W2K Pro Be Installed Over Existing Pro?

Jul 14, 2005

Is it possible to install W2K Pro over an existing XP Pro?

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Can Reinstall SP2 On Top Of The Existing OS

May 5, 2005

I have a Win xp sp2 machine that will no longer boot. After bios, a win 98 boot screen appears (very similar to a 98 boot floppy screen), asking to make a choice: safe mode is one, and when it is selected, it complains about not finding several windows files: C:windowshimem.sys, dblbuff.sys and ifshlp.sys. Is there a recovery mode for existing installations? Can I reinstall XP SP2 on top of the existing OS and have it preserve everything?

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Cannot Log On Due To No Details Of The Existing Password

Oct 27, 2009

In lieu of non payment of an invoice I have been given an IBM R50e with XP Pro installed. The big problem is that I cannot log on due to no details of the existing Password that has been set up. how to overcome this? I have no software discs and really want to keep the installed software as its all legit.

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New Install Of With New HDD Keeping Existing HDD OS

Oct 22, 2006

I am going to be building a new rig sometime in the future and I have an existing install of XP on my current HDD. I plan on buying a new much larger HDD for a fresh install of XP with my new rig. Now I plan on keeping my old HDD but dont have anywhere to back up the data currently on it when I get my new rig.Once I get the OS intalled on the new drive I want to move the stuff I want to keep from my old drive to the new one then reformat the old drive to clear it all up. The new HDD will be a SATA while my old one is IDE, should I wait to plug in my old IDE HDD until after I get my OS intsalled on the new HDD? Or can I plug them both in and set the SATA drive to be the boot drive in BIOS and then do what I need to do with my old drive after installing the OS on the new drive? And lastly if I chose the former and intstall my old IDE drive after the OS on the new HDD will the fact that I have an existing OS install on the IDE drive mess anything up on the boot up after I install the old drive to move what I need to move to the new drive?

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Replace Existing HD With New One - Use Original Cd?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension Desktop that became infected with a pretty nasty virus. I have had to remove the infected HD from the machine. Instead of trashing the machine, I would like to just purchase an entirely new HD for this machine. I am guessing that when purchasing a new HD that it does NOT already come with an O/S already installed. If this guess is correct, my question is this:Can I use the original O/S Reinstallation CD that came with the machine to get the O/S installed on the new HD? ORDo I have to purchase the O/S along with the new internal HD? If more information is needed before an answer can be provided, please let me know what is needed.

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Can't Find Existing CD RW Or DVD Drive

Aug 20, 2005

I own a HP Pavillion 7955 and run Windows XP. My system was running perfectly until I downloaded the latest version of Ad-Aware SE Personal and ran it. After it ran my system lost all the information pertaining to the CDRW or DVD drives, they vanished into thin air! I used the restore feature to undelete what adware found but I still I can not find the drives. I tried to use the "go back" feature but that does not does not work! The CDRW drive is an HP, P/n 5185-4863 and the DVD is a Samsung SD-616 DVDMaster 16e. How can I restore my system after running your adware software besides having to reinstall all of my programs.

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Files Existing After Removing With Add/Remove?

Jun 9, 2005

Using Win XP. Downloaded the Beta version of software. After several days of trouble, decided to remove the program, AVG Antivirus. After removing using Add/Remove and restarting my computer, I did a file search and found many files still existing on my hard drive,primarily in C:Program files and other places My first thought was to delete these files. Then, I thought I had better check with you guys first.

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Existing Won't Boot After Driver Install

Nov 12, 2009

I recently added a new sound card to my old computer. I have had this computer for nearly 3 years with zero problems. I installed a new sound card and installed the drivers. I now get through the mobo boot screen, then blackness, no BSoD, no Windows splash screen, nothing, just black. The computer is continuing to send a signal because the monitor does not go into power saving mode, but nothing happens after that. I've gone into BIOS and it is recognizing my HDD and my CD-ROM. I have tried booting from the disk, but the same thing happens, and yes, this is a legit copy made by MS.

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Replace Existing Operating System

Aug 23, 2005

Lost XP CD during a move and I have purchased a NEW XP. What must I do to replace the existing XP so I can establish a recovery bootable CD and registry my NEW XP CD.

