Dell Deminson B110 Won`t Boot?

May 22, 2007

Have Dell Deminson B110, Won`t go past window the apoligises for not starting, gives mode etc. still won`t boot can use F1 an F12 but comes back to same window and still won`t boot! I hit ctrl an F11 and get restore window but I afraid to Will this help and I just start over from day one or what?? Help please !! Also iv`e lost any CD`s that came with system!

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Use Your Dell OEM SP2 CD For The Ultimate Boot CD

May 5, 2007

This post is to address certain errors that can be encountered in using UBCD4Win, building the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows.If you have a Dell OEM XP SP2 CD, you may get the following errors during the build of the UBCD4WINBuilder.

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Dell Laptop Will Not Boot

Feb 15, 2009

Dell Latitude D420 wil not boot. I briefly see the bios screen then nothing. NO hard drive activity, judging by lack of flashing of hard drive light.

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Dell 8100 - Pro Won't Boot

Jan 20, 2006

PS fan runs, CD drive lights, opens, closes. On opening case, standby light on MB is on, stays on when computer turned off with power button. Stays on when plug pulled short time, less than a minute, goes off. When plugged in, fan starts, standby light lights, even before power button is pressed. Removed CMOS battery, waited five minutes, SB light still on. (Dell online says don't change PCI card while light is on.) The computer is my college G-daughter's; I'd like to get it fixed and back to her ASAP.

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Reinstall - Boot From CD Dell 4550

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to reinstall my OS Windows XP but the BIOS device menu says to do it from the CD position 4 on the list of 7 options but nothing happens?

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No Boot Info - Dell HDD Removed

Sep 1, 2006

Dell that has been fried by lightning and wants me to get the pictures off the Hard Drive. No problem, sort of. The problem is that now I see no info when I boot the computer. The monitor only comes to life when windows starts up. So, I can't enter into the BIOS, change my boot drive, mess with my arrays, or anything. I'm using Windows XP SP2. My HDD are SATA while the Dell's was IDE (just thought I'd throw that out there).
Problem occurs after the Dell HDD has been removed.

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Dell Laptop Won't Boot - Curser Only

Oct 18, 2009

I'm using a Dell 9300 Inspiron laptop that was working just fine yesterday. I shut it down and now it won't boot into Windows XP Pro SP3, it goes past the Dell screen then goes all black except for a curser on the top left of screen. It will not boot into Safe Mode (F8). I can boot into the BIOS (F2) but see no discrepancies and can change the boot from the HD to the CD drive. What I've done so far:

1. Inserted the Dell Utilities CD and run full diagnostics-no problems found.
2. Inserted the OS disc and ran XP repair, it finished with no problems shown and then reverted to the black screen with the curser.

I have access to a SATA dock and could check it there but there must be something else, especially since I can't even get into Safe Mode.

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Dell 2400 Will Not Boot After Xp Install - 512 Ram

Apr 12, 2009

I have a dell 2400,2.2 gig cpu, 512 ram, that I just put a new hard drive(40 gig) in,I installed winxp pro ,but the computer will not boot from hard drive,I went to repair console on the win xp cd,and typed fixmbr, then when it said it had done that I again typed fixboot, but it still will not boot,

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Inability To Boot Up Dell Laptop

Jan 1, 2008

i have a dell latitude d820. the last 3 or 4 tiimes i shut my computer totally off (shut down) and turned it back it, it would not boot up. each time i would get the desk top to partially appear (no icons, just the background would show) and then nothing else would happen. finally, i would take the battery out of the computer and reseat it and boot it up again. each time it would finally (after a long long time) come up but each time i would then not be able to connect to my wireless connection. (my husbands laptop connects to the wireless with no problem). after i would shut it down several more times, it would finally boot up and find the wireless. the same thing happened each of the last 3 or 4 tiimes.

