No Temporary Burning Folder

Sep 11, 2005

When I copy to a CD it states files were copied to a temporary file folder. However, that folder no longer appears for me as it did previously. I had this problem earlier and received helpful resolution at this site but can no longer find my previous post.

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Temporary CD Burning Folder - How To Find Folder To Copy The File

Sep 5, 2005

I am trying to copy my Quicken files and it states it automatically copies them in the Windows XP's temporary CD burning folder. How do I find this folder to copy these files onto a CD or DVD.

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Burning Photos To CD From My Pictures Folder

Jul 18, 2005

In "My Pictures" folder, I do not have the option of "Burn to CD" under "Picture Tasks". I was able to burn photos to CD, but I had to select "copy files" under "Files and folders" and then select my D Drive as the destination. Can someone please let me know why I don't have the "Burn to CD" option and how I can fix it.

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Temporary Folder Changes Location

Feb 28, 2008

Windows XP Pro Temporary files, which are usually created in my local temp folder (C:/Documents and Settings/my files/Local Settings/Temp) have suddenly moved location to WINDOWS/Temp. Nothing is created in any users' temp folders, all temp files are now dumped into the WINDOWS/Temp folder.

At the same time, Carbonite stopped working, and I now get error messages that Carbonites Secure Backup Communications Service has failed. Of course, these two may not be related, and Carbonite support are helping me to sort out the problem with their program - but it may be a clue? The only other changes made in the same period this problem with the Temp folder happened was an automatic upgrade of Thunderbird and an upgrade of Adobe Flash Player. Everything else seems to be functioning correctly on my computer. Has anyone an explanation as to why this happened and does it matter?

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File Downloads Going Into Temporary Folder

May 14, 2005

I have Windows XP Pro everytime I download a file the Open, Open Folder, Save As, Save box doesn't open up and the file downloads automatically to my Temporary Folder, any way of configuring the settings for the box available?

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No Files In Temporary Internet Folder

Oct 7, 2005

This folder is empty and does not fill even when I have browsed around for a while. Whats going on?

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Not Enough Space On Temporary Folder (message)

Aug 15, 2005

I am trying to install an upgrade program (Tom Tom SatNav Software) to my PDA. This has to be done through the desktop PC When I insert the CD into the drive of my PC and try to run the Setup program I get the error message " Not enough free space on temporary folder" "Cannot run Setup" I can't find a Temporary folder with anything in it, I have deleted all the cookies and Temporary Internet files but still the same message.

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Deleting Temporary Folder On Computer

Sep 5, 2007

I read online that sometimes deleting the temporary folder can speed up outlook express. I've already done this in IE, but not on the computer. I believe to get to the folder you Run > %temp% The files said that their is a cleanup utility in XP that can help to clear this folder. I looked on my computer and searched online, but can't find the information on how to get it.

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Remove Fonts From Temporary Folder

Aug 12, 2008

I only wanted to keep 3 or 4 fonts on my computer so I drag n dropped my Fonts folder to my D drive (CD burner). I decided not to do this after all and figured I'd delete the temporary folder from my D drive but it will not remove 2 of the fonts: arialbi and micross, so now I'm stuck with a temporary folder in my D drive. I booted up in safe mode and tried to delete them and can't do it that way, either. How do I get rid of this temporary folder?

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Temporary Internet Files And Temp Folder

Jun 9, 2006

I have XP system. Can someone explain my temporay internet folder C:documents & settingspaullocal settings emporary internet files? I can clear all the files and then open My Yahoo or go to any internet site and the folder will then have maybe 100 files in it. If not cleared out in a couple days it can have 800 or more files in it. I do not do a lot of browsing but that folder baffles me. Is it supposed to do that or is wrong? I run anti virus & anti spam programs

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Why Temporary Internet Folder Split Into Four Subfolders

Jul 23, 2005

Why does the Temporary Internet Folder split into four subfolders? Why are the folders randomly named? Is there any way I can stop this altogether?

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Temporary Internet Files Folder Oddity

Aug 2, 2007

Windows XP media Center seems to be completely hiding folders from me. When I untick "Hide protected operating system files and folders" then right click properties my Temporary internet file folder, it says there's 71 folders within it. I can't see ANY of these folders in my browser. If I boot up my other OS (Win XP 64 bit) I can view these folders just fine. Furthermore, within media center edition, I can access Temporary Internet FilesContent.IE5 if I type it in manually, and can see 68 folders within.
Now, why would Media center be hiding Content.IE5 when supposedly I have display EVERYTHING turned on? I fear a malicious program may be doing this. An OS reinstall isn't a big deal for me, but I'd rather not.

