Getting Parameter Incorrect Error Message Upon Every Startup?

Feb 8, 2009

when i start my pc i m getting an error message saying a parameter is incorrect.

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Error Codes 87 - Install Shazara - Parameter Is Incorrect

Sep 7, 2005

i am trying to install shazara on my computer but when i click install i get error message which says error 87: the parameter is incorrect

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File Types / Parameter Is Incorrect

Jul 28, 2005

When I open an Access 2003 DB in a multi-user mode I get the following error: "The parameter is incorrect". BUT if I right click on the file name and select Open With - Microsoft Office Access then it opens up just fine. I have tried to re-associate the program with the file type but that did not fix it. It opens fine if no one else is in the database.AND once I'm in the database and I try to click the Save button it tells me. I don't have exclusive rights and it wont' save my changes but it does save changes.

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HP Pavilion - Incorrect Parameter Detected

Mar 1, 2005

I have an HP Pavilion 8275 computer. It currently runs on window millennium.
My problem is that while I was installing windows XP Pro on it I got an error on it that says as follows.ERROR:
INSTALLATION FAILED:1386ASM.Error message: The parameter is incorrect.Fatal error: One of the componants that windows needs to continue set up could not be installed.
The Parameter is incorrect.I have left the computer on and with this message on it. So if I have to make any corrections on it. I won't have to start from scratch.

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The Parameter Is Incorrect - Spybot To Delete

Feb 13, 2008

I ran latest version of Spybot on my laptop (Windows 2000) There were several malware that Spybot wanted to remove. Ran a backup. However at one point on the process Spybot asked if I want a series of actions allowed. I clicked on allow and an endless stream of these questions began to show up. I did not click on remember these actions while allowing Spybot to delete. Got tired of doing that repetitive action and rebooted. Machine starts up, shows desktop and then desktop goes away replaced by the following applet with just a light blue screen behind it
The parameter is incorrect

Hit Ok but applet comes back. Hit close but applet comes back. Can only force a shutdown. Went into safemode tried "run last good configuration" ...same result. Went back into safe mode and ran the backup on Spybot to reverse actions but of course since I didn't hit remember the allowed actions the malwares were returned but the problem not fixed.

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DVD Double Layer Burning - E80070057 Parameter Incorrect

Jan 19, 2007

I'm able to use EZCD 6 Platinum with no problems with DVD-R/W or CDR-W disks, but this is the first time I've tried writing any data files to DVD+R DL single sided double capacity disks. I have updated the Platinum DVD file to recognize the Plextor 740A drive (which is double layered able and also had the firmware updated on it). XP (using its own burning program can't tell that I have a disk in the drive. EZCD Creator can see the drive (but sees the disk as only a 4.7GB capacity so I've tried going over that amount to 'disk 2' to load up the files. As soon as the files are ready to burn, and it loads up the title line with everything, I immediately get the following error:

E80070057: The parameter is incorrect

With no explanation when clicking on Help. I've done a google search and I find many of these type posts in various forums but they all seem to be pretty old posts with no results or resolutions.

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Date And Time Incorrect Error Message Is Displayed On Bios?

Sep 15, 2008

date and time incorrect error message is displayed on bios I have not installed any program, but a pop up is displayed on "ALL PROGRAMS BUTTON", eachtime i click on start button and some programs are highlighted, no program is installing correctly.

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Startup Error Without Error Message Neither Option Let It Continue/Works Fine In Safe Mode?

Mar 25, 2007

When I'm trying to start up Windows XP Home Edition I receive an error box without an error message, I can just click YES or NO. Neither option let's me continue. When starting up in Safe Mode, everything works fine.

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Error Message On Startup

Mar 26, 2005

When I start my computer I get a blank notepad type window that is titled: C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1SYMANT~1CCAPP.EXE.The error message reads: Error-16 bit MS_DOS Subsytem..The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.CS:053e IP:0235 OP: 636b696e67..I am using XP Home, SP1.

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Getting Error Message/alert At Every Startup?

Jun 30, 2008

This is the alert: (more or less)Exception...Component Manager::Create Instance returned failure code:" nsresult 0x805700015 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED FAILURE)" location: jsframe::chrome://searchshield/content/overlay.js::InitSDK::line352" data:no The only thing I have done lately is to remove a program I found in my list of programs which was something like Microsoft Visual C++. I rebooted after I removed it.

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Explorer.exe Error Message On Startup

Dec 22, 2009

the instruction at "0x7c900f70" referenced memory at "0x7c900f70". The memory could not be "written".

