Overwritten All Emails In 5 Folders With The Same Email

Feb 7, 2009

I have a couple of problems with Vista Windows Mail. In some of my email folders (about 5), I have realised that ALL emails have now taken on the same message body. It is like Windows Mail has overwritten all messages with one random email that existed in the folder. The Subjects, timestamps, addresses are normal/individual, but every email has the same body/message. They used to be individual emails in these folders, but now it is the same email over and over again.-

Some emails give me the following message when I click on them: It is happening to ALL emails in 1 or two folders. Message could not be displayed - Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again. I hope someone has encountered this problem & knows how to fix it. I have emails dating to 1999 & wouldn't want to lose them because of Windows Mail.

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Incoming Email: Unable To Receive Emails On Windows Email But I Can Send Them Fine

Mar 23, 2008

I am unable to receive emails on windows email but i can send them fine.

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Duplicate Emails Different Sub Folders

Oct 3, 2009

I have many duplicate (exactly the same) emails in separate sub folders of my save folder. Looking for a good way to delete.Vista HP, vista mail 6 with all updates.

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Invisible Emails In Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a new PC with Windows Vista (Home Premium) and migrated my old Outlook Express folders and emails as per the Help instructions. All appeared well as all the old folders appear in Windows Mail. However there appear to be NO emails in any of the folders. What is also strange is that some of these apparently empty folders appear in bold displaying the number of unread emails in the folder. Presumably some indexing fault has occurred - repeated attempts at importing have failed.

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Fix For Deleting Emails Inbox Or Other Folders

Jul 2, 2008

I have recently gotten a Windows Vista Pa and to all the bugs left on it while released onto the productivity shelfs, shame on you. To delete the unwanted and unmoveable emails: Select email Go to Edit Select Mark as Unread and Then DELETE!

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Confirm That All The Folders And All The Emails Are Stored In C:UsersRussAppData

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell computer with Vista Home Premium--my first experience with Vista. I have transferred (I believe successfully) my email settings and email files from my old machine (Windows XP, Outlook Express) to the new machine (Windows Mail). There are two panes; the left one contains the folder tree, and appears to be correct, including the total number of messages and number of read messages in each folder. The right pane, which should contain columns of information for each of the messages, is blank. No messages, no headers.I have confirmed that all the folders and all the emails are stored in c:UsersRussAppData.... And I can read them by double clicking on the ..eml files. However nothing appears in the right pane in Windows Mail. The column headers are also missing. I can add them by checking the appropriate boxes in View--> Columns.... But if I close out Windows Mail and reopen it, the headers disappear and the boxes in View-->Columns... are unchecked.

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Email; Missing Some Folders

Jun 6, 2008

i use windws mail to acess my aol email, i am the mail user on the pc at home but im the imap.aol.com i am missing some folders , they are deleted items, drafts, and junk email. however they are on the other account users mail.

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Lost All Email Messages And Folders

Aug 13, 2009

I've lost all my email messages and folders. I've tried to find in windows explorer but I couldn't. In windows XP I remember the email folders had a dbx extension. But in vista I don??t find anything.

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Email Appearing On Emails Being Sent

Apr 5, 2008

Re" Using Windows Mail in Vista. I can't find a way to keep email addresses from appearing in the "to" line of an email I'm sending. I want to avoid sending out addresses over the internet.20,In previous version of Outlook, I could specify a code name for a given address.Does anyone know what I'm trying to describe?

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Change Default Email In File Folders

Feb 14, 2010

I have two versions of Eudora on my PC but only one (Eudora 8 beta) is recognized in file folders that contain *.jpg files (as of today).

Before today, I would highlight a JPG and click on Email at the top of the open folder. Eudora 7.1 would come up and all I had to do was put in an email address. I should say that I use Eudora 7.1 with two sets of data - one for me and one for my wife.

However, my wife's version would come up which is what I want. As of today, Eudora 8 beta comes up when I click on Email. I have no idea how the association changed.

I also don't know why my wife's version of Eudora 7.1 used to come up instead of mine.

There must be a way to reset the association. I tried resetting the association in Internet Explorer - but only Eudora 8 beta is available as a choice. That's another problem. Why isn't Eudora 7.1 a choice in file associations in Internet Explorer 8?

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Email Server Cannot Access Share Folders

Jun 5, 2009

Our Server upgraded from SBS 2003 to Win Server 08 & Exchange 07 last year. This email server is domain controller and we have one more file server which is windows server 03 joins in the domain. After upgraded the server, all of the User PC & email server cannot access or see share folders of another PC & email server each other except the email server can be able to access some windows vista PC. But all of the PC & servers (include email & filer server) can access file server share folders. Could you tell me which setting in server is wrong that cause this problem?

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Can't Send Emails And Still Receiving Email

Aug 14, 2009

I can't send emails and am still receiving email. Error message as follows: The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section.

The rejected e-mail address was 'shona.osborne@paulsadlerswimland.com]'. Subject 'Fw: National Squad', Account: 'mail.bigpond.com', Server: 'mail.bigpond.com', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 Invalid address syntax', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

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Can Send Email, Cannot Receive Emails

Jul 29, 2009

Have been using Windows Mail for several weeks, then yesterday, this started all of a sudden.

