Cannot Access The Properties In Program

Nov 15, 2007

i cannot access the properties in programmes when i right click. or in my computer when i right click on the c drive. I cannot access the desktop properties when i right click either. there is no error messages just nothing happens.: eek: i cant seem to get a smilie either by the looks of thingsgelike

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Can't Access Properties Of My Computer

Sep 2, 2006

I try to see the device manager, click "My Computer" in the desktop and click properties the responde said:
Windows can't not access the specific path, device or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item".. how is possible is my own computer at home and I don't have network or something like that and I am the only one, who uses?

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Id Use Properties Program Tab Except Not There - Stop Closing Output

May 23, 2006

How can I prevent DOS window from closing upon completion of running a program in XP....Id use the Properties then prgram TAB except ITS NOT THERE!!!!!is there any other way to stop it from closing so i can read the ouput. For example wen i run netstat to see whos connected to me it closes

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Cant Access Drive And Properties Shows It Corupted

Sep 7, 2005

I was repartitioning my slave drive G from 120 to 130 gigs and reformatted other parition of slave F leaving main c alone.MY computer crashed while moving data and when it came back up I get error 1507 bad file record signature and cant use chkdsk or partition magic again since i cant access drive and properties show it listed as raw o data and corrupted or damaged.I tried rescue disks but dint fix it and system restore on whole computer didnt work and chkdsk doesnt even see the g drive

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Cannot Open Properties Dialog Box For Add / Remove Program Files

Feb 15, 2010

If anyone can solve this problem effectively, they need to be congratulated, because I have scoured the internet for hours without success.
1.I cannot open the "Properties " Dialog box in the "Add/Remove Programs" in the Control Panel. In Control Panel, I right-click "Add/Remove Programs" to open the "Properties" Dialog box. But, when I right-click, all that appears is "Open" and "Create Shortcut." The same goes for all the programs in the Control Panel, except a handful may display a 3rd option..."Explore." However, I can click to "Open" any of the programs in the Control Panel. My problem in this case is the "Properties "dialog box is not available. There must be a way to restore this command option.
2. It might be related in some way to Problem # 1. I cannot open "Add/Remove Windows Components" in "Add Remove/Programs." In Control Panel, I click to open "Add/Remove Programs, and click on "Add/Remove Windows Components." It will not open. Instead, this message box appears: "Setup was unable to open information file games.inf. Contact your System Administrator. The specific error code is 0x2 at line 0." I click "OK" and the next message box reads: "The application could not be initialized."

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Access The File Properties Area On .jpg File

Dec 9, 2004

I am trying to access the file properties area on a .jpg file. I like to put the descrepption of the picture in the PROPERTY section of the file where is says SUMMARY. I have typed in the description and save it but when I go back to the file there is nothing there. (I right click on the file and go to PROPERTIES and then click on SUMMARY-ADVANCED) .

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C/Program Files - Access Denied?

Mar 10, 2007

For some reason i cannot delete any file or folder within C:Program Files. I get the error message: access denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected.I have XP home edition with a 3 partitioned hard drive. C:for Operating system, E:for software install and F: for data. The only software installed on C: partition is Kaspersky Anti-virus.I have booted up in safe mode to delete files but i do not want to do this all the time. I have also tried changing folder permissions and apparently i am logged with admin rights.

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Backup The Program Which Have No Access To Disks

Jun 14, 2007

I want to reformat my PC and I have a question. I have a few programs to which I do not have access to the disks anymore. Is there anyway to backup these programs so I can use them on the fresh install?

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Slow Startup - Access Any Program

Jul 9, 2005

How can I improve the startup speed pf Windows as it takes forever and a day to start and to access any programmes. I have run defragmenter but report tells me defragmenting not required.

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Setting Program Access And Defaults Locations?

Jul 17, 2005

Where is Set Program access and defults located?I did a system restore 3 times, on one occasion I named the computor ***HP. I noticed this name appearing in the virus scan in "documënts and settings" and deleted it.

