Folders Disappeard

Mar 23, 2008

I've just noticed that the following folders have disappeared: sent, deleted, drafts & outbox.

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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Extra Personal Shell Folders To Create Extra Folders

Aug 6, 2008

I love the personal shell folders so much I would like to create extra folders

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Sharing Folders And Sub-folders

May 19, 2008

How do I share a folder and all its sub-folders and files? When I enable sharing on a folder, I cannot access it from my XP box. I see it in the network but I cannot access it. I turned off Password Protection in Vista.

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Multiple Folders And Sub Folders And Such

Jul 29, 2009

I am just configuring Windows Mail in Vista. In Outlook (on XP), I had multiple email accounts linked to different folder structures. Each account had a different set of folders. In Windows Mail, it seems everything is being downloaded into one Inbox. Can I re-create the separate folders for each email account in WinMail?

Also, my gmail accounts folder structure was synchronized with the folder structure on the web using IMAP. Can I do that in WinMail, too? If so, how (or point me to directions)?

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Cannot Re/name Folders!

Jul 16, 2008

I have just recently started having a problem where I cannot name or rename any folders in vista. When I rename or name a folder it looks like it will work, but then it just reverts back to being named 'new folder'.

I've looked all over the net, but can't seem to find a solution which works.

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How Can I Get Rid Of The Public Folders For Keeps

Mar 23, 2008

How can I get rid of the public folders for keeps. I don't use them and they are interfearing in my other programs. Well , I guess they aren't interfearing with the programs. The Kodak easyshare software I use insists on putting my pictures in the public picture folder. I don't want anything public on my pc. Any way to corect this?

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Won't Let Me Create New Folders

May 19, 2008

After a month or two honeymoon with my new computer last summer, Windows Vista quit letting me create new file folders!!! This is really, really annoying, needless to say.
The other thing is that Windows Vista crashed this weekend and lost some of my files - and the start menu quit working. I think some of the indexes got screwed up or something. I don't know what brought this on except that we had a couple of power failures - and the machine doesn't seem to run chkdsk automatically on restart. If I started the machine and walked away and didn't see the prompt, then I've been using a 'dirty disk' for a week or two and it finally crashed. Or I also installed wireless networking. Also Windows Update downloads automatically and could have downloaded something incompatible with my software. So who knows what might have caused this .I couldn't restore either - now if I ask for Windows restore, it comes up
with an error message.I've been using DOS and windows machines for 20 years and I've never had this happen to me before. I've always had virus checkers and been conscientious about backing up my data.

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Folders - Read-only

Mar 23, 2008

I have copied all my internet favourites folders in from Windows XP (IE7). I didn't use a password in XP and still don't in Vista.

Now, I can't organise or add-to any of the folders in Vista. It says they are read-only.

When I display the properties of the folders, they have a green square (mixed content) in the read-only tick-box. I switch it off and accept the prompt which says that it will apply to files and sub-folders.

But when I go to use them they are still read-only, and when I look at their properties, they are unchanged - still flagged with mixed content. And I still can't organise or add to them.

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Lost Folders

Mar 23, 2008

my windows mail has suddenly lost my folders & messages, it doesn't matter what I try I can't seem to get anything apart from a message popping up saying low memory or not enough disk space, & I only brought the laptop 3 days ago & only registered my email today I had 2 folders & 3 messages in my inbox.

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Can't Get Access Certain Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I can't get access to certain folders, everything was fine until my HD went KaPuT, so I installed a new dual 160GB raid system so I won;t lose it all again, the only problem is now that I reloaded Vista Ultimate I can't access anything, I have turned UAC off (my god what a mess that is, who thought up that POS?) and gave permissions and turned over ownership of everything to me, there is nobody else listed as a user in my system, yet when I use my AutoCad LT 2008 and try to access files, when I click on the directory I need to get into, it does nothing, I can get into other ones, but not any of the ones with little tiny curved arrows in boxes on the lower left. I have access of them in explorer, but not through LT 2008, HALP !! I need to get back to work and this is killing me, I am fairly knowledgable in puter stuff, but Vista is insane. up until now I have liked it, but XP is looking better all the time.

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Can't See Files In Some Folders

Apr 2, 2008

I'm facing this issue with some applications that needs to write some files on their installation directory... for example Yahoo Messenger creates some folders and write some files on its installation directory (e.g. C:Program FilesYahoo) for different reasons, like messages archiving.

These files and folders are created somehow and the application is able to access them correctly, but when I use Windows Explorer to see them they are not there! They are absolutely not hidden and even if they are I have the option of displaying the hidden files and folders enabled, and still I can't see them! I don't know if Vista has some way to store these file, but I couldn't even find them by searching!

This problem isn't specific to Yahoo Messanger as I faced it before with other application. One another example is eMule before that create Vista version that stores your settings and downloaded file in your Vista user folders instead of Program Files.

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Folders Can Get To Inbox?

Jul 29, 2009

All i can get to is my inbox. The whole other thing on the left with my other folders is gone. I cant get it back

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How To Sort Folders

Dec 16, 2009

How do I sort folders. I need to sort a-z or 1-10?

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How To Synchronize Folders

Jan 10, 2009

how to actually use the windows Sync center to synchronize a folder with a USB device. I've seen a lot of similar questions on online forums yet no one seems to answer them. Maybe Microsoft assumed that their software would be so user friendly that they don't need to include instructions on how to synchronize folders, I don't know. But if anyone knows how to do it

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Can't Rename Folders

Mar 23, 2008

After upgrading from XP to Vista Ultimate I can't rename folders. I can create a folder but I can't rename it from "New folder" to my own choice. Nothing simply happens, no error message, nothing. It just keeps om beain a "New folder".

