Sorting Folders: FAVORITES The Individual Sites And Subfolders

Apr 28, 2010

When I go to START - FAVORITES the individual sites and subfolders appear in one list alphabetically. When I go START and right click on FAVORITES to open it in a window, the folders appear first alphabetically and the individual sites next on the list. The same thing happens when I have a site open and go to FAVORITES from the menu bar. The list is sorted first by folders and then by individual sites. I would prefer to see them listed as the second and third examples show but I cannot get the first one to sort that way. Pretty picky I know, but it is Wednesday after all.

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How To Get Size Of Individual Files And Folders

Mar 29, 2008

I am trying to find out how much disk space the various files & folders in my 'Documents' take up. I know how to get the size of individual files, and individual folders, but is there a way of showing the folder tree with the sizes of all files , folders, sub-folders ate the same time?

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Backing Up Individual Folders And EXE Files

Jun 3, 2008

I'm using Backup & Restore in Vista Home Premium x64 for easy backups. There are however a couple issues with it.First, is it possible to make Vista backup only individual folders?Second, I have Backup & Restore set to making daily incremental backups of all files (that can be selected in the wizard) on my C drive. Thing is, I have folders with applications in the root of C. E.g. C:Prog1, C:Prog2,etc... I had to retrieve backups a while back. You can only guess when all other files where restored except the .exe files n :Prog1, C:Prog2 and so on. After reading around a bit I found out that B&R doesn't backup executable
files. Any way to get around this.

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Folders And Individual Files Used To Show Thumbnails But Stopped Working

May 15, 2010

I have a problem, my folders and individual files used to show thumbnails but suddenly it stopped working. All I see is an icon from the default program. I have read about it and tried to fix it in folder options, tried uniblue but I just can't figure it out why it's not working anymore.

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Folders And Subfolders ALL Opened Each Time I Restart Windows!

Mar 27, 2009

Each time I start Windows Mail again, ALL my (150 or so!) folders and subfolders are opened (unfolded)!!! This drives me crazy... Apparently, this does not happen when I close my folders, close Windows Mail and start it again, but only when the system is restarted (not set into sleeping state with Windows Mail staying open, but really restarted). I have even unchecked the option to automatically open the folders with unread messages, though I would like this one to work like in OE, but it did not suppress the problem. I cannot find another option to NOT develop the folders... 99% of my messages were imported from OE, if it may be a clue...

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Cannot Delete Favorites From Favorites List

Mar 5, 2009

This is my third post (twice in IE 7 answer). I cannot delete favorites from favorites list. I have tried deleting while in safe mode also. After a short while they reappear again and seem to be multiplying! I cannot find the temporary folder either. I have Compaq Presario with Windows Vista Home Basic and Explorer 7 installed from factory. Purchased January of this year. I am familiar with Windows Xp and could find my way around the computer files, but Vista is really different and complicated! I do not know what else to do. I also have Webroot AntiVirus with AntiSpyware installed and have unchecked the box for favorites sheild because I am constantly being asked to keep or remove the favorites, but if I click remove they still return and I am asked over and over again the same question.

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No Contacts Sorting

Jun 2, 2008

I cannot sort (list) contacts by Last name.

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Contacts Sorting?

Mar 26, 2008

My cmigrated contacts are a mess...When I click on "contacts" the list is sorted by first name. Next, I attempted to sort by 'last name' - the field for 'last name' is blank for most contacts DESPITE there being a first and last name on their contact card. Outlook Express was simple, intuitive and easy to customize. Windows Mail is cumbersome, slow and totally counter-intuitive as well as complicate as hell to customize.

1) How do I get the contacts list to reflect what is ACTUALLY on the contact cards: ie: First and last names

2) Can I switch back to Outlook Express with Vista?

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Folder Sorting And Details?

Mar 29, 2008

I frequently find myself sorting the contents of a folder by modified date or size. What I'd like, though, is for these criteria to apply equally to subfolders and files. if I sort by modified date, I'll get a list where all the folders are at the top (sorted by date) then all the files are at the bottom (sorted by date). I'd like to see a single list where the folders and files are interspersed and everything is properly sorted by date (not sorted by type then date as Explorer effectively does for folders). I'm guessing no, but is there any way to get Vista's Windows Explorer to do this?...........

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Disabling Individual Windows Hotkeys?

Sep 29, 2009

Is it possible to disable individual hotkeys? I need to disable Windows + "= / +" and Windows + Spacebar. I know that it's possible to disable ALL hotkeys related to the Windows key, but those two conflict with an app I need.

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New Individual/Group Contacts In Windows Mail

Apr 9, 2008

I'm sure I must be doing something wrong, but I have Windows Mail on a laptop using Vista. It works fine, but all of a sudden, I can't fine how to add a new contact or group. I think I recall it being pretty easy and self explanatory before, so I think I must have some hidden files somewhere. However, I tried everything I can think of.

