Managing / Removing Too Many Files In Program Manager?

Dec 9, 2006

I have installed too many programs for them to all be seen in the program manager screen. Is there a windows solution or utility that will alow me to see all my programs?

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Removing A Previous User Account From Device Manager?

Mar 21, 2008

I just purchased a hard drive from someone and reinstalled it on a new computer. The system is working great and everything except one little annoyance that I can't seem to figure out, one of the old user profiles, which isn't even listed under the "User Accounts" is the only one listed in my documents and settings, I can't delete it when I go to Device Manager, the delete button becomes greyed out. The new account that I created is on the login screen when the computer starts but the old account isn't, also the new account isn't even listed in my documents. Does anyone have a solution for this as far as removing the old account?

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Removing A Continuous DCOM Alert Message In Event Manager

Jan 26, 2006

I have currently WinXP running on my pc and my event manager is getting constantly full up of DCOM messages which I am scratching my head over! The message I am getting is:DCOM is unable to communicate with computer ANNE-MARIE using any of the configured protocols. I am getting 15 of these every minute ANNE-MARIE is a notebook of someone who worked here shortly and used my companies wireless connection. It is driving me nuts and I would be very grateful if someone could assist me with this.

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Removing Unwanted Desktop Icons Manually / Task Manager

Jul 24, 2005

Recently my father-in-law installed a program on to my computer. It set up a desktop icon, that did not get removed when it was uninstalled. I can't even right click on it and hit delete because it's not there, nor can I just hit delete. How can it be removed manually. It is a "share-to-web upload folder" from a hp digital camera. I aslo don't have access to the cd to reinstall it and uninstall again. Also I can't get task manager to work, I hit Ctrl, Alt, Delete and nothing. I right click on the task bar and click on task manager and nothing. Iwas working a few days ago, don't know what happened, anyway to get it back? I already tried system restore but only goes back a few days.

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Managing User Accounts

Sep 11, 2005

As an administrator, how can I apply settings to User accounts globally, without having to change each one individually, e.g. to set display options etc?

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Detecting And Removing A Hidden StartUp-program?

Feb 5, 2009

How do you remove a hidden "StartUp program", like the one shown below? I need to remove it from my system. WinPatrol doesn't even detect it, so I can't remove that hidden program/file with WinPatrol. Is there a program that is made to detect hidden files like this (see below): I believe the program is actually part of the .NET Framework 2.0 (Service pack 1), which was installed on my computer, yesterday. I want to remove it & all of it's components if one of it's components is the exact same file I'm having trouble finding & removing from my list of StartUp programs. Is there a safe program that can detect & remove .NET Frameworks & other "hard to remove" files?

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Removing Desktop Icons Without Remove Program

Mar 14, 2005

Some of desktop icons can be removed without actually removing the program they represent, but others, when I right click to remove, will remove the entire program along with the icon. Is there some way I can remove just the icon without removing the program?

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Removing Old Menu Items No Longer Link To A Program?

Jul 29, 2010

I've got left over start menu items that no longer link to a program. How can I get rid of these? Are there any simple apps that find these and remove them?

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Managing With Dual Boot Options At Startup?

Jan 10, 2008


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Removing Installed Program: Entry In Control Panel Cant Deleted?

Aug 6, 2005

How do I remove Quick Time Media Player from my PC, which was downloaded some time back. In control panel their is separate entry for quick time which cannot be deleted. tried to remove it by deleting all the entry pertaining to quick time from registry, but it simply refuses to go.

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Managing Change Settings - Recognise File Type

Sep 17, 2007

Just one very quick and propably simple question. somehow i managed to change a setting somewhere that has made all the files on my computer have the file type e.g. .jpg or .bmp at the end of every file name, how can i change this so it goes back to normall.for example i have; picture.jpg istead of just picture as the file name

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Rundll32.exe In Task Manager / Program Launched It?

Aug 2, 2010

ive recently noticed the "rundll32.exe" process running in task manager. i have tried everything to figure out what is launching this.

