Dell 8400 Wont Boot / Unable To Connect To A Network?

Jul 15, 2008

My dad's Dell 8400 is having a series of issues. He posted a similar thread in the Hardware forum, but it's possible it might be more than hardware, so checking here to see if ya'll might have some suggestions (as I know this forum gets more visibility and he's getting anxious).He turned on the computer last night to have it not booting up at all. It gave a series of 4 beeps followed by 2 beeps, and then wouldn't do anything after that. He tried multiple times, with one or two of them bring him to the BSD asking to boot in safe mode or system restore.

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Unable To Launch OS On Dell Dimension 8400?

Mar 2, 2008

Sometimes this computer will start, sometimes it wont When it doesnt, the On button just flashes orange, when it should be solid green. Sometimes it will start up and get to the log on screen and then just shut down and flash orange. It works fine when it does turn on. Iv been through the dell help and support stuff and that doesnt help

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Unable To Install Home Edition On A Dell Dimension 8400?

Aug 27, 2006

My hard drive's windows files have become corrupt and I need the files on it, so I purchased a new hard drive. I can't seem to install Windows XP Home onto the new hard drive. Everything goes fine, but then I get an error message saying it can't install the product catalogs. Is this because I'm using a reinstall CD that was provided by Dell.

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Get Blue Screen When Boot Up Dell Dimension 8400

Mar 29, 2008

I get a blue screen when I boot up my Dell Dimension 8400 (XP Home Edition). The message indicates that it is a registry error. I have not added any new hardware or software or any drivers recently. I can not start in safe mode. I have run windows XP home edition setup from the Dell XP installation disc. when I select either enter to setup windows XP or R to repair using the Recovery Console, I do not ger very far before I again get the blue screen message.

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Dell Dimension 8400 Getting Boot Up Error On Startup?

Oct 2, 2009

Starting a few days ago my Desktop would freeze at the Dell boot up screen.. Id have to turn it off then back on to get anywhere.. The 1st time this happen I turned it off an back on twice an got through.. I didnt think much of it.. Today I was working on the computer and everything just froze At that very moment the last thing i did was change the screen saver to none.. then it all froze.. This time when booting up it jus kept freezing i didnt think i was going to be able to get through but on pwoer up i heard a beep an got an error saying it was having trouble booting up at checkpoint[Ithr]

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Icons Disappearing / Unable To Connect To Network?

Feb 25, 2006

I have had numerous problems with my PC - including disappearing icons, connectivity problems (I have cable internet and all seems to be in order but I can't connect a lot). I also have settings on my PC that somehow change themselves. So, I've read through the forums and decided to try the Hijack this solution and was hoping someone could help. I also cannot use Internet Explorer - I get a window that mentions internet settings. Before that window came up I saw something to the effect of c:windowssystem 32 error.

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Sep 28, 2010

i am unable to connect 10 systems using windows xp, i am using dlink 16 port switch, each systems detects network at a speed of 100 Mbps, the network is not connected to internet, so i used manual configuration of ip. all other settings i know of is ok, the fire walls are off, it uses norton antivirus. what do i do to get the systems connected. pls help it is hanging on my neck.

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Unable To Connect Internet / Network Connections Wont Work?

Feb 13, 2005

When i connect to the internet, The Icon of the two small computers does not go to my Task bar ( near the tasks eg: msn messenger ), until i go to My Network Connections, Right click and press Refresh... i mean it does'nt go automaticaly, same as my network connection when its aquiring the ip, it stays there in my tray until i refresh my Network connections, Anybody knows a workaround ? I don't have any idea why that happened, i don't remember missing with anything

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Home On Dell Demension 8400

Feb 19, 2009

I got a used Dell Demension 8400, XP Home installed (OEM). I own a copy of XP Home which is not installed on any other machine, I tried updating drilling down through using does take the product key. What might I be doing wrong? Thanks.

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Dell Dimension 8400 Getting Series Of Six Beeps?

Feb 22, 2010

When I fire up my dell the fan turns on full blast and there is a series of 6 beeps. Not sure what to do.

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Dell 8400 Coming Up With Unreadable Files?

Sep 14, 2010


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Turing On Dell Dimension 8400 Results In Nothings?

Mar 29, 2010

My Dell was running perfectly. I turned it off for a couple of months. When I turned it back on nothing at all happens. A friend said it could be the power supply. I looked inside and found a lot of dust. Don't know what the internal power supply looks like.