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Start Menu/All Programs Sorting. How Get Order Back?

May 14, 2008

On my laptop, the Start Menu/All Programs items are listed with the Single Program items first and the Folders after them. Normally on the Start Menu/All Programs, the Folders are listed first and the individual programs after them. How do I get this order back? I tried going to Start/properties/start menu/customize and click and unclicked the "Sort All Programs...." feature and the order remains the same.

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Cannot Renaming The Subfolders

Apr 4, 2009

This sounds like one of those Vista curses. I'm the sole new user of a home media center PC running Vista 64 bit ultimate. Privileges are of absolutely zero concern. So I try to rename a folder, call it MainFolder located in UserName | Music and which contains numerous subfolders created by Windows Media Player 11. I can rename the subfolders with no problem. But today, for the first time I tried to rename the MainFolder. I get a warning that I need permission,and to try again (which does nothing).

I right click the folder's properties and see that the read-only attribute is checked (not by me). I uncheck it and try renaming again. Same result, and on my returning to Properties, the read only box is miraculously rechecked. I click on Properties | Security and see that all are checked "Allow" except special permissions, which is blank. I click Advanced, and in the resulting Permissions tab I see the following:

Name Permission

WMP Network Service Full control
WMP Network Service Read
Username Full Control

Anyhow, All I want is For Vista to allow me or anyone using the computer to be able to use it without requiring passwords, secret handshakes, etc...

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Not Showing The Number Of Subfolders

Apr 7, 2009

When I go to a folder and do a right mouse click and go to properties it will show me the number of files I have but not the number of subfolders. How can I find out how many subfolders I have?

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Mail Contacts Subfolders

Feb 28, 2009

I've read several comments regarding the problem I have found about using windows vista mail, all with the same result - no useful solution. Having just moved from Outlook Express, I am accustomed to using sub folders under contacts. I set up subfolders in Vista contacts but they do not show up when I wish to forward an email using "To:" to select members of a folder, ie "family"

How inconvenient to have to search through all 300 or so addresses to find the 5 or 6 I want to forward to. "Family" is mixed in with all the rest. Creating a group is inappropriate when I do not want to send to ALL addresses in a group. Any news on a correction to this problem?

Or, is it possible to import Outlook from my XP system to use on this new one? The "work arounds" I have seen suggested are rediculous - this seems a serious flaw in the product to me! Any news of an improvement with SP2? (I have SP1 preinstalled) So far I find Vista NOT user friendly! Each problem requires hours of research to discover there is no solution...:mad:

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Mail-all Subfolders And Email Gone/lost

Apr 22, 2010

When I emptied my junk mail. When I looked again all my sub folders were gone too- all my business emails and folders. I am desperate. What do i do?.Can I recover them? Where would they be? I am using windows security essensials as antivirus. I am using vista mail.

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Folder Navigation Impossible With Many Subfolders

Jun 20, 2009

Say you have a folder called "Indie Music". It has 300 subfolders with music files (say X, Y, Z, etc.). I want to delete subfolder Y and then have the focus go to X or Z (the previous or the following subfolder). But after deleting Y, my focus is jumping back to "Indie Music", every single time. How am I supposed to keep track of where I was within my 300 subfolders and know which subfolder to focus on next when all I can see is the parent folder? Also, when i rename one of my 300 subfolders, the focus stays with that subfolder after the rename. If I rename "GGGG" to "ZGGG", the focus has gone to "ZGGG", right at the bottom of the tree, and again I have no idea where I was before.

Basic housekeeping with these subfolders has become impossible. I have given up on arranging and managing my music, pictures, etc. and have to transfer all my work folders to another PC where I can work and also keep some sanity. Is there a setting to keep the focus on the previous or next subfolder after deleting or renaming instead of taking it back to the parent folder? I had no choice (Vista or XP) when I bought my new laptop,and I spent hours (that I don't have!) trying to find my way around Vista.

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Lost Subfolders On Window Mail

Apr 14, 2009

How do I located subfolders that are now mysteriously gone.I had 20 sub folders or more with email correspondence.does anyone know how to recover them or find them?they are not in the trash bid or recycle bin?

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Program Files: Subfolders Names I Don't Recognise

Jun 5, 2010

In my 'program files' folder I see subfolders with names I don't recognise, do not appear under 'control panel - uninstall a program', nor on the start button 'all programs' option. Is it safe to delete them ?

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Inbox Subfolders Is Not Working Properly In Mail

Jun 11, 2008

I have all my emails delivered to my inbox. I then (used to and would like again) move any mails I want to keep into a subfolder. What I did previously was right click "inbox", new folder, name it and there it appeared eg RC,type "vista" and a subfolder called vista would appear. If I then wanted to create a sub subfolder I would RC over Vista, type " problems" and that would then appear as a subfolder of vista...........

