Replacing Missing Docs And Settings Folder

Feb 27, 2009

Accidentally deleted this folder from C:, and tho I have the files for it on D: (the green 'documents' folder), I cannot access them by clicking start/documents.

How do I fix this blunder ?

Also, probably a post here somewhere, but I tried to do a system restore in the hope that would fix it, but have no restore points...thought this was done automatically?

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Keep Folder View Settings After Renaming Folder

Nov 20, 2009

every time I rename a folder, Vista changes the folder view settings in that folder back to the default for that specific folder. I have gone through the tutorials in this forum about making Vista always remember the current folder settings. That is not my issue. An example of what I mean: Let us say I have a folder named "Music" and the folder view settings are set to 'Music Details'. Fine. But let us now say that I also want to show the bit rates and/or the length of the songs. 'Music Details' does not have this by default, so I right-click and at the bar (tab? menu?) and choose to show them. So far so good, and my settings are always there. However, if I change the folder name to something else, the view settings revert back to the original 'Music Details'. Is there a way of stopping this from happening? I often change folder names and/or move them around, and it is annoying to always have to add/remove what I want from the view settings.

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Backup Failed, Chkdsk And Sfc, Sidebar Settings.ini Missing

Dec 25, 2008

When I tried to make a backup I've got an error message saying:

Backup failed
0*80070017 cyclic redundancy control failed

I've searched the net for that code and they suggested chkdsk, I've done that and ran sfc/scannow with elevated privileges. Sfc did correct some problems but there is one problem he could not repair. I've looked at the log in c:windowslogscbs and searched with the tag [SR] to narrow down, and there was a problem that occured several times.

Windows SIdebar settings.ini is corrupt or missing (64-32bit program files) and when sfc tries to look for backup of the source file it also stated that this one is corrupted. So I was wondering I've someone knows a method to correct this? Maybe if there is a way to reinstall the sidebar my problem could be solved (?) I can't use System restore because I recently deleted those checkpoints, because of an space lack on that partition.

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Access To Y Documents And Settings Folder

Mar 9, 2009

I have Ultimate SP1. I need to access the folder at C:Documents and SettingsmynameApplication DataMicrosoftTemplates but get an error message "access denied". I am the only user and have, as far as I know, full admin rights. How do i get acces to the folder.

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Folder View Settings Not Remembered

May 14, 2008

I have seen many people with folders' view settings not being remembered. My issue is that I would like to have folders on the desktop without the navigation pane. However, getting rid of one folder's pane gets rid of them all. Any ideas on how to fix this? Hopefully, it could fix all the other non-requested changes in folders' views (sort orders not sticking for example).
** Stress - the condition brought about by having to
** resist the temptation to beat the living daylights
** out of someone who richly deserves it.

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Can't Access My Documents And Settings Folder In Windows 7

Aug 13, 2009

I can't access My Documents and Settings Folder in Windows 7 even though I'm the administrator. I want to rearrange and add some folders to the Start-All Programs. What am I not doing right?

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Startup Windows And Folder Settings Have Changed?

Oct 3, 2009

i'll startup windows and notice that my folder settings have changed,icon size etc,what is causing this.

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Default Settings Mistake And Changed The Folder

Jun 10, 2009

I recently messed up real bad. I was playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 for PC. And I went into the documents folder to try to delete the last saved game. When I did I made a mistake and changed the folder with a GCF file in it to open the GCF files with adobe reader. Now I can't figure out what program it originally was suppose to open with. So my question is: How do I change the GCF file folder back to it's default settings so it will open with the program that it's suppose to open with?

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Make Windows Forget Folder Settings As A Default

Jun 5, 2009

I have purchased a Windows Vista license a short time ago and I have some difficulties with the folder option of remembering each folder settings. I have unset this option but Windows Vista still continues remembering the situation I leave each folder. What I would like is that all the folders were always initialized to a default, even a default for each kind of folder (I just wouldn't like Windows to store individual data for each folder).

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May 10, 2008

Vista came w/laptop. I want xp instead. I tried installing xp over vista (no
luck). I reformatted and xp said a newer version was already loaded and
wouldnt continue. Is there anything else I can do w/out getting another hard

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Replacing Imageres.dll

Mar 8, 2009

Hello. A little while ago i downloaded a program called windowsblinds to change the look of my computer. After installing it and changing the theme some of my icons went missing. after doing some looking into it i think the problem lies in icons missing from the imageres.dll directory. so i got a copy of my friends who uses the same version of windows, but i cant move and replace because the old on is in use. So i tried renaming is and i can move it fine, but when i go to put the new one in i need to be admin and when i move or rename the old one i lose my admin controls... this is getting awful fustrating and i think im just going to reformat if i dont get it fixed within a couple days... Can someone please help. I just dont want to go through teh hassle of reformating.

