DVD Double Layer Burning - E80070057 Parameter Incorrect

Jan 19, 2007

I'm able to use EZCD 6 Platinum with no problems with DVD-R/W or CDR-W disks, but this is the first time I've tried writing any data files to DVD+R DL single sided double capacity disks. I have updated the Platinum DVD file to recognize the Plextor 740A drive (which is double layered able and also had the firmware updated on it). XP (using its own burning program can't tell that I have a disk in the drive. EZCD Creator can see the drive (but sees the disk as only a 4.7GB capacity so I've tried going over that amount to 'disk 2' to load up the files. As soon as the files are ready to burn, and it loads up the title line with everything, I immediately get the following error:

E80070057: The parameter is incorrect

With no explanation when clicking on Help. I've done a google search and I find many of these type posts in various forums but they all seem to be pretty old posts with no results or resolutions.

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File Types / Parameter Is Incorrect

Jul 28, 2005

When I open an Access 2003 DB in a multi-user mode I get the following error: "The parameter is incorrect". BUT if I right click on the file name and select Open With - Microsoft Office Access then it opens up just fine. I have tried to re-associate the program with the file type but that did not fix it. It opens fine if no one else is in the database.AND once I'm in the database and I try to click the Save button it tells me. I don't have exclusive rights and it wont' save my changes but it does save changes.

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HP Pavilion - Incorrect Parameter Detected

Mar 1, 2005

I have an HP Pavilion 8275 computer. It currently runs on window millennium.
My problem is that while I was installing windows XP Pro on it I got an error on it that says as follows.ERROR:
INSTALLATION FAILED:1386ASM.Error message: The parameter is incorrect.Fatal error: One of the componants that windows needs to continue set up could not be installed.
The Parameter is incorrect.I have left the computer on and with this message on it. So if I have to make any corrections on it. I won't have to start from scratch.

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The Parameter Is Incorrect - Spybot To Delete

Feb 13, 2008

I ran latest version of Spybot on my laptop (Windows 2000) There were several malware that Spybot wanted to remove. Ran a backup. However at one point on the process Spybot asked if I want a series of actions allowed. I clicked on allow and an endless stream of these questions began to show up. I did not click on remember these actions while allowing Spybot to delete. Got tired of doing that repetitive action and rebooted. Machine starts up, shows desktop and then desktop goes away replaced by the following applet with just a light blue screen behind it

The parameter is incorrect

Hit Ok but applet comes back. Hit close but applet comes back. Can only force a shutdown. Went into safemode tried "run last good configuration" ...same result. Went back into safe mode and ran the backup on Spybot to reverse actions but of course since I didn't hit remember the allowed actions the malwares were returned but the problem not fixed.

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Getting Parameter Incorrect Error Message Upon Every Startup?

Feb 8, 2009

when i start my pc i m getting an error message saying a parameter is incorrect.

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Error Codes 87 - Install Shazara - Parameter Is Incorrect

Sep 7, 2005

i am trying to install shazara on my computer but when i click install i get error message which says error 87: the parameter is incorrect

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Exchange Error From Transport Layer

Nov 14, 2009

I am especially worried because the next line states: connection reset by peer; socket write error. Also, upon boot-up windows goes every time to check disk, runs through the process, then says to wait to shut down, but it never shuts itself down.

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Dual Layer Media Not Detected

Sep 18, 2005

I have an freecom external dual layer burner that shows empty when Iinsert blank dual layer disks.

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Searching Threads - Updates Mp3 Layer

Aug 10, 2008

I've tried searching the threads to see if this question has been answered already, but, you know, being a muppet an' all.I downloaded some updates for my mp3 player but when I try to open them windows says it doesn't "recognise the programme that created it".I've spent the best part of the day trying to find a solution to this to no avail (yes I have dial-up, not for long though ).

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Layer Of Gibberish Beneath And Blank Screen

Dec 12, 2008

I was playing "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind" on my PC, when suddenly, the computer freezes and the textures in-game became pixelated like rainbows. After hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete several times, the computer hung at a black screen for a moment, before displaying "No Signal" on my monitor.I rebooted to see the BIOS screen, with the white "HP" logo ridden with black vertical lines. When the computer starts the next phase, my screen is immediately covered with complete gibberish, Qmeas!Semecu!Vie!, letters, numbers, characters, of a language I've never even seen. "Windows" is spelled like "Winewues" or someting, and it's almost impossible to decipher what you're choosing. There appears to be another layer of gibberish beneath the initial gibberish. Next, it goes to a blank screen with the blinking

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Black Layer Hide The Screen Graphics