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Dell Dimension 8200 Won't Boot

Apr 21, 2005

I have a Dell Dimension 8200 desktop running WinXP Home however It won't boot to the hard drive. I replaced the drive with a known working one and it still doesn't boot, says Diskette Drive 0 Not Found, however I figured that was referring to the floppy drive. Tried switching the ide cables around and that didn't work either. The power supply is working, as well as all of the fans. Its running a 1700mh processor. Cd-Rom works fine, and I can boot to a CD, I can browse the files if I boot to Knoppix, however it simply won't boot to the Hard Drive. I ran FixMbR and FixBoot in the recovery console, to no avail. Bios is configured properly, and I haven't touched the jumpers. Just to be sure I tried the hard drive in another system, and it wouldn't boot in that one either. Might be the mother board?

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Dell System Keeps Looping - Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2006

I've done something and not only do I not know what I did, but how on earth to get around it. I've been working on a Dell system and have gotten rid of several games, programs described as spyware or adware when I googled them and that's about all. Now, however, the system simply won't boot up. It just keeps looping after the Dell screen comes up. I tried booting from a boot disk from drive A: but can't even get in that way. Does anyone have any ideas what I might have done and?moreover?how to get in to the darn thing so I can fix it?

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System Will Not Boot Pass Dell Welcome Screen

Jun 1, 2010

System will not boot pass Dell welcome screen. Does not respond to F2/F12/F8 and this all began after i clear cmos. Original problem was BSOD so now i wish to do a clean install but unable to enter the bios to set PC to boot from CDrom. Got into safe mode once but it freezes. I piggy back the HD to another pc, did a virus/malware clean then defragged and clean the hd. Now i am ready for a fresh install but cannot get pass the dell screen. I tried 4 keyboards but still the same. The dell screen shows the F2=SETUP, f12 = Boot menu and Bios revision 1.0.10.

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Dell 4550 Won't Boot To New Hard Drive

May 23, 2010

i have a dell deminsion 4550 i was given. it has a pentium 4 2. 4GHZ sounded like a good machine. nut it's not i wanted to put in a newer hard drive with xp pro just like the original and it won't boot. the original was 30GB the new is 40 (40 the max for the machine?) the origanal is from 2002 the new from 2005 both maxtor diamond max 3.5 series. there online support for sayed it wont work. i know i tried but this is wired becuse almost any other computer you can put in a hard drive and it will boot

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Dell Optiplex Gx200 Wont Boot Up

Oct 9, 2008

My optiplex gx200 pc wont boot up it freezes up after the setup page .

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Dell Laptop Will Not Boot Up - No Bootable Devices

Aug 1, 2008

when I try to power on my Inspiron B120 laptop, it takes me to the System Administrator password. I enter that then it simply shows the text "no bootable devices, strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility" if I press F1 it simply repeats the same text Setup utility is no help.

I hit F12 once when first powering on the computer and went into the boot menu
I ran the "Pre-Boot Sytem Assesment Build 3020"
When it ran through that test everything 'passed' the tests, but in the 'DST status test' it failed and stated that no hard drive was detected.

I haven't downloaded anything maliscious, or dropped my computer. What happened to my hard drive? and is there anything I can do now to get it up and running again?

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DELL XPS400 System Loading But Won't Boot Up

Sep 26, 2007

My son recently used our computer one evening and logged off without a hitch. The very next day, when I went to use it, all I got was the WindowsXP splash screen indicating that the system was loading. However, that's as far as the operating system would go. I can only use the computer in Safe mode. I have all the backup & resource CDs. Is there anything I can do besides a full restore. What do I do first? This is a WindowsXP Pro MCE2005 operating system.

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Dell Pc Missing System32 File - Won't Boot

Oct 1, 2007

We made the mistake of ordering Dell pcs for work (Never Again & we advise against it!) because they do not include Windows OS disks with the units. They include it on a partition of the HD: (-nice of them). Now one system will not boot up and it is completely out of the question to restore the system to it's original factory setting because of the monetary value of the files that will be lost.

