Program Files: Subfolders Names I Don't Recognise

Jun 5, 2010

In my 'program files' folder I see subfolders with names I don't recognise, do not appear under 'control panel - uninstall a program', nor on the start button 'all programs' option. Is it safe to delete them ?

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How Backup Utility To Recognise Files?

Nov 8, 2008

I've been running Backups regularly using the Control Panel, Backup and Restore Center. I've recently noticed however that my movie files weren't being backed up. The file type is '. MOD' saved by Panasonic camcorders. The 'video' and 'additional files' boxes are checked in the settings dialog. I spotted the problem after adding loads of movies to the computer and noticing the backup didn't need a new DVD (previous one nearly full) then I checked the backup files and '.MOI' files were copied from the folders but not the '.MOD' files. Is there any way of getting the backup utility to recognise these files?

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Way For Shared Drives Connected To All Access To ALL Subfolders And Files?

Feb 17, 2009

I can share a drive, no problem. No one can actually touch any of the data on that drive unless I specifically share each item one by one. Is there a way to share a drive and automatically have EVERYTHING on that drive be accessible to network users?

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Deleting Program Files And Keeping Program Files X86?

Aug 16, 2008

I have Windows Vista Ultimate x64, and it came with 2 set of program files: program files, and program files x86. Since my hard drive is only 100 gigs, I was wondering if I could delete the normal program files and keep the x86 ones, or would that cause problems?

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Program Files X ? 2 Program Files Normal?

Dec 23, 2008

is it normal for me to have 2 Program files?

One has (x86) next to it. ( I assume for the 32bit apps?!?! maybe)

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Program Files And Program Files (x86) Folder?

Jul 23, 2008

i installed ultimate 64 bit on my dell 1720. it originally came with like home premium 32 bit. why does it have a program files and program files (x86) folder? i just didn't know why it had both and what this means or doesn't mean.

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Not Load Games Into The Program Files Or X86 Files

Feb 6, 2009

Is it best to make a root folder to the C: drive for Games and not load games into the program files or X86 files?

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Program Files Vs. Program Files (x86)

Sep 20, 2008

I did a search for "x86" on these forums and did not find anything. So, I'd like to ask a few quick question to Brink or anyone else that might know.

This is my first computer with a 64-bit OS (Vista Home Premium). I noticed that there are two separate "Program Files" directories off of root C:

a "Program Files" directory a "Program Files (x86)" directory Is there a difference between the two directories that we should know about?

Also, I've been installing programs to "Program Files (x86)." The programs I've been installing are not necessary 64-bit programs. Should I be installing programs to the "Program Files" directory, instead?

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X86 Vs X64, Program Files X86

Feb 6, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate, I have x64 installed at the present time. I noticed under C: it lists two program files folders, one just plain Program Files (which I presume is the x64 bit folder) one Program Files x86 (which is what it says I presume) The x86 folder is 1.55 gig and the other Program Files Folder (Which I asume is x64) is only 900 MGB. So does that tell me that most of what is on my pc is still X86, running in compatability mode? I usually run Vista Ultimate 32 bit, but just had to try this and see if it would run on my home built pc.

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Program To Open .doc Files?

Jan 28, 2010

Hi, I am going crazy trying to find a program that will open .doc files without any success. I did download a program, cant remember the name but it only allowed me to view all documents and I want to be able to amend them too.

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Program Files: *already* Been Documented?

Mar 26, 2008

XP was simple. Your executables were installed under C:Program Files documents associated with executables were under C:...\Applications... What I am asking has probably *already* been documented. All I need is for somebody to point to it.

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Deleted Program Files.

Jun 13, 2008

i accidently deleted my program files, because first i had vista x86 then i got vista x64. i installed both on the same hardisk. So there were two program files folders 1)program files, 2)program files(x86). in confusion i delt no. 1. so any way of getting those programs back from vista cdo or any othere source.

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Deleting Program Files

Mar 14, 2009

I recently had to reformat my computer, but saved basically all of my old computer in the folder windows.old before doing so. Now that I wiped my drive and reinstalled vista, I want to get rid of that windows.old folder because it is huge and I don't use it anymore, but I can't get clearance to delete or move it to an external hard drive.