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Setting Up Program Access And Defaults To Open?

Jul 21, 2005

I can't get Set Program Access and Defaults to open .There is a shortcut on the startbar but it is hatched. How can I repair it?

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Set Program Access And Defaults & Add/ Remove Option?

Sep 22, 2006

When I click this option in my Start menu on my Dell Dimension 2400 with Windows XP Service Pack 2 I get a Add or Remove Programs window that gives me three choices: Microsoft Windows, Non-Microsoft and Custom. I cannot get the Microsoft Windows option to set because it stays set in the Custom option. When I click on the Microsoft Windows option and then click OK it will automatically go back to the Custom option.I have tried clicking and unclicking the Microsoft Windows options in the Custom tab but it does no good.

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Set Program Access And Defaults Link Does Not Work?

Sep 13, 2005

The link "Set programm access and defaults" on my Start menu does not have a right icon and does not work

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Access Denied: Program Files Is Not Accessible?

Mar 1, 2008

When I try to access program files, install a program, or anything else along those lines, I get a simple message:"C:/Program Files is not Accessible. Access Denied."Nothing more. No error, no details on how to undo this denial of access. I have windows XP, and I can find no way to correct it

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C:Program Files Is Not Accessible / Access Is Denied?

May 30, 2008

When I try to open Program Files, I get an error message saying C:Program Files is not accessible. Access Is Denied. This occurs on 4 out of the 5 user accounts on our computer, and on the 4 it occurs on, most programs are not usable.

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Backup / Restore Program Access Is Denied

Jul 23, 2005

I recently restored a folder from a windows backup that was created by Microsoft Backup program. (Both hardrive and backup drive are NTFS). Once restored I cannot access the folder because it says "Access is Denied". I am the administrator with full access. Moreover after restoring gigabytes I cannot delete it either I have permission to see that files in the restore program.Now after working on it for awhile I noticed that I can restore the folder to its original location, but when I tell it to restore to an alternate location it prevents me from accessing it.So anyone know how I can delete the folder that denies me access?

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Unable To Get Into Program Files: Access Denied?

Jan 11, 2005

I can't get into any off my program files. I am using Windows XP home edition on my HP computer. every time I try to get into any of the files and control panel, I get this message that won't allow me access.Message is as follows: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Option control panel.

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Unable To Access Specific Program For Guest

Feb 7, 2006

I am the administrator on this pc I have a user called GUEST I do not want the guest to be able to access a specific program I know they cannot get to my documents but if i log on as 'guest' i can open the accounting program and i dont want anyone as GUEST to be able to do that how can i do this? ive read some things about user groups but i dont have an option to add/change groups in the control panel under user accounts.

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Access On Old Hard Disk To Uninstall Program

Apr 10, 2009

I recently replaced my old harddisk to a new harddisk. The old harddisk has windows xp home and other programs installed.I did not format the old harddisk, I only took out the old harddisk and replaced it with a new harddisk. I then installed windows xp home to the new hard disk.While I am installing programs on the new harddisk, I discovered that one of the programs do not allow me to activate the program license because I have previously activated the program on my old windows. I need to do a proper uninstallation to release the license, then I can activate the license of the program in the new hard disk.My question is, can I take out my current new harddisk, replace it with the old harddisk, boot up as normal into the old harddisk windows, uninstall the program inside the old harddisk, then replace the old hardisk with my new harddisk again.

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Applications Install - Not Have Write Access To Program Files

Jun 24, 2006

I cannot install new applications on my WinXP HE. I've tried 10 or more and all give me a similar problem: error during install. some say, that they do not have write access to "program files" dir, but that's nonsense, since the installer installs the directory and some files already.

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Downloading Any Program From Internet Ended Up With Access Denied?