Technically, all it's missing is the WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/... file(s) and on any "normal" pc, popping in the WinXP disc on boot and hitting "r" usually solves that problem. However, F5 and booting the system at its last working condition does not work. Thanks to Microsoft's security features, we cannot use another XP disc to fix this problem. And I will never contact Dell's support line since they've tried to charge us for technical support before they'd give us any help. And this was on a brand new pc that we just purchased. (For some reason did not boot up and they wanted to charge us in order to get it started! - Main reason I will NEVER purchase a computer from Dell ever again.... no CD's is the 2nd reason.) Anyway, the only option we have is to take it in for servicing or place the HD in a second pc.

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Sp3 Installation On Dell Laptop Results In Boot Loop

Aug 27, 2009

I recently Installed windows sp sp3 on my dell laptop and after i restarted the computer i found that i am stuck in a boot loop! i cannot boot to anything not safe mode or last known good config. Everytime it boots to normal windows, it gets to the boot screen scrolls across once and then stops and shows a blue screen for about a second, not enough time for me to see, and then it reboots and repeats the process. I have been able to see the bsod because of disabling the auto restart and it showed this stop : c0000221 unknown hard error systemrootsystem32 tdll.dll. When i boot into safe mode it gets to the agp440.sys or whatever it is then restarts.Now im pretty sure this is a common problem with sp3 installs, but isnt that normally on amd machines where you have to disable intelppm. Im running a dell with a pentium 4 m processor so it cant be that.

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Dell Dimension 4550 Computer Getting A Boot Cycle

Jun 8, 2010

i bought this dell demension 4550 used i turn it on it says to hit f12 to reboot i do that and it comes back to the same f12 reboot how do i fix this problem

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Get Blue Screen When Boot Up Dell Dimension 8400

Mar 29, 2008

I get a blue screen when I boot up my Dell Dimension 8400 (XP Home Edition). The message indicates that it is a registry error. I have not added any new hardware or software or any drivers recently. I can not start in safe mode. I have run windows XP home edition setup from the Dell XP installation disc. when I select either enter to setup windows XP or R to repair using the Recovery Console, I do not ger very far before I again get the blue screen message.

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Dell Dimension 8400 Getting Boot Up Error On Startup?

Oct 2, 2009

Starting a few days ago my Desktop would freeze at the Dell boot up screen.. Id have to turn it off then back on to get anywhere.. The 1st time this happen I turned it off an back on twice an got through.. I didnt think much of it.. Today I was working on the computer and everything just froze At that very moment the last thing i did was change the screen saver to none.. then it all froze.. This time when booting up it jus kept freezing i didnt think i was going to be able to get through but on pwoer up i heard a beep an got an error saying it was having trouble booting up at checkpoint[Ithr]

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Dell Dimension 310 System Wont Boot / Nothing On Monitor?

Oct 1, 2007

All of a sudden when I start my dell - it does not boot.I just get an amber blinking light on the start up button. Nothing on the monitor.We have had many power outages in my area after which this happens. After a day or so the Dell will boot up. Yesterday I just pressed restart and since then all I am getting is the amber blinking light again on the start up button and nothing on the screen.

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Cannot Boot Dell Laptop - Unable To Start In Any Modes

Jan 31, 2006

I hit the power button and I get the blue screen with the Dell logo and then the black screen that says, "Initializing Intel (R) Booting Agent..." in white text at the top. (All normal). Right after that, it goes to an error page with the text, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware of software change might have caused this" and so on and so forth. To my knowledge, there have been no recent hardware or software changes. My options from there are as follows:

- Safe Mode
- Safe Mode with Networking
- Safe Mode with Command Prompt
- Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
- Start Windows Normalliy

I am unable to start in any of the modes offered to me. The excuse given for all of this inconvenience is that, "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to repair.".......

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Dell Inspiron 6000 Won't Boot From CD With Large Drive

Jan 17, 2010

I have the a problem with my Dell Inspiron 6000. I wanted to change my 60 GB HD with a 320 GB Western Digital HD. I knew about the maximum 137 GB that the BIOS could recognoze, but when I booted from the XP CD it looked like it could recognize the entire 320 GB HD, so I thought OK and tried to make only one partition of 320 GB.
After doing this when I start my laptop I only get the blinking cursor in the upper left corner. So I pretty much knew that it was because I partioned my drive to large.

