Confirm That All The Folders And All The Emails Are Stored In C:UsersRussAppData

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell computer with Vista Home Premium--my first experience with Vista. I have transferred (I believe successfully) my email settings and email files from my old machine (Windows XP, Outlook Express) to the new machine (Windows Mail). There are two panes; the left one contains the folder tree, and appears to be correct, including the total number of messages and number of read messages in each folder. The right pane, which should contain columns of information for each of the messages, is blank. No messages, no headers.I have confirmed that all the folders and all the emails are stored in c:UsersRussAppData.... And I can read them by double clicking on the ..eml files. However nothing appears in the right pane in Windows Mail. The column headers are also missing. I can add them by checking the appropriate boxes in View--> Columns.... But if I close out Windows Mail and reopen it, the headers disappear and the boxes in View-->Columns... are unchecked.

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Duplicate Emails Different Sub Folders

Oct 3, 2009

I have many duplicate (exactly the same) emails in separate sub folders of my save folder. Looking for a good way to delete.Vista HP, vista mail 6 with all updates.

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Invisible Emails In Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a new PC with Windows Vista (Home Premium) and migrated my old Outlook Express folders and emails as per the Help instructions. All appeared well as all the old folders appear in Windows Mail. However there appear to be NO emails in any of the folders. What is also strange is that some of these apparently empty folders appear in bold displaying the number of unread emails in the folder. Presumably some indexing fault has occurred - repeated attempts at importing have failed.

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Fix For Deleting Emails Inbox Or Other Folders

Jul 2, 2008

I have recently gotten a Windows Vista Pa and to all the bugs left on it while released onto the productivity shelfs, shame on you. To delete the unwanted and unmoveable emails: Select email Go to Edit Select Mark as Unread and Then DELETE!

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Overwritten All Emails In 5 Folders With The Same Email

Feb 7, 2009

I have a couple of problems with Vista Windows Mail. In some of my email folders (about 5), I have realised that ALL emails have now taken on the same message body. It is like Windows Mail has overwritten all messages with one random email that existed in the folder. The Subjects, timestamps, addresses are normal/individual, but every email has the same body/message. They used to be individual emails in these folders, but now it is the same email over and over again.-

Some emails give me the following message when I click on them: It is happening to ALL emails in 1 or two folders. Message could not be displayed - Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again. I hope someone has encountered this problem & knows how to fix it. I have emails dating to 1999 & wouldn't want to lose them because of Windows Mail.

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Not Confirm To DNLA Standard

Mar 23, 2008

Windows Media Player does not conform to DNLA standard. Certain devices wll not play files of a certain type. e.g. Zensonic Z500. Reference document "DLNA Home networked device interoperability guidelines......

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Headphone Jack? How To Confirm A Hardware Failure

Mar 16, 2009

I have a GW M6307 with Vista HP 32bit. The headphone jack has suddenly stopped working. I have done a restore back to when it was working..uninstalled and reinstalled audio drivers without results. The IDT control panel indicates something else is plugged into the jack both for the mic and HP. I also reinstalled the MS audio drivers that came with the machine. I cannot find any default anywhere to change any setting regarding this. The laptop speakers work but the default to HP when plugged in does not. The speakers conitnue to play with no sound in the HP.There are no indications of a loose connection and the laptop sits on a desk most of the time.

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Where Product Key Is Stored

Mar 23, 2008

Is the product key stored in a file somewhere in windows? Or would I have to use the phone if I need it?

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"Confirm Open After Download" Missing

Jun 5, 2008

It seems that, in their haste to make Windows Vista easier to use, Microsoft has weeded out quite a few useful features -- including the capability where you could choose whether certain files opened automatically once they were downloaded, or whether you wanted to save a permanent copy onto your hard drive. I am talking about a check box called "Confirm open after download" that appeared in file type property pages in previous versions of Windows. It seems in Windows Vista that this option has disappeared.What I wish to ask is, is there anything that can be done about this issue?

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Where Does Cookies Folder Is Stored

Apr 2, 2009

Where does Vista store the Cookies Folder??

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Chkdsk Utility Stored?

Jan 17, 2010

anyone know where the log file for the chkdsk utility is stored? please don't tell me to look in EVENT VIEWER as i can't open it. (event viewer - mmc could not create snap in)

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Where Are Autocomplete Addresses Stored?

Apr 29, 2008

Where does Vista Mail store addresses for autocompletion? I have misspelled one and need to get it out of the list.

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Stored User Names And Password?

Jun 3, 2008

I'm trying to use the Stored User Name and Passwords functionality so that I get automatically logged into sites. I've added details for my hotmail account, i.e.

Log on to =
User name = my hotmail email account
Password = my hotmail password

When I start IE and go to Hotmail I do not get logged on automatically. Am I missing something or have I misunderstood what the stored user names and password functionality should do?

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Can Not Find Inbox Content Stored

Sep 25, 2008

I am currently backing up my PC (Windows Vista Basic) but it is only saving the folders and not the actual content within the folders. The problem is I cannot find where my inbox content would be located in order to back it up. Previously, I would be looking for .pst files in XP but this isn't the case with Vista.

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Manage Your Stored Network Passwords

Mar 5, 2007

Are the save password check boxes missing from your network authentication screens?  This is one of the most annoying issues with Windows Vista for me since I work off a local NAS I have at home all the time.  Rather than just save my password as it should the first time when I checked the save password box, it seems to throw my password away after a reboot.  If that was not enough, now Windows Vista no longer even gives me the option to save my password. 