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No Disk Error Message On Startup

Apr 19, 2007

Everytime I turn my computer on I get this error message popping up: Windows - No Disk, Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c.

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Empty Error Message Box On Startup

Jun 14, 2006

Upon starting my computer, everything boots normally, but every time it does, a blank error message box appears (with that red X) with the only contents in the box an 'ok' button. When I hit the OK button, nothing happens (the system mostly runs fine, except for some random shut down issues (after about, say, 100 hours or so of being on). I am on Windows XP Home edition. Running Adaware, Spyware Doctor, and Norton A/V doesn't fix it.

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Startup Error Message / Grwinsthlp.exe Cannot Be Found

Apr 28, 2007

I am getting an error message on startup. A box is coming up saying that a file, grwinsthlp.exe cannot be found.

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HpqSTE08.exe Error Message Popping Up During Startup

Aug 14, 2009

I need immediate help on a problem I am facing these days at my WinXP ProSP3 32bit OS startup. A message pops up with an error sound showing the following details: hpqSTE08.exe The instruction at "0x14a02807" referenced memory at "0x000000a1" could not be read. Click OK to terminate the program. Click Cancel to debug the program.Almost simultaneously a Microsoft Send Error Report Dialog Box pops up talking of sending a report on HP Cue error.I usually have to click OK to continue the startup. I have sent the error reports to MS several times. The message keeps popping up nevertheless. My reinstalling SP3 has not solved this problem. Using Speedbit's Memomory Optimiser has also not helped me.Please send me you kind guidance in fixing my startup. I use Windows XP Professional 32bit OS with SP3. I have this OS on my desktop PC using Pentium P4 3Ghz 2MB L2 Cache 800Mhz FSB, Intel D945GCCR mainboard and 4GB DDR2 667Mhz RAM.

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Getting Error Message Upon Startup About Invalid BOOT.INI?

Aug 31, 2005

new error message on start up "Invalid BOOT.INI boot from windowsC://" fixable? . also cleaned my LARGE prefetch folder and it has remained empty for a month ...?Been online 10 years never had a virus worm or trojan was hijacked once or twice and had a porn dialer ( it wasn't me honest!) bury itself in my

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Data Execution Prevention Error Message For Startup Comes Up ?

May 31, 2010

Data execution prevention error message appears every time I exit Windows Explorer. In addition, the window is not complete most of the time. The URL box is transparent and not accessible or visible. I have to attempt access several times before the window is complete visible.

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Hanging Blue Screen Error Message On Startup

Jun 6, 2008

After buying and installing the new hardware i'm now having some issues. Everything was fine for weeks but now sometimes i get an error message. This is the 2nd time this has happened. Everything starts up as per normal but once it comes to the Windows screens (desktop) i get a blue screen with the error message: So i pretty much need to restart the pc and it goes back to normal. All hardware and software has been checked time and time again. All seems to be ok. Bar the dvd drive. The dvd drive doesn't let me access it, however if i put a dvd, audio or data cd in then autoplay takes over and asks if i want to play it or whatever. But if i want to open it by double clicking or selecting open after right-clicking then it doesn't allow it. I get the error message: d: not accssible. Incorrect function.

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Startup Shown Error Message And Unable To Login

Jul 24, 2007

My Dell Inspiron 510m laptop comes up with that message every time i startup the computer. I can't even log in so can't do anything about viruses. I really have no idead about what to do.

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Files Inaccessible From Hard Drive: Sass.exe Error, Invalid Parameter?

Jan 16, 2006

The other day on boot up I received an "lsass.exe error, invalid parameter" screen. Clicking "OK" just continued the boot up and error message in a loop. This has been a common problem for folks. Although I could not determine (due to the state of the system) if in was a virus or a corrupt file, I was finally able to coerce, after many varied attempts, an overlay install of XP Pro. However, all that was on my hard drive dissapeared (programs, settings, files).

Although, when I went to reinstall some items (Adobe Acrobat, for example) it stated that it was still resident on drive. Further, when I went to do a defrag, it stated that it was not needed (probably because of the small amount of recent installation) but the graph showed 20 gigs of space taken up (my original 18+ gigs and the new install). So, the original installed volume is still on the drive yet I can not see it or access it.

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Invalid Parameter Was Passed To Service Or Function - Isass.exe System Error

Aug 11, 2005

You said that its a trojan. Doyouknow what I can do to get rid of it? if it is lsass do know whatthat is? im Wrote: > Are you sure it is isass and not lsass.exe? Isass.exe is a trojan. Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an> error message appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does> that mean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again but then the error message appears again. It just keeps going in> circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?

