Files Existing After Removing With Add/Remove?

Jun 9, 2005

Using Win XP. Downloaded the Beta version of software. After several days of trouble, decided to remove the program, AVG Antivirus. After removing using Add/Remove and restarting my computer, I did a file search and found many files still existing on my hard drive,primarily in C:Program files and other places My first thought was to delete these files. Then, I thought I had better check with you guys first.

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Upgrade To WMP 10 And All Existing Mpeg Files Don't Work

Jun 10, 2005

I upgrade to WMP 10 and all my existing mpeg files don't work. I just get sound and a black screen. I see quite a few others posting similar problems. It now appears that my DVD Encoders are no longer compatible with WMP 10. Hmmm they were fine with WMP9...what gives? now it appears I must PURCHASE a new set of encoders, conveniently located through the WMP10 "Plug-Ins" drop down menu. And don't think you can go back to WMP9, it also seems that my system restore point created before the upgrade mysteriously fails to work.

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Removing Items In Add And Remove Programs?

Dec 8, 2005

OS XP Home. How do you remove items in the add and remove programs section? Specifically I have a notification utility in there and I can't get rid of it!

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Removing Programs Not Listed In Add/remove?

Jan 31, 2009

I had a crash and felt like I had to reinstall XP. Obviously I didn't know what I was doing, but I did get the system installed and put programs back on that I had disks for. The problem is that I now have Norton, Nero and others on the hard drive that do not show up on the computer but when I do a scan I have to check through all those programs and they are taking up space on the drive. I cannot access any of them.

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Removing 'stuck' Items In Add/Remove Programs?

Jul 26, 2005

I have a program 'stuck' in Add/Remove Programs.There is no button to remove it (no buttons at all actually).The program is Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003.

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Removing Items From Add/remove In Control Panel?

Feb 4, 2006

Does anyone know howw to remove items that are listed under add/remove programs in the control panel? I have several games and other installations that still show there even though they were fully uninstalled. They don't create a problem per se. Just wondered if there was a way to do this.

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Removing Programs That Add/Remove Doesn't List?

Apr 1, 2005

I need to free space on my C drive and have installed many programs already on a second drive. Windows Add/Remove Programs doesn't list quite a few old programs on C, like old versions of Quickbooks, that are listed by Explorer. How do I remove them? Something tells me it's more than just selecting them and clicking Delete.

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Removing Desktop Icons Without Remove Program

Mar 14, 2005

Some of desktop icons can be removed without actually removing the program they represent, but others, when I right click to remove, will remove the entire program along with the icon. Is there some way I can remove just the icon without removing the program?

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Removing Programs Under Control Panel Add Remove Option?

Oct 17, 2007

i downloaded this trial version of counterspy 2 from sunbelt and i dont want it anymore and i cant remove it, The help says to go to control panel and add remove programs but when i do, its the only program listed there that doesnt give me the option to remove, change or anything to it, it just says used rarely and thats it, all the other ones will let me remove it. whats the deal, anyone know? i should be able to uninstall this bs, and i cant get it to work, im a noob

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Removing Programs From Add/remove List That No Longer Exist?

Dec 2, 2009

Is there a way to remove programs from the add/remove programs list if you no longer have the uninstall file and the software is no longer on your disk?

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Removing Internet Files From Laptop With Pro

Jul 10, 2005

I am about to leave a company. I will need to return their laptop, I would like to scrub all traces of my internet searches.I have admin access on this laptop but do not know how to make sure all traces of my searches have been removed and can not be retrieved.

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How To Removing Temp Files On System?

Oct 30, 2006

I had BIG problems with a printer/scanner all-in-one and have decided to remove any programs associated with it (HP C4180 Photosmart All-in-One). I even at one point took the printer/scanner and my laptop back to Staples to see if they could load the Printer/Scanner and they indicated that there was nothing wrong with my drivers and want me to bring it in today to do a diagnostic check (Darn, $40.00 and that is just to see what the problem is) then whatever it costs to fix it. At that time they also advised me that my system was running quite slow. I thought I had removed everything associated with HP and now I noticed that I have all these files under "Temp Files" on my system. I did a Disc Clean-up, making sure that "Temp Files was checked but they don't seem to want to be removed. Attached is a copy of what is on my system. Maybe you know of a fix to remove anything associated with HP??....