May 18, 2005

Lately when I download any type of file whether it be from the internet or from my Sony Cybershot, I am being denied access to whatever I downloaded. Just downloaded pictures and video from my camera to my computer and I moved all 'video' to a folder I called 'our video'. Now that it is there I cannot access it. Just plainly says, " 'our video' is not accessible, access denied". It is not allowing me to move it to another folder as well.

When I tried to play the video before I was getting the access denied thing, media player was saying that it cannot play that type of file. I have NEVER had an issue with playing ANY pics. or video that came from my camera. This has been going on for a few weeks with every video or picture that I add to my computer. After it is downloaded I can't access it. I am running XP professional.

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Recent Program Access Denial - JavaScript Currently Forbidden

Dec 29, 2005

Recently I've been denied access to some programs on this computer (Win XP Pro) which are readily accessible on my 2nd computer (Win. 98 SE). The only clue I have is a statement at the bottom of the screen (preceded by an S encapsulated in a red ring) which reads: JavaScript Currently Forbidden [<script>] [J+F+P:O]. However, in going to Tools, Options, Content, I find checks in front of both "Enable Java" and Enable JavaScript".

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Program Access Denied / Make Sure You Are Logged In As Admin

Sep 8, 2006

In attempting to flash ugrage my bios, I received the above message. Prior to attempting the flash upgrade, I disabled all anti-spywares, anti-virus and the firewall.Previous bios upgrades qere done without a glitch.I tried going into system/advanced/DEP and allow the *exe but without success.I am running XP-SP2 on a Dell Inspiron E1705 Avast, Spybot S&D, Adaware SE Personal, Comodo Personal Firewall, all disabled. I am the Admin and the system owner.

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Computer Lost Power: Program Files Access Is Denied?

Nov 26, 2009

My other computer is a hp using windows xp. The computer lost power and now program files will let me access any file in that folder, either through explorer or through any program that is in that folder. The computer is not connected to the internet and never has been. The computer is only used for backup of photos and backup files. Virus scan comes up with nothing. I tried the whole folder options thing.. no luck. When you check the properties of that folder, there nothing showing. Shows 0 mb in folder.

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Removed File Extensions From Registry Cleaner - Cant Access Program

Jan 6, 2007

I recently removed all of my file extensions with my Registry Cleaner,now I can't access anything except my browser and Email program.I was trying to clean stuff off of my computer I didn't need I just got a little carried away.I have a backup of the files on my Registry Cleaner but I can't access it,what can I do?Is there any other way to gain access to my Registry Cleaner where I can get to the backup?When I say I removed all of my file extensions I mean every single one.

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Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?

Sep 2, 2006

When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.

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Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?

Sep 2, 2006

When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.

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Clicking Add/Remove Program Icon In Control Panel Doesn't Start The Program?

Jan 29, 2005

I have been using Add/Remove icon in Control Panel to remove programs. Although the Win2k Pro is running fine ,the icon of Add/Remove Program is not opening the next window to remove the programs.

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Downloaded A Program From Ebay / Program Didn't Get Install

Jun 19, 2005

I downloaded a program from Ebay and after installing it I noticed it didn't have a uninstall. I used my add & remove program to uninstall the program but not all of it got uninstalled. I deleted the folder and then did a search in my registry for anything with refernce to the programs name "Ebay's Blackthorne" and deleted all entries with that name.Every time I reboot windows tries to install something for Blackthorne and I have to keep cancelling it out.

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Finding External Compression Program In Place Of OS Program?

Apr 17, 2010

I tried to use "Compressed (Zipped) Folders" in Windows. It didn't work. Then I tried right clicking on a folder/file, selecting "Properties", pushing the "Advanced" button,I then checked "Compress contents to save disk space",and the folder and its contents turned blue but the size of the files,seeming, hadn't changed. Have the files actually been compressed? Should I get an external ZIP program? If so can you recommend a program?

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Numerous Errors / End Program / Program Not Responding

Aug 22, 2005

Have had a problem for some time now. Program keep looking up and then get this error report. Have done a registry clean,

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