Files Inaccessible From Hard Drive: Sass.exe Error, Invalid Parameter?

Jan 16, 2006

The other day on boot up I received an "lsass.exe error, invalid parameter" screen. Clicking "OK" just continued the boot up and error message in a loop. This has been a common problem for folks. Although I could not determine (due to the state of the system) if in was a virus or a corrupt file, I was finally able to coerce, after many varied attempts, an overlay install of XP Pro. However, all that was on my hard drive dissapeared (programs, settings, files).

Although, when I went to reinstall some items (Adobe Acrobat, for example) it stated that it was still resident on drive. Further, when I went to do a defrag, it stated that it was not needed (probably because of the small amount of recent installation) but the graph showed 20 gigs of space taken up (my original 18+ gigs and the new install). So, the original installed volume is still on the drive yet I can not see it or access it.

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Invalid Parameter Was Passed To Service Or Function - Isass.exe System Error

Aug 11, 2005

You said that its a trojan. Doyouknow what I can do to get rid of it? if it is lsass do know whatthat is? im Wrote: > Are you sure it is isass and not lsass.exe? Isass.exe is a trojan. Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an> error message appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does> that mean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again but then the error message appears again. It just keeps going in> circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?

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Boot External Hard Drive Shown Invalid System Disk Error

Dec 29, 2006

An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.

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Booting - Invalid Parameter Was Passed To Service Or Function - Isass.exe

Aug 10, 2005

Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an errormessage appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "Aninvalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does thatmean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again butthen the error message appears again. It just keeps going in circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?

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Can't Access Hard Drive / Invalid Media Type Reading Drive C

Dec 20, 2008

A little over a year ago I purchased a used IBM Thinkpad laptop from ebay for my wife. It came with Windows 2000 Professional installed and everything worked fine. No CDs or floppies came with the computer. A couple of months later, it was stolen by one of her business associates. It eventually was recovered, but the thief had installed Windows XP along with the OS that was already installed. In trying to remove XP and return the machine to its original state, I somehow managed to eventually not be able to use either OS. As it stands now I have no OS and cannot even access my hard drive.When I boot from a floppy then try to change to C: drive, I get the error message: Invalid media type reading drive c: Abort, Retry, Fail?

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Corrupt Hard Drive Files: Save The Files And Reformat The Hard Drive?

Oct 18, 2009

I recently helped someone save the documents off of their computer after it crashed (it was missing a Windows file. I tried the repair command and it wouldn't work, so I decided to save the files and reformat the hard drive).I plugged the hard drive into a working computer and pulled all the documents off of it (VERY slowly) onto an external hard drive.

Every once in awhile I wouldn't be able to pull a picture or document off because of a cyclic redundancy check error. I just moved on and saved what I could. I assumed it was because the hard drive was already bad so I just moved what I could.

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Cant Copy Files From Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive Using Linux

Mar 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.

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Transfer Files From Removed Laptop Hard Drive Into New Hard Drive

Aug 5, 2010

My laptop died and I removed the hard drive.i hooked the hard drive up to my new laptop via a SATA/IDE cable.

I can see the old hard drive in the E drive and it appears that all the contents are there by the size of the hard drive (same as when I had it in the old laptop) but I can only see, actually view, a very small percentage of the drive.

My goal: I want to transfer all old music, word documents and photos from old laptop into new laptop.

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Remove Inaccessible Boot Device Error

Oct 7, 2007

I have read for the last 2 days and still can't find solution. 1) I don't have any computer knowledge 2) I have win 2000 pro do not know much else about system except it was built by a friend quit awile ago 3)stop error 0x000007b (0x8168e7do,0xc0000032,0x00000000,0x00000000) Inaccessible_Boot_Device. 4) No new hardware has been installed. 5)I was on the net my system frooze up I powered off then on and BANG Blue Screen

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Inaccessible Boot Drive 2000 Server

Apr 7, 2006

I have a win2k server with an adaptec 2410 raid controller with sata drives.