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Removing ALL Unneeded Files From Laptop

Feb 16, 2005

Any ideas on removing ALL unneeded files from my XP PRO installation. I bought XP Pro for my laptop, but i probably should have bought XP Home. My C: drive is partitioned at 3 GIG. its a laptop and i don't mind getting rid of ALL CAB files also, when i travel, ill carry the CD.

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Remove Partition Without Remove Files And Programs

Feb 26, 2006

Running XP on a 120 gig disk. It is partitioned and I can only use 70 gb and am running out of space. Is there any way to remove the partition and be able to use the full disk without losing all my files and programs? There is nothing on the smaller partition.

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Removing Unknown Update Files On External HD?

Mar 18, 2007

I have a WD 250gb external HD, i have since switched to a mac and still want to use this HD.however there are 3 files on this drive that seem to be microsoft updates, not sure how they ended up on this drive....i did not place them imagine it was thru one of the many microsoft auto updates i want to try and delete these files, but i get an error saying that i either dont have authority to delete these files , or they are currently in use. they are two folders that are 0 bytes....and have long random numeric and alpha titles such as e7e4e1d6bbb6349...etc.

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Showing & Removing Unwanted Hidden Files?

Dec 1, 2007

I have a number of hidden files which I have forwarded to MY Documents and my Pictures.I want to delete my hidden files but keep the ones I forwarded.What worries me is if i delete hidden ones will the others also be deleted.I was wondering if i changed the names of the ones i want to keep or will they be safe anyway

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Managing / Removing Too Many Files In Program Manager?

Dec 9, 2006

I have installed too many programs for them to all be seen in the program manager screen. Is there a windows solution or utility that will alow me to see all my programs?

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Finding Corrupted Files In OE / Removing Error Messages?

Nov 11, 2009

Hey all I wanted information on how to find a corrupted file in OE ... I'm unable to delete any messages and all my sent files are gone. I would like to reinstall OE but I don;t want to add in the corrupted file AGAIN

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Changing Resolution For User Accounts - Removing Desktop Files?

Feb 22, 2007

We've just purchased a new monitor for out PC with a better resolution than our previous one. Basically, my dad wants to have his user account set at 1280x768, whereas I want to use the best resolution of the monitor which is 1440x900.

On the previous monitor, I seemed to be able to make it so that different user accounts could have their own resolutions. However, when I've tried changing the resolution in my dad's account, when I go back to my account, it is set as my dad's resolution. If I change it back to mine, then my dad's account changes to mine too.

Is there a way I can make it so that each account can have their own resolution set?

installed a file manager for his mobile phone and it's put a folder on the desktop which I cannot seem to remove. I right click it but there is no delete option for it. Even when I open it, I can't find any options to remove it either. Does any one have any idea as to how I might be able to remove this folder from my desktop? It's appeared on all user accounts

Thanks for all the help in advance, everyone.

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Removing Virus Infected Files: Slow System And Freezes?

Jan 4, 2005

I did remove virus efeected files and my PC is behaving badly, it responds very slow to commands and freezes. Here is the log. Can anybody help me to resore my computer

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Removing "Simply Remove Hardware" Message?

Sep 16, 2006

Every now and then, I get the "Simply Remove Hardware" icon on my taskbar. Because I have external hardware that I use from time to time, but not regularly, this "icon" is an annoyance and I wish to shut it off.

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Removing Programs From The "Add/Remove" List?

Feb 21, 2009

Previous owner of my PC manually deleted files for certain games etc without going through the uninstall processes required. Now my "Add/Remove Programs" list is over-populated with items I can't remove, and I'd like to get rid of them.Is there a directory I can go to, or a method of doing so?

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Removing Fragmented Files: Computer Having 13% Fragmented Files?