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Move The Temporary Internet Files Folder

May 17, 2010

By default Internet Explorer stores a user’s temporary internet files within a user profile typically located under C:Users or C:Documents and Settings. This setting can be easily be changed within Internet Explorer. Configuring Temporary Internet Files in Internet Explorer: When Internet Explorer is open, click on Tools and then select Internet Options. On the General tab, under Browsing history, click the Settings button. Click Move folder. Then select the new drive and folder you want to use and click OK to exit the property pages.

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Finding Temporary Folder With Office Documents

Jul 12, 2005

Just wondered if someone could help me, when I receive an attachment in OUtlook - e.g. word / excel doco. If I save this without saving as - it goes into my Temporary Internet Folder, which is really hard to try and find. I'm currently doing this via C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsTemporary Internet Files in my favourites - but if I just enter that in manually it comes up with Cookies / IE information that I'm not requiring.

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Temporary Internet Folder Issue On Desktop

Dec 31, 2006

My Temporary internet folder is out on my desktop as I use it quite frequently. This has been the case for years and it has worked flawlessly. Recently when I open it I get a message, "This page has an unspecified potential security flaw, would you like to continue?". When I click "OK" the Temp folder opens normally. This happens even when the folder is empty. Its annoying to have to keep doing this. My Internet Explorer security settings are quite low, and haven't been changed for ages, well before this message started appearing. I've cleared the caches and index.dat files, run AVG virus checker, SpybotS&D, and all sorts of other cleaning/security stuff but to no avail.

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No Temporary Download Folder - IE55FV3XLWE File Name Missing

Nov 30, 2006

I was recently cleaning my hard drive when I used the standard windows disk cleanup and cleared my files in my browser. Now when I try and download something through a link, windows downloader starts and then an error message comes up saying "Documents and Settingsxx xxLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent. IE55FV3XLWE [file name] is missing. There is no such folder in my temporary internet files folder yet I can't create or create in local settings and drag and drop. I can download if I save target as but would rather repair the problem.

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Temporary Internet Files Folder - Index.dat File

Jul 9, 2005

I use Windows Explorer to access the subject folder to make sure Internet Explorer has deleted the cache and usually I could see one file in the Content. IE5 folder named index.dat. I've been doing this for years without any problems. A couple of weeks ago I went to do this and I was unable to see the folder structure below the Temporary Internet Files folder nor the index.dat file. But if I log on as another user I can see the Content.IE5 folder, file index.dat, and the randomly named subfolders beneath folder Content.IE5. I
checked the Windows Explorer properties to see if my view was being restricted but the settings appear to be the same for both user IDs.

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Temporary Internet Files Folder Stuck On Desktop

Apr 14, 2010

There is a Temporary Internet Files folder literally STUCK on my desktop. There was another listed under My Documents > When I tried to delete that one, it deleted. So then I tried to move the folder on the desktop to My Documents with no success. "Access Denied", or "In use by another user or program. Close all programs and try again." I tried to "Send" the folder to another location on the computer with no success. Also tried deleting it and cutting and pasting it some where else, that also did not work. Temporary Internet Files folder's properties: General Tab > Attributes: Read only box is checked and grayed out.

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File Downloading To Temporary Folder / Changing The Location?

Jan 14, 2008

i am wanting to know when i am in a website and i want to open the file it downloads to the temporary file location and then nothing. It doesnt open or anything how do i get it to either change the file location where it goes to or just to open...

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Delete Cookies / History / Temporary Internet Temp Folder

Jan 23, 2006

When I try to empty my temp folder (run/%temp%) I have 3 folders that wont be removed. Cookies/History/TemporaryInternet I have no clue how they got in there to begin with. I've tried to get rid of them from the temp but it wont let me

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Full Temporary Folder Unable To Send/Receive Emails

Oct 2, 2005

Unable to send or recieve email due to error telling me that my temp folder is full or corrupted. I have emptied the temp folders with disk cleanup and have also run ScanDisk. I have a temp folder with a path of (c:) Is this correct. I do not have a temp folder with a path of c:windows.

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Deleted Temporary Internet Files Folder - Cannot Connect To Internet

Nov 17, 2006

i accidently deleted my temporary internet files folder - now i can not connect to the internet - what can i do to fix this problem?

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Temporary Internet Folder "access Denied"

Jun 20, 2005

It says I am unable to access certain folders when I click on them.. Now that I have all my space cleaned out I am downloading a demo paint program for my school work.. and I get a message that my Temp folder is unable to to be accessed and I have prove access.

