Access Denied On Remote Computer

Jul 8, 2005

I am running a small network of 10-15 computers all running W2K, XP home or XP Pro. We have one computer we use as a file share (W2K) and no servers and this seems to work well for us at the present time. As the administrator I'd like to be able to run scripts that will give me status on processes running on the remote computers. In particular, we are using Microsoft Backup to do our daily incremental backups for our one shared application. If a user remains logged into the app during the night the backup won't recover the open files.

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Need To Access Things On Each Others Computer By Remote Access

Jun 12, 2005

I have 2 users that need to access things on each others computer from 87 miles away. Both computers are behind routers and both are running windows xp pro. They need to use their computers at the same time.

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Remote Access To Other Computer

Nov 1, 2006

Just tried remote access to another PC, first with UltraVNC and then with Windows Remote and I could not take control of my friends PC but he could take control of mine.Checked Firewalls....we both run XP both have Avast AV and he doesn't have any programs that I think would be blocking it.

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How To Remote Access Home Computer?

Jul 29, 2005

I want to access my home computer via the internet when I work in my office. My home computer is behind a router. I enable the virtual server function of the router. How can I do next? I had installed the VNC/Netmeeting/Dameware in my computer. I knew the cable connection's static IP address and my home computer's virtual ip address.

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Crashed Computer / Access Denied

Jun 25, 2005

My computer crashed and I rebuilt the machine using the old HD (with XP installed) as a second HD. I wanted to move Pics, music etc onto the new HD and then wipe it clean. I was able to move anything that was in a shared folder and anything in Program Files. Anytime I tried to move any file under a user password protected , I was denied access. I tried to reboot the computer using the 2nd HD. I got to a window that had the option of Safe Mode or last known good config. Neither of these would load Windows. I then tried to boot with my Windows XP disc. I entered the area for repair Windows, but have no idea what the Administrative Password is. I tried every combination I could think of. Last night a friend tried to move the files with DOS without success.

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Access Denied Message During Updating Computer

Jan 24, 2006

when windows was updating my computer about half way threw i got a message access denied and that service pack 2 did not finish installing and it uninstall what it had already installed

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Alternate Remote Desktop Application For Simultanious Local/Remote Access?

Mar 12, 2005

The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.

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Try Secondary Computer To Contact First / Access Denied Window

Nov 5, 2006

I had an IP address conflict and that is resolved now that I added a router (Linksys WRT54G). I am trying to reconnect my old hardwired network (which consists of only two computers) using the router (the wireless is for the future system). I can do everything on the main computer -connect to internet, and ping the other computer. I can also ping the main one from the second one once all the firewalls are down.I ran the Windows XP network wizard, saved the "disc", ran it on the other computer. The problem is when I try the secondary computer to contact the first (which has shared files and the internet connection) I get an access denied window. Both have the same Group name. The second computer has all the shared folders listed from the main computer but maybe that is from the original pre-router setup.

No matter how many times I run the wizard I do not see the other (2nd) computer listed on the "my network places" on the main computer. All I see is the the router and an MSN link (if I click on the router it sends me to the router setting on Linksys) How can I fix this and add the second computer? Thanks - hopefully you'll get back to me before I pull all of my hair out!Also, I tried the "add a network place wizard". The drop down menu lists the folder I want to add "\LOUISSharedDocs". When I tried that, or the IP address of the computer it says "folders not valid". I double checked on the second computer the names as above and that is how they are.

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Computer Crashed / Access Denied To Desktop Files?

Dec 24, 2007

one of my computers crashed, but the main harddrive could be saved.I installed the harddrive into a different computer where it is now a slave drive.before the computer crashed i had a file on the desktop where i placed alot of large files. now, when i try to access documents and settings from the new computer the folder that is the username that would contain the desktop files, i get the error message access denied, not accessable.i can access the desktop files for "all users", and another user folder i created for a friend of mine. but i cannot access the desktop files that i created for my user account.
i am certain that the file that contains the files i want is on the desktop.

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Computer Lost Power: Program Files Access Is Denied?

Nov 26, 2009

My other computer is a hp using windows xp. The computer lost power and now program files will let me access any file in that folder, either through explorer or through any program that is in that folder. The computer is not connected to the internet and never has been. The computer is only used for backup of photos and backup files. Virus scan comes up with nothing. I tried the whole folder options thing.. no luck. When you check the properties of that folder, there nothing showing. Shows 0 mb in folder.