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Unable To Run Any Program After Startup Only Getting Task Manager?

Dec 28, 2007

i have a problem that i cant open my windows as when i log on the desktop doesnt load up except task manager when i searched for explorer.exe it was missed i have restore it throug the win xp cd the windows back to live but there is some thing can be noticed in this photo!!:i cant open any folder or any thing

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Files Existing After Removing With Add/Remove?

Jun 9, 2005

Using Win XP. Downloaded the Beta version of software. After several days of trouble, decided to remove the program, AVG Antivirus. After removing using Add/Remove and restarting my computer, I did a file search and found many files still existing on my hard drive,primarily in C:Program files and other places My first thought was to delete these files. Then, I thought I had better check with you guys first.

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Removing Internet Files From Laptop With Pro

Jul 10, 2005

I am about to leave a company. I will need to return their laptop, I would like to scrub all traces of my internet searches.I have admin access on this laptop but do not know how to make sure all traces of my searches have been removed and can not be retrieved.

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How To Removing Temp Files On System?

Oct 30, 2006

I had BIG problems with a printer/scanner all-in-one and have decided to remove any programs associated with it (HP C4180 Photosmart All-in-One). I even at one point took the printer/scanner and my laptop back to Staples to see if they could load the Printer/Scanner and they indicated that there was nothing wrong with my drivers and want me to bring it in today to do a diagnostic check (Darn, $40.00 and that is just to see what the problem is) then whatever it costs to fix it. At that time they also advised me that my system was running quite slow. I thought I had removed everything associated with HP and now I noticed that I have all these files under "Temp Files" on my system. I did a Disc Clean-up, making sure that "Temp Files was checked but they don't seem to want to be removed. Attached is a copy of what is on my system. Maybe you know of a fix to remove anything associated with HP??....

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Removing ALL Unneeded Files From Laptop

Feb 16, 2005

Any ideas on removing ALL unneeded files from my XP PRO installation. I bought XP Pro for my laptop, but i probably should have bought XP Home. My C: drive is partitioned at 3 GIG. its a laptop and i don't mind getting rid of ALL CAB files also, when i travel, ill carry the CD.

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MS .NET Framework Update Install Fail - Get Dell Program Manager?

Jul 23, 2010

I admit to being a cheap SOB and have bought second han Dell Latitude D610 from work. For security they have COMPLETLY wiped hard drive and only reloaded original Window XP. I have neen working through all sorts of issues in loading all the drivers etc for a week of nights and have almost made it but I am having an issue in loading the MS update. I get the following message in automatic Updates window. "The following updates were not installed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5SP1 and .NET Frammework 2.0 SP@ Update for Windows Server and Windows XP x86 (KB982524)"Are they important. I think I need them to get the Dell Program Manager to work to download all the drivers (I have done most by transferring to stick from desktop.)

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Removing Unknown Update Files On External HD?

Mar 18, 2007

I have a WD 250gb external HD, i have since switched to a mac and still want to use this HD.however there are 3 files on this drive that seem to be microsoft updates, not sure how they ended up on this drive....i did not place them imagine it was thru one of the many microsoft auto updates i want to try and delete these files, but i get an error saying that i either dont have authority to delete these files , or they are currently in use. they are two folders that are 0 bytes....and have long random numeric and alpha titles such as e7e4e1d6bbb6349...etc.

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Showing & Removing Unwanted Hidden Files?

Dec 1, 2007

I have a number of hidden files which I have forwarded to MY Documents and my Pictures.I want to delete my hidden files but keep the ones I forwarded.What worries me is if i delete hidden ones will the others also be deleted.I was wondering if i changed the names of the ones i want to keep or will they be safe anyway

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Find Out Eating By Memory - Task Manager Shows No Program Running

Aug 8, 2008

I am running XP. The system is crawling. When I do a Task Manager or Ctrl Alt Delete, the little green square is full up and this is with no programs running except Windows. I am using Finity Soft Memory Manager and this program says Free Ram 54%, Memory Load Index 44%, and CPU 100%. How do I find out what programs are running other than using Task Manager which shows no programs running?