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Way For Shared Drives Connected To All Access To ALL Subfolders And Files?

Feb 17, 2009

I can share a drive, no problem. No one can actually touch any of the data on that drive unless I specifically share each item one by one. Is there a way to share a drive and automatically have EVERYTHING on that drive be accessible to network users?

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Long Delay When Displaying Icons In Start Menu Subfolders

Mar 21, 2009

The Start Menu is extremely long opening folders and sbfolders. The magnifying glass turns round and round. It can take over one minute; however, if closing the menu and coming back, I find the folder I tried to open already open; if I try to open one of its sufolders, the same happens again with the subfolder.

I've read the tutorial at Menu Show Delay Time, but that method doesn't solve my case.

I don't know if there is any coincidence, but when this problem appeared all programs started to stop responding from time to time, more often Firefox.

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Sorting Folder List, Skipping The Word "The"

Mar 15, 2009

Its impossible hard to search for a solution that involves the word "The." I have a directory that is made up of hundreds of DVD folders. Several of which start with "The" and I would really love to find a way to sort the folders skipping the word "The" without having to rename each folder (ie.."Dark Knight, The") So if anyone has any ideas or anything Id love to hear it. Id prefer to not use any 3rd party programs if possible.

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Cannot Get On Certain Web Sites

Apr 25, 2008

I cannot get on certain web sites now that I have windows vista......web sites like facebook, webkinz.

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Wallpaper Sites?

Sep 3, 2009

any favorites u all have ?

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All Sites Are Blocked

Feb 26, 2009

I just installed broadband internet on my HP Pavilion tx2000 notebook PC loaded with Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. I have not been able to access any site other than Google and its allies. I have turned off the windows firewall to avoid and conflict with the Norton Antivirus 2009 firewall. I have tried by disabling phising filters. But nothing working.

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IE7 Will Not Go On Secure Sites

Aug 31, 2009

Vista comes with 2 versions of IE 32 bit and 64 bit right so why does the 64 bit version have no problem going on secure sites and yet 32 bit version refuses to do so normally it would not bother me but my Itunes is using the 32 bit version to go to the store (ithink) and i can not sign on to the store to get my music and yes before anyone suggests i have enabled SSL and TTL !

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2400 Incompatible Sites?

Feb 19, 2009

IE8 has listed 2400 incompatible sites for it's browser. Says sites not up to date. Looks to me that IE8 is broken right out of the box.

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Disconnect From Internet Sites

May 15, 2009

For several weeks I have been trying to solve a problem with being disconnected from internet sites. Tons of troubleshooting have not been successful. The problem is this: I can go to any website and open one or two windows but when I try to open a third (or sometimes fourth) window (especially if it is a 'heavy' activity site, e.g. Pogo Games or some site that requires multiple windows) I suddenly get disconnected. It is as if I am overloading something (I have 3 GB of RAM) or causing something or other to overload. This happens whether I am using my AOL browser, Internet Explorer 8.0, or Firefox...

so it is NOT the browser. With AOL when I get disconnected the browser will immediately try to restart and will be successful except if I have not 'removed' the offending 3rd or 4th window it will soon disconnect again. I try to quickly X out the 'extra' window but if I am not quick enough it will repeat that cycle again and again up to 6 or 7 times until I can 'catch' and X out the extra window. I have no idea where to start troubleshooting but it is very exasperating. I have a Dell Inspiron 530s, 200GB HD, 3GB RAM, Vista Home Premium OS, 32-bit. (Question: would upgrading to 64bit make a possible difference?)

My computer is loaded with applications, large graphic files, etc. etc. It may be that I need to simplify. Also have more than one anti-virus and/or anti-malware application. Could that be the problem? I need HELP Please.....If reinstalling the OS would be the solution I would do that as a last resort because I have so much personal data that has to be backed up as well as dozens and dozens of applications that would have to be reinstalled. But if I can't find another solution to this problem first I can go that route (again). P.S. I also tried a 'Repair Install' and got the message : Nothing to repair'...although that only took a few seconds so I doubted that a scan was done.

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IE Slow In Visiting Sites

Jun 10, 2009

IE that comes with Vista was working fine. Today, I noticed that it is very slow in visiting sites but later it came worse. I thought it was a problem with the connection but I was wrong. Using Google Chrome I didn't see the problem also with Opera we browser.

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Failed To Connect To Certain Sites

Jun 15, 2009

I recently encounter an error that is driving me nuts... it wont let me connect to certain sites, e.g email and some university websites. However, I am connected to the internet.. i can go to some sites such as google, yahoo, this, online game, msn.I use rogers as isp, dlink router, laptop vista, avast, windows firewall, Norton (i think i removed completely)I normally use firefox but this error happens to my ie too. Recently i did not download any suspicious programs except maybe for windows/browser updates.

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