Lost Email Folder In Winmail

Mar 31, 2010

I have winmail and had an additional folder in it to receive another family member's email. That folder is no longer there. Any ideas of how or where I could find it? Its not in my recycling bin. I have done searches and found nothing.

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Scrambled Email In Winmail

Jan 28, 2010

I have a large number of folders, several thousand, that I use to keep student tests and forms for our free online Bible College. A new problem has developed, starting October of 2009, which is now increasing in the number of folders affected. The email tests and forms will come in with one Subject line but something totally unrelated in the body of the email. Example: The Subject line will say "The Bible One Quiz Results" but the body will contain the test results for Salvation 5. And the file that is in the body is many times very repetative over several email submissions from my students............

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How Configure WinMail To Synchronize Folders, Not All Mail Folder?

Jul 29, 2009

I just configured Vista's Windows mail to hook up with my gmail account via IMAP. I have my emails stored in a folder structure (gmail calls them "labels"), which was recreated and all the emails downloaded. So far, so good. But then WinMail downloaded all 1700 emails again in the All Mail folder. I bought a small SDD drive for my new machine and do not want all the emails stored locally twice. How do I configure WinMail to synchronize my folders, but not the All Mail folder, and then I can delete the All Mail folder? Or are there any other options I can use?

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Recover Lost Folder?

Sep 14, 2008

I was clearing out space on my computer. I ran across a folder called "recently changed" I had never heard of a folder called that? I opened the folder and there was a log of everything I have done for at least 2 weeks. So I emptied the folder. What a mistake! I have lost pictures that I have downloaded within the last month. I really would like to get these pictures back.

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Lost Windows Document Folder

Sep 12, 2009

I have an ACER laptop with a dual hardrive, so I decided I'd relocate my music folder so that it wouldn't clog up my main drive and allow me to store instead on the second. I accidentally did it to my Documents folder instead, and then after my Music folder. All is well but I now seem to have 2 Music folders to the D drive and no more Documents folder. Here is what I mean:

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Lost Email Book

Jun 11, 2009

I have been trying for close to a month to figure out how to get Vista to display email addresses from the 'address book' or the contacts list, in a much more efficient manner. At the moment, when I go to create an email and click the 'To' button, every single email address entered into the contacts list is displayed.I liked the way outlook express had it set up, email addresses could be entered into sub-folders so that they were in a more logical list. (family/friends/business/etc...). Now when viewing a contacts list, the sub folder are shown... but, what I would really like to be able to do is click that To button, see the address sub folders, and select the recipient from that sub folder list.The windows help and support screen can't find the info I am looking for and many attempts at trying to get the same sort of recipient selection that outlook express gave has failed with what appears to a backward step taken by 'Windows Mail'.

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Lost All Email Messages And Folders

Aug 13, 2009

I've lost all my email messages and folders. I've tried to find in windows explorer but I couldn't. In windows XP I remember the email folders had a dbx extension. But in vista I don??t find anything.

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Mail-all Subfolders And Email Gone/lost

Apr 22, 2010

When I emptied my junk mail. When I looked again all my sub folders were gone too- all my business emails and folders. I am desperate. What do i do?.Can I recover them? Where would they be? I am using windows security essensials as antivirus. I am using vista mail.

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Lost All Previous Email Files

Mar 23, 2008

I had windows mail on this computer before and then it crashed and had to be rebooted from scratch. Now I have lost all of my previous email files. Is there any way to get them back?

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Sent Email Folder Empties

May 24, 2008

How do I retain or find sent emails. After a certain number of times going to the folder (100? is default setting) sent mail compacted and retained somewhere? Want to save/store emails indefinately.

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Found The Email Folder

Jun 19, 2009

I did learn that I have a delete folder for the deleted e-mail, now no matter what I do I cannot delete the mail from the folder. My pc has been running very slow, and I think that could be the problem.

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How Do Folder Containing Email Message

Aug 10, 2009

How do I attach a FOLDER containing several FILES to an E-mail message?

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Controlling Winmail From Vb6

Apr 14, 2008

If i create an email and save it to the desktop i.e. test.eml
and i want to issue a command to open it from vb6 using say notepad then -

Dim txtx
txtx = Shell("c:windowssystem32otepad.exe" + " " +
"C:UsersUserDesktop est.eml", 1)

So how do i get winmail.exe to open test.eml?

