk: System Wont Recognize ?

Oct 7, 2009

my hard drive was going bad so i bought a new one. With my old hard drive still connected to my computer, i installed my new hard drive, and formatted windows xp on it. Everything was running well, until i removed my old hard drive from my computer and whenever i boot up my computer with my new hard drive, i get an error saying "No device found, please insert a boot disk and press any key". the only way i could boot into windows xp of my new hard drive is by a boot disk i created from another computer. Is there any way that i can boot into XP without always having to use a boot disk?

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Does Not Recognize USB Hard Drive - Device Manager As Installed

Feb 12, 2006

I've been using an USB enclosure successfully for some time with no problem. I upgraded to a Maxtor 100 gig in the same enclosure. When turned on it does the "plug and play" chimes and it shows up in the device manager as installed and working properly. But it is not shown in My Computer as a drive letter.

Dell dual core, 1 gig RAM, Windows XP service pack 2

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Administration Disk Doesn't Recognize My External Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2008

Well I have an hard drive into a external enclousure but the windows XP of a new CPU do not finish detect it when I connect it. But the same external hard drive work fine in my laptop. I formated my CPU 2 times, but i got the same error of Windows. My CPU has a new motherboard Foxconn M7VMX-K.

The USB ports work fine with my pendrive.

In my computer i can see a new hard drive with a letter (K, whithout data.

The Windows XP Administrator Disk doesn't show nothing about the external hard drive.

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Hard Disk Configuration Master - System Doesn't Show Second Hard Disk

Feb 28, 2008

If I want to attach second hard disk with the same configuration of master hard disk, then system doesn't show second hard disk altogether or new hard disk begin to malfunction. Such as suddenly begin to give sounds like TICK, TICK TICK. Suddenly vanishes from the 'MY COMPUTER' drives. Suddenly denies to copy paste functions. BIOS shows both SATA drives. But Win XP doesn't load or simply hangs while starting up [booting up]. It happens when I attach second SATA drive with system. If only one SATA is attached, then WIN XP boots normally.

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System Won't Recognize External Hard Drive

Mar 18, 2006

I'm connecting a 30GB Travelstar Hard Drive via an external USB 2.0 case to my Thinkpad T40 with Windows XP (pro). Windows immediately recognized it. However, the hard drive does not show up under Windows Explorer. I can go into Device Manager, click on Disk Drives, and it does show the new drive there (along with my main hard drive, which is a 80 GB hard drive).

I cannot figure out how to make it show up in Windows Explorer with an Drive Letter assigned to it and thus, how to actually use it.

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System Unable To Recognize Hard Drive Capacity?

Nov 29, 2006

At first I thought it was BIOS not autodetecting my HDrive capacity. But in the setup screen it indicates the correct size.However, in WindowsXP-My Computer, it still says my harddrive is 20GB rather than 40GB.

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Setup Did Not Find Any Hard Disk Drives Installed

Oct 29, 2008

startup says: 1 Logical Drives found on the host adapter. 1 Logical Drive(s) handled by BIOS This computer previously had Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 installed on it, but by the time I received it, someone had replaced the OS with Ubantu.

Dell PowerEdge 1600SC
Intel Xeon 2.4GHz
2 x 36Gb HDD

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Setup Did Not Find Any Hard Disk Drives Installed

Feb 13, 2007

I have a Dell PC. I installed a copy of Windows Vista on it. I don't like it, so I am trying to reinstall XP Home. When I click on the cd drive the XP Home CD is in, it brings up the menu, but the "Install Windows XP" option is grayed out. I try to boot from the disk, but when it is done loading all the things and I tell it I do not want to repair, but to install, it says "setup did not find any hard disk drives installed on your computer" and makes me reboot my computer. Vista still works fine, I know the Hard Drive is working

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Did Not Find Any Hard Disk Drives Installed In Computer

May 19, 2008

I just tried to reformat and install windows XP home edition, and upon coming to the screen of "Repair" or "Install fresh copy" I received an error reporting:Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer.Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program.Setup cannot continue. To quit setup, press F3.I was trying to use ubuntu but my ram wasn't high enough, so now it won't let me run windows xp again.

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Hard Drive Enclosure Giving Lights But System Wont Recognize?

Feb 24, 2008

I just purchased a 2.5 hard drive enclosure for my Fujitsu drive that I removed from my broken laptop.I assembled the enclosure, connected it to the USB port on my pc, lights come on on the enclosure, I hear it spinning BUT my PC won't recognize it.Why? FYI, the Fujitsu drive from my laptop has Vista OS on it and my PC is an XP OS.

