Hard Disk Is Not Working After Unplugging In Windows 7

May 26, 2011

i have unplugged my hard drive from my pc and plugged back in then this message comes up "reboot or select proper boot device or insert boot media in boot device and press a key"

i tryed with CD it doesnt work

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WD Hard Disk Not Working?

Oct 24, 2012

my 1 tb wd harddisk is not being detected by the system. so i opened my cpu and got that afted being power up my system, the hdd is vibrating (rotating) for a while then it stops. i have some important files on it and i dont know waht to do.

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Hard Disk Activity Light Not Working

Jul 12, 2012

when ever i turn my computer on, the Hard Disk Light gose off And the screen gose black, but the all the lights are on..

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Installed New Hard Drive On HP Pavillion Dv6 / Boot Disk Not Working

Jul 22, 2012

New to the Tech forum boards but I am having a problem with my HP Pavillion dv6t. The hard drive went bad so I installed a new Seagate 1TB internal hard drive in the notebook. Starts up fine and then it says that "No bootable device found"---insert disk press any key. The disc is in the cd rom, I went into the BIOS enabled the CD/ROM boot option. I also went into the Boot option menu and tried selecting the internal cd/dvd rom drive option and I went into the actual boot order screen and adjusted the boot order so it read the cd-rom drive first then the hard drive. I also am using the HP Application and Driver recovery DVD. I am not sure if the disc is bad or cd drive is bad. The other thought is that because it is a brand new hard drive there is no information on it for the drivers so maybe the computer is not processing the information.

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Change Dynamic Hard-disk To Basic Hard-disk?

Nov 26, 2012

i can not install dual-both window7 and window8 on my computer.i think that may be my hard is dynamite.not basic.

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Optical Disk Installation Of Windows 8 After A Hard Disk Crash?

Oct 22, 2012

I purchased a new PC with Windows 7 in June 2012. It came with a Samsung optical disk containing Windows 7. I am eligible for the $14.99 USD upgrade to Windows 8.Will there be an installation disk for Windows 8 available at this price and if not, then how much more will it cost?If not, then how should I ensure that I can easily install Windows 8 after a hard disk crash? Do I have to keep my Samsung optical disk of Windows 7?

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Hard Disk Is Empty And Windows 7 Os Shows Disk Usage Is 75%

Jul 20, 2011

in my hardisk with G: size 465gb xp shows that 74.86 gb is remaining space......while space used is 0 , there are no hidden files, nothing in the disk K: size 186gb same as above and remaining is 35 gb according to windows xp i: size 196gb .in this only 9 gb is used and xp shows that 10gb is remaining//

i remember, last week everything was ok and all of sudden this problem has occurred. all other drives are ok only these three are way over their own heads.

my system is

Intel Core i5-2300 cpu@2.8ghz
2.79ghz,3.48 GB of RAM
and windows is 32 bit/

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Hard Disk Boot Failure Insert System Disk Press Enter

Mar 29, 2012

im usin 2tb segate new hard disk sir..in my system i cant able to boot my os and also my hard disk...its showin that hard disk boot failure insert system disk press enter ...i restarted many times its sayin the same problem...in my gigabite mobo bios my hard disk is not get detected sir....the problem is that wen im installin the new os for 2nd time its all went nice only sir but at the completion of the os it wil ask for the user name and password but in my system its frozen sir fully of black screen and i cant able to do anythin so i restarted my system from that im gettin this error as hard disk boot failure insert system disk press enter.....that my new hard disk and all of my data is in that hard disk only..this problem arises wen im installing the os for 2nd time sir.