C:Program FilesWindows Mailwinmail.exe" + " " +

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Winmail Attachments

Apr 19, 2008

I'm used to Outlook. I am getting email fine - but for whatever reason NO attachments show up AND I KNOW the message has them. This isn't just word docs but PDF and JPG's.

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Blocking Ads In Winmail ?

Aug 10, 2009

Is there a way to block the ads in windows mail without having to turn off Javascript every time I go into my account ? I am currently running adblock plus but it doesn't cut it.

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Winmail.exe. Can Not Working

Feb 19, 2009

wenn ich auf windows mail klicke kommt folgende fehler meldung "windows mail konnte nicht gestartet werden Der Windows Mail-Nachrichtenspeicher konnte nicht ge??ffnet werden. Die Postfachdaten von Windows mail werden derzeit von einem anderen Programm verwendet, z.B. von einem Virenscanner. Schlie??en Sie das Programm, oder warten Sie, bis der vorgang abgeschlossen ist. ??ffnen Sie Windows Mail dann erneut. (0x800c0155,2)dann auf OK Windows Mail konnte nicht gestartet werden, das MSOE.DLL nicht initialisiert werden konnte. was kann man hier machen!

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Empty The Junk Email Folder?

May 7, 2008

When I empty the junk email folder, it only does the last one. I am getting a message that says it the update does not apply to my system. This is a vista machine running nortan 360.

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No Folder, Junk Email Failure

Jun 16, 2009

I can't read my emails because this message keeps popping up and won't let me access my in box. How do i get rid of this?

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Can't Open Default Email Folder

Dec 5, 2008

I inadvertently said I was using an exchange server and now I am trapped in a never-ending cycle of error messages that will not let me change the server settings to the appropriate pop server. In XP you can go to: Control Panel/Mail/Email Accounts/View or Change Existing accounts, but this option doesn't seem to exist in Vista. Here are the messages I get and the outcomes, I've also attached a couple of screen shots. "The connection to Microsoft Exchange is Unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action." At the same time a smaller window is open that says "Configuring Outlook Accounts" The only options presented are to click "X" or "OK" to close the window, once this is done the Microsoft Exchange Window opens with the incorrect server name and account name that I typed in originally. If I try to delete them and click "apply" or "ok" or simply click "X" the following window message appears from Microsoft Outlook:
"Cannot open your default email folders. The file C:/Users/HP/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Outlook/Outlook.ost is not an offline folder file." The options at this point are to click "X" or "Ok" once done the program closes. I have tried uninstalling Office and re-installing, but the Microsoft Exchange Server still remains. I am connected to the internet, all I want to do is change from Exchange Server to pop and supply the necessary pop and smtp information to set-up my email properly. I have been pouring over this for the better part of the day and what's worse is this is for my work email. I am in a remote office, on a laptop, without an IT guy at the moment.

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WinMail Contacts Lists

Feb 13, 2010

I have a rather odd situation, or at least for me, as I have never seen this problem before. The Contacts list in the To dropdown list in the Create mail windows does not match the Contacts list when I click on the Contacts icon on the toolbar of the WinMail window.

The names in the To list are listed with the last name first, which I never do, at least, not by intent. There are also names in the To list that are not in the correct Contacts list, and some that are in the correct Contacts list but not in the To list. There are some of the names from the Messenger that I never send emails to so I don't know how they are getting in that list. It really is irksome to start to send an email and click on the To tab in the email window and the name I want is not listed in that list, but, is in the regular Contacts list, I I have to type in the whole thing, or take the time to look up the name in the correct list and copy past the addy to the To bar in the email............

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Differecne Between Winmail And Outlook

Mar 30, 2009

I have Winmail on my Vista PC. Is there a differecne between Winmail and Outlook?

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Strange Sub-window In WinMail

Jun 13, 2008

Contrary to others I love Vista!Meanwhile I have 3 machines running under Vista (my desktop, my TabletPC and my wife's desktop). What bothers me most at present:
For app. 2 weeks - out if a sudden - on my desktop (and only there) I'm having an unseen phenomenon with the screen layout:

Below the normal parts of the WinMail-window (columns for the folders[left side] and the headers preview and the messages preview [right,upper and lower half]) appears a sub-window with a scrollbar which stretches across the whole WinMail window. This sub-windows always is totally empty (no contents at all).