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Installed New Hard Disk / Error With Boot Failure During Installation?

May 3, 2005

a friend asked me to install a new hard drive for him because his crashed. So i purchased a new hard drive (maxtor 60 gb) set out to partition and format the drive, using a win 98 boot disk. I partitoned the drive ( for large volume drive.) Formatted the drive ( format c: /s ) to include system files.and proceeded with Os install Windows 2000. Everything went as smooth as silk... the when install finished, I was prompted to remove the disk from cd rom and complete installation with the onscreen prompt. I removed disk, clicked finish and the computer rebooted upon loading, when it went to start windows it said DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER

I put the Win 2K disc back in and hit enter. It started windows perfectly no errors at all... then I took disk out re-started ( to check system stability) and back to the same error message: DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. I of course freaked out, I feel like an idiot cause I cant get this thing to work right. tried reformatting without the sytem files, re-partioning tried win 98, winXP, nothing same stuff! So I talked to a pal got a hard drive wipe program off the net "killdisk", wiped the drive and tried to reinstall Win 2K, same problem.

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Installed External Hard Disk Results In New Profile For Startup?

Nov 19, 2006

Last night I connected a friend's HDD to my PC so he could back-up some files onto my PC before he formatted his.He did that,and then insisted that he needed to format it ASAP,so he did so using my cables.So I turn my PC on later I find that most of the contents of my desktop are missing,and that several Apps are as well.I look in C:Documents and Settings and notice a new profile called "TEMP" alongside my normal profile with many of My Documents and personal settings for apps. For some reason, my PC loads up this TEMP profile only now, as opposed to my normal one.

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Setup Did Not Find Hard Disk Drives Installed In Computer

Dec 13, 2005

I have a major problem with my Packard Bell iMedia D815AW home desktop. Ever since I installed a Lite-On DVD-RW into it, it started making a lot of noise (a bit like the sound of a typewriter tapping) and started crashing. I removed the DVD-RW drive, only for the problem to continue. The computer kept crashing (often showing the blue crash screen, other times showing a black 'insert floppy disk' screen, sometimes just restarting itself). Running the Windows disk check utility at start-up would not work - the computer would freeze while the disk scan occured (I tried many times). I ran disk registery programs (ie- Registry Mechanic, etc), anti-virus software, defragmentation, etc. etc. but the problem remained. Yesterday, I decided I would try reinstalling (or restoring?) Windows XP again (with the intention of fixing the problem without deleting my personal files on the computer). However, upon instertion of the disk, Windows XP claimed it could not reinstall, as the Windows version on my computer was too recent. I assumed that the reason for this was that I had installed Windows XP Serice Pack 2 and so the version was too recent for the installation disk. So, I thought I would uninstall service pack 2 and then try to reinstall Windows XP. However, while uninstalling service pack 2, the computer crashed. Since then, whenever I try to startup Windows, the computer restarts after about 30 seconds of loading. I can enter the startup screen which gives you access to entering through Safe Mode, Debugging, etc - however entering through these modes has the same problem though with the computer restarting before reaching Windows. So, I entered the computer BIOS at startup and changed it to load via CD, inserting the Windows XP disk. I tried to use the 'Recovery Console' option, however the error message "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer" showed. It then asked me to restart the computer by hitting F3. I then tried to use the Windows install option by restarting the computer and loading the Windows XP disk, but the same "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer" message showed. So, i cant load the computer, nor reinstall the software. I dont want to lose all the files on my computer.

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Installation Operating System - Disc Fails To Recognize SATA Hard Drives

Aug 5, 2009

I've got this old mobo Abit VT7. I want to install XP on it. However, the XP disc doesn't recognize SATA hard drives. So I downloaded official SATA driver from the Abit website and tries to slipstream my XP disc following the instructions set forth here . I am not too clear how to incorporate the drivers from the official drivers, but Nlite seems to be able to find the drivers once I pointed it to the top unzipped driver directory, and I selected the XP folder for it. However, the newly created XP disc still fails to recognize the SATA hard drives. Alternatively, I believe I could have a boot floppy which would load the drivers in, then I launch the setup in the XP installation CD via command line. But I don't know how to create a boot disc which has those SATA drivers in.

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Installed New Hard Drive / System Crashed / Drivers Missing?