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Windows 7 Unplugging HDMI Display Speakers

May 28, 2012

I use my computer mainly for living room entertainment and I use my HDTV (LG LED 1080p) as my main computer screen. Everything used to work fine but I've recently started having problems with the sound. When I turn the computer on, the sound works perfectly. However, if I close the TV or change the input from my computer to anything else, and then go back to the computer, the sound is gone.I looked through the sound options in the Control panel and noticed that the sound problem comes from my TV speakers (identified as AMD HDMI output) being unplugged. This is obviously impossible because the speakers are in the TV so this must be a Windows problem. This output works perfectly when the sound is on.My TV is connected to my computer through a single HDMI cable for sound and image (ATI Radeon 5700 graphics card and ASUS M4A79XTD EVO motherboard on-board soundcard, both with latest drivers). I use Windows 7 premium home edition 64-bit and I have 4 GB of RAM. i found that either logging off from Windows or restarting the computer will bring the sound back on. Unfortunately, as soon as I turn off the TV or change the input, the sound goes off again.

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Hard Disk Error 'disk Structure Is Corrupted And Unreadable'

Sep 10, 2012

I have IOmega 1 TB hard drive. 2 days ago, my comp restarted suddenly after which my external drive is corrupted.I get the error 'H: is not accessble' The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.It shows up in the disk management as RAW file system,I have almost 700 GB of important documents, pictures & files that I don't want to lose.Does anybody know of any good recovery software that can help.

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Can I Install Win7 On A New Hard Disk Using A Upgrade Disk ?

Nov 13, 2009

I have few questions on Windows 7 Upgrade. Currently I'm using windows vista home premium 64 bit and I bought an windows 7 home premium 64 bit upgrade disk.

first thing is I want to format my previous operating system and all the data in my laptop and install windows 7 in it using the Upgrade disk.

second thing is I don't have my vista installation disk with, my laptop was pre-installed with vista so in future if I want to switch can I get back VISTA using system restore.

third is can i install windows 7 on a new hard disk using a windows 7 Upgrade disk?

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Disk Read Error And Recovery Disk Not Working?

Mar 14, 2012

i have a toshiba satellite C650 that has recently come up with a disk read error. I want to access the command prompt to try some potential solutions that I have read about on the internet. I have made a Windows 7 recovery disk using my other acer laptop which also has Windows 7 installed. When I use the recovery disk and it has loaded the files etc it just brings up a black screen and the cursor. I tried booting my acer laptop from the recovery disk and it worked fine. why I am getting the 'disk read error - hit ctrl, alt and delete to restart' message?

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100% CPU Usage After Unplugging AC Power?

Dec 9, 2009

I've had Win7 for a few months now (thanks to MSDN Academic Alliance) but I've just recently started having this problem. I'm running Win7 Professional on my HP HDX16 laptop. My laptop basically runs flawless when plugged into AC power. When I unplug it, however, CPU usage skyrockets to 95%-100%. I managed to look at the task manager one time at noticed that it isn't necessarily one process that is crippling my computer; It's more like 4 or 5 programs that run around 20 CPU and the rest of the processor is used by various other programs. The process hogging programs vary sometimes, but it usually includes audiodg (audio device graph), mcshield (Mcafee), and a few other svchost (usually Win Defender, Win Firewall and AudioEndpointBuilder). I have the IDT HD audio card for those wondering (and all of the latest drivers from HP).

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Lag When Unplugging / Plugging In Laptop

Dec 21, 2009

Ok so before this lag i used windows vista (worked fine) and now i use windows 7 and when i unplug and plug in my computer i get really bad lag and sometimes it disconnects me from my wireless network and reconnects me. Now this happens about 80% of the time and its mostly when im running a game.

Computer Specs:

Computer Name: Compaq Presario CQ50-142US

Mother Board: Winstron Model: 360B

Cpu: Intell(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz

Ram: 3072 MBs

Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) Express Chipset Family

If you need any more info just leave a response saying so and ill post what i can.

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BSOD When Unplugging Ethernet Cable

Mar 28, 2012

Windows 7 x64 pro? the original installed OS on the system? OEM = came pre-installed on system, What is the age of system (hardware)? 2.5 yrs What is the age of OS installation 2.5 yrs (have you re-installed the OS?-NO)

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BSOD When Unplugging Xbox 360 Accesories

Apr 4, 2009

Basically it just gives a BSOD every time i unplug the usb.

I have the latest beta drivers downloaded from windows update.

