Installing Drivers Ethernet Controllers - Cannot Connect To Internet
Oct 11, 2010
Reformatted sons computer and re installed Windows xp. Cannot connect to internet because there are no ethernet controllers, or video, and audio. This I expected and thought all I had to do was download drivers for the MS-7050. I have been at it 6 hrs now and cannot find them! I know I found before but cannot quite remember what I found. Am I looking for the wrong thing to get the controllers etc working? Its a HP dx5150, AMD 64 Athlon. Motherboard is MS-7050 Ver 1.3
I've just reinstalled windows xp media center edition on my mams toshiba satalite a50 laptop but i cant get onto the internet using ethernet because i can't find the drivers well i goto install my bt home hub and it says i can only connect to the internet by using the usb wire and doesnt give me a option to use the internet throught the ethernet wire. so i install the usb drivers for the homehub and connect to the hub using usb then i went onto the toshiba website and downloaded the drivers so i could try and get my ethernet connection working but nothing seems to get it working plus my wireless connection doesnt work ther isnt anything on my computer that gives me a option to connect to the wireless network.
I re-formated my sisters computer yesterday, and after installing it i had no internet. As i hadn't installed any drivers yet, i understood that. But after heading over to dell's site, downloading all of the drivers for her computer and then installing them, i STILL do not have any internet. I don't see any connections on the computer either, it's just blank!
My OS is Windows XP, and I just did a clean-install for my entire computer from my Windows XP disc. All my drivers are already installed, except for all the ones listed under 'Other Devices'. I particularly need the USB driver listed under Other Devices, because my internet connection is through USB.
I've recently reinstalled XP on my PC using the recovery CD that came with it but I've noticed that the USB Host Controllers seem to indicate I only have USB1 and not USB2 like I had pre-reinstall. I've tried my hardest to locate them to no avail but stumbled across this which is for my particular PC but I am having a dumb moment and don't know how to revert to MS drivers. It's XP Home with SP3 installed.
I installed windows xp pro on a computer, and it did not include the drivers for the ethernet port, therefore i cannot connect to the internet. ive been using a rewritable disk to transfer files, so can anyone post a link on how to get them?
compaq 4000 seris computer.celeron 1.4 256 of pc 133 ram. 20gig harddrive.Its running windows xp and they use the aol dial up service 8.0 ( they dont like 9.0).Now they said they had some spyware or something on the machine. i told them to run adaware and see if that would do it. Little did i know that they had aboutblank hack. well i *with some help from the nice guys at the boreds here* fixed that but now her aol internet wiill not work. So to fix some of the other things wrong with her pc i was ganna bring it to my house and use my charter broadband internet to use on the machine. Well the eithernet card the pc allready had installed is a SMZ EZ Card 10/100 pci (SMC1211TX).
Windows will not load the driver for this card makeing the use of my net impossible... its the code 31, windows cannot load the drivers for this device. Ive tired everything from unistalling the driver, reinstalling, updateing everything. then when i looked at the driver details it is trying to use a realtek driver for the card? I need some serous help here guys and i really appreciate it. Ive tried all i can think of to get it to work so i dont have to bug you all.
ethernet controller i dont know how to upgrade/install the right drivers, i know thatr my motherboard is the ASUS A7V8X ... but i'm having problems finding the right drivers
I've installed Windows 2000 Pro on a laptop computer from Fujitsu Siemens (from year 2000). I am using a Swedish version, so I guess it won't help if I repeat the error-message I get when I am trying to hibernate the computer. However, when I choose to hibernate, the screen flickers and then throws a error-message saying that the system is unable to hibernate because of a driver named "Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapter (10/100)". I've been trying to change this driver to other versions and different alternative drivers, but I haven't succeeded. Another strange thing is that after a reboot I am able to hibernate, but right after that if I try to hibernate again I'll get that message.
I just downgraded from Vista/Win7 to XP. In Control Panel/system/hardware/device manger. It's showing no ethernet drivers. in network connections, nothing. How do I fix this so I can go online? Posted via Mobile Device
Whenever i install drivers on my pc, (i've tried graphics card drivers and wireless network card drivers) my pc stops working. When i installed the graphics card drivers, i tried testing the graphics on a game (counter-strike) but as soon as i got into the game, the pc flashes a blue screen, and reboots. I cant see what the blue screen says because it flashes on and off again to quick for me to read it. I decided to uninstall the graphics card drivers, and the game worked perfectly, but the graphics were REALLY bad. So i thought i might need to update some other drivers, so i tried to install my wireless network card, but when i finished installing the drivers when i had to restart my computer, it flashed the BSOD.... AGAIN! I need help urgently as im going to a LAN gaming comp called "rezidue" and its on in 2 weeks, i need my pc fixed by then! All these problems started when i upgraded my CPU. Everything was running smooth, and i was happily playing along on my computer, when i was asked what my FPS was in counter-strike, and i was all "mine are 65!" and there like "wow that sucks, mines 130" so i set out on my epic quest to get better FPS then everyone else and MAN THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I upgraded from my celeron 2.8ghz cpu to a P4 3.0ghz HT cpu, and thats when things started messing up on me. My entire system is as follows (incase it can help someone help me) P4 3.0ghz HT CPU, Microstar P4 motherboard, 128mb Nvidia Geforce mx4000 AGP x8 graphics card, 256MB ddr ram (recently brought new 1GB ddr ram off ebay just for rezidue! should be here soon!) TP-LINK 54mbps wireless network card) And last but not least
Installed an ethernet card in a pc running XP home . Don't have the drivers for it . How do I determine what make card it is and what drivers I need and where to get them ?