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Replacing Motherboard

Aug 12, 2009

I need to replace my motherboard, what is Vista going to do when it sees a different motherboard?

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Replacing Boot Hard Drive?

May 24, 2009

I have a dual boot system - XP on the boot drive and Vista on a slave drive. The boot drive is failing (clicking on boot and often preventing the computer from passing the bios splash screen). The Vista install modified the boot header on the XP boot drive. This means that I cannot just buy a new boot drive and install XP on it because the boot information allowing for dual boot will need to be re-written to it. How do I do this?

Is it possible for me to make a backup of the dual boot information installed by Vista so that when I replace the boot drive I can copy at least some parts of the information to the boot drive? Will I have to reinstall both XP and Vista on the slave drive? It has taken me ages to get a stable Vista install on the legacy mobo and I have finally managed it - I wouldn't want to reinstall Vista from scratch
just because the boot drive which contains XP and the dual boot information is dying.

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Burning Word Docs (.doc) To CD

Jul 24, 2009

Until yesterday, I would create a backup to my word documents by inserting a CD and following the prompts erasing old files and burning updated files. Today I inserted the CD, received the prompt to erase; erased; reinserted the CD and nothing happened. Can't get a prompt of any kind. I'm using Vista on a Gateway laptop.

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Folders & Docs Disappeared

Mar 23, 2008

so the other day I accidentally messed up something with the properties of all of my folders.... In the attributes I must have clicked on something, not sure what, but now I'm missing a great deal of information.... I tried doing a system restore, but it has only brought back a few things but not everything....

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New Folder Missing When Right-clicking?

Feb 27, 2010

A friend who has Vista (I have XP) says that when she right-clicks, "New" --> "Folder" is not an option that comes up on the resulting menu choices.

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Documents Folder Missing

Jun 21, 2008

When I used XP I kept the My Documents file on my D: drive. Apart from anything else this made backing-up a cinch. After upgrading to Vista, I played around and managed to get the D: drive to appear on my start menu. It also appears under my Username folder on the start menu. However, it is grey rather than green and in both places is is called DATA (D rather than documents (or possibly Documents).

My Music and Pictures folders are stored as sub-folders in this drive/folder in the right place, but the other default folders such as Links, Saved Games, Searches, Downloads and Favourites are not, for some reason they still sit on the C: drive. My Videos folder is on my E: drive where I would like to keep it.

Ideally I'd like all these folders to sit on D: with a green Documents folder and all the sub-folders (except Videos). I've seen plenty of online tips about moving folders, sometimes they involve tinkering with the registry, but not much about fixing wrongly configured folders. This isn't just petty nonsense, I really need everything in one place so I can organise simple and reliable back-ups

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Missing User Folder

Nov 2, 2009

i did a bunch of things from the forum but my folder is missing still from my user folder example:

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Replacing Elederly Computer Running Windows 98?

Mar 23, 2008

I have to replace an elderly computer running Windows 98. I also have a second machine running XP Home. Is the Vista operating system now as stable as XP. I run several older applications including Quicken 2000, Quicken is no longer supported in the UK. Will I definitely have to to upgrade all older software or should will they work with Vista. I don't want to upgrade software particularly everything I run does what I want.

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Can't Open Old Word Docs In Vista

Aug 26, 2008

I'm unable to open old word documents (i.e. Word 2000, Word 2003) on Vista's Word V. 9.

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Received Word Docs, Not Able To Open

Jun 9, 2008

I have received several word docs and I am not able to open them. I have windows vista and just installed microsoft office home & student. I have tried several things but nothing is working.

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Finding Word 2007 Docs

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem finding Word 2007 files from the Search field in Windows Explorer. Example: I have a file named "test.docx" in "My Documents", and I can see that file right in the Windows Explorer window. However, if I type, say ".docx", or "test", in the Search field in the top right-hand corner of Explorer, the search comes up empty. I can,however, get the search function to find the file if I: use the Search item on the Start Menu use the "Advanced Search" options in Windows Explorer, and have it search all indexed locations use the "Advanced Search" options in Windows Explorer, and have it search in non-indexed locations, hidden and system files

This problem only seems to exist with .docx files, so this may actually be an issue of the Office 2007 indexer rather than Vista. It looks like the Word indexer does not properly store the location information of the file. Oh, and the problem I have may or may not be related to the fact that on my system I have (of course) relocated the My Documents folder to a separate partition. Are others seeing this, too? Is there a fix for this?