Dec 18, 2004

I am using Win XP and try to defrag often since I work with a lot of photos and images that i move to CD and then erase from hd. I have a 60gb hd that now has 13% fragmented files that will not defrag. Some are System Volume information_restore others are in my Documents and Settingsapplicationoutlook and some are Documents and SettingsapplicationData1clickDvdcopyvideo

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W2K Pro Be Installed Over Existing Pro?

Jul 14, 2005

Is it possible to install W2K Pro over an existing XP Pro?

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Can Reinstall SP2 On Top Of The Existing OS

May 5, 2005

I have a Win xp sp2 machine that will no longer boot. After bios, a win 98 boot screen appears (very similar to a 98 boot floppy screen), asking to make a choice: safe mode is one, and when it is selected, it complains about not finding several windows files: C:windowshimem.sys, dblbuff.sys and ifshlp.sys. Is there a recovery mode for existing installations? Can I reinstall XP SP2 on top of the existing OS and have it preserve everything?

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Cannot Log On Due To No Details Of The Existing Password

Oct 27, 2009

In lieu of non payment of an invoice I have been given an IBM R50e with XP Pro installed. The big problem is that I cannot log on due to no details of the existing Password that has been set up. how to overcome this? I have no software discs and really want to keep the installed software as its all legit.

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New Install Of With New HDD Keeping Existing HDD OS

Oct 22, 2006

I am going to be building a new rig sometime in the future and I have an existing install of XP on my current HDD. I plan on buying a new much larger HDD for a fresh install of XP with my new rig. Now I plan on keeping my old HDD but dont have anywhere to back up the data currently on it when I get my new rig.Once I get the OS intalled on the new drive I want to move the stuff I want to keep from my old drive to the new one then reformat the old drive to clear it all up. The new HDD will be a SATA while my old one is IDE, should I wait to plug in my old IDE HDD until after I get my OS intsalled on the new HDD? Or can I plug them both in and set the SATA drive to be the boot drive in BIOS and then do what I need to do with my old drive after installing the OS on the new drive? And lastly if I chose the former and intstall my old IDE drive after the OS on the new HDD will the fact that I have an existing OS install on the IDE drive mess anything up on the boot up after I install the old drive to move what I need to move to the new drive?

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Replace Existing HD With New One - Use Original Cd?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension Desktop that became infected with a pretty nasty virus. I have had to remove the infected HD from the machine. Instead of trashing the machine, I would like to just purchase an entirely new HD for this machine. I am guessing that when purchasing a new HD that it does NOT already come with an O/S already installed. If this guess is correct, my question is this:Can I use the original O/S Reinstallation CD that came with the machine to get the O/S installed on the new HD? ORDo I have to purchase the O/S along with the new internal HD? If more information is needed before an answer can be provided, please let me know what is needed.

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Can't Find Existing CD RW Or DVD Drive

Aug 20, 2005

I own a HP Pavillion 7955 and run Windows XP. My system was running perfectly until I downloaded the latest version of Ad-Aware SE Personal and ran it. After it ran my system lost all the information pertaining to the CDRW or DVD drives, they vanished into thin air! I used the restore feature to undelete what adware found but I still I can not find the drives. I tried to use the "go back" feature but that does not does not work! The CDRW drive is an HP, P/n 5185-4863 and the DVD is a Samsung SD-616 DVDMaster 16e. How can I restore my system after running your adware software besides having to reinstall all of my programs.

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Existing Won't Boot After Driver Install

Nov 12, 2009

I recently added a new sound card to my old computer. I have had this computer for nearly 3 years with zero problems. I installed a new sound card and installed the drivers. I now get through the mobo boot screen, then blackness, no BSoD, no Windows splash screen, nothing, just black. The computer is continuing to send a signal because the monitor does not go into power saving mode, but nothing happens after that. I've gone into BIOS and it is recognizing my HDD and my CD-ROM. I have tried booting from the disk, but the same thing happens, and yes, this is a legit copy made by MS.

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Replace Existing Operating System

Aug 23, 2005

Lost XP CD during a move and I have purchased a NEW XP. What must I do to replace the existing XP so I can establish a recovery bootable CD and registry my NEW XP CD.

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