Installing OS And Getting Message "Error Loading Operating System"?
Mar 22, 2006
When doing an XP windows re-install. I am getting the error "Error loading operating system" I was formating the drive with XP and it stopped. Now when rebooting to go to CD for install I get the Error.
My computer tries to boot, it takes a while to detect anything from the CD-ROM (my first boot priority), and then when it detects the IDE, it says "error loading operating system" and after that I can't do anything but restart or shut down. I am running Windows XP Professional and it will load with a boot disk, but if I take out the boot disk it won't load.
I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.
Received this message, Error Loading Operating System, when installing Windows xp pro? After loading the installation files from the CD, windows xp shuts down and reboots to continue loading a fresh install of Windows from the installation files onto the HD.Instead of loading the installation files an error message hangs the installation and reads Error Loading Operating System.The installation files are loaded, but Windows xp won't load up? Looked around the forums and searchs and no one had a definitive answer to solving this issue of Error Loading Operating System.
My friends son has a presario 900, i hate this thing by the way, it keeps crashing on him. this time its comming up as error loading operating system. using google is how I found your site. but anyway the compaq screen comes up, then the error loading operating system comes up and I cant get it to do anything else. it also won't let me format to start over.
My Dell XPS Gen 3 from 2004 underwent a serious issue when I installed Kaspersky Internet Security resulting in BSoD when I booted computer. Long story short, I had to buy a replacement HDD as the original drive fell and now only plays music (Took it out to extract important files, all save, but when troubleshooting it back on PC with the recovery console it fell).
On my PC I had two extra HDDs, one at 170gigs for music/pics and some apps and a 500 gig for media and some apps. I unattached both those HDDs when I did a fresh install of XP Home Edition on my Dell XPS. After that install seeing everything loads and works as expected I powered down PC and attached my other two drives to get an Error Loading OS.
I have built a computer and when i go to install windows it gives me this error message it says Error:SXS.DLL:syntax error in mainifest or policy file D:I386asms6000MSFTWINDOWSCOMMON|CONTROLS.MAN on line
I got back from class today and my computer was frozen. I forced a reboot. When it tries to load windows XP, I get an error message that says: Operating System Not Found Can/Should I load with the boot disks? I CAN NOT loose the info on my hard drive.
hi, i just bought a new pc.. it had vista on it so formatted fully. i booted xp from cd and installed. after the blue screen installation my pc rebooted as normal. when it loaded up a message says: problem with operating system
Tried to repair my xp pro but just wouldn't fix so had to do a re-over. all is well cept i have continuous run-tine errors on different pages. here is an error i got today :Error A Runtime Error has occurred.Do you wish to Debug? Line: 0 Error: Object expected,Yes/No.
I have upgraded to XP-Pro from 98se and a little estimating program I have used for years worked ok for a couple of weeks until today.I get this message when ever I try to open the program or reinstall the program.C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT.The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
I have 2 computers (well more than that but for this i have 2) One works and one doesn't. I took the hard drive out of the working one and put it in the non working one as the master. (BTW on the non working one its just the hard drive that is working properly) I put the hard drive from the non working one as the slave so i can try and get some files off of it and format it. So I boot up the system and the computer recognizes it but then i get an " Error Loading Operating System" error.
My computer was running fine last night, but today when I tried turning it on, it came up with "Error Loading OS" on the boot up screen. It has never done this before, and it will only work now when I have the Windows XP disk in the CD Drive. I even tried unplugging everything and plugging it back in, but it still won't work.
every time i try to get on the internet on my web site, this comes across the screen RUNDLL Error Loading C:DOCUME~SJH~1.THELOCALS~1 Tempse.dll Access is denied
when I try to download my daughters 2004 spongebob movie pc game an error happens halfway through the download that reads "file group: program executable files" "D:/" When I try to download the sims complete collection I have a similar problem.
When ever I start or restart my computer, this message box pops up and it says, Error loading C:sindowssystem32stlbdist.dll The specified module could not be found.I am running Windows XP Home. I upgraded from Windows ME. I know that that is not the cause. I just thought I would mention which OS I have. I think this showed up after I uninstalled Limewire, but I'm not sure.
Everytime I turn on my computer and windows starts up. It tells me it cannot find cfgmgr52.dll module. error loading it states. Our daughter opened a link and just loaded it up with so many stubborn adware. That with norton I was finally able to get rid of them.
I got this problem that my computer just stops when loading WindowsXP I got the Computer today and i installed WindowsXP but when i try to start up the computer just it freezes while loading. I tried to re-instal it but still it again freezes.
I'm trying to install a game from a CD and there is an error message which sais," Setup is unable to locate a file it needs to continue. Please make sure the CD-ROM is in the drive and press retry to continue." I click on retry and the error message keeps on appearing.How do I solve this problem?
My SIL has messed this up badly. I am very good at following directions and usually figuring out computer problems, but now I can't do anything. The computer boots, shows windows XP loading and then stop. No error message. No blue screen. NOTHING. Just empty dark blackness. And I am at a loss what to do. I know they have viruses on their computer and I was trying to help them get the computer fixed. Now I dont know what to do.
Re-installing a game, Enigma: Rising Tide I receive this error message. This happened one time before. I don't recall how I was able to overcome, but presently I had to re-install the game and now I have this error message again. I understand that there have been other instances with others installing games where this message appears.
i have a 250GB Hard Drive and I used Western Digital's Data Lifeguard Tools 11 Tools to allow Windows to recognize all 250GB and break the 24-bit barrier. When I install Windows XP Pro, it goes through the format and the file setup fine (as far as I know) and then when it goes to boot, it goes right back into the Setup doesn't go on to install Windows. When the disk is taken out it just continually restarts and claims that there is an invalid BOOT.INI.
Hello Friends,I have problem regarding my hard disk!I have 2 hard disk's. 160gb segate barracuda (SATA) & 80gb segate barracuda (SATA).I was having windows vista. My computer was running smoothly that time with 2 hard disk's.I formatted my PC and installed windows xp.While installing windows xp i didn't connect my 80Gb hard disk.But after installation, when i tried to connect it , my computer started hanging.160Gb is my primary hdd and 80gb is secondary hard disk.I never had any OS on 80Gb. My computer hangs at windows xp boot screen.I tried at my friend's place also... tried all jumper settings also but no use. What could be the problem?
I have had trouble with the .net framework. Because of possible corruption i deleted all .net framework files.Since then i have tried to install the .net framework files. i continue to receive a message that reads ERROR 1402 could not open key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDlls. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key.or contact your support personnel
Im planning a spring clean and of my hard drive including a re-installation of XP by creating a Bart PE disk,slipstreaming it with SP3, critical updates and my current drivers.At the moment my My Documents folder and sub-folders are on a completely separate HD so I shouldnt really need to touch those.I carry out regular backs of both drives to an external drive using Acronis True Image.When I re-install XP it will obviously recreate a My Documentsfolder of its own. How do I go about pointing Windows to my existing My Docs folder on the separate drive? I moved it originally by clicking on MOVE in PROPERTIES on My Docs in the START MENU, but if I use this method this time I will just end up with 2 My Docs on the second drive.
mi pc hangs always in 3x% percent i removes all devices and try again ..low format to my hdchange ramchange hd update biosreset cmoscheck temp nothing worksalways crash