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Size Is Missing On The Folder Columns

Nov 5, 2008

I have tried everything to display file size in the Windows Explorer folders. I am using Vista version 6 SP1.

My folder is set to view 'all items'. It shows me name, date modified and type. When I right click to display column options, I can't locate size. There are a bunch of other column options, but size is not among them.

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Missing Folder Icon In Explorer

Jul 27, 2008

I am mising the icon "Make New Folder" in Vista's Explorer. I know there are other possibilities creating a new folder (e.g. Organize, Make New Folder button). how to add the icon "make new folder" to the Explorer.

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Missing APP And Program Data Folder

Jun 18, 2008

My APP folder under my user folder and the Program Data folder on Local C: Computer, both just disappeared. They are missing and not showing. My folder options check marks are where they should be. I tried Brink's solution in the registry and my missing folders as well as folders that are showing all look the same as far as data and pathes and stuff.

In other words, the missing ones look the same as the ones that are showing, so what is there to change? They all show %userprofile% in front of them. I don't know what made these two important folders disappear. I just don't know how to get them back. I have Vista 32 bit.

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Replacing CPU Process And Mother Borad, Destroy Systems

Jun 15, 2008

Just recently got an Intel Q6600 Quad core, just going to do a straight swop with an Intel dual core Q6320, Mine is a triple Boot system, will this destroy all systems, and mean a re-install of everything.

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Email Count In One Folder Off By Two With Those Emails Missing

May 9, 2009

Recently I moved two pieces of mail from my Inbox to a folder. There were 5 other pieces of mail in that folder and the count was 5. After moving the mail though the count went up to 7 but the mail did not appear in the folder. Is there any tool or any option or any edit in a folder and/or the Registry purhaps where I can straighten this out. It isn't imperative I recover the email but at a minimum I would like to fix the email count in the folder to be accurate once again. This is Windows Mail in Vista Ultimate 64-bit with all the Microsoft Updates.

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Games Missing From Game Explorer After Moving Folder

Apr 13, 2008

I am moving a lot of my games out of the Program Files folder into C:Games so that UAC doesn't ask permission to play most of my games anymore. The problem is that, after I move the game folder, even though the game plays perfectly, it disappears from the Game Explorer and I can't seem to get it added back. The specific game i'm trying with is Lord of the Rings Online. (I moved World of Warcraft and it fixed itself instantly). Everquest 1 also disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back in the game explorer other than dragging in the exectuable. Is there a way to get the official Game Explorer icon back for Lord of the Rings Online with the full game rating and ESRB rating and all after moving the folder?

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Missing Folder (not Hidden) When Trying To Back Up Hard Drives

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using Vista Home Premium x64. I was attempting to back up some external drives to each other. I had previously used Robocopy on Windows XP with much success, so I thought I would do the same. I initially just manually copied and pasted an external drive designated "G:" into a folder within another external drive designated "I:" (so for example I:Backup1). The files were present and looked all good after this.

Today, I ran Robocopy to try to mirror those two, however as soon as I finished, the "Backup1" folder disappeared from "I:". The files however are present, as I can tell from the space used on "I:" and on top of that, when I try to make a new folder with the same name ("Backup1"), it won't let me, saying that a folder by that name is already present. Other folders (that do not have any data yet) are still present within "I:" The Robocopy script is basically Robocopy "G:" "I:Backup1" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:2 /W:2 /V /ETA /Z /LOG:Backuplog.txt

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Student 2007 Cann't Current Docs Error Message

Jun 30, 2009

I am running vista home and when i got my new laptop there was a trial version of office which has now expired, i have many docs saved in this format. I have today installed home and student 2007 but cannot do very much with any of my current docs - i have had an error message that says there is a conflict

1. Can i save the docs, inlcuidng powerpoint presentations, i have created and use them as previously?
2. How do i resolve this conflict without loosing any of my docs?

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Missing Files/Folders In Call Of Duty 4 Activision Folder

Aug 24, 2008

I am playing CoD4 and I am experiencing some problems with mods and files... When I installed CoD4 I let it install as default. In the program files, Activision, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Directly after the install I downloaded Patch 1.6 and 1.6-1.7 After that I went to the Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder so that I could add my custom maps. But the folders I am looking for are missing. The folders located in my CoD4 MW folder are: Docs, Main, Miles, Mods, pb, Zone. Then there are 2 folders missing: players and usermaps. My game runs fine, but I cant do anything more... I have all my ranks, but I cant find my players folder. I did a search throughout my pc, for the names of those folders but couldnt find anything... I reinstalled CoD4 twice...

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