One easy way to fix this issue and store my passwords for real is the use the Stored Usernames and Passwords utility. Follow these steps: ...

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Clean Your Flash Player Stored Stuff

Jul 6, 2009

This website cleans your flash player stored stuff.

just wait 3-4seconds for page to load then click delete ...

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Forgot Password Stored On Eeprom Chip

Mar 20, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1545. My brother's friend was messing around with it and somehow put a password on it and I think it's stored on the eeprom chip since I can't get it to boot to the bios, safe mode, or anything at all. I have tried different generic passwords such as Admin but nothing's working. I see the Dell spash screen when it boots but then goes to a gray screen that says this computer is protected by a password authentication system. You cannot access the data on this computer without the correct password. After you try 3xs it shuts down. He says he doesn't know how he did it or what the password is.

I have a friend that has a recovery cd since he has the same laptop, but it won't even boot off of that. I've also tried taking out the CMOS battery for about an hour and it is still wanting the password which makes me believe that the passwords stored on the eeprom chip. Is there anyway to bypass this and fix my computer? I have tried contacting Dell, but get nowhere. They don't understand it will not reformat otherwise I would.

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Can Not Import Outlook Messages Stored In A PST File

Feb 24, 2009

I have intaled vista 64 bits with the Windows mail application, the problem is that I can?t import my Outlook messages stored in a PST file.

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UAC Kicking In: String Stored As Part Of Log That UAC Maintains?

Apr 15, 2008

When UAC kicks in for some reason, you can optionally choose to view more details where that dialog displays what looks like a long hexadecimal string - I haven't confirmed whether it is valid hexadecimal. The point is, its probably some kind of ID for that particular instance of UAC kicking in. Why isn't that string selectable so that it can be copied to the clipboard? Is that string stored as part of a log that UAC maintains?

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Access Information Stored On Old Hard Drive?

Jun 7, 2008

I have recently bought a new HP and wanted to get all the information transfered from my old hard drive to my new one. I cannot seem to do this tho because it will not give me the permissions to access the folders on the old hard drive. Is their a way I can access this information through an admin account? I have tried to dual boot but I cannot get into the old partition and it gives the blue screen of death on the old hard drive partition (running XP operating system).

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Context Menu Can Not Find Folder Stored Vista

Dec 6, 2007

I apologise if this issue has already been addressed - or if this is the wrong place to post - this is my first time here. I recently needed to make some changes to the ever growing "new items" context menu, but i cannot find the folder where they are stored in Vista Ultimate 64. Does anyone know where to look?

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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Cant Get Incoming Emails Or Send Emails

Jul 29, 2009

I cant send or recieve emails and when i try to go in window mail it keep knocking of my internet connection this is the error message im getting

The connection to the server has failed. Subject ' information your requested', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Extra Personal Shell Folders To Create Extra Folders

Aug 6, 2008

I love the personal shell folders so much I would like to create extra folders

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Sharing Folders And Sub-folders

May 19, 2008

How do I share a folder and all its sub-folders and files? When I enable sharing on a folder, I cannot access it from my XP box. I see it in the network but I cannot access it. I turned off Password Protection in Vista.

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Multiple Folders And Sub Folders And Such

Jul 29, 2009

I am just configuring Windows Mail in Vista. In Outlook (on XP), I had multiple email accounts linked to different folder structures. Each account had a different set of folders. In Windows Mail, it seems everything is being downloaded into one Inbox. Can I re-create the separate folders for each email account in WinMail?

Also, my gmail accounts folder structure was synchronized with the folder structure on the web using IMAP. Can I do that in WinMail, too? If so, how (or point me to directions)?

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Cannot Re/name Folders!

Jul 16, 2008

I have just recently started having a problem where I cannot name or rename any folders in vista. When I rename or name a folder it looks like it will work, but then it just reverts back to being named 'new folder'.

I've looked all over the net, but can't seem to find a solution which works.

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Folders Disappeard

Mar 23, 2008

I've just noticed that the following folders have disappeared: sent, deleted, drafts & outbox.

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How Can I Get Rid Of The Public Folders For Keeps

Mar 23, 2008

How can I get rid of the public folders for keeps. I don't use them and they are interfearing in my other programs. Well , I guess they aren't interfearing with the programs. The Kodak easyshare software I use insists on putting my pictures in the public picture folder. I don't want anything public on my pc. Any way to corect this?

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Won't Let Me Create New Folders

May 19, 2008

After a month or two honeymoon with my new computer last summer, Windows Vista quit letting me create new file folders!!! This is really, really annoying, needless to say.
The other thing is that Windows Vista crashed this weekend and lost some of my files - and the start menu quit working. I think some of the indexes got screwed up or something. I don't know what brought this on except that we had a couple of power failures - and the machine doesn't seem to run chkdsk automatically on restart. If I started the machine and walked away and didn't see the prompt, then I've been using a 'dirty disk' for a week or two and it finally crashed. Or I also installed wireless networking. Also Windows Update downloads automatically and could have downloaded something incompatible with my software. So who knows what might have caused this .I couldn't restore either - now if I ask for Windows restore, it comes up
with an error message.I've been using DOS and windows machines for 20 years and I've never had this happen to me before. I've always had virus checkers and been conscientious about backing up my data.

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