Oct 14, 2009

sometimes happen that I am using my PC and suddenly the sceen goes back with a small white box in the middle and has a short message that says: <input is not supported> and this massage starts moving gradually from the center of the screen to up right corner and keep moving to al corners of the screen, I tried to press all the keys of the keyboard but no thing happend, and the amazing that all the other programs, TV, music, radio they keep working, where this black layer come from? the only soltion to get back is to unplug and restard my PC, this happens oftenly, sometimes once a month, or twice. My OS: Wind XP, SP3, computer Acer, Screen: Acer 19" , screen resolution: 1024X 768

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Check Disk - Set The Parameter

May 20, 2005

I have Win 2000 pro service pack 4. Running on a Sony Viao laptop. Something is screwed up on my C disc; trying to run checkdisk utility. Will only run in "read only" mode. Says I need to set "F" parameter to get out of readonly.How do I set "F" parameter? NOTE: I've tried running chkdsk from the RUN command in windows, also from the command prompt in safe mode. Same message each time.

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Trace Level Parameter Not Located In Registry

Apr 29, 2010

In event viewer under application I get a warning which says trace level parameter not located in registry; default trace level used is 32. Can you please help me with this.

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Booting - Invalid Parameter Was Passed To Service Or Function - Isass.exe

Aug 10, 2005

Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an errormessage appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "Aninvalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does thatmean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again butthen the error message appears again. It just keeps going in circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?

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Files Inaccessible From Hard Drive: Sass.exe Error, Invalid Parameter?

Jan 16, 2006

The other day on boot up I received an "lsass.exe error, invalid parameter" screen. Clicking "OK" just continued the boot up and error message in a loop. This has been a common problem for folks. Although I could not determine (due to the state of the system) if in was a virus or a corrupt file, I was finally able to coerce, after many varied attempts, an overlay install of XP Pro. However, all that was on my hard drive dissapeared (programs, settings, files).

Although, when I went to reinstall some items (Adobe Acrobat, for example) it stated that it was still resident on drive. Further, when I went to do a defrag, it stated that it was not needed (probably because of the small amount of recent installation) but the graph showed 20 gigs of space taken up (my original 18+ gigs and the new install). So, the original installed volume is still on the drive yet I can not see it or access it.

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Invalid Parameter Was Passed To Service Or Function - Isass.exe System Error

Aug 11, 2005

You said that its a trojan. Doyouknow what I can do to get rid of it? if it is lsass do know whatthat is? im Wrote: > Are you sure it is isass and not lsass.exe? Isass.exe is a trojan. Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an> error message appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does> that mean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again but then the error message appears again. It just keeps going in> circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?

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Incorrect Resolution Using VGA

Aug 2, 2010

My video card is: ATI Radeon HD 4350
It has one Digital and one Analog port on the back.

I had it setup using 1920 x 1080 on both ports (dual monitor).

But I can't get that to work again.

When I set the monitor using the VGA port to 1920x1080 then it displays 1280x720 on the monitor, but the video card is outputting 1920x1080. The display seems to scroll when the mouse is on the edge of the screen because obviously it can't display 1920x1080 on a 1280x720 resolution.

So as of now, my monitor is displaying everything really big and it's useless at this point.

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Getting Error While Burning To CD-R / CD-RW ?

Jun 24, 2005

I run Windows XP SP2 (Which is completely up-to-date) and have a Toshiba CD-RW and DVD-RW combi drive. I've used it store backups of my files and recently everytime I try to record to any type of CD an error message appears saying the disk is either full or unuseable and to try another disk which I have I've also tried disks from different manufacturers and changed the recording speed to minimum but the device still displays the error.

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Different DVD Burning Formats?

Sep 22, 2006

have a great aussie concert, but it's in australian format disk can copy it and burn it back to dvd, and aussies can watch it, but when I send copies to USA, they can't see it..can anyone tell me how to copy/ configure/ find a program that will make it viewable to o/seas watchers? I run DVD Express to view DVDs.LG burner, and Nero to copy/burn. it's frustrating as I have heaps of good aussie videos that Americans can't see I'd appreciate any guidance here.

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CD Burning Issues?

Feb 9, 2009

i can send files to the CD drive, but when I open an explorer window and try to use the "CD Writing tasks" on the left hand side (i.e Write these files to CD, Erase this CDRW etc...) nothing happens. The funny thing is, if I go back to "My Computer" and right click on the CD icon to perform a task, it appears to work.
Dragging files to an open CD explorer window also causes the window to close (although the temporary files are still copied across and a notification that there are files ready to be written to CD is displayed).
I am posotive the CDRWs and my CDRW drive are okay, as they work when using Nero. Its just an annoying problem I would like to sort out if anyone can help!? The probalem started before I installed Nero, so I dont think that has caused a problem.Some hardware specs below if they are needed:
Microsoft XP Home Edition
Version 2002
Service pack 3
HP Pavillion
Intel Celeron CPU 1.80GHz
1.25GHz of Ram
CD Drive:
CyberDrv CW058D CD-R/RW
Driver version 5.1.2535.0
Driver Date 01/07/2001

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Get Rid Of Incorrect Added Drive E?