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Not Able To See Shared Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 Dell laptops and I have connected them through cross cable. Now both are able to see each other, but not able to access the shared folder. I have tried changing the settings, but I am getting the same error that I do not have permissions to see the contents. The system whose IP address is is Vista Home Premium and the other is Vista Home Basic. Both have McAfee installed. Do I need to disable it?

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Can't Appear The Hidden Folders?

May 29, 2008

I can't appear the hidden folders. When i choose " appear hidden folders" and clicking Ok, hidden folders doesn't appear. What's the matter?

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Read Only Folders

Mar 23, 2008

just installed Vista Home edition. I'm set up as administrator, but yet my Word and Excel files are appearing as Read Only. When I check the Properties, the read only box in the attribute is not checked.

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Access To Folders

May 3, 2009

I recently purchased a new laptop with Vista on it, and I continue to be frustrated by the layers of security I have to constantly wade through. I am the owner, administrator and sole user of this computer. It is used in my home and is not part of any LAN. Yet even though I am the administrator and only user, I still have to give myself permission before I can do certain things or run certain programs. Is there any quick and easy way I can change a setting somewhere so that I don't have to constantly give myself permission to do various things?

Also, I have managed to change the security settings on various folders by going into Properties so that I can access the folders freely and see and access all files. But there are certain folders like the main Windows folder where I can't quite get the settings right so that I can have full control over the folder. I still see certain things grayed out on security screens under Properties where I am trying to give myself full control.............

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Cannot Open Folders

Sep 7, 2009

My computer cannot open any of 'My Computer' Folders or any 'Windows Explorer' folder. It says that its Not Responding. Its worked before and everything else works fine. It just happened out of the blue. Is there anything I can do?

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Cannot Delete Folders

Nov 11, 2009

My friend has a Vista Home Premium (32bit) Dell desktop with SP2 installed - and all other updates installed as of this moment in time. A month or so ago he created 3 sub-folders in his Video folder. These are empty and have not, as far as I am aware, been used. When I say they are empty I mean there are no files inside. I have noticed that there are some sub-folders, which are also empty. I am now trying to delete these folders (and sub-folders) - and each time I get the msg "Cannot delete this folder - item cannot be found" - and the delete fails. So far I have tried this with elevated rights to Admin, in Safe Mode, and using the command prompt - all without success. I have scanned the hard disk with MSEssentials - fully up to date, and found nothing. At the moment I am running CHKDSK to see if there an error on the disk - but halfway through there are no reports of an error so far.

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Storage Folders In WLM

Jun 4, 2009

I have just started using WLM, it is having a folder named as `Storage Folders`. What is purpose of this folder?? How can i remove it? Actually i upgraded from WM to WLM and now WLM is having this storage folder containing all the mails from WM. As the `Storage Folders` is not linked to any email account, i transfer the mails from it to the appropriate email account folder. But now i am unable to delete this Storage Folder, even i cant delete any item in its heirarchy..

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Delete All The IE Folders

Dec 23, 2007

i have over 100 different folders in Internet Explorer. Since the computer is for another family member i need to clean it all. I do not find the posssibility to delete them, except one by one. Do not want to reinstall IE either.

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Can't Access Certain Folders

Jun 22, 2008

While logged in with administrator privileges, why can I not access certain folders, such as Application Data, Local Settings, Temporary Internet files, etc.?

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Can't Get Access To Certain Folders

Mar 26, 2008

I can't get access to certain folders, everything was fine until my HD went KaPuT, so I installed a new dual 160GB raid system so I won;t lose it all again, the only problem is now that I reloaded Vista Ultimate I can't access anything, I have turned UAC off (my god what a mess that is, who thought up that POS?) and gave permissions and turned over ownership of everything to me, there is nobody else listed as a user in my system, yet when I use my AutoCad LT 2008 and try to access files, when I click on the directory I need to get into, it does nothing, I can get into other ones, but not any of the ones with little tiny curved arrows in boxes on the lower left. I have access of them in explorer, but not through LT 2008.

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Can't Remove Folders

Oct 10, 2009

I have some folders with music from 2006 in my computer which I can not remove. Everytime I want to delete them I see "you need a permission to perform the action". From some threads I have read about Cmd.exe but I understand it till cd command, how can I navigate to the directory exactly music my folders. These folders dont disturb me much but they take a little but of the memory. Or if anyone had other suggestions beside cmd.exe ......

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Icon With Folders...

Dec 8, 2008

From time to time, when I go to the Control Panel (for example), my icons will be really big, other times, they will be small, some other times, they will be in Detail mode... why is that? Just yesterday I went to the control panel to uninstall something and the icons were in like medium icon view, today the whole page looks weird (kinda like XP view)... see for yourself in the ICONS 01 image. Usually, the view I have for almost everything is in ICONS 02 image. Why is this happening and how do I make it stop or at least, set it to how I want it? It is driving me mad because it feels like a virus/worm is doing this... I hate to think I have a ghost on my rig.

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Can't Open Any Folders

Mar 6, 2010

I'm using vista home premium on a Toshiba Satellite M305. I can't open any folders. Double clicking or right clicking and clicking open won't work. Nothing happens when I try. Folders will only open if I right click and click "explore". Then, that folder and all the folders I tried to open before open. Once I have folders open, I can open folders normally by double clicking. But once I close those folders, I have to open folders by right clicking "explore". How can I get folders to open just by double clicking it?

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Folders To Be Maximised On Open

Dec 1, 2008

I like my folders to be maximised when I open them,at the moment I have to do it manually,by extending it out,then pressing the max button,but upon re-opening it, it has gone back to it's original size??,how can I set it to stay maximised all the time??,even after a reboot,the size goes back to original all the time.

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