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Getting Error While Burning To CD-R / CD-RW ?

Jun 24, 2005

I run Windows XP SP2 (Which is completely up-to-date) and have a Toshiba CD-RW and DVD-RW combi drive. I've used it store backups of my files and recently everytime I try to record to any type of CD an error message appears saying the disk is either full or unuseable and to try another disk which I have I've also tried disks from different manufacturers and changed the recording speed to minimum but the device still displays the error.

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Different DVD Burning Formats?

Sep 22, 2006

have a great aussie concert, but it's in australian format disk can copy it and burn it back to dvd, and aussies can watch it, but when I send copies to USA, they can't see it..can anyone tell me how to copy/ configure/ find a program that will make it viewable to o/seas watchers? I run DVD Express to view DVDs.LG burner, and Nero to copy/burn. it's frustrating as I have heaps of good aussie videos that Americans can't see I'd appreciate any guidance here.

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CD Burning Issues?

Feb 9, 2009

i can send files to the CD drive, but when I open an explorer window and try to use the "CD Writing tasks" on the left hand side (i.e Write these files to CD, Erase this CDRW etc...) nothing happens. The funny thing is, if I go back to "My Computer" and right click on the CD icon to perform a task, it appears to work.
Dragging files to an open CD explorer window also causes the window to close (although the temporary files are still copied across and a notification that there are files ready to be written to CD is displayed).
I am posotive the CDRWs and my CDRW drive are okay, as they work when using Nero. Its just an annoying problem I would like to sort out if anyone can help!? The probalem started before I installed Nero, so I dont think that has caused a problem.Some hardware specs below if they are needed:
Microsoft XP Home Edition
Version 2002
Service pack 3
HP Pavillion
Intel Celeron CPU 1.80GHz
1.25GHz of Ram
CD Drive:
CyberDrv CW058D CD-R/RW
Driver version 5.1.2535.0
Driver Date 01/07/2001

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Burning Windows Xp Updated On CD ?

Sep 3, 2005

are windows XP updates available on to download and burn to CD ?

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Burning Dvdrips To DVD-RW Disc

Jul 6, 2008

Could someone tell me how to burn a DVDRIP-DIVX file to a DVD-RW disc i've already tried and nothing happens i tried to burn the disc on the windows media player, and the realplayer beta, i've already put my disc into the compact disc rewritable device to burn and it keeps saying device D and Device E cannot be used to burn a DVD content it also says choose the device the options where video CD/ super video CD/ and DVD video.

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What Can Cause Computer To Reboot While Burning

Jul 13, 2005

I have observed this since i had my PC, while burning a CD, my computer would suddenly restart as is the reset button had been pushed,sometimes even while reading a CD (even tho i havent observed this in a while) and even sometimes as soon as i was in the BIOS (that was quite unconvenient for trying to reinstall Windows I admitt) The problem is that, since that problem appeared (that's indeed since i've had this homemade PC), i changed the CPU, the motherboard,the burner, the alimentation, the RAM, the graphical card, the modem, i mean, everything besides the floppy disk reader thing, i also installed another Windows XP (SP1 indeed, even tho it was badly burnt so whenever i install it there is dll's that won't be installed) and in spite of all these changes, i still get those reboots while burning, and that's quite annoying mostly that it kills your CD's. so what can it be due to? i'd really appreciate an answer from anyone who might have one, cuz i've had this problem for 2 years now and now that i'm getting out of room on my hard disk and need to back up lots of things on CD's.

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Newbie DVD Burning - Re-Writable CD's

Feb 24, 2006

I am fairly new to the world of WINDOWS XP but it is a small step away from the Mac Os Tiger in Simlplicity. I bought a barely HP DV1315cl (google the name for full specs) which by the way I am VERY happy with to replace my "vintage" Ibook 800mhz. You know how you can drag and drop data files in Windows Explorer for Writable and Re-Writable CD's? I was wondering if you can do the same thing with DVD's. Also when I pop-in a DVD +/- either or they are reconized as a CD with 0 bytes. Is there like a plugin or something included with software E.g. Nero to enable this

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NERO DVD Burning Issue

Oct 17, 2006

XP SP2 with Nero + Verbatim DVD-R: Used this to burn a DVD 3.9GB it burned fine. Data Verification completed successfully. I then checked the compilation using my computer and everything was dandy super BUT to double check I put the DVD in my laptop DVD drive nothing, disc was not even recognized.

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