I have a wired control and the xplorer guitar (gh2), both works perfectly, the only trouble is when i unplug.

The BSOD indicates something like irql less or equal 0x000000a

BTW i cant upgrade the driver because it gives the BSOD when disabling it to do the upgrade.

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No Boot After Unplugging Setup Drive

May 2, 2009

I have downloaded the Windows 7 RC1 ISO and "burnt" it onto a 16GB OCZ Throttle eSATA / USB drive (exactly as in the SevenForums tutorial). I can boot from this drive and install Windows with no problem.

But... I believe the 200MB system partition is somehow being placed on the flash drive, because once I disconnect it and attempt to boot, I get the standard "DISK BOOT FAILURE..." message.

I've followed the suggestions on the "How to avoid 200MB hidden system partition" page (i.e., pre-create the desired partitions on the installation drive rather than installing to unallocated space), but I'm still getting the problem.

The "Windows might create additional partitions..." dialog box popped up once, on my first installation attempt - and I did foolishly click "OK" to it. It hasn't appeared since for me to click "Cancel" to, however much I try deleting and remaking partitions

Has anything changed in RC1 regarding the system partition? Is it more persistent in creating it than it was with the Beta?

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BSOD When Unplugging EasyCAP In Ulead Movie?

Aug 2, 2012

As i just recovered from a bunch of BSOD's caused by cheap Chinese RAM, i now just got a stop error while unplugging a cheap Chinese capture card.This is not the first time this happened. Here's the most recent BSOD. EasyCAP is JUNK!.zipI really hope this is nothing critical. I'm still licking my wounds from my last Stop Error Misfortune Set.

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Unplugging A Removable Storage Device Such As An External USB

Jul 16, 2012

I tried to install window 7 to new Extreme SSD couple times but I always got the same message:Windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. This error can be caused by unplugging a removable storage device such as an external USB drive while the device is in use, or by faulty hardware such as a hard drive or CD-ROM drive that is failing. Make sure any removable storage is properly connected and restart your computer. If you continue to receive this error message, contact the hardware manufacture.Status: 0xc00000e9..Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.

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Hibernate Laptop Powers Off After Unplugging Power

Jan 31, 2013

I put my Windows 7 laptop to hibernate when it is plugged to the power source. When I unplugged the laptop from the power source, the laptop powers off. The next time I turn on the laptop, it is restarted and I see the screen with a message that says Windows was not properly shut down.

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Windows 7 Hard Disk Error?

Dec 18, 2011

Ok so I had the windows 7 anti virus 2012 on my computer. I used these fourms on BC to try and help and get rid of it and I thought I had. So I downloaded microsoft security essentials to see if I had any remaining viruses and left for work. When I got home from work It said there where errors/threats and that I needed to restart my computer so I did so. But when I tried to restart it I got the Start Computer Normally or Do a system Repair screen. I tried to start my computer normally but whenever I do I get the Hard Disk error message it reads like thisHard Disk ErrorPlease run the Hard Disk Test in System DiagnosticsHard Disk 1 (3f1)F2 System Diagnostics for more information,


I restarted my computer again and that same menu popped up with the Start computer normally or Do a system repair. So I attempted a System Repair it took hours but nothing happened. Am I just being Impatient or is my computer wrecked?Here are my specs:Microsoft Windows 7 Home PremiumProcessor Speed: 2.13 GHzRAM 4 GBIntel Core i3 330MGraphics Card Intel GMA HDStorage Capacity 320 GB

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How To Format Hard Disk With Windows 7

Apr 25, 2011

I have got a laptop with win 7 on it. There is only one drive in laptop which is C: , I want to wipe the hard disk and install win xp professional on it.1- How can i format the hard disk which has win 7 on it?2- After formating the hard disk, would i able to install the window 7 through recovery disk which i have already made incase anything goes wrong?

