I try to see the device manager, click "My Computer" in the desktop and click properties the responde said:
Windows can't not access the specific path, device or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item".. how is possible is my own computer at home and I don't have network or something like that and I am the only one, who uses?
i cannot access the properties in programmes when i right click. or in my computer when i right click on the c drive. I cannot access the desktop properties when i right click either. there is no error messages just nothing happens.: eek: i cant seem to get a smilie either by the looks of thingsgelike
I was repartitioning my slave drive G from 120 to 130 gigs and reformatted other parition of slave F leaving main c alone.MY computer crashed while moving data and when it came back up I get error 1507 bad file record signature and cant use chkdsk or partition magic again since i cant access drive and properties show it listed as raw o data and corrupted or damaged.I tried rescue disks but dint fix it and system restore on whole computer didnt work and chkdsk doesnt even see the g drive
I have a laptop with xp pro installed and I want to reinstall the operating system however the sticker on the bottom has gotten smudged. I went into my computer - properties however the key listed there is still the oem one. Is there a way to find my actual key anywhere in the computer or get it from microsoft?
Something strange is happining with my computer. Certain things don't work, here's a few:1.If I Right click and select "properties" on "My computer"... it does nothing.2.Most icons in "Control Panel" don't open anything (add remove programs... sound... etc...)3.Double clicking a file without an extention does nothing (used to pop up a "which program to open with" window.) What could be the problem
I am trying to access the file properties area on a .jpg file. I like to put the descrepption of the picture in the PROPERTY section of the file where is says SUMMARY. I have typed in the description and save it but when I go back to the file there is nothing there. (I right click on the file and go to PROPERTIES and then click on SUMMARY-ADVANCED) .
A black screen with my computer's summary displays itself first then the welcome screen appears. The problem is that I can not prevent this from displaying, even with 'My Computer-Properties-Startup and Recovery', this does not fix the problem. I am also blocked out from some areas even though I am Administrater and can not properly reboot and also to get behind it either.
have this win xp pro (sp2), which shows under my computer's properties but when I downloaded the service pack 2 setup and tried to install, it was telling me my windows is not a sp2 and am having difficulties.I've used a keyfinder software to view my windows xp pro product key and it finds it and tell me the key and also shows me my office 2003 product key too.
I'm running Xp Pro SP2, i'm unable to access the properties of MY COMPUTER, MY NETWORK. I cannot adjust the time and date of my PC and some other options in Conrol Panel. Ok, so far what i have done is. I did run SFCscannow command 2 time with my XP CD in dos prompt and it replaced all my DLL files, but problem is still the same. I have Norton antivirus, Ad-Aware SE Pro, Spybot and PcBug Doctor running in my compuer and i scanned my computer with all of them nothing detec no virus. I tried to use expand command in dos mode C:>expand f:i386 undll32.ex_c:windowssystem32 undll32.exe and it gives me error msg "Can't open output file: c:windowssystem32 undll32.exe"
I have been having a restart problem lately and it only happens everyone and a while. It happens about once a day and sometimes twice it is usually hours past boot up. I have heard about uncheecking a box in system properties. If i do this what will happen the next time the code reaches 00000x000
Around a week ago my computer started to act very funny. When I incerted a cd my properties window would open, when I started a program my microsoft office started to install, then I need to re install drivers.
my computer jams every now and again for a minute or 2 depending on what i do for E.g if i press ALT and TAB to quikly change wat im doing it jams. also whenever i click on something like a folder or shorcut of a program , instead of opening the file or folder the proprties come up ( this problem is now fixed but it might be a sympton of a virus or sumthing ?).i think its cuz of a file i downloaded off the internet.
I have 2 users that need to access things on each others computer from 87 miles away. Both computers are behind routers and both are running windows xp pro. They need to use their computers at the same time.
Is there any way to access the bios of a computer with another computer, via a direct link or a router? I am sure that the bios have been affected and attempts to boot from either a floppy or cd get ignored in the loading process and the bios canot find the module to activate the periferal devices ie: keyboard, mouse, usb ports. I am at a total loss of how to do this.