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Dell Dimension 8400 Getting Blue Screen On Startup?

Sep 20, 2010

When i start up my dell 8400 it goes straight to the black screen stating windows did not shut down properly and asks to start in normal safe mode so on... no matter which option i choose it goes straight to the blue screen stating the physical dump of memory how can i fix this problem

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Dell 8400 Getting Floppy Diskette Seek Failure?

May 21, 2010

Dell 8400 desktop..On bootup, the Dell logo screen appears and goes to a 'dos-like' screen advising: Floppy diskette seek failure, strike F1 key to continue or F2 to run Setup Utility'.I get no response from F1 other than a beep. F2 brings me to the setup menu, but can I get to safe mode just in case my 5.5 yr old computer is about dead? Dell just replaced the motherboard & power supply in Oct after that quit working after a surge protected power outage. I don't have many personal files on the C drive other than my iTunes & my email

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Automatic Computer Shutdown - Dell Dimension 8400

May 27, 2006

I have a Dell Dimension 8400 running windows xp home. 2.99GHZ processor and 58 GB free space left. My problem: My computer automatically goes into hibernation mode and will not start up again for at least 5-10 minutes after. It gives no warning whatsoever when this happens. I'm risking it happening right now. I have the computer set to stay on at all times. All power options are set to "never" turn off.

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Dell Dimension 8400 - Volume Is Dirt CHKDSK

Aug 15, 2009

I have a Dell dimension 8400 running XP. Error on startup reads:checking file system on C:The type of the file system is NTFS The volume is dirt CHKDSK goes through all 3 stages and completes them. The last thing it says is 'Usn Journal verification completed'.But nothing else will respond. I have pulled the plug and started in safe mode, same thing happens or it will run a bunch of dos commands and stop with no result.I have read lots of other threads but I can't find the same exact problem. I can't get to a dos prompt (i think) to type in some of the commands I read about.

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Dell Dimension 8400 - Can Not Locate A Hard Drive To Install

Mar 5, 2007

Had a major crash and now can not install windows on the Dell pc as it can not see the hard drives anymore.

Installed a brand new hard drive and still no luck just says can not locate a hard drive to install windows on, done a check in the bios on the hard drive and it says it's fine but can not see it on the fresh install.

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Graphics Card Upgrades For Dell Dimension 8400 Desktop PC?

Dec 17, 2009

I would like to upgrade my Dell 8400's graphic card.I am not a gamer.I just purchased a 21" HP widescreen monitor that is capable of 1920x1080 to replace the original (4:3 aspect ratio)Dell monitor that came with the computer.I just want a good quality,name-brand card that will provide the 1920x1080 resolution for the new monitor. The card that came with the computer is not capable of that resolution. My operating system is Windows XP.

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Home Network Unable To Connect With Home And Pro?

Sep 14, 2005

I am trying to set up a home network to connect my laptop (with xp pro) to my desktop (with xp home) i am using a 3com office conect router as a hub. With the fire walls on each machine switched off I can see each of the machines from each other.I can share files on the laptop with the desktop, but when I try to access the desktop from the laptop I get the following message : xxxxxxx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource.
Login Failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

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Clone IDE To Sata From Dell Dimension 2400 For Dimension 8400

Feb 12, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 2400 1.6ghz 1gb RAM with XP Pro on it for several years now. It has many programs installed on it. I purchased a faster used Dell Dimension 8400 3.6ghz hyperthreading 3gb RAM with XP Pro on it.My question is simple. My Dimension 2400 has an IDE hard drive and the 8400 has SATA. Rather than spend days re-installing and tweaking all of the programs on the 8400 I tried the following. I used Acronis Easy Migrate 7 to Image the IDE hard drive to the SATA hard drive and installed it into the 8400. It would not boot, I tried a repair install, then while booting I get a blue screen stop Error 0x0000007B. What do I have to do to fix this so it will boot?

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Cannot Boot Dell Laptop - Unable To Start In Any Modes

Jan 31, 2006

I hit the power button and I get the blue screen with the Dell logo and then the black screen that says, "Initializing Intel (R) Booting Agent..." in white text at the top. (All normal). Right after that, it goes to an error page with the text, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware of software change might have caused this" and so on and so forth. To my knowledge, there have been no recent hardware or software changes. My options from there are as follows:

- Safe Mode
- Safe Mode with Networking
- Safe Mode with Command Prompt
- Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
- Start Windows Normalliy

I am unable to start in any of the modes offered to me. The excuse given for all of this inconvenience is that, "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to repair.".......

