Email Count In One Folder Off By Two With Those Emails Missing

May 9, 2009

Recently I moved two pieces of mail from my Inbox to a folder. There were 5 other pieces of mail in that folder and the count was 5. After moving the mail though the count went up to 7 but the mail did not appear in the folder. Is there any tool or any option or any edit in a folder and/or the Registry purhaps where I can straighten this out. It isn't imperative I recover the email but at a minimum I would like to fix the email count in the folder to be accurate once again. This is Windows Mail in Vista Ultimate 64-bit with all the Microsoft Updates.

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Incoming Email: Unable To Receive Emails On Windows Email But I Can Send Them Fine

Mar 23, 2008

I am unable to receive emails on windows email but i can send them fine.

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Webmail Missing Emails

May 30, 2009

I set up windows mail from a email account. Now my comcast account doen't have any of the unread mail in the inbox, it says empty. Its all in windows mail. I cannot get my emails from anywhere but home. Windows mail srews up so much of my mail. Its a shame to get rid of Identities. HOw do i get all my mail back to my comcast account before i delete the windows mail accout without losing anymore of them?

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Missing Emails, Disappeared

Dec 28, 2009

I went to check my emails today and found that my whole email account had disappeared. I had not used the account since 20 Nov. In the interim I have renewed my Norton 360 and wondered if that may have caused the problem. I am using Vista. Anyway I followed the prompts for adding an account and reinput the original account details. This went ok and a load of new emails arrived but none of the old messages were showing. I then rebooted the system and the original account appeared with all the old messages but not the new ones. Now I can't find the new messages. Have I created a duplicate account, if so where is it and what do I do now? Can anyone help please?

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Puzzling Word Count

Jul 2, 2008

On my machine there are a number of stories I have written - varying from over 70000 words down to about 1000. I need the number of words to let potential editors know when I submit something to them and use the normal Word Count that comes with Windows. These are stored in a sub-section of Documents. Today I discovered that a right click offers "more" - giving me extra column categories than I didn't know about, and they include one specifically titled Word Count. This seemed like manna from Heaven until I created and used this extra column. Some of the variations between the original W Count from the document and the one automatically inserted by Windows in the column are quite striking.

For example: (Doc count first) 3959........3032 Diff of 927 words;
3786 3161 "
625 "
12279 10321 "
1958 "
5687 4565 "
1122 "

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Windows Reboot Freeze Up Count Down

May 19, 2008

When I try to restart my computer after upgrading my count down meter stops responding at 26 seconds. I will then power off and wait for 50 seconds and restart my computer. Vista Home Premium is my operating system. This started to happen when I installed an external Hard Drive as a back up Disk onto my computer in order to have Windows do a auto back up every week. I do not get any error messages during reboot just freezes up count down. If I disconnect my external Hard Drive everything works just fine.

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Newsgroup Shows Incorrect Unread Count

Jun 30, 2008

I've had this problem with XP/OE and it seems to exist with a new install of Vista / Windows Mail. After a while, a newsgroup starts showing an unread count when it shouldn't. For example, at the moment, shows that I have 3 unread. When I select it, no posts show up. If I do "catch up" from the right click menu, it clears but it comes back next time I select the group.

It seems that this happens after running the automatic "Windows mail can optimize" thing. A second thing is that "catch up" seems to take a lot longer after running this optimize. Clicking on a message, doing a select all, and then mark as read works immediately. This also existed with XP pro. Is there any way to reset whatever is causing this?

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Hard Disk Warning: High Reallocated Sectors Count

Mar 7, 2009

There seems to be a problem with my hard drive, it has a high number of reallocated sectors and im not sure why, as its a brand new hard disk. Does anyone know what i can do about this or why its happening? Heres what the problem is about: "Count of reallocated sectors. When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks this sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area)."

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New Folder Missing When Right-clicking?

Feb 27, 2010

A friend who has Vista (I have XP) says that when she right-clicks, "New" --> "Folder" is not an option that comes up on the resulting menu choices.

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Documents Folder Missing

Jun 21, 2008

When I used XP I kept the My Documents file on my D: drive. Apart from anything else this made backing-up a cinch. After upgrading to Vista, I played around and managed to get the D: drive to appear on my start menu. It also appears under my Username folder on the start menu. However, it is grey rather than green and in both places is is called DATA (D rather than documents (or possibly Documents).