As this description might be unclear, pls see:

I cab drag this sub-window bigger and smaller. But there always remain a minimal height determined by the "Up" and "Down" scroll-button (arrows).

I checked literally *everything* to get rid of this totally useless(empty) sub-window. To no avail An I already asked in the German Vista NGs. To no avail either {siiiigh}

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Modify Winmail Rule?

Mar 17, 2009

I am using rules to move junkmail to a folder, but I would like to automatically forward it to spam@barracuda.net as well. Is there a way to modify the ACTION spec to forward as well as move?

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Importing From XP Outlook To WinMail

Apr 9, 2008

How do I get my emails from XP Outlook to Vista WinMail? I thought I had backed up my emails in both Vista and Outlook, but when I try to import them it says that the folders are empty, which they are not. The Outlook folders have files with .DBX extensions and the Vista folder has files with numbered files. Can't I somehow just copy these files into the Vista mail store?

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Can Retrieve "lost" Email

Jan 6, 2010

I have had the frustrating experince of loosing a long carefully composed email when Windows Mail decides to close down !! This often happens as i am inserting Send detsils . I have a post already on this but is their any way i can retrieve the "lost "email as i guess it is still somewhere on my hard drive ? I have tried Restoration ( free software ) but no success

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Email Count In One Folder Off By Two With Those Emails Missing

May 9, 2009

Recently I moved two pieces of mail from my Inbox to a folder. There were 5 other pieces of mail in that folder and the count was 5. After moving the mail though the count went up to 7 but the mail did not appear in the folder. Is there any tool or any option or any edit in a folder and/or the Registry purhaps where I can straighten this out. It isn't imperative I recover the email but at a minimum I would like to fix the email count in the folder to be accurate once again. This is Windows Mail in Vista Ultimate 64-bit with all the Microsoft Updates.

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Update To Win Vista Email Folder Encrpted

Aug 20, 2009

Just googled this forum and am so thankful it is out here! Here's my situation: I am in the Army and have an issue with file encryption. I am knowledgable in computers (OS's, software, hardware) but lack any encryption smarts! We recently updated to WIN VISTA Enterprise. We also log into each computer using our ID cards that contain our personal keys or codes on them in the form of a chip. Recently, DOD directed that all its computers will have an encrypted folder on the desktops and that all data with sensitive info. be placed into that folder. I complied with the regulation and proceeded to place my MS OUTLOOK.PST and personal email file.PST into the folder. The next day I went to replace my expired ID Card. I came into work, logged onto my laptop, and could not (and still cannot) access my personal email folder that is encrypted.

Several peeps from our D.O.I.M. (Directorate Of Information Management) have tried and now they tell me its locked forever because my old ID card was used to encrypt it. I have the old key available (the Army actually backed that up for me) and have tried accessing my personal email file using that key to no avail. (It was a lengthy process and I can't remember all the steps but we did use the old key but apparently it will NOT work with my new ID Card) Is there a way to decrypt this file? The Army is out of ideas!

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Winmail Shuts Down On Receiving Some E-mails

Mar 15, 2009

I presume that Vista mail is winmail.I find when I am downloading some e-mail, winmail reports an error and either shuts down or restarts. This only occurs with some e-mail i.e.that from some newspapers giving me e-mail bulletins of up-to-date news.eg. The Times online news. (UK) ,Can anyone explain why this happens, what is happening and how I can stop it from happening? When Winmail is restarted there is no problem viewing the e-mail.

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Open WinMail E-mail Attachments

Jul 29, 2009

After giving up for a while I am once again attempting to open WinMail e-mail attachments. What I did today was uninstall IE8 (thanks for the procedure). Once this completed, the machine rebooted to save changes. I then opend IE and clicked "help" to check the verion (7). So far so good. Then I went back to WinMail and tried opening an attachment. Still unable to open a .jpeg, ..doc, .pdf, etc. Right click, "save to" funtion doesn't work either.

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Email Message Automatically Moved To The Drafts Folder

Feb 8, 2010

I use Hotmail as my email provider. I have Windows Vista Home Prem. 64 bit.Everytime I reply or create a new outgoing msg. the msg. is automatically moved to the Drafts Folder after only 2-3min. Since I am a very slow typist and take time to research info it is not good for me. Can someone tell me how to lengthen the time to about 10 min. before it transfers the msg.?

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