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How To Install Windows On A Hard Disk

Nov 13, 2012

I bought a new laptop two weeks ago, the os it is running now is windows 7. . There is only one hard disk insideit in 300 gb but in my computer file it is two seperate hard disk.You can see that there are two hard disk one in 99.9 gb, and another is 198 gb. But the windows was installed in 99.9 gb but still i can access the files in 198 gb.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot From Hard Disk

Mar 2, 2012

I converted my 500 gb hard disk to DYNAMIC DRIVE. now my windows 7 won't boot from hard disk. what will i do?? is there any way i can recover my files..??

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Cannot Install Windows To This Hard Disk

Feb 10, 2011

I got a Dell Inspiron 6400 with XP and I'm trying to do a clean install of Windows 7 but this message shows up, any ideas how I can get passed this?

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Installing Windows 7 From Hard-disk?

Nov 11, 2011

I am having a compaq laptop.I am having a 500GB spare HDD which can be used as internal HDD. Its totally empty.Currently there is a 250GB HDD attached to my laptop which is having windows 7.I want to replace my 250GB HDD with 500GB HDD and install windows 7.But my DVD Drive is not working and I also dont have a USB(pen drive).I can connect my 500GB HDD as an external HDD via USB.What i want is to install windows 7 on my 500GB HDD by creating a partion in that 500GB HDD and replacing it with installation of windows 7.and than i'll replace my 250GB HDD with 500GB HDD and install windows 7 via that that partition that i created in 500GB HDD.I dont know how to make that partition bootable.

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Install Xp And Windows 7 On One Hard Disk?

Jun 28, 2011

hai can i install xp and windows 7 on one hard disk

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Boot Old Windows 7 From New Hard Disk?

Jun 20, 2012

i bought a new bigger hard disk.used easyus todo backup to clone my windows partition to the newer hard disk so i can have more space.used EasyBCD to configure boot stuff to new hard disk and made a new entry in the OS .in my old windows.windows cloned new hard disk windows ( which i wanna use i used EasyBCD to boot the A: windows .in that windows the new hard disk windows and old windows still AND moreover all my programs non windows stuff are being run from C: and windows is being used from i dont want to disconnect hard disks . is there anyway so i can move on to new windows and then delete the old smaller partition for storage space

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Changing Hard Disk In Windows 7?

Jan 29, 2013

i changed the hard disk to ma laptop, and this hard disk was working perfectli fine before inserting it on this laptop, and after installing windows 7, then there is this message that says windows detected a hard disk problem that alws pops up. wht cud be de problem coz this disk ws veri good while on anther laptop?

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No Internet Access After Unplugging Ethernet Into Laptop And Back In Pc?

Jul 15, 2011

So pc is working fine I unplug ethernet cable into laptop to access internet on it,works fine, put ethernet back into computer and now there is no access to the internet. The internet still works as I checked it by plugging it back into laptopThe pc is working all software etc. but there is no internet accesswhen internet works on laptop it says public network but on pc network is unidentified and i can't change it. I tried making a new connection but it asks for username and password and I've never done anything like that. Should i type one in and that creates the password etc. or would i need to have one to create it. I don't really know what the network thing is all about I'm a newb on that part.eI tried network trouble shooter and that didn't help either.

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Multiple BSODs After Unplugging And Plugging In Flash Drive?

Dec 16, 2012

Dual Core Windows 7 Pro 64 bit Toshiba laptop. My daughter was working on a Power Point project for school. She went to plug in her flash drive and it didn�t seem to load the drive up. She unplugged it and then plugged it back in. We got a BSOD. We restarted it and it BSOD again. I tried some general troubleshooting, including restoring it to a previous version, and now cannot get into Windows at all. Not even in safe mode. Now I am getting multiple BSODs.

Currently I am seeing these BSODs:

I am getting one when just trying to start and run windows I am getting a BSOD about memory management.

If I try to go into safe mode it loads the files and then I get a BSOD regarding the fbwf.sys. Using the Windows 7 disc I have been able to get to the System Recovery Options. It finds my install and then blue screens with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL even before it gets to finding my install.

Other BSODs I know I have seen are regarding the Ntfs.Sys and PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA.

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