My Music and Pictures folders are stored as sub-folders in this drive/folder in the right place, but the other default folders such as Links, Saved Games, Searches, Downloads and Favourites are not, for some reason they still sit on the C: drive. My Videos folder is on my E: drive where I would like to keep it.

Ideally I'd like all these folders to sit on D: with a green Documents folder and all the sub-folders (except Videos). I've seen plenty of online tips about moving folders, sometimes they involve tinkering with the registry, but not much about fixing wrongly configured folders. This isn't just petty nonsense, I really need everything in one place so I can organise simple and reliable back-ups

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Missing User Folder

Nov 2, 2009

i did a bunch of things from the forum but my folder is missing still from my user folder example:

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Send Reply To All Emails In A Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I have no idea about how to do this or is it possible. I have a folder of all my customers payments from Paypal I wish to email them all to inform I have moved to a new website currently I am clicking each and replying and pasting in my message. Can I highlight say 100 or so and send them all the same message in one go and hide everyones email address?

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Emails Diverted To Drafts Folder

Apr 25, 2010

Windows Mail: I'm seeing incoming mail going into the Drafts folder, and outgoing mail saved to the Drafts folder. Not all mail, but a lot of it. The same is happening in Windows 7 with Live Mail using a POP3 ISP account, not Hotmail. On the computers on which I've seen it, it's a relatively recent problem that didn't exist before. Possibly related to some Windows Update? I have some very irritated people badgering me about this and just can't find an answer.

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Deleted Junk Folder Emails

Sep 30, 2009

i accidently deleted folders that were part of the junk mail folder. where do these deleted junk mails go and how can i recover them?

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Size Is Missing On The Folder Columns

Nov 5, 2008

I have tried everything to display file size in the Windows Explorer folders. I am using Vista version 6 SP1.

My folder is set to view 'all items'. It shows me name, date modified and type. When I right click to display column options, I can't locate size. There are a bunch of other column options, but size is not among them.

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Missing Folder Icon In Explorer

Jul 27, 2008

I am mising the icon "Make New Folder" in Vista's Explorer. I know there are other possibilities creating a new folder (e.g. Organize, Make New Folder button). how to add the icon "make new folder" to the Explorer.

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Missing APP And Program Data Folder

Jun 18, 2008

My APP folder under my user folder and the Program Data folder on Local C: Computer, both just disappeared. They are missing and not showing. My folder options check marks are where they should be. I tried Brink's solution in the registry and my missing folders as well as folders that are showing all look the same as far as data and pathes and stuff.

In other words, the missing ones look the same as the ones that are showing, so what is there to change? They all show %userprofile% in front of them. I don't know what made these two important folders disappear. I just don't know how to get them back. I have Vista 32 bit.

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Missing Sent Email

Apr 28, 2008

I've been send allot of email since. I got this new computer. I've noticed that I'm missing allot of email that I've send, how do I fix it so I won't lose all the email that I've send?

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Emails Automatically Move To The Deleted Folder

Apr 12, 2008

my emails would get marked as read or automatically move to the deleted folder when deleted. Instead, they remain BOLD black until I exit the inbox THEN return. At that point, the messages are either marked as read or have been deleted. It is weird nothing was changed by me! The box "Mark as read" is set to 0 seconds and that never changed. It's annoying to have to click on EVERY message in order to get it read and then delete what I want, move to the next message, delete it, etc.......exit the folder, then return to it for the messages to be corrected.

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Email Appearing On Emails Being Sent

Apr 5, 2008

Re" Using Windows Mail in Vista. I can't find a way to keep email addresses from appearing in the "to" line of an email I'm sending. I want to avoid sending out addresses over the internet.20,In previous version of Outlook, I could specify a code name for a given address.Does anyone know what I'm trying to describe?

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Replacing Missing Docs And Settings Folder

Feb 27, 2009

Accidentally deleted this folder from C:, and tho I have the files for it on D: (the green 'documents' folder), I cannot access them by clicking start/documents.

How do I fix this blunder ?

Also, probably a post here somewhere, but I tried to do a system restore in the hope that would fix it, but have no restore points...thought this was done automatically?

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Email; Missing Some Folders

Jun 6, 2008

i use windws mail to acess my aol email, i am the mail user on the pc at home but im the i am missing some folders , they are deleted items, drafts, and junk email. however they are on the other account users mail.