Today I get a blue screen that says inaccessible_boot_drive when I try to restart the server. I was going to haul it down to my local computer shop as I need it back up quickly.

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Getting Parameter Incorrect Error Message Upon Every Startup?

Feb 8, 2009

when i start my pc i m getting an error message saying a parameter is incorrect.

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Error Codes 87 - Install Shazara - Parameter Is Incorrect

Sep 7, 2005

i am trying to install shazara on my computer but when i click install i get error message which says error 87: the parameter is incorrect

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Inaccessible Boot Device After Cloning A SCSI To IDE Drive In NT Server With Ghost

Jan 31, 2005

After an entire weekend working on this project, I am beat. I have a client who has a Windows NT Server and is replacing a 4 GB SCSI hard drive with a 20 GB IDE. System sees the new drive. I have used Ghost to create the clone of the original drive from the 4 GB SCSI to the 20 GB IDE. That worked fine. However, after removing the SCSI drive to boot from the 20 GB IDE, I repeatedly obtain the STOP: 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE. I have been in contact with Symantec and they have not been of much help. I have seen the article from Microsoft regarding the error as well but have not had much luck.

My question is by chance, has anyone else experienced a similiar situation and what has been your resolution? I would be extremely grateful to anyone who may have an answer to this problem.

Thank you for any help you may provide. I have not seen a similiar thread here on this forum of a clone from a SCSI to an IDE.

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Invisible Files On Hard Drive: Ome Files In The Volume Wont Defragmented?

Dec 29, 2007

Now however, my hard drive seems to contain approx 13GB of data which I am unable to locate, even when viewing the "hidden files" option. I first noticed this increased used space when I wanted to defragment the hard drive and noticed that there was only 45% free space available (there is usually 75%).I have viewed the properties of all the folders on the C: drive and they do not add up to the 20GB shown on the C: drive properties...The defragment report states that "some files in the volume could not be defragmented"

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Remove Newly Installed Hard Disks Or Hard Drive Controllers / Blue Screen Error

May 19, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

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Move Files From C Drive To D Drive (both Hard Drives)?

Sep 28, 2005

computer's running a lil bit slow and wont allow me to install my new mobile phone software as c drive memory is full, i've tried my best to move things to the d drive hard disk but its still really there any safe way of transferring most of the programs and files over to the second hard drive?

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Error, Probably Hard Drive Error, Recovery Disc Not Working

Oct 29, 2006

I uninstalled some preloaded Windows programs, I reinstalled some of them, but now my laptop's all funny. When I connect to The Internet, any program that I open freezes for like 10 minutes, after which it unfreezes. During this time I normally restart my computer, with no success. If I open Windows Live Messenger and Internet Explorer 7 together it freezes normally. Pinball, WordPad, Sound Recorder, and Volume Control cannot be restored. Also, I tried using my Toshiba Recovery DVD, with no success. It says Loading RAMDISK Image, then it reboots and loads the exact same system with no changes made.

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Getting Files Off IDE Hard Drive

Jul 25, 2005

Just got a new machine and the primary drive is an SATA drive... but I still want to get old files of my old hard drives by hooking them up the the ide connections. Unfortunately, for one drive when I put it in the machine it gives me a missing hal.dll error and when I put the other drive in it gives me a ntrdl missing error. is there any way I can force the machine to boot to my SATA drive when the IDE drive is in there? I suspect it is trying to boot to the old drives when I install them.

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Copying Files From One Hard Drive To Another?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a computer that I need to take all of my existing files off of so that I can erase the HDD. I also have a 150gb external USB HDD. What is the fastest way to transfer all of my files on to my external HDD, and make them so that they are viewable by my other computers. I am running all Dell computers with Windows XP Professional on them.

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Files Are Attaching Themselves To Every Hard Drive?

Jan 2, 2009

I noticed lately that the files that are in the attached picture that have the numbers and then _backup just recently showed up on my c: drive and my d: drive. Now they have attached themselves on all my external western digital passport drives drives too.

