Mail-all Subfolders And Email Gone/lost

Apr 22, 2010

When I emptied my junk mail. When I looked again all my sub folders were gone too- all my business emails and folders. I am desperate. What do i do?.Can I recover them? Where would they be? I am using windows security essensials as antivirus. I am using vista mail.

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Lost Subfolders On Window Mail

Apr 14, 2009

How do I located subfolders that are now mysteriously gone.I had 20 sub folders or more with email correspondence.does anyone know how to recover them or find them?they are not in the trash bid or recycle bin?

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Mail Contacts Subfolders

Feb 28, 2009

I've read several comments regarding the problem I have found about using windows vista mail, all with the same result - no useful solution. Having just moved from Outlook Express, I am accustomed to using sub folders under contacts. I set up subfolders in Vista contacts but they do not show up when I wish to forward an email using "To:" to select members of a folder, ie "family"

How inconvenient to have to search through all 300 or so addresses to find the 5 or 6 I want to forward to. "Family" is mixed in with all the rest. Creating a group is inappropriate when I do not want to send to ALL addresses in a group. Any news on a correction to this problem?

Or, is it possible to import Outlook from my XP system to use on this new one? The "work arounds" I have seen suggested are rediculous - this seems a serious flaw in the product to me! Any news of an improvement with SP2? (I have SP1 preinstalled) So far I find Vista NOT user friendly! Each problem requires hours of research to discover there is no solution...:mad:

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Inbox Subfolders Is Not Working Properly In Mail

Jun 11, 2008

I have all my emails delivered to my inbox. I then (used to and would like again) move any mails I want to keep into a subfolder. What I did previously was right click "inbox", new folder, name it and there it appeared eg RC,type "vista" and a subfolder called vista would appear. If I then wanted to create a sub subfolder I would RC over Vista, type " problems" and that would then appear as a subfolder of vista...........

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Lost Email Book

Jun 11, 2009

I have been trying for close to a month to figure out how to get Vista to display email addresses from the 'address book' or the contacts list, in a much more efficient manner. At the moment, when I go to create an email and click the 'To' button, every single email address entered into the contacts list is displayed.I liked the way outlook express had it set up, email addresses could be entered into sub-folders so that they were in a more logical list. (family/friends/business/etc...). Now when viewing a contacts list, the sub folder are shown... but, what I would really like to be able to do is click that To button, see the address sub folders, and select the recipient from that sub folder list.The windows help and support screen can't find the info I am looking for and many attempts at trying to get the same sort of recipient selection that outlook express gave has failed with what appears to a backward step taken by 'Windows Mail'.

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Lost All Email Messages And Folders

Aug 13, 2009

I've lost all my email messages and folders. I've tried to find in windows explorer but I couldn't. In windows XP I remember the email folders had a dbx extension. But in vista I don??t find anything.

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Lost All Previous Email Files

Mar 23, 2008

I had windows mail on this computer before and then it crashed and had to be rebooted from scratch. Now I have lost all of my previous email files. Is there any way to get them back?

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Lost Email Folder In Winmail

Mar 31, 2010

I have winmail and had an additional folder in it to receive another family member's email. That folder is no longer there. Any ideas of how or where I could find it? Its not in my recycling bin. I have done searches and found nothing.

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Cannot Renaming The Subfolders

Apr 4, 2009

This sounds like one of those Vista curses. I'm the sole new user of a home media center PC running Vista 64 bit ultimate. Privileges are of absolutely zero concern. So I try to rename a folder, call it MainFolder located in UserName | Music and which contains numerous subfolders created by Windows Media Player 11. I can rename the subfolders with no problem. But today, for the first time I tried to rename the MainFolder. I get a warning that I need permission,and to try again (which does nothing).

I right click the folder's properties and see that the read-only attribute is checked (not by me). I uncheck it and try renaming again. Same result, and on my returning to Properties, the read only box is miraculously rechecked. I click on Properties | Security and see that all are checked "Allow" except special permissions, which is blank. I click Advanced, and in the resulting Permissions tab I see the following:

Name Permission

WMP Network Service Full control
WMP Network Service Read
Username Full Control

Anyhow, All I want is For Vista to allow me or anyone using the computer to be able to use it without requiring passwords, secret handshakes, etc...

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Mail Lost

Apr 9, 2009

All mail in Inbox is gone, and seems to be lost in Windows Mail.