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File Deletion Denied: Message "cannot Delete DO_NOT_DELETE.mediaID: Access Denied"?

Jul 18, 2009

Using XP sp2, trying to clear out some useless files on an external drive, no matter how many files I deleted it didn't make much change in space recovered then I checked the size of Windows Live One backup file,50 gig,(wow) that's 60% of the total drive space, while trying to delete it,I get the message "cannot delete DO_NOT_DELETE.mediaID: access denied" Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that file is not currently in use.

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Access Certain Folders Or / And Executable Programs - Access Denied

Aug 27, 2009

When I D/Load some programmes I get access is denied. I had previouly reformatted my HD and now have drive F, when I try to access certain folders or /and executable programmes access is denied. Currently trying to install Roboform in Firefox

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Jun 1, 2007

I did a terrible mistake today. Typically I install XP in C drive and keep My Documents folder in D drive. All of my hard disk drives (except the linux partitions) are NTFS. I encrypted the My Documents folder and all of its files and subfolders.Today I reinstalled XP in the C drive, after a quick format on it. I was unaware of the fact that what might be happened to My Documents folder. Now I can only view the files and folders inside My Documents folder. Neither I open any file, nor I decrypt those files. Windows is saying access denied.

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NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Accessing Remote Computer?

Aug 13, 2005

I want to use Remote Desktop Sharing in NetMeeting to connect to a remote PC to download files or fix problems on it. I tried to call the remote PC using its IP address but it only allow me to access the netmeeting features like video conferencing.

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Cant Access Folder - Access Denied

Apr 11, 2006

Files on my second hard drive were shared on the network (level 4, Network users could only read) and primary hard drive was reformatted and Windows XP sp2 was installed.(without the files being unshared) Now when trying to access the files the error "Access Denied" occurs and I cant access or delete the files (would really like to recover the data about four years worth of work taking up about 75% of the hard drive)

I am the Admin, and I can't change any of the folders propertys as I again get the "access denied" error. I've been looking everywhere for a solution to this, this is what I found from MS help (not very helpfull)
A file's permission may differ from the containing folder if one of the following conditions is true:

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How To Do Remote Access

Aug 13, 2008

I am using Windows XP home edition and I have a family member who is also using Windows XP home edition. I would like to be able to access the family member's computer and do weekly maintenance. I would like to have the family member do nothing, but just have the computer started with Windows XP and be on a high-speed connection.

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Access Is Denied

Oct 1, 2007

I reinstalled Windows with the backup feature provided with the backup (emachine). After I had updated windows completely & replaced my extensive collection of fonts I went to put all my personal files back. I get this message:
Quote: "FOLDER LOCATION" is not accessible.
Access is denied. It's the "C:Documents and SettingsOwner" folder

It has all my music, videos, photos, & work for things I do in it. I can get into my 'WINDOWS' folder and 'Program Files' but not that.

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Access Denied

Dec 1, 2006

My computer started acting up. I ended up having to do a system recovery. When I did this though, it deleted all of my names (User accounts). In Windows Explorer I can still see them though, and even access the old files of that one.

Now, the main user account I used on this computer needed a password, so I assume that is why it is giving me an access denied message when I try to open it.

Is there any way I could be able to see these files? As I said, the accounts are erased from the main welcome page, so I wouldn't be able to click on it from there to type in a password.

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Access Denied

Sep 8, 2005

I had to re-install Windows XP Sp2 and I'm having a problem with the mailboxes and other files in my Eudora directory. Eudora is receiving access denied to the mailboxes and I cannot rename, copy or move the email box files with Windows Explore. I get an "access denied" error.

I've tried using an app to remove controls from the files but it says they aren't being controlled by another program. And "properties" says they are NOT read-only.

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Access Denied To My HD After FRS ?

Jul 27, 2006

i wanted to merge 2 partitions using partition magic 8. i igot the thing started but got an error 1552: frs entry is free

so i booted and the new partition was unaccessible (small hd icon with a question mark). i rebooted again and the partition was online but i couldnt access my data on it. i ran chkdsk /f, it corrected loads of errors but i still cant access my data. it says: "access is denied". i really cant afford to lose this data.

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SP2 Access Denied

Apr 25, 2005

Every time i try to download the upgrade windows XP service pack 2 i get a message that says access denied, does anyone know how to fix the problem?

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Remote Access Using 56k Modem.