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Program Files Read Only

Jul 29, 2009

I have a serious problem to fix. I've written a WIndows Application using visual studio 2008 that uses an Access database to hold data. I've placed the database in the same folder as the executible "C:Program FilesMyAppMyData.mdb". The program installs and work fine under XP and but when installed and run under Vista, I'm getting file permission errors. All user installation and running of the application is done as the ADMINISTATOR, the only user profile created.

My eariler version of the application, written with VS 2005 installs (DOT NET Framework 2.0) and works fine under Vista. I can't change the database location, as eariler versions of this same program have been running and working fine under XP. It would mean changing the data file location for over 200 customers. It would cause a great deal of head aches to modify the application to use a different
folder for the database.

SO here's my questions. What permissions do I need to get read/write access to my data file? What steps can be taken to remove the security attributes on my data file? Can I change these permissions from within my application? The application exe file does have its compatibilities property set to "Run as an administrator". Do I have to run the application under compatibility mode of "Windows XP (Service pack 2)"?

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Program Files(x86) Just Disapeared

Feb 20, 2009

I try to run it in RUN, but give's me an error! What shoul i do?

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Delete Folder From C:Program Files

Feb 11, 2010

I installed a program but it does not apear in the programs and features list while it is working well. I decided to uninstall it but I could not do this because it does not apear in the programs and features list so I tried to delete its folder from C:Program Files but I could not so then I turned my computer in the safe mode and I could delete its folder. Then the problems start to begin: the security center can not see the installed antivirus, when I try to uninstall or install the programs I get: (access is denied contact the administrator) although I am an administrator. Even i could not rename my folders in the C hard disk. also when I try to open system restore I get (There was unexpected error: class not registerd 0x80040154). I do not know if it is virus or a mistake I made by deleting that program.

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Program Files (x86) Not Showing Up Anymore

Jun 12, 2009

My computer: Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 AMD 64bit. I am aware of the two folder for program files, but this scrn shot(attachment) will explain it more.. My "Program Files (x86)" folder is not showing up in my C drive list, it is still there, but not appearing any ideas? I think other folders are not showing as well..

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Default Install Into The X86 Program Files

Nov 19, 2007

Ill try not to look to dumb here, but I just installed Vista Home Prem 64 about a week ago and I have a question. There seems to be two Program Files to install applications into, Program Files and Program Files (x86). I know the x86 refers to 32 bit OS. So why do all my applications want to default install into the x86 Program Files? Is there a difference in installing into either one of them? Could it cause issues that anyone knows of? Should I uninstall out of my x86 and reinstalled my application into the non-x86 Program Files?

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Search Program, Non-indexed Files

Feb 3, 2010

I have now found out about the search you can do with Windows key + F, but I was wondering where that program is that the shortcut starts. Is it possible to make another shortcut that would just be on the desktop to the same search program, so you would only need to click on the shortcut on the desktop?

Also, is it possible to set a default so the search program would also search the non-indexed files, instead of going to the advanced screen and having to check the box? Or does Vista want to require you to have indexing on for every drive?

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Restoration Of Program Files(x86) From Windows.old

Sep 3, 2009

install a fresh install over my old copy of vista and now I need to restore everything from the old one. got most everything except when i try to restore program files x86 it says access denied?

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Can't Find A Program To Playing .wav Files

Aug 22, 2009

Court hearings are recorded in .wav files we can get copies of on CDs. But we can't find a program that plays them. The whole codec thing is over my head and more trouble than I want to deal with. Is it a Vista thing? Are wav files no longer compatible? The old recorder program used to record and play them. I can't find anything that simple anymore.

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Can't Access The Folder C: Program Files

Aug 25, 2009

I'm logged in on an administrator account, yet I can't access the folder C:Program Files (x86)Everest Pokerhistory. I get the windows message "C:Program Files (x86)EverestPokerhistory is not accessible. Access is denied."" I've tried "Taking Ownership" of the folder using a registry tool i found on google, to no avail. I've been told that I can solve the issue by turning off UAC, but I'd rather not compromise security if I don't have to.