I cant delete them, they say they are locked. I have also downloaded unlocker 1.8.7 and it wasn't able to delete the files either. I have run system mechanics, prevx malware, kaspersky nitvirus program and didn't find anything wrong. The haven't caused any problems that I know of except I wasn't able to format my d: drive.

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Hard Drive Is Over 85% Full / Get Rid Of Some Files

Apr 30, 2006

AOL Check Up says my Hard Drive is over 85% full, and to get rid of some files. How and which files should I get rid of?

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Recover Files From Old Hard Drive

Jan 16, 2008

A friend of mine's hard drive was damaged so I replaced it and installed Windows XP on the new Hard drive. This was fine and no problem. In an effort to salvage some of his files from damaged hard drive I connected it as slave and windows recognised it with out a problem. Now the tricky bit! I was able to access "My Documents" on the old HD but when I tried to open his folder(for his profile) I got an "Access denied" message. He then told me that he had a password on his previous windows profile. Since Windows is not booting from this HD and I don't have an option to enter a password, is there a way to access this folder?

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2nd Hard Drive / Keeping Files

Jan 5, 2006

i`ve just begun using a new computer,running windows xp, i intend to install a 2nd hard drive,from my old computer which was running windows 95.Can i still install even though the 2nd drive is so old....and if so, is it possible to keep all my files from the old drive and transfer them to the new.(all my programs are still on the old computer,i just can`t be bothered reinstalling all the programs and files.

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Need Help To Retrieve Files From FAT Hard Drive

Sep 24, 2006

Please help. I have a old hard drive that was crashed. However, I need some important files from it. I tried to boot up it as a second hard drive with my XP computer that is NTFS, but I can't see files from that hard drive. I couldn't convert it to NTFS because it is a 500MB hard drive. Please teach me how to get files from it.

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Retrieving Files From Hard Drive

Dec 22, 2006

In my my new computer i only saved the hdd and the rest of the old computer was sent to my brother and now when i try to install the old hard disk with everything else new computer is not booting. I bought a new and bigger sata hard drive and installed a fresh windows xp and not able to retrieve my old files with message access is denied.

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Exporting Registry Files Onto Your Hard Drive?

Apr 21, 2006

I am on the computer in one room, networking with a computer in another room.I know you can export registry files onto your hard drive. Do you then have the other computer's regedit import that file?

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Transfer The Data Files Off A CD Onto My Hard Drive?

Apr 16, 2007

I would like to transfer the data files off a CD onto my hard drive, then set the program that needs the data files on the CD to read from the files on the hard drive rather than the CD. My CD drive is getting a bit old, but I am unable at the present time to upgrade it.

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Hard Drive All Files Transfer: Using A Ghost?

Oct 15, 2007

I have a 120Gb HDD that is acting up. Random sputtering sounds and then reboots. I have another 120Gb empty HDD. Want to transfer all files, including Win2K Pro to the new drive.
I looked at some messages for hardware, but they are for Win98 and Me. Says problems with Win2K, etc. Are there any other programs other than xxcopy that will work with Win2K? I was familiar with Ghost, but only with Win98SE. Would there be a version of Ghost that would work now?

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Getting Files From Hard Drive Without Windows Being Activated?

Aug 8, 2005

for some reason xp will not load on start up. I'm planning on reformatting the hard drive but i would like to get the files that i need out of there before reformating. How do you get files from a hard drive without windows being activated?

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Delete Hard Drive With Protected Files?

Sep 24, 2008

I have 2 disk partions on my computer my c: has around 10 gb and my d has the rest of my memory.I was has installed vista and my computers could handle it but I didn't install sp1 and it crashed.I had xp on the other partion.So i booted from the xp disk now i want to delete everything on the d: Drive but it has vista files which are protected.Is there any way i can clear it?

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Can't Delete Files From Hard Drive / Locked

Nov 9, 2006

I only have 12% free space on my D hard drive and when I try to go into the drive to delete some files/programs, I get a lock icon and I get a message that I can't delete. It's a back-up for the computer and it is locked. How can I go into the drive to delete some items. I know I don't need all those files/programs backed up. I have a HP Media computer and I have XP.

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