Jun 22, 2005

Did anyone out there ever attempted Remote Desktop Connection between 2 PCs
using 56k mode? Can share your experience on it?

I attempted to set up remote access between a PC and Notebook, both using
WinXP Pro SP2 OS and 56K modem for connection.

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Remote Access Programs

Apr 27, 2006

I'm using "logmein" as a remote access program for some of my clients machines. Its a bit slow and jerky is there one that is better?

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Remote Console Access

Apr 19, 2005

I need to access the Remote Console provided with the XP install disk, and I have a few questions about it. I am running Windows XP Home with SP2 and have recently been having problems with a vundo trojan. As far as I can understand, to get rid of the remaining files I need to install the RC from the Windows XP install disk. However, I purchased my notebook from Dell and it came with a CD entitled "Reinstall CD - Microsoft Windows XP Home Editiont - Including Service Pack 1a".I'm wondering if I can use that CD to install the RC. And I've read that the RC doesnt work with SP2, so should i Add/Remove SP2 before installing this?

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Remote PC Access Needed

Sep 22, 2009

An elderly friend of mine runs a business out of her house and when she was away, her partner came to her house and installed something on her computer so she could monitor what she was doing from her own computer. I'm assuming it's something like 'Go to my pc' etc. She's running windows xp and isn't sure what to do. Before I look at her computer I wanted to ask for opinions in case there is some kind of stealth software installed that would be difficult to find and uninstall.

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Best Remote Access Option?

Sep 19, 2005

I've read a lot of the comments already posted to this site about this issue so I wanted to thank everyone for their great contributions. My situation is a little unique so I have some questions.Here's what I want to do.I have 2 floors in my building, the first floor being the warehouse and the second floor being my office. I want to have a desktop on the 1st floor that will not move and a notebook in my office (2nd floor) that I will be taking in and out of the office, or working with when I'm not in the warehouse.The 1st floor PC will have Windows XP Pro (I'm buying it this week), the one on the 2nd floor has XP Home. Both should have identical copies of the software that I'll be using.

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Remote Administrator Access

May 22, 2007

First of all, I'm running on XP Home Edition.Okay, so I have this folder. This folder has been edited so that only administrators can access it, and not restricted users. This works just fine but here's my problem: when I connect my computer to a second one, the admins on computer 2 cannot access this folder. I've tried for several hours to look for a way to add user groups and types from more than just computer 1, but I can't seem to do this. It's not a connection problem or because of any firewalls either; if I make the folder open for everyone the admin from computer 2 can access the folder properly. But then we didn't want any restricted accounts there.

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File Access Is Denied

Jan 30, 2008

Failed boot and inability to read the file system from a boot cd.

I did a chkdsk /r on the drive, and the file system is back. Ive also done a pass on the drive with a virus scanner and noticed a folder C:Program FilesCommon FilesServices" with the all of the files consisting of randomly generated executable names (514 in total), refer to attached text file for full list.

In explorer, the files show as green.

The problem is the virus scanner logs the file as "access denied".

The file initially had security permissions set to everyone with write only and the owner was some wierd clsid like object.

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File Access Denied

Aug 19, 2008

I have a Dell 4500 using Windows XP who's processor died. I removed the hard drive and attached it to my Dell 1150 via a IDE/USB adapter kit. It appears that everything is available. However, when I go to 'Documents and SettingsJustJeff206documents it states that it is not accessible and that Access is denied. Other files that are not under my directory can be accessed. I have run Chkdisk with no problems detected.

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Access Denied To A File

Aug 22, 2005

I have 2 XP's PC, 1 was recently rebuilt last week. On the rebuilt PC, I created 2 shared folders and access to the shared folder files was working.
I created 3 new accounts (1 admin and 2 power users) on the rebuilt PC. When to you try to access a new rebuilt PC user account shared folder file from the other PC, I receive a read only and access denied message.

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Cannot Copy Access Denied

Apr 15, 2007

HD would copy files from the old HD to the new HD so I copied all the old HD files to a different partition of the new drive (G Drive).

I now attempting to copy or move files from the copied old HD to the new HD and I am receiving the error message Cannot copy Access is Denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and the file is not currently in use.

Using Word or Excel, I can open some of the copied files if they are NOT in the Documents and Settings directory. But if I attempt to open the files that are in the Documents and Settings directory, the error message is Cannot Access Read-Only Document.

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