Oct 22, 2007

Installed new hard drive, along with XP Home (recovery disk).Before my system crashed all my motherboard drivers were on D: partition.XP loads okay, but it is unstable - for example I cannot start msconfig under "Normal" start up. It crashes. I will not list all the BSOD - but XP doesn't like something.I have no devices connected apart from basic graphics card (which XP loaded the drivers for okay). I am waiting for XP Pro to be delivered, so I am hoping that my unstable XP will become stable after I upgrade (or full installation) of a retail version.

Prior to installing my current XP (one time of at least 30 others - as kept crashing),I tried to load my motherboard drivers from the disk my manufacture it possible that my XP Home is unstable BECAUSE I do not have my motherboard drivers loaded? That might seem a naive question - but I honestly do not know, and I've started to become a tad paranoid as these problems have been ongoing for 5 weeks.

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SPMS And Hard Disk Attached To Another System?

May 17, 2010

My SPMS and hard disk attached to another system. It was working properly. I think it was bios problem, How to fix it and How to solve it?

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System Wont Boot From Hard Disk?

Oct 4, 2010

Trying to help daughter with PC problem. She has a Dell Optiplex GX260 running Windows XP Pro. For some time she has been having problems: freeze ups and other noxious behavior. When trying to open email attachments, tabs start appearing and keep on appearing until the PC is turned off. Finally, it stopped booting to Windows. When it is powered on, the Dell logo window appears briefly, then a black screen appears with a cursor top left.

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Mirroring Hard Disk Withoperating System

Jun 3, 2004

Now, I would like to have a backup of both Hard Disks incase of any issues. With regards to the data, this is no issue. However I have questions regarding Hard Disk A.If I make a direct copy of Hard Disk A onto another Hard Disk (i.e. no backup program). Would it be possible to boot from this hard disk? Therefore if anything did go wrong with Hard Disk A, I could make a direct swap and boot from the backup Hard Disk

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External Hard Disk Not Open In System

Apr 25, 2008

Plugged my external LaCie HDD in to my PC, as I always do and I had an SVCHOST.exe worm, apparently.. Which was healed by my AVG. Dunno how the hell I had a virus on my ext HDD in the first place. Now, when i try and access by ext HDD by double clicking its icon in "My Computer", I get the "Open With..." dialogue box. I can only browse my files by right-clicking and selecting "Explore".. Everything seems normal on the disk.

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Does Not Recognize The Boot Up Disk

Oct 12, 2007

I recently loaded windows xp onto a gateway computer.It would not recognize the boot up disk so I loaded the Operating System on another tower and then put it back into this tower.Now it boots up to the MUP.SYS file and then freezes.Try booting computer in safe mode to the same results.It is a Gateway LP Minitower KAD Select 750 with an AMD Athlon Processor with 320MB of RAM and a 14GB hard drive.It has a 64MB Cache.

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Hard Disk With Operating System Moved To Other Laptop

Apr 26, 2007

Thinkpad T41 with a OEM xp pro installed. This laptop is no longer usable, I would like to take the hard drive installed and install in another T41 with similiar configuration. I would assume XP will recognize the new laptop and cause problems.

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Hide Hard Disk Partition In Operating System

Apr 3, 2005

Hide any of hard disk partition from being seen in My Computer.

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Unable To Get System Boot After Changing The Hard Disk?

Nov 9, 2006

I have been using a Compaq Deskpro with Windows XP SP2. And then I sold that computer and bought a Compaq Evo. I then inserted the same harddrive but it is failing to boot. When I insert the installation disc it says "Press any key to boot from CD". Pressing keys does not activate anything and it stays on the same screen. I then created 6 set up disks and they all work perfectly loading drivers etc. The problem starts when I reach the stage where it says "insert Win XP SP2 installation disc and press any key when ready". Pressing the keyboard keys produces no response

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Does Not Recognize Second Hard Drive

Jun 25, 2005

I have a primary drive (maxtor) whice xp is running on and a second hard drive (maxtor also) which i have been using for some time for storing files. i had windows xp home and everything worked fine for a long while. recently since i upgraded to xp pro, the hard drive icon for the secondary drive disappears from my computer. i even tried saving stuff to the drive from ms word or something and it is not recognized. usually a restart will solve the problem, but after i let the computer run, (till like the next day) it will happen again. i dont know yet what event causes it to dissapear. i sometimes use standby, but i dont think that is consistent with the problem

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Booting New System With Old Hard Disk: Getting Access Denied Message?