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Couldn't Open Program All Files

Oct 9, 2009

i couldn't open a program so i chose "Open as" and didn't realize i had "always use this program for all files" and now nothing at all will open except my browser and everything is saved as a .EXE file i have windows vista. Also whenever i try and download something it saves as a .EXE Im not too tecky so bit by bit instructions would be nice

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Program Allow To View Excel Files?

Apr 3, 2009

does anyone know of a program that will allow me to view excel files without having to install the full version of office/excel?

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Cannot Renaming The Subfolders

Apr 4, 2009

This sounds like one of those Vista curses. I'm the sole new user of a home media center PC running Vista 64 bit ultimate. Privileges are of absolutely zero concern. So I try to rename a folder, call it MainFolder located in UserName | Music and which contains numerous subfolders created by Windows Media Player 11. I can rename the subfolders with no problem. But today, for the first time I tried to rename the MainFolder. I get a warning that I need permission,and to try again (which does nothing).

I right click the folder's properties and see that the read-only attribute is checked (not by me). I uncheck it and try renaming again. Same result, and on my returning to Properties, the read only box is miraculously rechecked. I click on Properties | Security and see that all are checked "Allow" except special permissions, which is blank. I click Advanced, and in the resulting Permissions tab I see the following:

Name Permission

WMP Network Service Full control
WMP Network Service Read
Username Full Control

Anyhow, All I want is For Vista to allow me or anyone using the computer to be able to use it without requiring passwords, secret handshakes, etc...

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How To Recognise Camera?

Nov 9, 2008

I have just got a Zennox DV5210 but I cannot get my laptop to recognise it because the disc that they have provided is only compatible with XP and Windows 98. Is here anyway I can get the laptop to recognise this digital camera?

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VISTA X64: Shows A Program Files (x86) Folder

May 22, 2008

When I go into the C: Drive.. it shows program files.. and then it also shows a Program Files (x86) folder.. why do I have both, and one is 32 bit. Whats it for, what should I use it for. or do the things you try and install that are 32 bit go in there, and the others go in the normal file?? Please let me kno what the deal is with that.

One last question, I just got a new system built.. and now I wanna take the HD from my old system, add it to my new one.. and move everything over, is it just that simple. plug it in.. let my computer see it. open and drag everything. or is there ways to do it. Like I don't wanna just drag everything or I'd have 2 of everything. and it would take forever to do it all folder at a time. So what should I do. Open my Music and drag it all into My music new system. so the folder stays and stuff inside get transfered. or what?

whats the best way to just get all my programs, and all my files over..Should I transfer over all the install files.. or should I redownload and reinstall all the stuff I need online.. to make sure i get 64 bit ones if available..?? Let me kno please!! I'm going to do it tonight.

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Program Files - Copy Vs Install: Run Fine.Others Won't

Mar 26, 2008

I've been told in this forum that appls must be reinstalled into Program Files,not simply copied from a Backup.Yet some of the copied appls (WinMX,WinAmp,Audacity, etc)run fine.Others won't.What determines the correct prodedure?

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Not Showing The Number Of Subfolders

Apr 7, 2009

When I go to a folder and do a right mouse click and go to properties it will show me the number of files I have but not the number of subfolders. How can I find out how many subfolders I have?

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Mail Contacts Subfolders

Feb 28, 2009

I've read several comments regarding the problem I have found about using windows vista mail, all with the same result - no useful solution. Having just moved from Outlook Express, I am accustomed to using sub folders under contacts. I set up subfolders in Vista contacts but they do not show up when I wish to forward an email using "To:" to select members of a folder, ie "family"

How inconvenient to have to search through all 300 or so addresses to find the 5 or 6 I want to forward to. "Family" is mixed in with all the rest. Creating a group is inappropriate when I do not want to send to ALL addresses in a group. Any news on a correction to this problem?

Or, is it possible to import Outlook from my XP system to use on this new one? The "work arounds" I have seen suggested are rediculous - this seems a serious flaw in the product to me! Any news of an improvement with SP2? (I have SP1 preinstalled) So far I find Vista NOT user friendly! Each problem requires hours of research to discover there is no solution...:mad:

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DirectX Only Recognise 3326mb

Jun 30, 2008

im using vista ultimate x64
with 4gb ram,512mb vga card,celeron problem is why my directX only
recognise 3326mb while the windows and bios startup showing 4096mb(4gb)

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