And this is where my REAL problem begins. I am trying to boot from the XP CD to make more partitions under the 137 GB limit. However my computer won't boot from the CD and let me delete the 320 GB partition. I jut get a black screen?! My computer just refuses to boot from the CD and it's also unable to boot from the hard drive (which never worked after the installation).

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Dell Dimension 3000 Will Not Boot After Removing Password

Oct 3, 2006

Checking computer for a friend. It is a Pentium 4 2.80GHz running windows xp, bios ver. A01, 512MB memory. They called Dell and were told to take it to a technician, which I am not, and they cannot afford it.When turned on it showed the Dell logo and then asked for a password which they had no idea what it was. It would not do anything at all. After doing a lot of reading on this forum and others I decided to remove the password by changing the jumper on the motherboard that said ctr password for,30 seconds, and then putting it back in place and start the computer again.It then booted to a screen that said " We appologize for the inconvenience but windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this. After some more explaining of possible causes it had the options of starting in, Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Safe Mode with Networking, Last known good configeration, Start Windows normally. Use the up and down arrows to highlight your choice.When I do highlight any one of the choices and hit enter the computer stops responding at all.

I can now get in and check the system info etc. It showed no password. It also shows no cdrom installed and it has a cdrom and dvd. It only shows the hard drive and floppy drive. The hard drive is a Segate Barracuda 7200.7 80 Gbytes.I ran the diagnostics that are on the computer and everything checked out except the Read Test on the hard drive. It said IDE Disk Error Code 0F00.0244 Msg Block 77765935. Uncorrectable data error or media is write protected.I then tried to run a virus check from Fix-It Utilities on floppy. After the second disc it stopped and said it was unable to read drive c to restore boot area.Did I do something to the hard drive by removing the password and is there any way to check the hard drive for a virus? I don't understand why Dell told them to take it to a tech.

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Dell Boot - Flash Screen - Loading Discription

May 24, 2007

So I was surfing the net, when I got the dreaded BSOD, so I restarted my machine, and the flash screen cameup okay, at first, after the flash screen, it was saying
"Loading descriptor for PBR 2...done Disk Read error Press control, alt, delete ro restar now it is saying"Loading descriptor for PBR 4...done

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Dell 5100 - Can't Boot - No Hard Drive Found Error

Jan 23, 2006

My notebook froze overnight. While rebooting my notebook, I get: No hard drive found error. After several reboots, I get CANNOT LOAD OPERATING SYSTEM. I insert the XP CD to repair XP - No Go. I insert the XP CD to do a fresh install - it tells me to format my hard drive. But I need the data on there. Never happened before - and I am lost.

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Dell Dimension 4550 Won't Boot - Black Screen With Cursor

Jun 13, 2010

I left a MICROSOFT WORD CD in the player and shutdown, the next day I turn on the computer and the CD started up, and it has gone to black screen with cursor each time I start it now. I get 2 choices, F2 or F12. The 4 code lights on the back panel are all green indicating no problems, what can I try?

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Dell 2400 Wont Boot Get F1 And F2 And Number Lock Light

May 16, 2010

I have dell 2400, when I try boot I get the f1 and f2 only keyboard failure and mouse failure with num lock lights all time.

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Dell 8400 Wont Boot / Unable To Connect To A Network?

Jul 15, 2008

My dad's Dell 8400 is having a series of issues. He posted a similar thread in the Hardware forum, but it's possible it might be more than hardware, so checking here to see if ya'll might have some suggestions (as I know this forum gets more visibility and he's getting anxious).He turned on the computer last night to have it not booting up at all. It gave a series of 4 beeps followed by 2 beeps, and then wouldn't do anything after that. He tried multiple times, with one or two of them bring him to the BSD asking to boot in safe mode or system restore.

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Dell Laptop Boot Memory Write / Read Failure

Jan 8, 2005

When I boot my Dell Inspiron 3800 laptop I get an error message. The background is black and in white text at the top of the screen it reads, "Memory write/read failure at 10000000 read 00ef02ee expected before 00ef00ef decreasing available memory. Does anyone out there know what this means or how to fix this?

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