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Cant Retrieve 2nd Email Address Emails

May 6, 2010

When I open my windows mail it is only checking my first email, not the 2nd. When I go to webmail for the 2nd email address, the emails are there, but even if I leave them as unmarked, they don't appear in my windows mail. I do have the "include this account when receiving mail" checkbox ticked

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Original Senders Emails Nowhere On Email

Apr 25, 2009

I receive a lot of emails throughout the day, I've set up a message rule for mails so they get auto forwarded to my secretary so she can respond to them. This is where the problem starts. The emails that get forwarded to my secretary only shows that they were sent from me, the original senders emails are nowhere on the email. So all of the emails that get auto-forwarded all end up saying they are from me and not from any of the original senders. So there is no point of her replying since it will end up back in my inbox. Is there a way to fix this? I need an option or a solution for WINDOWS MAIL to place the original sender in my forwarded emails. Is there a checkbox I neglected to click or is the problem not fixable?

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Windows Mail Folders: 1 Email Duplicates Itself Over All Others In A Folder

Jul 29, 2009

Emails are sent and arrive in my Windows Mailbox fine. I then create a folder and drag them to that folder no problems. When I create a subfolder however, and start dragging emails into the subfolder I find that the 1st email is fine but every subsequent one has been corrupted. That is to say that in each case the email content is erased and replaced with a duplication of the 1st email in that subfolder. Go figure. The email titles don't change so if you open the subfolder you
wouldn't realise what has happened.

It is only when you open each successive email that it becomes apparent that the content of every email has become identical. *Windows Mail folders: 1 email duplicates itself over all others in a folder, thereby erasing email content of all others* This was previously posted by two others and I have exactly the same problem.

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Email Count In One Folder Off By Two With Those Emails Missing

May 9, 2009

Recently I moved two pieces of mail from my Inbox to a folder. There were 5 other pieces of mail in that folder and the count was 5. After moving the mail though the count went up to 7 but the mail did not appear in the folder. Is there any tool or any option or any edit in a folder and/or the Registry purhaps where I can straighten this out. It isn't imperative I recover the email but at a minimum I would like to fix the email count in the folder to be accurate once again. This is Windows Mail in Vista Ultimate 64-bit with all the Microsoft Updates.

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Email Address Failed: Cannot Send Emails

Jun 1, 2008

I have moved and changed email services. All my efforts to change the default servers for window mail to my new email address have failed. I keep getting an authentication error message referring to my old email adress and saying it does not recognize it, which of course it will not as I no longer use that email address or server. I have deleted the old account and added the new one in windows mail but that has not helped. I still cannot send emails through widows mail.

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Sent File Emails Show Nothing And Cannot Receive Email

Sep 23, 2009

why my sent file shows nothing and some emails people are sending are not coming through?

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Unable To Send Emails To Aol Email Addresses

Jun 26, 2008

I use windows mail. For three days now I have been unable to send emails to anyone who has an email address with the @aol.com extension. Every one of them comes back with a failed delivery notification. These are addresses that I send to almost daily. These aol users are able to send me emails but I am unable to even reply to them.

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Location Of Email Folders And Address Book In Windows Mail?

Mar 23, 2008

My wife's motherboard just crapped out and I need to retrieve her emails and address book from Windows Mail. This urgent as she uses the computer for her business and it has literally several thousand email addresses, email groups, and messages. The OS is Vista Home Premium. Where within the file structure on her hard drive would I find those folders/files? Which folders/files am I specifically looking for?

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Can Receive Emails Via Windows Email/Outlook But Cant Send Them

Dec 6, 2009

Can receive emails via Windows email/Outlook but cant send them, problems with the outgoing server, changed the ports to all advised still nothing.

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When Manually Receive Emails Initiated: Not Retrieve The Email.

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 user accounts on my pc, both running WinMail with identical options set on both. They are set to check for emails every 5 minutes and at startup. One works fine on both options. The other will not automatically retrieve emails every 5 minutes. It does retrieve when it is started or when manually receive emails is initiated. Every 5 minutes, I hear the tone that is set, but it will not retrieve the email.

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Email Address Read Emails In Windows Mail

Jan 28, 2010

I have a blueyonder email address but prefer to read emails in windows mail but my emails are going to my virgin mailbox and and I would like to make windows mail my default mailbox,

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Default From Email Address Not Changing While Replying To Emails Received On Others

Feb 25, 2010

I have several email accounts configured on my windows mail on my Vista home premium and one of them is configured as the default email. When I reply to emails received on email accounts other than the default email the "from" email address does not change to the email address of the received account.

I understand that the email address in the "from' field when I start a "new" message or create mail is that of the configured default email. My question is while replying to an email received in other configured accounts should not the "from" field email id change from the default email id to the email address of the email to which is replied.

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Live Mail But Prefer Not To Have Emails Divided Into Seperate Email Accounts

Mar 18, 2009

I did try Live Mail but prefer not to have emails divided into seperate email accounts - it makes quick checking more difficult. Is there any way in which this division can be avoided?

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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Get Emails In "main" Computer But Other Computer Get Email Periodically

Jul 29, 2009

- 2 Vista computers with Windows mail, networked through the internet;

- I get all the emails at my "main" computer but the other computer only gets email periodically!

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Cant Get Incoming Emails Or Send Emails

Jul 29, 2009

I cant send or recieve emails and when i try to go in window mail it keep knocking of my internet connection this is the error message im getting

The connection to the server has failed. Subject ' information your requested', Account: 'incoming.verizon.net', Server: 'outgoing.verizon.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Extra Personal Shell Folders To Create Extra Folders

Aug 6, 2008

I love the personal shell folders so much I would like to create extra folders

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