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Lost Photos - Overwrote Existing Pictures

Feb 13, 2005

Wile downloading photos from my camera I mistakenly overwrote existing pictures. When I open the folder as thumbnails the thumbnails show the original pictures, but when I open the file I get the new photo. Is there any way to retrieve the old files, or convert the thumbnail icons to useable images. The overwrite took place some time ago.

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Start Excel Then Open An Existing Document

Aug 23, 2005

If I click on any existing Excel file in "recent documents", excel loads then the file loads - then an error message is displayed that advises: - "A document with the name [doc name] is already open. You cannot open ". No - I didn't double click the doc name and it happens with ANY document in the list of "recent documents". The same thing happens in Windows Explorer (but here I have to double click). If I start Excel then open an existing document there's no problem.

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Explorer Doesn't Find Existing File

Jul 15, 2008

Windows XP Home, version 2002, SP2. Windows explorer will not find files that I can navigate to. Since I can navigate to them I know they exist. I'm looking for heart rate monitor files using .hrm as the search term and WE says it can't find any files. I can go to C:/program files etc. and get to the files. File formats are xxxxxx.hrm, with xxxxxx being the date. Searching for .hrm on my laptop finds all of the files with no problem.

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Moving An Existing Install And Programs To A New Computer

Sep 22, 2010

I want to set up a new pc with Win7 and XP Pro in a dual boot setup. What I would love to do is migrate my existing harddrive from my current computer to the new one. I am aware of the changes of OEM XP software, however, if I was to do it could I use a new OEM install key to reauthorize the old (existing) installation? The one I want to move is an OEM as well, and I know that the existing key won't work. Or, do I need a "retail" version XP key? Or, is the best way to proceed to install a new OEM XP installation on the new computer and migrate all my applications?

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Unable To Recover Existing User And Documents?

Apr 9, 2008

I accidentally deleted the wrong user, and i lost all of their files along with it, and I need it back really badly.Is there any way to recover it?

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Upgrade To WMP 10 And All Existing Mpeg Files Don't Work

Jun 10, 2005

I upgrade to WMP 10 and all my existing mpeg files don't work. I just get sound and a black screen. I see quite a few others posting similar problems. It now appears that my DVD Encoders are no longer compatible with WMP 10. Hmmm they were fine with WMP9...what gives? now it appears I must PURCHASE a new set of encoders, conveniently located through the WMP10 "Plug-Ins" drop down menu. And don't think you can go back to WMP9, it also seems that my system restore point created before the upgrade mysteriously fails to work.

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Word 2003 - Very Slow To Open Existing Documents?

May 1, 2006

Often when I am opening documents in Word 2003, it takes ages for the system to respond 20-60 secs and when it does so it does it in a jerky fashion.
I have recently upped the RAM to 1 gig, so can't belive this is the problem.

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Allowing The Access For User2 Internet Using My Existing Dial-up ?

Sep 14, 2005

I want to allow a User2 account on my PC to access the Internet using my existing dial-up. I thought I'd set it up right, but - modem dials & appears to connect OK but then gives me error message no. 619 (after trying to verify name & pw) & won't connect. This then seriously slows up my PC until I reboot. What do I need to do?

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Existing Data On Old Harddrive - Access Denied Even Know Password

Feb 22, 2006

i just built myself another new computer and i had one of my other hard drives hooked up as slave so i could retain all the data on it, while making a fresh install of Windows on a different hard drive... so here's the question, i went to get files off my user account "Kevin" from my old hard drive, and it says i do not have access. i know the password for the account but it doesn't ask me for a password.. and i can't put it in anywhere, and then i went to sharing and security and it says to drag it to shared folder but when i try and do that it says i don't have permission..

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Unplug Existing Mother Board - Repair Take Off Running

Feb 7, 2008

I want to unplug everything from the existing mother board, remove it, and slide in a new mother board, reconnect everything, boot from the Win XP CD, do a repair and take off running without having to re-install all the application programs. Will this work, or do I have do do a completely new install of XP and reinstall all the applications

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Computer Overloaded - Need Space On Existing Hard Drive

Oct 26, 2008

My laptop computer is too full and I would like to delete some items. I have Windows XP on both computers. I have done a disk clean up, but there still seems to be files showing there. Also, I compared the "Add or Remove Programs" screen between my laptop and my desktop computer. There are some items on my laptop that are not on my desktop. Can I delete any of them. For instance,(1) MSN Messenger 7.0(2) Search Enhancements (remove only)(3) Windows Installeder 3.1 (KB893803)(4) Client ToolsAlso, on this list I have listed (1) Adobe Flash Player 9 Active X; (2) Adobe Reader 7.1.0; and (3) Adobe Shockwave Player. The Adobe Shockwave Player is not on my Desktop. Can I delete it on my laptop without affecting the above program.