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Lost Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have problem. If I get mail I see these mail in my inbox. But leater it is gone. Can not find these mail in any folder.

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Not Showing The Number Of Subfolders

Apr 7, 2009

When I go to a folder and do a right mouse click and go to properties it will show me the number of files I have but not the number of subfolders. How can I find out how many subfolders I have?

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Apr 28, 2008

I have searched everywhere for a Favorites folder in "WINDOWS MAIL" Either I have lost it or I am getting senile, I can't find the folder, I can't import one, I can't copy and paste one.

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Folder Navigation Impossible With Many Subfolders

Jun 20, 2009

Say you have a folder called "Indie Music". It has 300 subfolders with music files (say X, Y, Z, etc.). I want to delete subfolder Y and then have the focus go to X or Z (the previous or the following subfolder). But after deleting Y, my focus is jumping back to "Indie Music", every single time. How am I supposed to keep track of where I was within my 300 subfolders and know which subfolder to focus on next when all I can see is the parent folder? Also, when i rename one of my 300 subfolders, the focus stays with that subfolder after the rename. If I rename "GGGG" to "ZGGG", the focus has gone to "ZGGG", right at the bottom of the tree, and again I have no idea where I was before.

Basic housekeeping with these subfolders has become impossible. I have given up on arranging and managing my music, pictures, etc. and have to transfer all my work folders to another PC where I can work and also keep some sanity. Is there a setting to keep the focus on the previous or next subfolder after deleting or renaming instead of taking it back to the parent folder? I had no choice (Vista or XP) when I bought my new laptop,and I spent hours (that I don't have!) trying to find my way around Vista.

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Seem To Have Lost The Ability To Receive Mail

Sep 11, 2009

just come home from work, check emails as usual, however get the following error message: The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

I haven't changed anything since I changed ISP to BT, then 'mac' helped me out by suggesting changing the SMTP because then I couldn't send mail, I have checked that and nothings changed there so hoping 'mac' will respond to this question.

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Lost All Folders In Windows Mail

Jun 11, 2008

After a reboot I have lost all the folders in Windows Mail. I just have the received mail shown. So no Inbox, Outbox, Sent; Deleted, Junk etc. Never had this happen before or know of anyone who has? See attached file

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Cannot Use Windows Mail Due To Lost Password

Mar 19, 2009

I have a general problem with Windows Vista , the following being an example I would like to solve. When opening Windows Mail, or when I try to send mail, Windows Security has asked me for no apparent reason to ?Please verify that both the username and password are correct for your mail server.? I gave it the information hit OK and the original request reappeared and kept reappearing even though I tried every combination of both I could remember with Caps Lock disabled. Either I have a fault or, in my senility, I have forgotten either or both. Either way Windows Mail does not offer me a solution. This is a serious problem as, although I can receive mail, I cannot send.

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Lost Folders In Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

I don't know what I did but I somehow lost all my folders in Windows Mail. I'm using Windows Home Premium Vista.

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How To Send Email, Receive Email W/ Windows Mail From Public Wirel

Apr 3, 2008

how do I set up windows mail to send & get mail w/attc. I currently use justice .com for web based mail, do not have an isp Ian

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Program Files: Subfolders Names I Don't Recognise

Jun 5, 2010

In my 'program files' folder I see subfolders with names I don't recognise, do not appear under 'control panel - uninstall a program', nor on the start button 'all programs' option. Is it safe to delete them ?

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Windows Mail - How To Recover Lost File?

Aug 23, 2009

I opened up an excel file from an email in Windows Mail and made some changes in it, but forgot to download the file. I did save the file while making changes to it, but just couldn't locate it the next day. how to retrive the file....I spent 3 hours massaging the data in the file.

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Incoming Mails Lost In Windows Mail

Jan 12, 2010

I am using ver. 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205).

I have just had a test done and noticed that on my webmail from my provider there are 7 messages in the inbox. But when I download to Windows Mail, only 4 of the 7 actually come in!?

Is there a known bug or something (e.g. problem with the junkfilter?) There is no set rule from this sender and I have suspected since this several weeks now, so I would have noticed if a rule had misplaced them. Is there a logfile or something to look back on or a freeware tool I could download for diagnostics?

This is my last resort, otherwise I'll have to download thunderbird and neglect this unreliable Windows Mail programm.