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Unable To Find Xfs Geforce GG 8400 Graphics Card Driver?

Jun 29, 2010

Unable to find Xfs geforce gG 8400 Graphics Card Driver?

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Network Connetion Folder Unable To Retrieve List Of Network Adapters

Mar 8, 2006

I have Windows XP Sp2 whe i try to chanhe ip in "Local Area Connection" i got following message:" Network Connetion Folder was unable to retrive the list of network Adapters":i checked "Services" .Ok working fine then what 's the problem??

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IIS And Networks: Connect To My Db While It's On The Network Using IIS?

Jul 28, 2005

I've installed an Access database on our network. Can I connect to my db while it's on the network using IIS? I've tried in the past and have always gotten the message telling me that the db has to be local.

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Connect Three Computers To My Network

Apr 4, 2007

I have three computers that i need to connect to each other and to my network. What I want to do is put 2 NICs in each of the three computers and connect Computer A to Computer C and Computer B to Computer C via crossover cable. The second NIC in each of the three computers will be used to connect each of the computers to my network

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Network Detected But Cannot Connect

Aug 2, 2010

My wireless connection says that it is connected to the network, but can't connect to the internet. Tried to repair through MSN and said that my default gateway is down or something of that nature.

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Cannot Connect To Internet - WAN Network Drives

Oct 19, 2006

i reformated compaq laptop presario 700 have WAN network driver and bunch of aol stuff

Aol uninstall not in Add/Remove list shouldn't i be able to connect the cable modem here at work to this laptop i've been working on?i plug cable in and no connection to i forgetting a basic thing to do?

This is my boss's daughter laptop that was Kazaa infected so i reformated.

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Cannot Connect Printer Through Wireless Network

Aug 28, 2006

I had a problem trying to connect my Canon Pixma 4000 so that I could access it wireless via our home LAN. I have one laptop(the wife's) attached directly to the router (cable service from Optimum). My laptop is used wirelessly from another part of the home. All was working well, except I could never get the printer to work so that I could use it wirelessly, so I had it plugged in directly to my laptop. Up to this point, it was all ok. I have AVG and ZoneAlarm running on both computers. A friend, (really) was at my home and volunteered to connect the printer so that it would work wirelessly. He is a UNIX administrator, manages a number of pc's too. I thought, "this is great, my own administrator".

To shorten the story, he removed ZA, the computer will not work wirelessly, only works when connected directly to the modem and the printer doesn't work wireless. I called ZA, and they guided me through removing all the "orphans" that were left behind, so that cleared up a problem whereas I could connect to the net, but couldn't get to another url. I did not re-install ZA yet, because I don't want to add anything else into the mix. I will post a HJT log if that is what is needed. I DO NOT care if the printer works wirelessly. I will live with it connected to the back of my computer, BUT, I do want my laptop to work wirelessly so that both me and my Frau can be on-line at the same time. I have been through the IP address checking, all is ok there. If I try to connect via the SYSLINK wireless, I get nothing, even PING ing different sites gets no valid response. Regrettably, I have some tech knowledge, but not enough to figure out this one.

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Can't Connect To Network On Compaq Presario

Mar 10, 2010

I have just installed Windows XP and am trying to connect to a network via Ethernet on a Compaq Presario SR5130NX.I have green lights on the network cable and when I boot into Ubuntu (Linux), the network works fine. In Windows XP, when I go to Control Panel > Network Connections > Set up a home or small office network, I get a message: "The wizard cannot find your network hardware." Under Device Manager, there is nothing to do with network components, so I'm pretty sure that I need drivers.

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Network Connections Connect As Services?

Oct 9, 2007

I have read that you can get network connections such as Dial-up, and VPN to connect at boot of windows using windows services. - But it did'nt say how. I have found out how to add a new service, But I don't know where the root for the network connection I want to connect to is. Can anyone give me any advice or tell me where the network connections root is?

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Unable To Access Network Connections In Network Folder?

Feb 2, 2006

i have a problem with my network folder.It seems that I can't see my existing network connections in the folder! I first noticed this when i click on my dial-up connection the connection window won't come up.When i open the network connections folder in the control panel, an error message comes up with this message:The Network Connections Folder was unable to retrieve the lsit of Network adapters on your machine. Please make sure that the Network Connections service is enabled and running.

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