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Can't Send Emails And Still Receiving Email

Aug 14, 2009

I can't send emails and am still receiving email. Error message as follows: The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section.

The rejected e-mail address was ']'. Subject 'Fw: National Squad', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 Invalid address syntax', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

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Can Send Email, Cannot Receive Emails

Jul 29, 2009

Have been using Windows Mail for several weeks, then yesterday, this started all of a sudden.

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Cant Retrieve 2nd Email Address Emails

May 6, 2010

When I open my windows mail it is only checking my first email, not the 2nd. When I go to webmail for the 2nd email address, the emails are there, but even if I leave them as unmarked, they don't appear in my windows mail. I do have the "include this account when receiving mail" checkbox ticked

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Original Senders Emails Nowhere On Email

Apr 25, 2009

I receive a lot of emails throughout the day, I've set up a message rule for mails so they get auto forwarded to my secretary so she can respond to them. This is where the problem starts. The emails that get forwarded to my secretary only shows that they were sent from me, the original senders emails are nowhere on the email. So all of the emails that get auto-forwarded all end up saying they are from me and not from any of the original senders. So there is no point of her replying since it will end up back in my inbox. Is there a way to fix this? I need an option or a solution for WINDOWS MAIL to place the original sender in my forwarded emails. Is there a checkbox I neglected to click or is the problem not fixable?

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Overwritten All Emails In 5 Folders With The Same Email

Feb 7, 2009

I have a couple of problems with Vista Windows Mail. In some of my email folders (about 5), I have realised that ALL emails have now taken on the same message body. It is like Windows Mail has overwritten all messages with one random email that existed in the folder. The Subjects, timestamps, addresses are normal/individual, but every email has the same body/message. They used to be individual emails in these folders, but now it is the same email over and over again.-

Some emails give me the following message when I click on them: It is happening to ALL emails in 1 or two folders. Message could not be displayed - Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again. I hope someone has encountered this problem & knows how to fix it. I have emails dating to 1999 & wouldn't want to lose them because of Windows Mail.

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Games Missing From Game Explorer After Moving Folder

Apr 13, 2008

I am moving a lot of my games out of the Program Files folder into C:Games so that UAC doesn't ask permission to play most of my games anymore. The problem is that, after I move the game folder, even though the game plays perfectly, it disappears from the Game Explorer and I can't seem to get it added back. The specific game i'm trying with is Lord of the Rings Online. (I moved World of Warcraft and it fixed itself instantly). Everquest 1 also disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back in the game explorer other than dragging in the exectuable. Is there a way to get the official Game Explorer icon back for Lord of the Rings Online with the full game rating and ESRB rating and all after moving the folder?

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Missing Folder (not Hidden) When Trying To Back Up Hard Drives

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using Vista Home Premium x64. I was attempting to back up some external drives to each other. I had previously used Robocopy on Windows XP with much success, so I thought I would do the same. I initially just manually copied and pasted an external drive designated "G:" into a folder within another external drive designated "I:" (so for example I:Backup1). The files were present and looked all good after this.

Today, I ran Robocopy to try to mirror those two, however as soon as I finished, the "Backup1" folder disappeared from "I:". The files however are present, as I can tell from the space used on "I:" and on top of that, when I try to make a new folder with the same name ("Backup1"), it won't let me, saying that a folder by that name is already present. Other folders (that do not have any data yet) are still present within "I:" The Robocopy script is basically Robocopy "G:" "I:Backup1" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:2 /W:2 /V /ETA /Z /LOG:Backuplog.txt

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Can Not Delete Emails From Deleted Items Folder In Windows Mail

May 23, 2008

I can not delete emails from Deleted Items folder in Windows Mail. Can anyone tell me how to do this--I have 36 emails in there that can not be deleted. I can delete any new emails after these 36 but can not delete these 36 emails. Can someone email me at this email address below and tell me how to delete these 36 emails in Deleted Items folder of Windows Mail

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Email Address Failed: Cannot Send Emails

Jun 1, 2008

I have moved and changed email services. All my efforts to change the default servers for window mail to my new email address have failed. I keep getting an authentication error message referring to my old email adress and saying it does not recognize it, which of course it will not as I no longer use that email address or server. I have deleted the old account and added the new one in windows mail but that has not helped. I still cannot send emails through widows mail.

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