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Size Of Logical Disk - Reformat Existing Disk Drive

Nov 30, 2005

I use Windows XP Professional OS on an Intel Pentium 4 PC with 512 MB RAM. Presently I have a single disk drive of 40 MB which has been divided into three logical drives C, D and E with total sizes of 20, 10 and 10 MB respectively.
I now want to add a second disk of 80 MB capacity and would like to increase the total size of the three existing logical drives to 40 MB each.Is there a feature available in Windows XP that will permit me to do this without having to reformat the existing 40 MB disk drive ?I have certain software installed in the PC for which the setup files are not available. Reformatting the existing disk drive will result in the loss of these applications. I would also not like to add more logical drives i.e. F, G, H etc.

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Adding Own Icon To The Existing File And Folder Icon?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).

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Format & Reinstall, Or Reinstall Over Existing

Apr 5, 2005

I've been having some internet connectivity problems lately, and I believe it's due to some nasty spyware. I've already gone through all the steps to correct this (checking my DSL speed, anti-spyware scans, anti-virus scans, doing it all in safe mode, even reset my winsock.dll, etc.) but I'm still having problems with slow browsers. So now I think I'm faced with reinstalling Windows XP. My question is, should I do a format & reinstall, or is it better to reinstall Windows over my existing version? I have a Compaq Presario, and it comes with a Recovery CD.

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Path Environment Variable: Add A Path Value To Existing Path Statement?

May 12, 2004

I'm trying to add a path value to my existing path statement for XP (via control panenel->system, advanced tab, environment) but it is truncated. If the size limit is 1023 chars, then I'm well under this.I change the PATH variable via:Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab;

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I've Installed The New Drive But Still Not Installed

Sep 27, 2010

I've installed the new drive, formatted it two partitions, and installed my XP on the new drive. The old drive is still installed, and I can select which drive I am booting off of. Boot off the old drive, I'm on my old PC. Boot off the new one, I'm on the new.Only one of the XPs are active at a time. The other says it must be activated.
So, at this point, I boot to the old, and (with this OS activated)run the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I specify that I am saving the data on one of the drives in the PC. It runs and says it's successful. Then I boot off the new drive and (now with THIS OS activated) when I point the FAST to the directory where I saved the files, the wizard says there's no files there to load. I can see .dat files in the directory, but the wizard can't.

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Installed Ex Pro

May 18, 2010

Ive installed xp pro and formatted my hard drive after i had a nasty virus which basicly stopped my computer from booting. However for some reason it seems like ex pro hasnt picked up any of my drivers at all, like i have no sound no internet. Im not really sure what to do im sure my first step would be getting onto the internet but my ethernet is plugged in nothing shows on my connections and i am unable to create a new conection, sorry if i havnt explained myself very well my computer skills arnt great.

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Has Anyone Installed SP-3?

Feb 23, 2008

I am about to install service pack 3. I have not heard any good or bad new about it.

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Half Way Installed XE

Dec 8, 2006

IcrediMail XE, it's half way installed and stuck there, hasn't moved in the last hour, so I cannot uninstall it at Ad or Remove.
How I got it in the first place I do not remember,

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IE Crashes Sp2 Installed

Jul 18, 2005

I've had some problems with IE crashing. I have Windows xp with sp2 installed. I went through the error report and most contain a problem with mshtml.dll. I got the windows web site and it said that there is some problem with sp2 in this case and they have a hot fix. But it looks like I would have to pay $99 bucks to contact microsoft and get it.

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Pre Installed / System32configsystem

Feb 28, 2008

I have a hp pavilion a335w home pc, O/S Windows xp home with serv pack 1. This was pre installed when purchased. Problem: in the middle of using mcafee removal tool my system crashed when it rebooted I got this messege: windows could not start because the following file missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem. My question is this, what is the best way to hopefully replace the missing file so I dont loose everything.

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IM32FAX.DIL Can Not Installed

Jul 28, 2005

Every time I reboot I get a message box stating this file is missing. What is this and how do I repair the problem.

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