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Corrupt System32 Config System Error Message At Every Startup?

Jan 3, 2006

corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem ususally when i get this error i format the machine because i hate having to deal with the problem; im the tech guy at a school and i replaced the teachers machine with a new one, i was about to format this when she came in here last minute frantic because she has important accounting information on her local C: drive. she knows she is suppsed to save ALL IMPORTANT nfo on her networkd drive but shes a mornon and doesnt follow instructions. i don't have my copyh of knoppix so can somebodyh tell me a quick fix for this?

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System Wont Get To Startup: Corrupted File Error Message?

Apr 21, 2007

I turned on my computer and windows didn't start up. It didn't even go into post or anything. What came up was that there was a corrupted file. winntsystem32 configsystem. I know this means that that file is missing but I cannot fix it because I don't have my Windows XP CD nor do I have a Startup Disk so I could recover the register. What I have done was, got a BART CD and booted from it and windows loaded but I don't know how to fix or find the corrupted file.

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Getting Error Message On Startup: Ntoskrnl.exe File Is Missing Or Corrupt ?

Jan 26, 2005

what i would like is a step by step of how to repair this problem i have tryed copying this file from the xp disk to copy ntoskrnl.exe as follows e:where e is my cd drive e: copy e:i386toskrnl.exe c:windowssystem32 and it tells me file cant be found but when i do a dir e:i386 it gives me the file.

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Startup Shown Error Message-Application Failed To Initialize

Jan 2, 2007

I uninstalled Windows Defender ages ago as soon as I realized that it had just been hogging the CPU. For some reason, an error message pops up on startup: "The application failed to initialize: 0x800106ba. The problem caused the Windows Defender service to stop. For information on how to manually start a service, see the Help and Support center."

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Random "0x0000008E" Error Message On A Blue Screen At Startup?

Feb 19, 2005

My computer randomly receives this error, and this link here;en-us;827663 is what I think I have been receiving. It said this problem should be resolved by updating to SP2. Well I have SP2 and I still am receiving this problem. Could there be any other possible problem that could be interferring here.

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Getting Pro Startup Error Message: Wont Find "SMSSuw.exe"?

Dec 10, 2004

When Windows XP Pro starts, I get the following error message:Windows cannot find 'SMSSuw.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.To Search for a file, Click the Start button, and then click Search.I've looked in msconfig and can't seem to find what is causing the problem

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Error Message At Every Startup "windows-no Disk" ?

Dec 31, 2006

my wife was trying to download pics from her memory card of her camera (sd card) to my computer so that she could burn the pics to a cd. My computer (Gateway GT5016H) has a slot to insert the memory card into the tower of the computer. She inserted the card, retrieved the pics and proceeded to burn them to a cd. When she was done, she shut down the computer.Now evertime i start the compuer i get an error message pop up "windows-no disk" "there is no disk in drive. Please insert disk into drive." I also must click cancel multiple time to get rid of the error message.

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Logon Error - Command Length Incorrect - (NO ONE CAN LOGON)

Jul 15, 2005

I've seen another post somewhere and someone else had this problem, but I haven't found a solution. We're using WXP Pro, SP2. After doing a repair install (the other person just had it after using Windows Update), at logon, after entering the correct, AND VALID, password either for a user Or the Administrator, Windows Logon displays the following Logon Message in a box: "!The system cannot log you on due to the following error: "The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. "Please try again or consult your administrator."

No matter how many times logon is attempted, or with what account, the message continues to be issued. Thus, NO ONE can logon to the GUI. The Recovery Console can be used to logon as Administrator, but no password is requested even though there is one in place. I've searched the MSKB but didn't find any reference. Implementing "Last known good configuration" does not fix the problem.

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Error Message: Exception Process Message C0000013 While Connecting Blackberry?

Aug 12, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP 2 and I get an error message whenever i connect my blackberry curve to the computer. if the usb device is stopped, it will go away, but other than that it won't disappear after clicking cancel. if it helps, I installed the roxio media manager only yesterday, when the error first came up. Its name is Exception Process Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6b

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Web Page Is Unavailable Offline Message - Error Message Switch Off

Apr 11, 2006

Every time I switch on my machine and try to connect to the internet, I get a dialogue box: Web page is unavailable while offline. To view this page, click connect. When I click connect, I can view the page and don't get the error message again until I switch off the machine. Why does this happen?

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