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Lost Windows Mail To Outlook Express

Sep 16, 2009

I bought a new HP desktop running Vista, and used a cable to transfer files, contacts, etc. from my old XP machine. Vista's Windows Mail worked fine for a couple of weeks, then suddenly, for no reason, XP's Outlook Express appeared, and Windows Mail disappeared. Every email, including those that I had deleted in XP going back to January '09 showed up; and now when I send an email, it doesn't show up in the "sent" box. I suspect Windows Mail is running in the background, and my sent emails are being saved there. Where is my Windows Mail, and how to I get it to become my default email again? My desktop icon still says "Windows Mail," but when I open it Outlook Express shows up.

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Windows Mail - Lost Folders For Archiving

Dec 28, 2009

I'm using Windows Mail that is "connected" to my Verizon account. Months ago I created subfolders to archive older emails. I diligently moved them into this folder. I also created another subfolder under the archived folder as well. I've had what I can only call "mysterious" issues where e-mails appear and them moments later, they are gone from my inbox. I thought I had the issue (simplistically) solved by diligently moving new items into the archive folder immediately.

Now (12/26/09) those subfolders are gone. They are not under any other folder in Windoes Mail. What is very odd (and there's quite a lot) is that I did find a lot of them now back in my Inbox but not all. The archived folders I created were under the Inbox folder as a subfolder. I don't think this has anything to do with views.

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Retrieve Mail Folders As Lost Someho

Feb 6, 2009

This is the third time now my mail has had problems. I am at the moment attempting to get Microsoft help but that seems to be taking forever. 2 times previous to this I have logged into my Windows Mail and found that they have had to retrieve all my mail folders as they got "lost" somehow. Now I log in yesterday morning to check on some e-mails that I have saved in a folder titled "Job Searches" and all of the e-mails in there are there in title only but have no content. Another folder same thing basically except that every e-mail content is the same. I'm baffled.

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Folders And Subfolders ALL Opened Each Time I Restart Windows!

Mar 27, 2009

Each time I start Windows Mail again, ALL my (150 or so!) folders and subfolders are opened (unfolded)!!! This drives me crazy... Apparently, this does not happen when I close my folders, close Windows Mail and start it again, but only when the system is restarted (not set into sleeping state with Windows Mail staying open, but really restarted). I have even unchecked the option to automatically open the folders with unread messages, though I would like this one to work like in OE, but it did not suppress the problem. I cannot find another option to NOT develop the folders... 99% of my messages were imported from OE, if it may be a clue...

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Way For Shared Drives Connected To All Access To ALL Subfolders And Files?

Feb 17, 2009

I can share a drive, no problem. No one can actually touch any of the data on that drive unless I specifically share each item one by one. Is there a way to share a drive and automatically have EVERYTHING on that drive be accessible to network users?

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Sorting Folders: FAVORITES The Individual Sites And Subfolders

Apr 28, 2010

When I go to START - FAVORITES the individual sites and subfolders appear in one list alphabetically. When I go START and right click on FAVORITES to open it in a window, the folders appear first alphabetically and the individual sites next on the list. The same thing happens when I have a site open and go to FAVORITES from the menu bar. The list is sorted first by folders and then by individual sites. I would prefer to see them listed as the second and third examples show but I cannot get the first one to sort that way. Pretty picky I know, but it is Wednesday after all.

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Long Delay When Displaying Icons In Start Menu Subfolders

Mar 21, 2009

The Start Menu is extremely long opening folders and sbfolders. The magnifying glass turns round and round. It can take over one minute; however, if closing the menu and coming back, I find the folder I tried to open already open; if I try to open one of its sufolders, the same happens again with the subfolder.

I've read the tutorial at Menu Show Delay Time, but that method doesn't solve my case.

I don't know if there is any coincidence, but when this problem appeared all programs started to stop responding from time to time, more often Firefox.

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Deleted Recent Mail Contents, Lost Mails From Outlook 2003

Jul 15, 2009

I deleted my recent E-mail contents from the folder Recent E-mail. So i lost my mails from outlook 2003 also. How can i recover tha mails.

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Can Retrieve "lost" Email

Jan 6, 2010

I have had the frustrating experince of loosing a long carefully composed email when Windows Mail decides to close down !! This often happens as i am inserting Send detsils . I have a post already on this but is their any way i can retrieve the "lost "email as i guess it is still somewhere on my hard drive ? I have tried Restoration ( free software ) but no success

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