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Finding Corrupted Files In OE / Removing Error Messages?

Nov 11, 2009

Hey all I wanted information on how to find a corrupted file in OE ... I'm unable to delete any messages and all my sent files are gone. I would like to reinstall OE but I don;t want to add in the corrupted file AGAIN

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Every Program Automatically Installing To Program Files?

Mar 21, 2005

It is frustrating having every program automatically install to program files, including minor things like audio attachment. I know I'll end up with tons and tons of folders in program files. Beyond that, I can't access program files from the other computers on the network. Is there a good way to reorganize/move files to my C drive in a way that would be efficient and wouldn't require reinstalling every single program in a different place?

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Every Program Goes To Program Files / Wont Go To Other Partitions?

Sep 10, 2005

Um.. I think this could go here. Well i just partitioned my hard drive and i seperated it by music, programs, etc. What im trying to do is get all my programs to use the seperate partition (E) instead of C:. I just wanted to know how to do this.

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Changing Resolution For User Accounts - Removing Desktop Files?

Feb 22, 2007

We've just purchased a new monitor for out PC with a better resolution than our previous one. Basically, my dad wants to have his user account set at 1280x768, whereas I want to use the best resolution of the monitor which is 1440x900.

On the previous monitor, I seemed to be able to make it so that different user accounts could have their own resolutions. However, when I've tried changing the resolution in my dad's account, when I go back to my account, it is set as my dad's resolution. If I change it back to mine, then my dad's account changes to mine too.

Is there a way I can make it so that each account can have their own resolution set?

installed a file manager for his mobile phone and it's put a folder on the desktop which I cannot seem to remove. I right click it but there is no delete option for it. Even when I open it, I can't find any options to remove it either. Does any one have any idea as to how I might be able to remove this folder from my desktop? It's appeared on all user accounts

Thanks for all the help in advance, everyone.

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Removing Virus Infected Files: Slow System And Freezes?

Jan 4, 2005

I did remove virus efeected files and my PC is behaving badly, it responds very slow to commands and freezes. Here is the log. Can anybody help me to resore my computer

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Removing Registry Entries: Removed Program But Entries Exists ?

Jul 30, 2005

i had Nero 6 ultra edition and removed it but have still got entries in the registry causing problems with the reinstalling of it. i made a mess the license key entry and it won't reinstall. is there a way of removing all traces of the prog so that i can do a clean reinstall?

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Default Program Wont Unzip .exe Files / Files Blocked To Protect System?

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using Win XP and, using the built in Zip feature,have zipped up 14 files that include one .exe file and one .bas file.When I try to Extract All files it extracts all except these two files.It says that the files have been blocked to protect the computer, then I can click on a link to find out how to unblock the files but the instructions to do so don't make sense.The instructions tell you to save the file, then right click/properties/unblock, but I can't see how you can save a file if it hasn't been unzipped.How can I stop the .exe and .bas files from being blocked

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Removing "Ad Served By Internet Program"?

Apr 29, 2008

When I browse online, I get pop-ups and in the bottom right hand corner it states "Ad served by internet program". I need to remove this. I did virus scan and used AdAware to no avail.

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Unzip Files Using Task Manager

Jul 29, 2010

Issue with having no icons and toolbar on my desktop. While I'm sorting that one out, how I can use the task manager to unzip a zip file I've downloaded?

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Removing Fragmented Files: Computer Having 13% Fragmented Files?

Dec 18, 2004

I am using Win XP and try to defrag often since I work with a lot of photos and images that i move to CD and then erase from hd. I have a 60gb hd that now has 13% fragmented files that will not defrag. Some are System Volume information_restore others are in my Documents and Settingsapplicationoutlook and some are Documents and SettingsapplicationData1clickDvdcopyvideo

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