I have XP SP 2 - Its been about a week since any of my pop3 accounts have worked (Gawab, Gmail, Spymac, Toughguy). The error messages I am recieving on all of my pop3 accounts are similar to :
The host 'pop.gawab.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop.gawab.com', Server: 'pop.gawab.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
Just tried remote access to another PC, first with UltraVNC and then with Windows Remote and I could not take control of my friends PC but he could take control of mine.Checked Firewalls....we both run XP both have Avast AV and he doesn't have any programs that I think would be blocking it.
Recently I have not been able to access my hard drive(s) from My Computer. I double click on one of my partitions and the computer does nothing. It doesn't open the drive in order to see the files!! It even doesn't work when I plug in my external USB drive either. It sounds like a windows problem to me. However I can access any disk that I want if I type the corresponding address in the address bar.Do I need to reinstall a driver/services or even XP ?
My computer crashed and I rebuilt the machine using the old HD (with XP installed) as a second HD. I wanted to move Pics, music etc onto the new HD and then wipe it clean. I was able to move anything that was in a shared folder and anything in Program Files. Anytime I tried to move any file under a user password protected , I was denied access. I tried to reboot the computer using the 2nd HD. I got to a window that had the option of Safe Mode or last known good config. Neither of these would load Windows. I then tried to boot with my Windows XP disc. I entered the area for repair Windows, but have no idea what the Administrative Password is. I tried every combination I could think of. Last night a friend tried to move the files with DOS without success.
I want to access my home computer via the internet when I work in my office. My home computer is behind a router. I enable the virtual server function of the router. How can I do next? I had installed the VNC/Netmeeting/Dameware in my computer. I knew the cable connection's static IP address and my home computer's virtual ip address.
I was hit by a virus and now I can't access my hard drives from My Computer. I get a message "Windows Script Host" and "cannot find script file, "C:autorun.vbs" when I click on my "C" icon. Right clicking gives me gibberish in the menu box where the "Open" should be. I can still get through to the contents via My Documents and up-leveling.
I used to be able to access the shared folders that are on my computer that is running windows XP on my vista laptop and my xbox 360 but they are no longer showing up I just spent a couple of hours trying to get it working again but nothing
I cannot proceed to a county mapping page by using a link. Can this be because of the firewall in XP SP2? How can I turn off the firewall to check to see if it is interferring?
My frined i haveing some problems with her laptop witch is running windows vista. is there anyways possible to remotly access her vista? i've been up all night trying to reseach it and im not finding anything that is work. the reson i dont just go to her house is because she is a good 500 miles away.
I am running a small network of 10-15 computers all running W2K, XP home or XP Pro. We have one computer we use as a file share (W2K) and no servers and this seems to work well for us at the present time. As the administrator I'd like to be able to run scripts that will give me status on processes running on the remote computers. In particular, we are using Microsoft Backup to do our daily incremental backups for our one shared application. If a user remains logged into the app during the night the backup won't recover the open files.
My computer was running slow so I thought I'd be "smart" and delete a few files. I guess I deleted something important because since then I haven't been able to access any hardware. I tried to repair by going back to an earlier setting but it wont do that either. I can't reinstall my Windows XP because my computer doesn't recognize that the disk is there. Can I download from the internet? I have the following: Microsoft XP SP2 Version 2002.
i want to take files off one computer to another computer in different locations.I was wondering what program i can use ? i want to set up a program on one computer1 and let it be, and access files off of that computer1 from my computer2 at home.no intervention on computer1 but seting up the program once.
I recently upgraded my operating system to 'Windows XP Professional' and I am happy with the outcome, with one exception.Since upgrading I am unable to easily access the 'my computer' facility.The symptoms are as follows. I double click the 'my computer' icon and the window opens, however, no drive details appear and I see the 'waggling torch' symbol which indicates that the computer is looking for the drives. Unfortunately this continues for some time ( often up to 5 minutes, and sometimes it will not find the drives at all