recently wiped Toshiba Satellite A25-S307 notebook and installed Windows XP Pro. Now we find that there are no drivers for the internet: no wireless card driver, no ethernet controller driver. Cannot even find out the names of some of the lost drivers! Here is the "Problem Devices" list: Base System Device Ethernet Controller Not Available (this is what it says in the list!)PCI Modem Video Controller
Here are some drivers we know we need but cannot find: realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet NIC Trident Cyberblade XP2 AGP 4x The major issue is no internet connectivity means we cannot use one of the driver scanner software out there. Every utility I find requires me to be able to connect to the internet on the affected machine!
i just installed xp pro on my gatway 450rog all is working well but in the other device there are 5 things with yellow ? on them not the netork card that is fine but the ethernet controller,modem, how do i fix this i can not get it to conect to the internet to update thses
Trying to install Linksys ethernet adapter and router. After searching for the drive, I get an error message, "Can't find software." Trying to install HP scanner, I get an error message, "Can't find <some> dll.", even though the install CD is opened.
I'm setting up my friends home network. They have 2 PCs connected via ethernet and one laptop on wireless. The router is a wireless router / modem from 2wire. PC number 2 and the laptop both connect with no issues. PC number 1 is weird though. I can go to and it opens up the router system page and I can go through and change and view settings. However when I try to go to any websites it immediately goes to "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." I have tried netscape and the iTunes store and nothing can connect to the web. I have linux ubuntu on a Live CD and I can boot from that and it connects to the internet just fine.
I have installed a Bluetooth dongle but I am having problems with it, its working some times but then it just loses it when i try to connect. I have been told that its the microsoft bluetooth drivers that are conflicting and I need to remove them,
After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.
do internet users get assigned a unique ip address everytime you connect to the internet? and what is the difference between a ip address and a mac address? different types of a networks?
installed dynex dx-pcigb gigabit pci adapter ethernet card in my emachines t1120 computer as it only had a 56k modum adapter.ran enclosed cd for new card. wont connect to internet using internet explorer. tried unplugging router for 3 mins. and retry no connection.tryed uninstalling drivers and the reinstalling still no connection,on bottom of taskbar on the right side it saysaquiring network address,but it never happens.
I have an Emachines T3642 computer that originally came with Vista. I just down graded to XP Home edition using a windows software disk from an old laptop that is no longer working.Every thing went fine accept now my the computer is not acknowledging my ethernet connection and I am unable to get online. The ethernet cable light so I know it is working.
I just reformatted my comptuer/reinstalled windwos, and when I went to get online, I couldn't. Turns out the drivers to my computer's ethernet card were not installed. Kind of confused me a bit, since the card is exactly the same since we bough the computer about 3 years ago. I'm wondering were to get these drivers, since I cannot connect to the internet, none of the installation cd's drivers work, and the device manager is so vague about what specific hardware it is.
laptop has got the ZLOB virus and I am trying to get rid of it but I cannot connect to the internet because the drivers for the ethernet card are missing. There is no id on the laptop apart from the COA for XP and Z600 on a sticker underneath it. How can I find out what make it is so I can find the drivers. I don't mind paying for the drivers or a virus remover as long as they work.
I can't get my ethernet card working. it is a built in card to my mobo and it just will not let me get to it. I have updated the driver already. i can't connect ot the internet cause i have dsl and i have eveything connected thru a router my card is a Realtek RTL8139/810x Family fast ethernet nic
I have just got a phone plug in my room so I do not have to use my USB adaptor for my wireless broadband as it keeps losing the signal. I now have the router in my room using the Ethernet hole on my new MSI K8T Neo2-F V2.0 Motherboard, but every time I try and download a file it is corrupted. I have tried many different file just in case it was that. This did not work so I tried using my USB adopter and every thing downloads fine again. The driver for it is Realtek rtl8169/8110 family GIGABIT ETHERNET NIC and this is the web site for the motherboard n
I need to repair my xp on my Sony VAIO VGN-AR11S and need to find HDD drivers to load while XP is loading using F6, I already tried Intel's divers and it not working
I'm trying to set up a dual-boot with Ubuntu and XP64. Initially I just had Ubuntu on my one sata hdd and XP on an ide hdd. I decided it'd be better running XP on the sata drive too, so I resized my linux partition with gparter, and created a new NTFS partition.The problem is, when I try to install XP onto the drive, it cannot seem to see the sata drive. Nothing was listed at all except the ide drives and my usb drive.I did some looking and found the 64 bit sata drivers for my motherboard, managed to load them onto a floppy and load them into the XP setup. This was all fine again until the time to select a partition, where it seemed to list the drive, but only shows 'Unknown disk' 'There is no disk in the drive'.I tried deleting the partition I made with gparter to see if XP could at least see the 'unallocated space' but to no avail.I even tried making a boot disk in nLite with the sata drivers, but it made no difference (not really surprisingly).If I try to use the 32 bit drivers that came with my mobo, it won't let me install XP.I'm all out of ideas to why it won't work.
My computer recently crashed, and I am going to put ubuntu as my operating system rather than windows. When I got my computer, I had to reinstall the driver for the wireless card. Will I have to do that? If so how, and where do I find the driver? I have a driver recovery cd that came with my computer, however I don't know if that will work with anything besides windows.