Oct 13, 2005

I was installing my scanner onto XP and when I plugged in the usb it didn't like that port .. .. so it created an "E" drive to my computer. I was told there was an error occured and when I switched usb ports all worked fine, but,

how do I get rid of the "incorrect E drive" that was created?

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Memory Being Reported Incorrect

Jul 12, 2008

I too have a problem with my memory being reported incorrectly. I have a lenovo ideapad laptop. I upgraded my laptop memory to 4GB (2GB x 2 Modules). However in Windows XP MediaCentre Service Pack 3 the memory gets reported as 2.99GB. I had the same problem with Windows Vista Home Basic Service pack 1. However the issue was resolved when I installed Service pack 2 in Vista.I tried changing the MaxMem...but the value is not getting changed. Pls help...I have downgraded my OS to WinXP and would like to continue using the same.

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Keep Having To Reset Password - Incorrect

Mar 31, 2007

In the last week I have three times tried to log on to my Windows XP Home system and been told after multiple tries that my password was incorrect (no, Caps lock wasn't on). Each time I was forced to log on to my wife's account and reset my password through the control panel. I was then able to log on but by the next day, I was seeing the same problem. I have now had to reset my password three times. This problem has never occurred before in 4 years with the system. My wife has reported the same problem, but claims that rebooting fixed it. I rebooted and was still unable to log on. I strongly suspect a virus, but I have VirusScan Professional on my work license and it updates the .dat files every day. I checked the logs and nothing found. I know about creating and using a password reset disk, but that doesn't fix the problem I'm having.

One option is that somebody else is messing with my password, but my son is off at college and my wife would not know how to do it. I asked my daughter about it and she says she didn't do it, and she is very trustworthy It has happened again since last night without her being on the computer, anyway. I am a very experienced computer user (20+ years) and type in dozens of passwords a day, so I know it's not a problem with my typing.

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Incorrect Identification Of Disk In DVD Rom

Jun 13, 2010

With a DVD-R disk in the DVD Rom, System idntifies it as a CD.

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E: Not Accessible Incorrect Function

Apr 22, 2009

I installed new DVDCD-RW and can read but not write.

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Incorrect System Date

Jan 7, 2007

Whenever I run a program like NOD32, iTunes, or even the Windows Update utility, an error message comes up saying that the system time is incorrect, even though it is clearly not. I reformatted, reinstalled Windows, and went through the steps in the Microsoft knowledge base to no avail.

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Burning Windows Xp Updated On CD ?

Sep 3, 2005

are windows XP updates available on to download and burn to CD ?

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No Temporary Burning Folder

Sep 11, 2005

When I copy to a CD it states files were copied to a temporary file folder. However, that folder no longer appears for me as it did previously. I had this problem earlier and received helpful resolution at this site but can no longer find my previous post.

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Burning Dvdrips To DVD-RW Disc

Jul 6, 2008

Could someone tell me how to burn a DVDRIP-DIVX file to a DVD-RW disc i've already tried and nothing happens i tried to burn the disc on the windows media player, and the realplayer beta, i've already put my disc into the compact disc rewritable device to burn and it keeps saying device D and Device E cannot be used to burn a DVD content it also says choose the device the options where video CD/ super video CD/ and DVD video.

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What Can Cause Computer To Reboot While Burning

Jul 13, 2005

I have observed this since i had my PC, while burning a CD, my computer would suddenly restart as is the reset button had been pushed,sometimes even while reading a CD (even tho i havent observed this in a while) and even sometimes as soon as i was in the BIOS (that was quite unconvenient for trying to reinstall Windows I admitt) The problem is that, since that problem appeared (that's indeed since i've had this homemade PC), i changed the CPU, the motherboard,the burner, the alimentation, the RAM, the graphical card, the modem, i mean, everything besides the floppy disk reader thing, i also installed another Windows XP (SP1 indeed, even tho it was badly burnt so whenever i install it there is dll's that won't be installed) and in spite of all these changes, i still get those reboots while burning, and that's quite annoying mostly that it kills your CD's. so what can it be due to? i'd really appreciate an answer from anyone who might have one, cuz i've had this problem for 2 years now and now that i'm getting out of room on my hard disk and need to back up lots of things on CD's.

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Newbie DVD Burning - Re-Writable CD's

Feb 24, 2006

I am fairly new to the world of WINDOWS XP but it is a small step away from the Mac Os Tiger in Simlplicity. I bought a barely HP DV1315cl (google the name for full specs) which by the way I am VERY happy with to replace my "vintage" Ibook 800mhz. You know how you can drag and drop data files in Windows Explorer for Writable and Re-Writable CD's? I was wondering if you can do the same thing with DVD's. Also when I pop-in a DVD +/- either or they are reconized as a CD with 0 bytes. Is there like a plugin or something included with software E.g. Nero to enable this

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