Feb 6, 2006

my computer MB took a dump so I bought a new system. I figured I just boot the new system using my old hard drive. No dice. So I boot the new system using the hard drive and OS that came with it and installed my old drive as a slave. When I try to access the documents and settings folder on the old hard drive so I can pull over the favorites, documents, etc. to my new drive it says access denied. The username and password on my new system are the as on the old one. Any ideas on how to get access to that folder?

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Unable To Perform System Restore On External Hard Disk?

Sep 21, 2008

I have an external hard drive that I have assigned it a permanent hard drive letter reference through Disk Management. I have set the System Restore tab in My Computer Properties tab to not moniter this external hard drive K. Problem is that every now and then when I plug in every now and then for backing up my files via Briefcase - this will activate the System Restore function on that hard drive. This usually happens when I have the hard drive plugged in when I either turn off or turn on my computer. I stopped having the hard drive plugged in to hopefully stop the stop the System Restore on that hard drive (and then re-checked the System Restore tab)

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Missing Hard Disk Space After Installing Operating System?

Jul 26, 2007

I have xp sp2 installed on a 17 GB partition. c: properties says I have used 9.8GB and7Gb free. I have 9 folders and a few tiny files on C: and very few programs installed.If I add the sizes of 9 folders (Windows-3.09 GB Program files-1GB) I only get about 5GB.What or where might the other 4 GB be?

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Connecting External Hard Disk To System / Getting Slow Writing?

Mar 1, 2008

I connected a 10GB HDD with Windows 2000 on it to a Windows XP machine using a USB 2.0 external drive enclosure. Apparently, I connected the HDD enclosure to a USB 1.1 port and XP advised me I could get better performance by connecting it to a USB 2.0 port.After some time, XP reported an error indicating it couldn't save E:$Mft (E: is the drive letter assigned to the external enclosure) due to a lazy write problem.I disconnected the external drive enclosure from the system and put it back in the laptop and when I boot the machine, it displays the "starting windows" screen, the progress bar goes to the end, and the machine reboots itself.

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Won't Recognize SATA Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2007

I have an HP Media PC M400Y. It is a P4 3.0 Ghz with 1GB ram. It originally came with MCE2002. Last week I upgraded to MCE2005 to use the media extender feature with my new X-box 360.
Here is the problem and some background.

About a year ago, I had installed a second SATA hard drive, Seagate Baracuda 300GB, model ST3300831AS. This drive was plug and play into the motherboard and never had any issues. Before reformating the main C: drive, I moved all my valuable data on the SATA drive.

I then turned the PC off, removed the power and signal cables from the SATA drive. (I'm a novice, and didn't want to take any chances of erasing the SATA drive, while reformating the main C drive)

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Won't Recognize One Of My Hard Drives Connected By USB

Apr 26, 2007

I have a computer running Windows XP PRO SP2 with 2, 250gb hard drives. The operating system and programs are on the C drive and the second drive which is removable is supposed to be for my data, but Windows doesn't recognize it so I can't use it. Right now I have my data on an external hard drive, connected by USB.

The second hard drive is new from my manufacturer (I have a custom computer and this is a replacement hard drive--the original was faulty) and I haven't put anything on it yet. When I first put it in my machine, I was able to see it in "My Computer". The next day when I was ready to start copying my data over, it was nowhere to be found. I turned off the machine, pulled out the drive and put it back and rebooted--still no show.

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Hard Drive With Win98 - Recognize

Aug 6, 2005

I was told I could take a hard drive from a windows 98 computer and the person is buying a new Windows xp so I can hook up the win 98 hard drive as a slave to the new computer with win xp so I can drop and drag or cut and past files that they want off the 98 hard drive put on their new computer. Now If their new computer with the win xp on it, if there is an ide cable going to the hard drive and nothing else then I can hook up the win 98 hard drive to the same ide cable as a slave and no problem.

However if the windows xp computer has the hard drive on the ide cable and also the cd-rom then is it ok just to hook up another ide cable to their mother board and hook the hard drive from the windows 98 computer on the end of that ide cable as the master? and by turning the computer off, and then hooking up the hard drive and then turning the computer back on it should reconize the windows 98 hard drive in my computer right away right?

If I would have to put the windows 98 hard drive in the new computer on a seperate ide cable is it ok to have it as master? cause the hard drive that is already in it would be master to but it would be on a different ide cable. I am hoping the new computer just has the hard drive on an ide cable by itself so I can just hook the other one up as a slave and get the files and be done with it. How ever if someone could give me a couple or three scenario's with ide cables and hooking this up I would be very much appreciatetive.

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